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Indonesia in treasuring health

The honorable of judges,

Respectable audience and everyone here today.
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
First of all, let’s say thank unto our god who has given us mercies and blessings, so
we can gether here in good condition and happy situation.
Secondly, sholawat framed greetings we convey to the prophet of the last day
sayyidina Muhammad SAW. Who has guided us from the darkness to the brightness,
namely islam religion.
At last but not least, I,d like to thank you for the judges to give me this special
opportunity to confident this contest.
I am Rihadatul Fitriyah Ramadhani Sumarno .
I am from the first grade of senior high school in Al-ikhlas Islamic boarding school.
I’m standing in front of you all to deliver my speech by the tittle ‘’Indonesia in
treasuring healt’’. I hope you are feeling as amazing as I’m right now.I I’m glad to stand in
front of you all, but I’m not going to tell you about my feeling instead .I will certain stories that
I’ve read, that changes my perspective on something. Before I start, I’d like to ask one
question. Have you ever listen Mahatma gandhy quote said ‘’it is healt that is real wealth not
pieces of gold and silver’’. Well I have, this quote is not just about thing but the struggle that
we have to survive. The quote means;
That being healthy is much cheaper than being sick. Because we can imagine the
cost that we have to spend to go to the doctor and buy the medicines. So which one do you
prefer? Being sick or being healthy?. Studies show that while 97% of healtcare costs are
spend on what happens in a hospital, only 10 % of what determiner how long a person lives
depends on hospital care.
Nowadays, a lot of people suffer illness because there are so many infectious
diseases in the community such as bird flu, eyes disease, Ebola, and others that are ready
to infect us. The fact in Indonesia there are top five the highest disease that can cause
1 Stroke disease, it’s around 131,8 cases.
2. Heart disease, it’s around 95,68 cases.
3. Diabetes melitus, it’s around 40,78 cases.
4. Tuberculosis, it’s around 33,24 cases.
5. Chirhosis of the liver, it’s around 33,06 cases.
We can conclude that there are 151.600 people die every day because of the disease,
suicide, accident.
There are many people around us suffer from disease that I’ve mentioned earlier ,
even thougt they have everything such as wealth, throne, education and so on. But one
thing they don’t get, are enjoy it because of their illness.That’s why in hadits said ;
‫ الِّصَّح ُة َو اْلَف َر اُغ‬، ‫ِنْع َم َت اِن َم ْغ ُبوٌن ِفيِه َم ا َك ِثيٌر ِمَن الَّن اِس‬

From Ibnu Abbas Rulullah SAW said; two plesures, most people are deceived in both
namely health and pleasure time.
There are several factors that can cause human to get ill easily. The first is dirty
environment; it is a place for various diseases to grow. So that is why, we must keep the
cleanness in our environment which can be used as a home for bad viruses and bacteria.
The second is air pollution; it can be produced by smoke from motor vehicles, factories, and
cigarettes. The third is an unhealthy lifestyle; today, we do not pay attention to the good
lifestyle for our lives. In fact, if we do the good lifestyle we will be healthy and avoid illness.
The last is a lack of exercise. Our bodies desperately need exercise to keep our body in
shape. With a fit body, the immune system will be strong enough to fight the diseases that
might attack.
However, treasuring our health means we take care of our health. There are several
ways we can do to maintain our health. First, we should eat nutritious food. Make sure that
we consume a balanced diet every day to satisfy our daily nutritional needs. Second, we
should take care of the cleanliness around us. We should clean our house and nearby
environment routinely. Don’t forget to maintain the hygiene of our body too. We should
always wash our hands before eating or after going to the toilet. The next thing we can do to
protect our health is that we should exercise regularly. Working out regularly can strengthen
our immune system. Exercise can also help our body producing happy hormones. As a
result, not only will we be physically healthy, but also we will be mentally healthy.
I leave in today with final thougt from an arabian quote ; ‘’he whohas healt has hope,
and he who has hope has everything’’
I think that’s all from me. I do hope you to understand my speech and I hope my
speech be useful for us. And I do apologize if I have many mistakes, because there is
nobody perfect in this world. Thank you very much for your nice attention goodluck and see
you next time.
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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