TreasureScripture 2024ScriptureMemoryCards

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Treasure Scripture


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Post your memory cards in conspicuous places like the

refrigerator door or computer monitor to help you meditate
on the same verse throughout each day.

The heart of man plans He shall lift up a blessing

his way, but Yahweh from Yahweh and
directs his steps. righteousness from
the God of his salvation.


This book of the law shall not depart
from your mouth, but you shall Thus says Yahweh, “Let not
meditate on it day and night, so a wise man boast in his
that you may be careful to do wisdom, and let not the
according to all that is written in it; mighty man boast in his
for then you will make your way might; let not a rich man
successful, and then you will boast in his riches.”
be prosperous.


“But let him who boasts boast
in this, that he understands and And He was saying to them
knows Me, that I am Yahweh all, “If anyone wishes to come
who shows lovingkindness, after Me, let him deny himself,
justice, and righteousness on and take up his cross
earth; for I delight in these daily and follow Me.”
things,” declares Yahweh.
ROMANS 10:9 ROMANS 10:10

That if you confess with your For with the heart a

mouth Jesus as Lord, and person believes, leading
believe in your heart that God to righteousness, and with
raised Him from the dead, the mouth he confesses,
you will be saved. leading to salvation.

JOHN 13:34 JOHN 13:35

A new commandment I
give to you, that you love By this all will know that
one another, even as I have you are My disciples,
loved you, that you also if you have love
love one another. for one another.


Finally, brothers, whatever is true,

whatever is dignified, whatever is
right, whatever is pure, whatever But God demonstrates His
is lovely, whatever is commendable, own love toward us, in that
if there is any excellence and if while we were yet sinners,
anything worthy of praise, Christ died for us.
consider these things.
JAMES 1:2-3 JAMES 1:4

Consider it all joy, my

And let perseverance have its
brothers, when you encounter
perfect work, so that you may
various trials, knowing that
be perfect and complete,
the testing of your faith brings
lacking in nothing.
about perseverance.

GALATIANS 5:22-23 1 JOHN 2:15

But the fruit of the Spirit is

Do not love the world nor
love, joy, peace, patience,
the things in the world.
kindness, goodness,
If anyone loves the world,
faithfulness, gentleness,
the love of the Father
self-control. Against such
is not in him.
things there is no law.

1 JOHN 2:16 1 JOHN 2:17

For all that is in the world, the

And the world is
lust of the flesh and the lust of
passing away, and also its lusts,
the eyes and the boastful pride of
but the one who does the will
life, is not from the Father, but is
of God abides forever.
from the world.
1 PETER 1:18-19 ROMANS 6:12-13a

Knowing that you were not Therefore do not let sin

redeemed with corruptible things reign in your mortal body so
like silver or gold from your futile that you obey its lusts and
conduct inherited from your do not go on presenting
forefathers, but with precious your members to sin as
blood, as of a lamb unblemished instruments of
and spotless, the blood of Christ. unrighteousness.

ROMANS 6:13b 1 PETER 1:3

Blessed be the God and

Father of our Lord Jesus
But present yourselves to God
Christ, who according to His
as those alive from the dead,
great mercy has caused us to
and your members as instruments
be born again to a living hope
of righteousness to God.
through the resurrection of
Jesus Christ from the dead.

1 PETER 1:4 PROVERBS 3:5-6

Trust in Yahweh with all your

To obtain an inheritance heart and do not lean on
incorruptible and undefiled your own understanding.
and unfading, having been In all your ways acknowledge
kept in heaven for you. Him, and He will make
your paths straight.
1 JOHN 3:2 1 PETER 2:1-2

Beloved, now we are children

Therefore, laying aside all malice
of God, and it has not been
and all deceit and hypocrisy and
manifested as yet what we
envy and all slander, like newborn
will be. We know that when
babies, long for the pure milk
He is manifested, we will be like
of the word, so that by it you may
Him, because we will see Him
grow in respect to salvation.
just as He is.

2 PETER 1:3 2 TIMOTHY 2:15

Seeing that His divine power Be diligent to present

has granted to us everything yourself approved to God as
pertaining to life and godliness, a workman who does not
through the full knowledge of need to be ashamed,
Him who called us by His own accurately handling the
glory and excellence. word of truth.

JOHN 3:16 JOHN 3:17

For God so loved the world, For God did not send the
that He gave His only Son into the world to
begotten Son, that whoever judge the world, but that
believes in Him shall not the world might be
perish, but have eternal life. saved through Him.
MATTHEW 11:28-29 MATTHEW 11:30

Come to Me, all who are weary

and heavy-laden, and I will give
you rest. Take My yoke upon you For My yoke is easy
and learn from Me, for I am and My burden is light.
gentle and humble in heart, and
you will find rest for your souls.

TITUS 2:12 TITUS 2:13

Instructing us that, denying Looking for the blessed

ungodliness and worldly desires, hope and the appearing of
we should live sensibly, righteously, the glory of our great God
and godly in the present age. and Savior, Jesus Christ.

1 JOHN 4:10 MATTHEW 5:16

In this is love, not that we Let your light shine before

have loved God, but that men in such a way that they
He loved us and sent may see your good works,
His Son to be the and glorify your Father
propitiation for our sins. who is in heaven.

Surely our griefs He But He was pierced through

Himself bore, and our for our transgressions, He was
sorrows He carried; yet we crushed for our iniquities;
ourselves esteemed Him the chastening for our peace
stricken, smitten of God, fell upon Him, and by His
and afflicted. wounds we are healed.

ISAIAH 53:6 JOHN 16:33

All of us like sheep have gone These things I have spoken

astray, each of us has turned to you, so that in Me
to his own way; but Yahweh you may have peace. In the
has caused the iniquity of us world you have tribulation,
all to fall on Him. but take courage; I have
overcome the world.


I have been crucified with Therefore I exhort you,
Christ, and it is no longer I who brothers, by the mercies of
live, but Christ lives in me. And God, to present your bodies
the life which I now live in the as a sacrifice—living, holy,
flesh I live by faith in the Son of and pleasing to God, which
God, who loved me and gave is your spiritual service
Himself up for me. of worship.

Let the word of Christ dwell in

you richly, with all wisdom And if I go and prepare a
teaching and admonishing place for you, I will come
one another with psalms and again and receive you to
hymns and spiritual songs, Myself, that where I am,
singing with gratefulness in there you may be also.
your hearts to God.


And He has said to me, “My

So that you will be blameless
grace is sufficient for you, for
and innocent, children of God
power is perfected in weakness.”
without blemish in the midst
Most gladly, therefore, I will
of a crooked and perverse
rather boast in my weaknesses,
generation, among whom you
so that the power of Christ may
shine as lights in the world.
dwell in me.


Holding fast the word of The lovingkindnesses of

life, so that in the day of Yahweh indeed never cease,
Christ I will have reason to for His compassions never
boast because I did not run fail. They are new every
in vain nor labor in vain. morning; great is
Your faithfulness.

No temptation has overtaken you

Therefore, my beloved
but such as is common to man, but
brothers, be steadfast,
God is faithful, who will not allow
immovable, always abounding
you to be tempted beyond what you
in the work of the Lord,
are able, but with the temptation
knowing that your labor is
will provide the way of escape also,
not in vain in the Lord.
so that you will be able to endure it.

PSALM 1:1-2 ROMANS 12:2

How blessed is the man who

And do not be conformed to
does not walk in the counsel of
this world, but be transformed
the wicked, nor stand in the way
by the renewing of your mind,
of sinners, nor sit in the seat of
so that you may approve what
scoffers! But his delight is in the
the will of God is, that which is
law of Yahweh, and in His law he
good and pleasing and perfect.
meditates day and night.


Who may ascend into the

But we all, with unveiled face,
mountain of Yahweh? And
beholding as in a mirror the
who may rise in His holy place?
glory of the Lord, are being
He who has innocent hands and
transformed into the same
a pure heart, who has not lifted
image from glory to glory,
up his soul to worthlessness
just as from the Lord, the Spirit.
and has not sworn deceitfully.
You shall know therefore that
Yahweh your God, He is God, the
If we confess our sins, He is
faithful God, who keeps His
faithful and righteous to forgive
covenant and His lovingkindness
us our sins and to cleanse us
to a thousand generations with
from all unrighteousness.
those who love Him and keep His

2 PETER 1:2 2 PETER 1:3

Seeing that His divine power

Grace and peace be has granted to us everything
multiplied to you in the pertaining to life and godliness,
full knowledge of God through the full knowledge of
and of Jesus our Lord. Him who called us by His own
glory and excellence.


In Him, you also, after listening

to the word of truth, the gospel The steadfast of mind You will
of your salvation—having also keep in perfect peace
believed, you were sealed in Him because he trusts in You.
with the Holy Spirit of promise.

But if any of you lacks Therefore, since we are

wisdom, let him ask of God, receiving a kingdom which
who gives to all generously cannot be shaken, let us show
and without reproach, and it gratitude, by which we may offer
will be given to him. to God an acceptable service
with reverence and awe.


Blessed is the man who Humble yourselves in the

trusts in Yahweh and presence of the Lord, and
whose trust is Yahweh. He will exalt you.


For I am confident of this very

thing, that He who began a good Yahweh will keep you
work in you will perfect it until from all evil; He will keep
the day of Christ Jesus. your soul.

Therefore we do not lose

Yahweh will keep your going heart, but though our
out and your coming in from outer man is decaying, yet
now until forever. our inner man is being
renewed day by day.


For our momentary, light But from there you will seek
affliction is working out Yahweh your God, and you
for us an eternal weight of will find Him, for you will
glory far beyond all search for Him with all your
comparison. heart and all your soul.

PSALM 19:7 ROMANS 8:26

The law of Yahweh is And in the same way the Spirit also
perfect, restoring the helps our weakness, for we do not
soul; the testimony of know how to pray as we should, but
Yahweh is sure, making the Spirit Himself intercedes for us
wise the simple. with groanings too deep for words.
TITUS 3:5 1 JOHN 1:5

He saved us, not by works which And this is the message we

we did in righteousness, but have heard from Him and
according to His mercy, through declare to you, that God is
the washing of regeneration and Light, and in Him there is no
renewing by the Holy Spirit. darkness at all.


And God is able to make every

grace abound to you, so that The fear of Yahweh is the
in everything at every time beginning of wisdom, and the
having every sufficiency, you knowledge of the Holy One is
may have an abundance for understanding.
every good deed.

JOHN 10:27-28 LUKE 8:15

My sheep hear My voice, and I But the seed in the good soil,
know them, and they follow Me; these are the ones who have
and I give eternal life to them, heard the word in an honest and
and they will never perish—ever; good heart, and hold it fast, and
and no one will snatch them out bear fruit with perseverance.
of My hand.

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