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A1 UNIT 1 Forum: Developmental theories

Discuss the developmental theory that appeals most to you with

your fellow students on myUnisa.

1. Use the Discussion Forum/or write your opinion on the Blog.

2. Comment on at least one Blog (if you are in agreement with

some) and compare your views with those of your fellow students.

For this activity, please include your blog, as well as the

comment you offered on one of your fellow student’s blog.

A2 UNIT 2 Quiz: Case study - Emotional state of the mother:

A mother, with 2 small children, is pregnant. This is not a planned

pregnancy. She had a late miscarriage in her previous pregnancy.
She is HIV negative and had vaginal deliveries for both her children.
She has recently moved to the area from a different city where her
husband is still working. He sends her money every month. She has
been chatting to other pregnant women while waiting to see you.
Her children appear well dressed and cared for.

Take a screenshot of your answer for each of the 3 questions

you needed to answer for this activity

A3 UNIT 3 Forum: Piaget’s theory of development

Study the section on Piaget’s Theory of Sensori-motor

development. Take note of the theory in the context of
other developmental theories.

Using a real life example, discuss one strength OR one limitations

of Piaget’s Theory of Sensorimotor Development.

(the example can be taken from your experience with your own
children, a child you have seen or observed in another setting).

Take a screenshot of your answer

A4 UNIT 3 Forum: Feeding

Louw and Louw notes that:

Research has also emerged, particularly from South Africa, which

shows that a combination of exclusive breastfeeding and the use of
antiretroviral medication can significantly reduce the risk of
transmitting HIV to babies through breastfeeding (West et al., 2019;
Zunza, 2016). The World Health Organization (2019) recommends
that HIV-positive mothers or their infants take antiretroviral drugs
throughout the period of breastfeeding and until the infant is at least
12 months old. This means that the child can benefit from
breastfeeding with relatively little risk of becoming infected with HIV.
1. Read more about the pros and cons of breastfeeding in the
setting of HIV
2. What would you advise a mother infected with HIV/AIDS
regarding bottle feeding or breastfeeding?
I would like that this discussion be nested/ a single thread -
meaning, you are requested to engage with the
information/opinion/feedback of your peers and respond by replying
to someone else’s reponse while providing your information and
feedback. Remember to always be respectful of each other.

Take a screenshot of your answer as well as your feedback to

one of your peers

A5 UNIT 4 Forum: Cognitive Development: Piaget vs Vygotsky – A critical


Work through this section in your textbook and read the pages
uploaded to this platform. Answer the following question:
Zandile sees her 5-year-old son, Khaya talking aloud to himself
while he plays. Zandile wonders whether she should discourage the
Compare and draw conclusions using Piaget’s theory and
Vygotsky’s theory to make sense of why Khaya talks to himself.
What would you advise Zandile?
Limit your answer to 5 lines. You answer must demonstrate YOUR
understanding of these theories.

For this activity, take a screenshot of your answer

A6 UNIT 5 Quiz: Social development

Henry is a 10-year-old, grade 3 learners. He is struggling

academically and is currently repeating the grade. His educators
report that he refuses to follow classroom rules and instructions and
demonstrates poor socialisation skills.
a. Using one of the models described above, describe the
influences that may have contributed to his behaviour?
b. What advice would you give his parent regarding discipline.
Note: study this section in your textbook and also work through the
page posted. Limit your answer to no more than 10 lines

For this activity, take a screenshot of each of your answers

A7 UNIT 5 Forum: Cognitive Development

Give an example of the following:

a. Long term memory
b. Automatic processing
c. Knowledge base
d. Executive functioning
e. Higher order cognitive tasks

Take a screenshot of your answer

A8 UNIT 6 Forum: Physical development

Compare the impact of early physical maturation vs late maturation

in adolescence. Discuss this in terms of the following:
a. body image
b. self-esteem
c. emotional maturity
d. social perceptions

Take a screenshot of your answer

A9 UNIT 7 FORUM: Resilience: Case Study

Read the case study of Hamilton Naki (case study 2 under 7.2 in
Louw & Louw, 2024) on page 625. Consider the following:

How did Hamilton succeed in surviving his adverse circumstances?

Take a screenshot of your answer

A10 UNIT 7 Forum: Bill of Rights

Read the following;

Pages 630 – 646 of your textbook
Mail and Guardian article:
The bill of rights articles:

Consider the case of Michael Komape in the context of articles as

set out by the Bill of Rights.
What are your thoughts?
What shortcomings do you notice in terms of its implementation?
How do you feel about the judgement handed down?

Take a screenshot of your answer

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