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1. What is your gender?

Male Female

2. What is your age?

12-14yrs 15-17yrs 18-19yrs

3. How aware are you of the current nation-wide water shortage?

Unaware Partially Aware Very Aware

4. How serious do you perceive the water problem to be?

Not at all Mildly Neutral Greatly

5. On average, what is the approximate amount of water consumed by your household monthly?
1000-2999ml 3000-4999ml 5000-6000ml

6. How often do you receive government issued water supply?

Never Seldon Often All the time

7. Have you implemented any water conservation measures at home?

Yes No

8. If yes, how often do you engage these measures?

Never Seldom Occasionally Often

9. Have you utilized any non-government/alternative water source? (e.g., cistern, tank)
Yes No

10. Are you aware of any awareness programs that effectively promote water conservation?
Yes No

11. How much has the water shortage affected your daily life?
Not at all Mildly Neutral Greatly

12. Inefficient Management of supply caused the water shortage. Opinion?

Disagree Neutral Agree

13. Climate change plays a major role in the water shortage. Opinion?
Disagree Neutral Agree

14. Outdated/improper infrastructure caused the water shortage. Opinion?

Disagree Neutral Agree

15. Urbanization is a leading factor in the water crisis. Opinion

Disagree Neutral Agree

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