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Name of Candidate: Adrian Zane Judnarine

School: St. Joseph’s Academy

Centre #: 010016
Candidate #: 010016 _ _ _ _

Teacher: Mr. Daulton Francis

Table of Contents

Contents Page Number



Statement of Problem………………………………….

Method of Investigation…………………………………

Instrument(s) used to collect Data……………………….

Procedures used to collect Data…………………………..

Presentation and Explanation of Data…………………….

Interpretation of Data……………………………………..



Firstly, I would like to give thanks to God for providing me

with the energy and knowledge to complete this

assessment. Secondly, I would like to thank my parents for

their continued support throughout the duration of this

assessment. Thirdly, I would like to thank my teacher for

guiding me every step of the way through this assessment.

Furthermore, I would like to extend my special gratitude to

all those who participated in my surveys.


Religion is one of the primary factors that can shape a child’s life and has a

significant impact on their social development. Religion affects

relationships, one’s overall behavior, culture, health, crime rates, education,

employment, etc. Religion plays an important role in society. Society can

only progress if the actions of its citizens are based on pristine and timeless

values of love, peace, truth, righteousness, non-violence, honesty, and

dedication to duty. All Religions foster high moral and spiritual values

which redound to the benefit of society.

Statement of Problem

Are teenagers in Cassada Gardens, St. John, Antigua,

turning away from religion?

Reasons For Selecting the Area of Research

I selected this area of research to investigate recent trends in

society and to observe the behavioral patterns of teenagers.

Method of Investigation

To obtain the relevant information for this School-Based

Assessment, printed questionnaires were utilized. This is because:

 Questionnaires are inexpensive

 Questionnaires can be completed at the convenience of the


 Guarantees anonymity

 Open Ended & Close Ended Question types may both be


 No Time Constraints
Data Collection Instrument

Correspondence Letter

Dear Respondent,

I am a 5th Form student currently attending the St. Joseph’s

Academy and I am required to conduct research to obtain

information under the topic “Are teenagers turning away from

Religion?” for the CSEC® Examinations in 2023 for the May/June


You are advised to answer ALL questions truthfully. Your

identity will remain anonymous. Kindly indicate your response by

placing an ‘X’ in the box provided .

Thank You for your kind cooperation.

Yours Truly,

Adrian Judnarine

Adrian Judnarine.

1. Sex: Male Female

2. What Religion do you belong to?






3. What is your current occupation? ……………………

4. What is your current educational status?

Primary Secondary Tertiary None

5. Do you think that teenagers are turning away from

Religion? Yes No

6. What are the possible effects of teenagers turning

away from Religion?



7. Do you think that Religion has a significant impact on

a teenager’s life? Yes No

8. Why do you think a teenager would turn away from





Procedures for Data Collection
Hard copies of questionnaire were hand delivered to 24

teenagers residing in Cassada Gardens. The selection of

these respondents was completely randomized, and all were

instructed to answer truthfully.

Presentation of Data
Analysis and Interpretation of Data
Statement of Findings
Recommendations and Implementation Strategy

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