ADV L02 Touch of Black P4 Black Taxes

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Black Taxes

A Touch of Black: Chapter 4

A weighty tax bill is weighed against the player’s patron in an obvious effort to force her out of town. Their Lady has
two options. Pay up or send them to find a missing person. The choice is clear, at least for the Lady. This is a political
game and those playing such games move pawns, not the queen.
2 It started 40ish years ago. I still remember the day my
cousin brought out this thin blue book with a white
ACT 1: Taxes 5 sketched dragon on its cover and a pile of strange dice.
ACT 2: Search 6 He told eight year old me that we were going to play a
7 game where I could be anything I wanted (as long as it
ACT 3: Seizure was an elf, dwarf, human, or halfling). I immediately
ACT 4: Rescue 8 developed that love of bringing people along on journey
9 after journey, and through all the moments and four
CLOSING decades of playing, the trip has never lost its wonder.
11 Now, I think we are best described as a network of
THE APPENDECIES Table Top Role Playing Gamers (Mostly D&D). I had
MAPS 15 been sharing my work online for some time but decided
in April 2021 to open a Patreon and Discord. Honestly,
ADVENTURE MECHANICS I knew I was behind the Patreon Train, but it made
sense as a platform. I’m not interested in money, but I
This Adventure is Part 4 of Many am interested in sharing with and helping others in the
Target Party and Level: 4 level 2 players hobby. So I run the site 100% free of any paywalls.
Expected Playtime: 3+ Hours More like a Digital Magazine than a Patreon.
Tone: Urban Adventure Horror
Writing Style: Rescue Mission Almost a year in and we’ve grown quite a bit. We host
One Shots through the Discord. I do a lot of requests for
our supporters and some commission work. I coach
STYLE “SHORT SHOT” many of our subscribers regularly on DMing and fantasy
A Short Shot is designed to give the DM a solid concept cartography. My son helps write our “Year One” series
of what is going on inside of the adventure not just which are adventures designed for entry level DMs and
ideas. The Story will be well flushed out, including both players, and we use our content to run an after school Jr
Area and NPC descriptions, but will be more conceptual High Group. We even support a podcast my youngest
regarding things like encounters, rewards, and hazards. son and I lend our voices to. It has been a busy year.
The Short Shot gives everything most DMs require to
lead a fantastic game. Contact us
If you’ve never played an AOG adventure, I thought it DISCORD Join the Network
wise to give you some notes on how I write them. Cuz I
do some stuff non traditional like. I’ll put those notes REDDIT Our Sub in Reddit (Not super active)
down in the Appendices.
Running an effective Horror game can be a real trick Wizards of the Coast and D&D for the amazing job
and takes a different set of skills than the average DM they do providing RPG Content for us to use!
employs from game to game. It is my favorite style of Original Story Written by Amplus Ordo Games
game to run, and has been for thirty years, so I have All Maps and Handouts were done by Amplus Ordo
some suggestions for you. You can find those in the Games using Inkarnate
Appendices. PDF Formatting done using The Homebrewery

Black Taxes, July 2022

Things hidden away. Moments covered in darkness.
Town of Tragedies Guidebook The unknowable. Secrets. Mysteries. Echoes of the past
This adventure is part 3 of many to come, and will put long thought forgotten. These are the bedrock of
your players on a collision course with a Elder Being. It Deleran’s Crossing. Beyond every door. Behind the
is designed to be used in conjunction with the Town of curtains. Under every stone. Locked in the backroom.
Tragedies Guide, which can be found below. The Guide Chained in the cellar. Politely veiled evils covered by
isn’t necessary, but I will reference it often. swollen sad eyes and wryly smiling lips. There are few,
A TOWN OF TRAGEDIES GUIDE if any, places in the city that have corners empty of
shadow or closets sans skeletons. Now in most cases
Story Flow these private wickednesses remain buried but not
Our players have had some time to breath. They arrived forgotten. In most cases… Those that live here, know
in the employ of Lady Persophone of House Trellu just there are those rare and wretched moments where what
over a week ago now. Lady Persophone has recently was thought long lost has gently come rapping, so
inherited her Aunt’s estate and is looking to stake a faintly it comes tapping, tapping at the chamber door. It
claim in the city. It has not been an easy endeavor. The shall be hidden nevermore.
group has had to deal with thieves, creatures, the Madness, Sanity. and Trauma
government, and most recently the terrible state of the This adventure and future adventures will deal with
inherited property, which included two poltergeists that Madness and Insanity in the NPCs. For the PCs I am
were haunting the house. introducing an optional Madness and Sanity Mechanic
We pick the story back up a week later. We can’t quite to the campaign. Thusfar the players have been in
call it rest since the players have been cleaning out the uncomfortable situations and faced creepy things, but
seemingly endless crates of things that Aunt Zattana there is a vast difference between spiders and
hoarded in her house, but it has been conflict free which centipedes and murderous entities from beyond the
is saying something for this town. It will be fairly early in grave and void. Coming face to face with inexplicable
the day when the house is approached by a messenger horror does things to the mind, and that should not be
from the Chamber of Voices (Town Hall). Lady lost on your players.
Persephone has been summoned to the Chamber by the Please keep in mind that all people, in their real lives,
Magistrate. She will be gone for several hours, creating have faced or are facing difficult things, many extreme. I
an opportunity for the players to have a little freedom in for one am not prone to dancing around those issues. I
town. think we are made stronger when we deal with them
When Lady Persophone returns the news will not be head on, and happen to think Role Playing can be a
good. She was slapped with a massive Back Taxes bill. great setting to deal with such things. HOWEVER, this
That she must either pay immediately or the city will is what I prefer… not what everyone else prefers. There
take the house. It is obviously a fraudulent charge, as is absolutely no excuse or reason to be insensitive or
Aunt Zattana kept her receipts for tax payment. flippant with another human being’s emotional state
However, the Magistrate ruled them the forgeries of a and past trauma. I highly recommend talking about the
madwoman and gave Persephone twenty four hours to possibility of sensitive issues before the game and
come up with the balance. Or she can have her having a way for players to signal the need for a course
Retainers (The Players) search for a missing young correction when something begins to cross boundaries.
noble woman. Persephone took the later deal. The crew
will now be on the hunt through The Downs for the The Mechanic I Use
I use a countdown mechanism. (See Appendices)
wayward girl. Hopefully, that hunt won’t be more than Basically, every player starts with 100 Sanity Points,
they can handle. which work like HP. Certain events and sights will
Game Opening and Hooks cause Sanity Damage. Conversely, specific kinds of
Escort Lady Persephone to the estate, treatment, rest, and downtime activity restore them, like
where it becomes obvious the house is haunted. healing does for HP. Once they lose certain amounts of
One Shot: You are looking for a place to hold up points they cross Madness Thresholds and begin to
after a crime. Taking refuge in an abandoned house suffer from different mental and emotional maladies. At
you are soon confronted by the spirit. first they aren’t all that bad. Picking up odd
One Shot Alternative: A notice offerings a reward for superstitions. Strange habits. A smidge of paranoia or a
ridding the a home of an angry spirit. phobia. But the further they dive or the more often the
dip into madness the greater the issues. Kleptomania.
Real Paranoia. Hallucinations. Even violence against
themselves or their friends.

2 Black Taxes, July 2022

Trigger Warning seat, Castle Skystone, sits just above the higher points
Horror Games often deal with Triggering topics. This of the city on a plateau along the town’s northern edge.
episode deals with Sex Work, Fetishes, and Human At first glance Deleran’s Crossing appears to be
Trafficking. These touchy subjects can be difficult for something out of a storybook, upon closer inspection it
people to deal with. Fetishes and Sex Work are often more closely resembles a Shakespearean tragedy.
seen as taboo and Traffiking is one of our worst sins as Being a resident here is difficult, and life is pretty
a species. So please make certain that you’ve taken care dismal. Despair and hopelessness are as common in
with your players, talked about boundaries, and have a town as rats and roaches. Low level violence and petty
safeword system in place in the event that you crime are a daily occurrence. The people do what they
encounter something that is an undiscovered boundary. have to do to survive both physically and emotionally.
There are also a fair amount of vineyards, though the
Important Locations land isn’t as well suited to growing grapes as the towns
to the southwest. It would be extremely picturesque if it
Balinovia and the City of Beurnoli weren’t for the pollution. Buernoli itself is filthy, the
This is Persephone’s home, and worth mentioning as a streets are filled with trash from large amount of
backdrop to her life. Balinovia has an Italian feel to it, industry that dominates the town. The waste has tainted
particularly when it comes to social and familial culture. the river and forges have filled the sky with smoke. The
Sadly, it is a land of extreme selfishness, most everyone wealthy live well outside the city in hillside villas where
there is looking out for themselves first and themselves they can ignore the decay happening in town.
second. And who could blame them? The nation is run
by a former Pirate who wrangled the nobility under his NPCs
thumb with the promises of riches or blood. They chose
riches. It likely won’t last though. There are tens of Lady Persephone of House Trellu of
thousands of Orcs from the Blood Axe Dominion Balinovia
building up on their northern borders. Balinovia has Introduced in Chapter 1: Warehouse of Woe
managed to keep them at bay thus far, but sooner or Persephone is the player’s Adventuring Patron. She is a
later the Orcs will break the lines and sweep through noblewoman new to town looking to extend her family’s
the land. power. She has secretly made some dark deals that will
Buernoli is a good sized city of tens of thousands soon require attention.
DM Notes: Persephone is a main protagonist for the
nestled on the north side of the Thundering River, and early adventures in A Touch of Black. There should be a
is a valuable industrial center, and produces much of certain amount of mystery surrounding her, enough to
the nations arms and armor. The surrounding area is create suspicion but not so much that the players turn
hilly and rich with minerals, though most of the major on her. I will be using her Dark Secret as the story
mining operations are across the river in the mountains. builds, but intend for her to be more of a tragic figure as
It is covered with small farms producing grain and things develop.
livestock. Marsilia Baralini, Persephone’s
The Barony and Deleran’s Crossing Handmaiden
Let us begin with the Nation itself. Once a thriving part Introduced in Chapter 1: Warehouse of Woe
of Cetnovia, The Barony was founded long ago after She is a middle aged woman of proper bearing. She
land and title for the Eastern forests of Cetnovia were holds herself as a lady of class, although she has no
granted to Deleran Callington as reward for stopping claim to any titles herself. She is Persephone’s personal
the Kren Empire from using the Throne of Bones to bodyguard, Handmaidens in Balinovia are not simply
dominate Cetnovia. It was later split off from Cetnovia responsible for dresses and makeup. They are trained
after some near cataclysmic disasters. Nestled in the combatants responsible for protecting their charges
rocky foothills and valleys of the Stolregard mountains, with their very lives. She too has deals in the making,
the barony is a land with deep old growth forests. It was but there will be some time yet before they come to
once a shining jewel in the world but centuries of fruition.
struggle have dimed its light. The Gray Wood is now DM Notes: Marsilia is in way over her head, but so far is
filled with dark creatures and foreboding mystery. holding the course. There should be minimal hinting at
The Capital City of Stolregard, Deleran’s Crossing is her Dark Secret until the actual reveal. Marsilia is not
nestled deep in the foothills of the Stolregard slotted for a happy ending.
Mountains and surrounded by dark and foreboding
Gray Wood forest. Even in these late years and dark
times it is still a sight to behold. The city is built upon a
cliffed island surrounded by a series of ridges and dells
cut out of the land by the Cold Rock River. The ruling
Black Taxes, July 2022 3
Terasa Roche Potential Dark Secret: Katya spent some time lost in
Introduced in Chapter 2: Condemned the Misty Vale. There she stumbled into a ruined inn.
The City Clerk of Deleran’s Crossing. She is an efficient She was not alone. A strange old gnome sat alone at a
manager and basically runs the town under the orders table in the corner. A game of dice ensued. A high
of the Magistrate and Baroness. stakes game. He would help her out of the mists, if she
were to beat him. If she lost however, she would owe
Adysyn Halcine, New NPC him the rest of her elven years of her life. She lost, but
Adysyn is a young Noble Woman from the city of the gnome wasn’t heartless, he gave her the ability to
Barown’s Crown. She is shorter, with brown hair and charm others and drain their lifeforce. She could keep
fair features. Her family is descended from the herself alive by shaving time off of others. The Curtain
Titanbrookes and is one of the more wealthy Houses in has made the perfect cover for her to help herself to the
the Nation. She is also currently on the run. Adysyn lives of her clients.
loved the wealth of nobility, but often bristled against
the expectations. Being sold into an arranged marriage Rourke, New NPC
with a man four decades older than her was the Rourke is a Bugbear. Which makes him an oddity in a
breaking point. Four Months ago she packed her city that finds Dwarves and Elves to be quaint. Unlike
favorite things, raided a family safe, and slipped out in many of his species he keeps himself well groomed and
the middle of the night with Eddin Jordayne. Her father, dresses far above the stereotype. He wears a white
who needs this marriage to happen in order to keep the dress shirt with black pants, bowtie, suspenders, and
family above the other houses, has been desperately bowler hat. He works as the chief bartender at the
looking for her ever since. Adysyn bleached her hair and Crimson Curtain. He is polite, knowledgeable, and
rented a room in the Downs of Deleran’s Crossing and makes a fierce martini.
as been hiding there until recently. Potential Dark Secret: Rourke was some of the muscle
Potential Dark Secret: Adysyn isn’t the wisest and for a notorious gang of Bandits in the Elinosian Empire.
certainly not street smart. It did not take long for her So notorious in fact that, when the bounty on the heads
spend the coin and to have picked up several nasty of his companions got high enough, Rourke claimed
addictions. Eddin ended up dead one evening when she their heads. For the most part that offense was
sent him to pick up her evening “medications”. WIth her unoffensive. No one was going to miss some goblins and
coin gone and no options she began dancing at the a kobold. Rourke took the gold and joined a new crew.
Crimson Curtain. Soon after she began taking part in He then repeated the act and turned on his new crew.
the other vices the Curtain Provides. Soon she owed a Five crews later he had finally killed someone that folks
lot of money to the wrong people, and began working weren’t going to forget. Apparently the Crown Prince of
for more “specialized” clients who paid top coin for the Silver Kingdom was wanted returned alive. Rourke
escorts with no inhibitions. She has recently faked his own death and headed to the last place anyone
disappeared, something unfortunately common for would ever look, Deleran’s Crossing.
those in her line of work in this city. People noticed, but
no one cares. Jhymes Khastavir “Jimmy Two Shoes”
Introduced in the Setting Guide: Town of Tragedy
Matrons of the Crimson Curtain - The Tabaxi frontman for Mother’s Purse, the local
Elviesi, Cecelia, and Luan Criminal Syndicate. Mother is extremely powerful, but
Introduced in the Setting Guide: Town of Tragedy no one knows if Mother is real or just a collective name.
These three alluring ladies are all spaced well apart age Whatever the case Jhymes is not one to cross.
wise, but oddly particularly similar in appearance, run
the Crimson Curtain. Each has their own duties and Symon Okenbrau
they carry them out with absolute perfection.. Introduced in the Setting Guide: Town of Tragedy
The hulking Half Ogre of a man and Warehouse Master.
Katya (Kitty) Shadowstar, New NPC He isn’t well liked in town, which is fine by him, he
Katya is one of the more seasoned dancers at the doesn’t really like anyone else anyway. What he does
Crimson Curtain. She is a Drow from Runir Uspin and like is money, and Symon make quite a bit of it
who has spent her entire life on the surface. She left the kidnapping local homeless and desperate folks and sells
Black Spiral years ago with her father after her mother them to flesh traders. Sadly in this city there is no
was killed by a rival. He was executed in the Kren shortage of desperat “voulenters”.
Empire just for being a Drow. Katya fled through Misty
Vale and ended up in the Barony. She was recruited as
a truly Exotic Dancer at the Crimson Curtain, and is one
of the most requested escorts in the Curtain’s

4 Black Taxes, July 2022

PRE-GAME She has a wild side and refused to conform to the
standards of a proper lady. They believe she has fled to
Level 2 Deleran’s Crossing with a man named Eddin Jordayne,
This is a level 2 adventure. If they have not leveled a young working class man her parents objected to.
please do so. These adventure are designed using EVENT: The Tax Man Cometh
Milestone Experience. So if you are counting numbers
then thye are likely not there yet. If you are unfamiliar
with that concept, it is basically rewarding them equally
for achieving certain goals in the three pillars of D&D
Adventures - Exploration, Social Interaction, and
Combat. I find it give the DM a lot more wiggle room
when it comes to Adventure Design and encounter
planing. Buy you play how you want!
They’ve made some money from their (3gp a Day)
wages now. I don’t think I’ve discussed this yet. I would
be willing to say they’ve been in Persephone’s employ
for a month now. (Four Weeks, travel time and earlier
adventures) plus any other cash they may have rustled
up. So they may want to go shopping. They will get an
opportunity early on in the adventure.
OPENING CUT-SCENE The Taxman has shown up and summoned Persephone
to the Chamber of Voices to meet the Magistrate. There
should be some arguing that happens. Maybe enough to
drive the players to action. But ultimately Persephone
will have to relent and go see the Magistrate.
EVENT: Shopping Trip
Persephone pays the players their month’s wages and
then sends the players to Theodore’s Textiles to pick up
her order of curtains and linens for the house. (She has
ordered a lot, they’re going to need a cart) They can also
hit up any other stores for themselves if they wish. The
Monthly Caravans have arrived in town, and so there is
a greater chance for interesting finds and better deals.
This would be a good place to drop a magic item into
their hands. Nothing fnacy too, but something helpful?
EVENT: Find Adysyn Halcine

ACT 1: Taxed
In this act the players will be present when Lady
Persephone is approached by the tax collector. She and
Marsilia head to The Chamber of Voices to deal with
the problem. She will send them to the store to pick up
some linens. After which they are now free to move
about town for several hours. It is caravan week in town
They can shop for themselves, or be sidetracked by
whatever else you’d like to throw at them. Eventually,
Lady Persephone will return angry and hand them a
Bounty Poster. Persephone has gained a brief reprieve
of the bill, but the magistrate’s patience with them to
find the “fugitive” and return her will be short. The
fugitive is a young noblewoman from Baron’s Crown on
the run. Her parents are desperately looking for her.
Black Taxes, July 2022 5
Persephone will return furious and tell them they have a EVENT: The Crimson Curtain
job to do. She has had a massive tax bill levied against
her and the Magistrate is willing to waive it if they can
find Adysyn for him. She is believed to have come to
town with a man named Eddin Jordayne and is hiding
somewhere among the common folk. So far the
authorities have been unable to locate her.
ACT 2: Search
As the players begin their search for Adysyn they are
going to have to first overcome the town’s continued
resistance to them as outsiders. Eventually they will be
tipped off to the Crimson Curtain, a very powerful
establishment in town that specializes in serving any
and all vices the population of Deleran’s Crossing
engages in. It is located in the poor district of town
known as The Downs. Once there they’ll have to again
find someone willing to help. This will lead them
through a string of NPCs each giving a few more tidbits DM NOTE: The smaller building is a Drug Den. They
to the story. Eventually they should be able to collect mostly sell out the front window, but if a little extra you
some names. Symon Okenbrau should be on that list, as can enter the building through the ally.
he is the chief villain, but Adysyn’s last client should be
someone else, to toss off suspicion from Symon.
EVENT: Hit the Streets
This part is a little open ended. They will have to begin
asking around town and not many people like them.
Sooner or later have someone tell them to check the
Crimson Curtain. Chances are if a new young pretty
face disappears in town they have ended up at the
Curtain. Or at the very least someone there probably
knows her. And the Curtain never talks to the
Constables about what happens at the Curtain so
chance are the investigations ended there.

6 Black Taxes, July 2022

The Curtain is a den of vices. There is gambling and sex ACT 3: Seizure
work enough to make Las Vegas feel insecure. And They’ll then begin investigating the people on the list.
there are enough other things going on inside that could There should be good alibis and excuses for Ethan and
make Vegas blush. They’ll need to ask around about Bolivar. Bolivar has been out of town? Maybe Ethan is
Adysyn. They will be first sent to Rourke the Bartender. very compliant when approached, even allowing them to
Rourke, will chat them up and then send them to talk to search his home? Eventually they will end up looking
Kitty down in the pool. Kitty will need to be convinced for Symon the Warehouse Master. If they’re sharp they
that they actually want to find Adysyn to help her. Kitty may remember him from their arrival in town. They will
will tell them that Adysyn did end up working here. She find him in a warehouse speaking with a group of
was sad and desperate. She wasn’t here long, but did “traders” who are negotiating a price for a woman. It
have a few regular clients and list off some of the more will all break loose from there.
“problematic” ones. Kitty could also be paid to do this if
things go poorly. On their way out they will be sidelined
by Elviesi, the Madam in charge of the younger EVENT: Suspects
The list of suspects should include at least three
employees and new hires. She will have a “Don’t screw individuals. Bolivar Snowbrooke, an angry and cruel
with our Establishment” conversation with them, but If man who enjoys beating his girls. Bolivar almost killed a
they play this conversation well they could gain further girl at the Curtain when he beat her too badly. Ethan
solid information. Lesage, an obeese and unwashed man who comes to
EVENT: Jimmy Two Shoes the curtain to bathe, eat, and be serviced. He often
As they leave the Curtain, two Half Orcs will approach makes attempts to buy girls to help him at home, but the
them. Jhymes Khastavir “Jimmy Two Shoes” would like Curtain doesn’t operate that way. And lastly, Symon
to speak with them. The Mobster will introduce himself Okenbrau the Half-Orc Warehouse Manager who has
and ask what they’re doing. If they’re unaware of who violent tastes. He demands his girls to be submissive,
Jhymes is he will educate them. He will also tell them and then treats the kindly if they are, especially while he
that Adysyn is not the first notable girl to go missing is enjoying the use of the torture rooms. You can add
recently. Mother is interested in putting an end to this. If more if you want them goose-chasing longer. Just
they can bring the kidnapper to him dead they will be remember players tend to fixate on things and you may
rewarded, bring him alive they will be well rewarded. have difficulty getting them back on track. It is hard to
say where they will start, but Ethan is the likely target.
They should grab at his desire to bring the girls home.

EVENT: Slavers
This event has the chance to play out in a number of
ways, and it all depends on how the players approach
the Warehouse when coming to investigate Symon.
Symon will be near the end of a transaction with a few
Slavers for a young woman. If the players are hidden
they may overhear the conversation, although the group
is not speaking loudly, so a Hard Perception check is in
order. If the players approach the slavers they will be
attacked. If they manage to overhear them the
discussion will be centering around how the Slavers
only pick up only one girl a month not two. Symon will
relent and tell them “I suppose my dogs will eat well
this next week”. The players will almost certainly
intervene at some point leading to a battle. (They may
They can ask more questions. Khastavir will be polite decide to follow the slavers and rescue Adysyn later as
but not overly giving of information. well.) The Moment the fighting begins Symon will
disappear and flee to his hideout.
Black Taxes, July 2022 7
EVENT: Sava LOCATION: Simon’s Quarters
His quarters are borderline wretched. A quick toss of
his belongings will reveal his stash of coins
constituting a medium treasure, as well as a
notebook. This notebook has details about the slaver
ring, a group known as The Tiger’s Claw. It outlines
the traders that come monthly, the ones they just
killed, as well as a few notes on their boss. The ring
is run by a large Tabaxi from overseas. Symon
believed his name was Bu’cash. There is a secret
Once she is rescued the young lady will tell them her door in the fireplace leading into the tunnels.
name is Sava Florent. She was taken by Symon on her
way in from Cold Rock weeks ago. She has been LOCATION: Vine Pit
drugged and is pretty weak. Sava can tell them that A mold and slime covered drain pit with a “Vine
Adysyn is in the tunnels below. They will then have to Creature” living in it. I use a toned down Roper as
find the entrance to the tunnels and begin the search for the base concept for this monster.
Adysyn. Sava will offer to hide in the warehouse while
the players go to rescue Adysyn. She will tell the players
that Symon said he was going to feed Adysyn to his
dogs as the slavers would not take her. THis should
motivate them to hurry after Symon.
ACT 4: Rescue
Depending on how the last ACT played out, there is a
good chance that Symon and his goblin minions know
they are coming. The players will have to race through
the Tunnels and make their way to Symon’s Hideout
before some awful fate befalls Adysyn.
EVENT: The Tunnels LOCATION: Web Room
The tunnels contain many possible hazards and There is a nest of Giant Spiders living here. They
encounters. I have provided a map with a lot of have been walled in by Symon and his crew. There is
possibilities, but as the DM, limit these extras to what also a broken grate to the sewers where the Spiders
best fits the party’s resources. Eventually they will find go hunting.
Symon’s lair LOCATION: Kobold Warren
LOCATION: Warehouse Cellar A small pack of Kobolds lives down here collecting
Simon lives below this particular warehouse. This trash for themselves. Symon and the Goblins allow
particular area is divided into a few sections. There them to stay under the condition that they help guard
are SImon's Quarters and a storage room. The the hideout. There will always be two Kobolds in the
storage room has a drain leading to the Vine Pit, Archers’s Nest waiting to ambush any trespassers.
through which the cavern can be accessed. There LOCATION: Cave Fisher Canyon
are some secret rooms as well that Symon uses Cave Fishers are nasty buggers that like to ambush
when moving captives. the last person in line. It doesn’t leave the area.
LOCATION: Archer’s Nest
Symon has two of his Kobold Minions perched here.
They will ambush anyone trespassing.
The Hideout is divided by a 20’ ledge that cuts down
the middle. That ledge has a spiked wall on top of it.
There is a small room for his Goblin cronies. They
each have a chest with petty treasures, some
equipment and their cut of the profits. A Mastiff pen
is in the corner. The back has cages for those Symon
has captured. One of them is suspended over a
spiked pit.

8 Black Taxes, July 2022

ENCOUNTER: Symon Okenbrau
Symon will probably know they are coming, and I will The End
write the encounter as such. If your players have been
extra covert then you’ll have to pivot but that shouldn’t The Story Will Continue in
be hard. The villains will attack the players from the “The Black Candle”
palisaded wall above, shooting at them with their bows
while they attempt to get inside. Once the players are
fully inside Symon will release his dogs. (Mastiffs)
Adysyn will be in a cage suspended over some spikes.
Symon will threaten to drop Adysyn in that classic
“come any closer and I’ll kill my prisoner” move.
Personally, I kill the girl here, or at least begin the
process. If she survives then she should be permanently
maimed by the ordeal and for now unconscious.

With Symon dead or captured, and Adysyn “recovered”.
They can now return to the Chamber of Voices and
Jhymes Khastavir closing their deals. There is a
problem though. The recovered girl is not Adysyn. The
prisoner they just rescued or got killed is Sava. Adysyn
was the girl they liberated from the slavers who has now
fled the scene. She will be long gone by the time the
players start looking for her. This is another reason I kill
“Adysyn” in the final encounter. It forces the players to
bring a body back and gives the real Adysyn more time
to flee. This leaves their job unfinished and
Persephone’s Tax Bill outstanding.
Good thing they have a Mobster who is more than
willing to “reward” them. Mr Khastavir will cover the
Bill either way, but will throw in some extra money if
they bring Symon to him alive. So the tax bill is no
longer an issue, which is great news, but Adysyn’s
father will be furious that his daughter was not returned
and will begin plotting revenge, which is not so great.
Also… there is now a very dangerous Mobster who
believes the party owes him a favor.
Black Taxes, July 2022 9
I do want to take one last moment to sincerely thank you for playing an AOG Adventure. It means a lot to me as a
creator. If you enjoyed it please leave me some comments on wherever you found this adventure. You can support
more content like this by subscribing to our Patreon. AMPLUS ORDO GAMES
A Town of Tragedy Campaign Guide
Warehouse of Woe


The Haunting of House Trellu

Black Taxes

10 Black Taxes, July 2022

Notes, Lore, Stories, Handouts, Maps, & Statblocks
D&D is a complicated dance of information and imagination. I've often found a lot of
trouble seeing someone else's vision in what they have written. Having put out dozens
of adventures now, we at the AOG have figured out that what we see isn't always what
you see. And while that is absolutely wonderful when it spawns creativity... it is
absolutely tragic when it breeds confusion.

You probably won't find sections like these in our "Year One" or "Quick Shot"
Adventures, as those are designed to flow without a lot of extra information. But
when it comes to our Bigger Releases we'll typically include quite a bit of extra
information to bring some clarity to our thinking, to further expand on our vision,
and hopefully add fuel to your own.

Some of the things below probably won't change from module to module. Things like the
House Rules and How I structure the AOG's Adventures. Other parts like Maps and
Statblocks will change every Adventure.

I think that's about all you need to know about this section.

And as always Thank You for playing with us!

Black Taxes, July 2022 11

Homebrewed World
First off, almost all my adventures are set in my Homebrew World of Taalist, particularly the Continent of Krenshad.
Which the majority of has a very Gothic Art and Renaissance Period cultural feel to it. With some Greek and Middle
Eastern Cultre from various time periods thrown in there for flavor. That said… Almost all of my Adventures can be
easily ported into your location of choice. If you would like to play in Taalist my Campaign Guide (All 150+ Pages of it)
can be accessed on our Discord.
The Lay Out
I divide my adventures into “Acts”. An Act doesn’t necessarily reflect an amount of time, but more of an important
series of events or locations. Some Acts may take 5 minutes, some 5 hours. Why? I dunno, ask the players who over
complicate simple matters and simplify the overly complex.
Skill Check DCs
I don’t spend a lot of time defining DCs as I play with a bit wider scale of success and failures. What does that mean?
For reference the DC scale in 5E looks like this…. Very Easy DC 5, Easy DC 10, Medium DC 15, Hard DC 20, Very
Hard DC 25, Nearly Impossible DC 30. When I list a DC, I will tell you it is Hard. But Hard for one party may be easy
for another so I leave the actual number value up to you. I also play with a “Success but with Consequences” mentality.
That means if they get close they still accomplish their goal, but there is a “but” to that success. An Example? Hard
Stealth DC is 20, they roll an 18, I tell them “You sneak past the guard you see, but the guard you didn’t see heard
something and is headed your way.” I think it adds more to the story that way.
Search Checks
I often reference Search Checks. What is a Search Check? When the players want to “search” something or for
something I let them use either Investigation or Perception. I know that isn’t RAW but it just makes things so much
easier. I got real tired of explaining to players who have been playing with me for years the difference between the
two… just let them look for stuff!
Treasure Sizes
Every game is different. So I do not usually list out treasures. Instead I use the follwing terms to assign value not size
to the treasure Petty, Small, Medium, Large, Huge. Often I will use a combination of them. You can decide how best to
fulfill that for your party.
Identify Rules
I use a different style of Identify. Items in my world have a Knowledge DC on them (Arcana, Religion, History, and
Nature). I allow the player to use an appropriate Check on an item to identify it. The Identify Spell adds a +10 to this. It
can be upcast for additional +5 bonuses. Depending on the score of the Check I give them different information. Some
information is extremely hard to obtain, for example Curses are well hidden behind DCs that are at least DC 30, often
much higher.
Opening Cutscene
I like to start my games with an Opening Cutscene which is read before anything else happens. These are usually
really vague bits of information that give a glimpse into something that will maybe happen later, happened before the
adventure, or is story adjacent to it. I have found these to be great tools to set the mood and create a little mystery.
Setting, Background Info, and Hooks
These portions can be used as you see fit. Each one is a little different, so it is hard for me to say how best to use them.
Some will play better if you can get them into the hands of the players before the game. Others may have better
influence when read just after the Cutscene. Some are really only relevant to moments in the story. But as in all things
you do what is best for your game! That is always the way to go.
Skill Challenges
I use the idea of Skill Challenges a lot. What is that? It is an event in the game that isn’t quite an encounter and it isn’t
a simple skill check. It is a problem they solve with their whole skill set. Typically they must get three successes before
three failures in order to succeed in a skill check. The thing about a Skill challenge is they’re are vague on purpose to
allow players to be creative in solving a problem. An example may help here.
DM says “Your Boat is taking on water. What would you like to do?”
Player 1 responds with “I use my carpentry tools to fix the hole” and they make a Tool Check. But they roll a 2 so
they fail. Too much water.
Player 2 says “ wants to row harder with the crew to get us toward shore faster” They make an Athletics Check and
roll an 18. So that is a success.
Player 3 “I use Destroy Water to get water out” OK, well it only destroys 10 gallons so it isn’t super helpful, but the
momentary reprieve allows a little drywork to happen and allow player 1 to reroll.
12 Black Taxes, July 2022
THOUGHTS ABOUT Ever ride a Disney Coaster? Most are encased in a
building or shoot through massive scenery that
HORROR GAMES obscures your vision. That is 100% intentional, because
What is a Horror Game?
were those coasters open air they’d be pretty lame, but
That question covers a lot of bases! But there are some the fact that you have no idea there are dips and twists
core values that make a game a Horror Game, and they coming on that run-away-mine-train makes otherwise
aren’t what a lot of people think. Sure it can be a gross yawnable rides fun. That is horror. The players think
out carnage and gore run with entrail and blood covered something is about to happen, but what is really
monstrosities, but far more often it is about the tension happening is over here. You ever do the pull a quarter
and mood of the game you are running. Horror games out of a kid’s ear trick? If you’re good at it you learned to
dive deep into setting a specific tension building tone get them to look anywhere but at where you’re keeping
and subverting player expectations. If you have access that quarter, and then the moment they look away you
to Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft, read it! It has a grab their head and scream WHAT IS THAT IN YOUR
multitudes of tips on what a Horror game is and can be! EAR! OMG!… lol… don’t do that to children… that’s
called trauma. But when it comes to Horror Games I’m
Safety and Boundaries sure you get the idea. Its basic illusion work, get them
VRGtR talks about this a lot. Make sure you know your looking anywhere other than where the threat is.
group’s boundaries and have a safety system in place You also need to play with tropes and then sometimes
when you play. You can google info about that real quick turn them on their heads. Folks say all the time they
if you need to. But basically it is a way for players to let hate tropes. I’m just gonna put this out there… most
you know that you’re heading into territory that makes people don’t know what they actually like and hate.
them uncomfortable in NOT a fun way. Then you as the People love tropes, they’re tropes for a reason. We play
DM can pause and redirect. Twas a time I thought that a game that in all of its core aspects is a living breathing
was lame and unnecessary… then I had a player have a trope and it is really hard to get away from it.
breakdown. I didn’t know it was coming and in fact they So what we’ve all done is embrace it, sometimes
didn’t either, but the narrative got way to close to home without realizing it, and that gives you a lot of room to
emotionally in regard to past trauma. Were there safety take tropes and flip them upside down. Horror leans
tools in place that player could have let me know, but into tropes all the time. A group of people get isolated
instead they felt trapped there growing more and more and a creature picks them off one by one. That is the
uncomfortable until it was too late. So talk to your heart and soul of 90% of horror stories. That’s a trope.
players and develop a plan to create and protect Strahd is one of the tropiest tropes that ever troped, and
boundaries! we all still love him. Tropes create a sense of security,
Tone and Subverting expectations. players think they know what’s coming, and messing
So lets talk about tone. Not the specific tone differences with that is your most effective tool in creating tension.
between say a gothic horror game and a cosmic horror I ran Curse of Strahd a while back. It is wonderful as
game. The overall tone that horror should create. No written, but I can’t help but mess with stuff so I jiggered
matter what the style of the game is, horror games the heck out of that module. In the run I introduced
always promote feelings of rising tension and release. A Colletta (the “Tatyanna”) character as the typical
lot of people compare this to a roller coaster, that’s damsel in distress being chased by a Vampire. But then
close but coasters usually start big and end slower. they met Strahd who was simply done with everything
Horror tends to work in reverse. Rising tension, small and determined to destroy his own realm. He was of
relief, more tension, more relief, high tension, little course hot after Coletta as he always is, but more
relief, you get the idea, and then it all comes racing to a interested in the end of his curse. This turned him into
finish at the end… or did it? Creating that kind of tension an anti-hero of sorts, and every interaction with him was
and not making your players miserable with it is a skill uncomfortable but helpful. . Now the players Never Ever
that you as the DM will need to develop. And one of the Ever trusted Strahd, nor should they have. But Strahd
best ways to do that is to subvert their expectations. was never the Villain of my story. Colletta was. I had
This is another place where the Roller Coaster analogy given her access to past memories of her former lives
kind of goes off the rails. (Yeah I punned that). You and she was determined to not let Strahd free of his
know on a coaster that after a long rise there is going to curse but instead to strip him of his powers and torment
be a drop. You see it coming. You’ve watched it the him herself forever. They players did so many horrible
entire time you were in line. It built excitement for that things to protect that damsel in distress and all the
moment. But what if the coaster didn’t drop right there? while were pawns to evil, meanwhile evil was
What if it only dipped a little bit? What if the design of attempting a true redemption that they denied him.
the track was intentionally misleading? That is the kind Tropes used and expectations subverted. It was a
of tension you want to create. glorious ending full of shock and horror. And I couldn’t
have done it without leaning into tropes!
Black Taxes, July 2022 13
Keep your Focus & Remember, Less is More Force Them to Make Terrible Choices
Less is More, this old saying rings true in so many areas In a regular game a BBEG might monologue and
of life, and holds a lot of sway over Horror. How many players could try to save the day. Yeah, that doesn’t
monsters are there in most Horror stories? Most of the happen here. If the BBEG is monologuing it is because
time there is only one. If there are more it is usually the players can’t stop them and they think it is amusing.
same type of creature. There is a reason for that. One There are two guillotine and two people trapped in
you should lean into. One very hard to kill creature is a them. They literally, no matter what can only save one.
lot scarier than dozens of slaughterable goons. “If it Those type of things. I have even killed a player very
Bleeds We Can Kill It.” is a statement of Hope not Fact. early in the campaign to emphasis that in a Horror
Hope can be crushed. Now I’m not saying don’t use Game villains don’t piss around.
minions or random encounters or mini bosses. We need Enforce Consequences.
those in an Adventure. What I am saying is don’t drown Bad choice need consequences. This chips away at their
your players in them, and never let the focus off your morale. However, a player can usually deal with
main threat. It is always there. Looming and lurking. In consequences affecting them. But… If they have an NPC
many ways it is the Monster’s story and no one else’s. ally and that NPC pays for it. That is differet. Hurt the
Doubt that? Think of most of the popular Horror Stories helpless and your players will become extremely
you know, who is easier to remember? The Monster or nervous. Hurt someone they don’t want to mess with
the People it is after? In almost every regard, your and they will be down right scared. Now, this does not
threat is your Protagonist. You still probably want your work on Murder Hobos… at first… because players like
players to pull out a win, because that is fun for them, that don’t care about things like NPCs… but there are
but your monster is your true star. things they do care about, and once the consequence
The World Doesn’t Work in Their Favor affects those things it hurts bad.
Normally, there are a lot of things that should work in Chipping Away at Their Sanity
the players favor. NPC cooperation is often one of them. I highly reccomend using a sanity mechanic. There are
But you’re out to create a general feel of suspicion and many good ones out there that don’t come across as
distrust. Therefore NPC and the World should give the blunt force trauma immediately. The things seen in a
impression of wanting to cooperate, but they often don’t. Horror Game should unsettle the characters deeply. In
fact if we’re honest most of what adventurers do and see
Use Good Descriptive Words. should leave emotional trauma in their wake. Lean into
It’s not an Ogre. He isn’t just ugly. He is a hulking that. When they see something have them make a sanity
monstrocity nearly 10 feet tall covered in oozing sores check… the more they fail the harder the checks get.
with chunks of flesh hanging between its rotting teeth. And the more unhinged thier behavior becomes. Will
they even be able to tell friend from foe by the end of the
Hunt Them game? Hopefully at least one of them wont! Because
Being Hunted by a monster is more nerve wracking having someone’s character completely go off the rails
than fighting it. Building on a feeling of dread and is a good time in a game like this!
anticipation can really make people unsettled.
2 Steps Forward 1 Step Back, Always…
Give Them a Flower in the Desert
They never fully win. Everything has strings attached The last thing I will leave you with is an easy and simple
and ripple effects. You‘re out to create the shadow of notion. Don’t constantly oppress the players. Horror has
hopelessness. They save a peasant from a monster but a lot of things that chip away at resolve, and if you don’t
while they were helping them, something else bad lift them up once and a while they’ll give up. That means
happened. Not as bad, but they need to start to live with they stop having fun. The Flower in the Desert concept
the feeling that they have too many fires to fight. Let is exactly what it sounds like. Give them something fun
them win once and awhile, but they should mostly be and wonderful once and a while. Give them a scene of
partial victories. I mean you don’t want to crush their beauty not terror. Give them a flower in the desert. It
souls or anything… wait… or do you… ? keeps them going and helps relieve the stress of the
Use a Kobayashi Maru adventure. Humor is often one of your best avenues, but
Otherwise known as a No Win Situation. Someone is a real spot of world building beauty is something they
sick and dying and they can’t save them. Someone can’t will always remember!
be brought back from the dead because - reasons. They The End?
couldn’t prevent a village from being destroyed. And if I’ve got a ton more I could say about all things Horror,
they pull a Captain Kirk and try to cheat the system… but I gotta wrap it up somewhere. If you want to pick my
well remind them that Star Trek is fiction and this is brain about it, send me a message where you found this
D&D. and I’ll get back to ya!
14 Black Taxes, July 2022
The Stolregard Barony

Black Taxes, July 2022 15

Deleran’s Crossing

16 Black Taxes, July 2022

The Crimson Curtain
Main Floor

Black Taxes, July 2022 17

The Crimson Curtain
Lower Level

18 Black Taxes, July 2022


Black Taxes, July 2022 19

Slaver Hideout

20 Black Taxes, July 2022

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