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Technology in Society 72 (2023) 102200

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Do digital inclusive finance, innovation, and entrepreneurship activities

stimulate vitality of the urban economy? Empirical evidence from the
Yangtze River Delta, China☆
Yanan Sun a, b, Xiaotong You b, *
Business School, Hohai University, Nanjing, China
Economics and Management School, Nantong University, Nantong, China


Keywords: This research empirically analyzes the impact of digital inclusive finance on urban economic vitality in Yangtze
Digital inclusive finance River Delta, China. The findings are as follows. 1) The development of digital inclusive finance significantly
Innovation and entrepreneurial activity boosts the economic vitality of urban areas. 2) The promotion effect of digital finance on urban economic vitality
Urban economic vitality
varies regionally, as such vitality is more strongly impacted by the overall degree of digital inclusive finance
development in core areas than it is by that in non-core areas. 3) The economic impact of digital inclusive finance
has a clear spatial spillover, whereby an increase in digital financial inclusion in one region boosts the economic
vitality of neighboring regions. 4) The total levels of innovation and entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial activity,
and innovation activity all have a double threshold effect in the threshold model, indicating that digital inclusive
finance has a leapfrog-promoting influence on urban economic vitality via an increase in innovation and
entrepreneurship levels. Future developments in digital technology should therefore be fully embraced, and the
state of inclusive digital finance should be enhanced. Governments and relevant authorities can target to advance
the leadership roles of innovation and entrepreneurship and raise the contribution of mass entrepreneurship and
innovation to urban economic growth.

1. Introduction research literature. According to him, urban vitality is the manifestation

of urban diversity, which he defined as the process of blending human
The 14th Five-Year Plan covers the window of China’s new journey activities and living spaces [2]. Urban vitality has been studied in a
to create a fully socialist modern nation, but the unexpected onset of variety of ways, including with both spatial and spatio-temporal vitality
COVID-19 in 2020 has had a significant influence on its economy, features [3,4]. To assess urban vitality at both the national and local
sending the world into a deep recession. China’s economic development levels, Jin et al. (2017) merged DMSP/OLS night light remote sensing
is currently under the triple pressure of contracting demand, supply data with data from many sources [5]. It is worth mentioning that
shocks, and eroding expectations due to the negative effects of the economic growth is what propels urban expansion, and human social
epidemic domestically and the more severe and complex international interactions are what give cities their vibrancy [6].
environment. As a result, social development is also experiencing new A city’s vitality is inextricably linked to the social and economic
challenges and difficulties. On this basis, the concept of economic vi­ activities of its residents [7]. Population size and business vitality are the
tality comes into being, which refers to the ability and potential of two most crucial components of economic vitality [8], which itself is a
economic development and is an important part of regional competi­ crucial component of regional comprehensive competitiveness. There
tiveness [1]. Therefore, stimulating economic vitality is important for are still, however, significant regional differences in many countries
maintaining economic stability and realizing long-term economic regarding economic vitality due to various factors, including policies,
growth. levels of development capability, and geographic conditions. Existing
Jacobs (1961) was the first person to coin the term ‘vitality’ in research has presented quantitative analysis of urban economic vitality
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (Y. Sun), (X. You).
Received 13 August 2022; Received in revised form 13 January 2023; Accepted 14 January 2023
Available online 16 January 2023
0160-791X/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Sun and X. You Technology in Society 72 (2023) 102200

and its driving forces from the standpoint of human spatial behavior [9, 2. Theoretical analysis and research hypotheses
10]. To maintain economic stability and boost regional competitiveness,
it is therefore crucial to understand the elements that affect economic 2.1. Impact of digital inclusive finance on economic vitality
vitality and to research the major measures to improve them.
Representing the emergence of the new technology revolution, dig­ Countries have pushed the development of digital inclusive finance
ital technologies like the Internet, big data, blockchain, and cloud and related services ever since the United Nations first coined the phrase
computing have continued to permeate the financial industry and “inclusive finance” in 2005. In a 2015 government work report China
particularly digital finance [11]. As a new generation of information stated that it would “vigorously expand inclusive finance” and then
technology and traditional finance enterprises integrate new business released a paper, Promoting Inclusive Financial Development
models and new models, digital inclusive finance has turned into one of (2016–2020).1 The economic effects of digital financial inclusion have
the most active sectors in China and has gradually driven high-quality been widely discussed in the academic community, and although the
social and economic development and increased national competitive­ research perspectives and methods are different, it is generally believed
ness. Through facial recognition, identity verification, and other tech­ that digital financial inclusion helps promote economic development
niques, digital finance can carry out operations like remote account [38,39]. The fusion of inclusive finance and digital technology also has
opening, fund issuing, and recycle. Due to its inclusive nature, this type the potential to expand the reach of financial services and make it
of financing service without physical contact is able to effectively cross possible for underserved communities, businesses, and regions to access
the threshold of traditional financial services, benefiting those groups funding [40]. Financial support for innovative small- and medium-sized
that the traditional financial system had previously excluded [12,13]. It enterprises (SMEs) further stimulates the production vitality of the pri­
also greatly reduces transaction costs and information asymmetry be­ vate economy and improves supply in the real economy. Financing
tween borrowers and lenders, plays a crucial role in enhancing the challenges like difficult and expensive financing may hence be effec­
financing environment for small- and micro-size firms, encourages tively overcome. The ability of locals to consume will be encouraged
consumption, supports mass entrepreneurship and innovation, and when the financial needs of low-income groups are satisfied, which will
helps to eliminate discriminatory lending in the traditional financial subsequently increase domestic demand and spur economic growth
market. [41].
The majority of related research focuses on the connections between Because financial institutions are part of a profit-seeking industry, it
the rise of digital inclusive finance and industrial structure trans­ is challenging for rural areas to find adequate financial backing.
formation and modernization [14–18], high-quality economic devel­ Compared with the traditional financial system, digital inclusive finance
opment [15,19–22], social employment [23–25], innovation capacity is a new digital financial model to achieve inclusive financial services
[26–31], and total factor productivity [32–36]. The literature has given and a financial system that effectively and comprehensively provides
this topic crucial theoretical and empirical references, but few have services to all social strata and groups [42], thus significantly affecting
addressed the connection between digital financial inclusion and urban rural financial needs and promoting consumption [43]. Particularly
economic vitality. Research on the mechanism connecting the two is during an epidemic such as COVID-19, digital financial services are able
scant and has not taken into account any potential geographical vari­ to penetrate into various aspects of agricultural production, distribution,
ability, spatial effect, or threshold effect. According to the economists circulation, and consumption, offering a strong guarantee for balanced
Schumpeter and Backhaus (2003), business owners’ inventive and development. The variety of financial scenarios and financial service
entrepreneurial endeavors constitute a key engine for economic growth platforms that arise can also effectively reduce information asymmetry
[37]. The subjects of innovation and entrepreneurship in China have within financial institutions, lower the risks and acquisition costs asso­
been expanding under the new normal, driven by the government ciated with providing financial services, realize the efficient use of
“expanding [its] employment development strategy and promoting financial resources, and boost the effectiveness of economic activity.
employment driven by entrepreneurship”, while “mass entrepreneur­ Therefore, this paper presents hypothesis H1.
ship and innovation” have gradually become a new engine to promote
H1. Digital inclusive finance has a direct contribution to the economic
the nation’s economic transformation and upgrading. Can digital in­
vitality of cities.
clusive finance increase the vitality of the urban economy at this point in
China’s economic development? Can it contribute to the growth of
urban economic vitality by fostering entrepreneurship and innovation? 2.2. Spatial spillover effect of digital inclusive finance on urban economic
In order to investigate the fundamental logic of how the expansion of vitality
digital finance affects urban economic vitality, this research undertakes
an empirical test based on theoretical analysis to seek answers. Researchers have started to look into how geographic elements affect
The contributions of this study to the literature are as follows. First, economic activity in recent years, thanks to the development of modern
using the Yangtze River Delta region as the research area, we investigate economic geography. Shen et al. (2021) [44] argued that financial
the direct impacts of digital inclusive finance and its three sub- agglomeration generates spatial spillover effects and drives greater
dimensions of coverage, depth of use, and digitalization level on productivity in the surrounding areas. Given that the evolution of digital
urban economic vitality through city statistics, remote sensing satellite, inclusive finance is cumulative and the first law of geographical eco­
and other multi-dimensional data. Second, the current literature is nomics states that economic levels closely correlate in terms of spatial
insufficient in regards to a thorough analysis of the spatial spillover ef­ distance, spatial transmission may be a characteristic of digital inclusive
fect of urban economic vitality. Therefore, we employ a spatial econo­ finance as it exerts economic effects, which we shall note below.
metric model to look at the spatial spillover effect of digital inclusive First, the radiation effect. The boundaries of geography have been
finance on economic vitality. Third, to further understand the non-linear breached by the development of digital technology. Universality, broad
relationship between digital inclusion finance and urban economic vi­ coverage, cheap cost, and high efficiency are traits of digitally-
tality, this study applies the threshold model to analyze the function of connected financial services that reduce the impact of distance on
innovation and entrepreneurial activities as well as their two sub- financial spillover effects. The probability of spatial spillover of digital
dimensions. finance considerably increases with the reduction of spatial friction,
which then promotes the economic vitality of surrounding areas.


Y. Sun and X. You Technology in Society 72 (2023) 102200

Second, the competition effect. Digital inclusive finance has eco­ Innovation and entrepreneurship initiatives both boost a region’s
nomic spatial spillover effects mainly from the unique promotion economic viability [50,51]. On the one hand, they encourage more in­
mechanism of local government officials in China. These officials take dividuals to launch new enterprises, create new goods, and expand into
the relevant indices of regions with a similar background and economic new markets, which more effectively push up consumption and eco­
strength as a reference basis for their own political assessment. Driven nomic growth. On the other hand, research has demonstrated that the
by the competition effect, regions with similar geographic distances and endogenous driving force of economic growth originates from entre­
economic development have an incentive to raise their digital finance or preneurial activities, which can realize the transformation and upgrad­
economic level by means of imitation learning or increasing policy ing of local industrial structures, enhance economic efficiency, and
support. promote inclusive growth [52]. Through mechanisms covering evolu­
Third, the trickle-down effect. The premise of this is that there are tion, diffusion, and scale effects, innovative activities also have a
obvious differences in resource factor endowments among regions. favorable impact on companies, industries, and regional innovation.
Under the polarization effect, big cities with a factor endowment When businesses innovate technologically, they increase their revenues
advantage promote the development of digital inclusive finance. Based and benefits, which encourage other businesses to copy them and spur
on their own development or industrial expansion needs, rational eco­ further innovation. The creative potential of the entire society is fostered
nomic men will look for new markets. This is done through demon­ in an environment where everyone is encouraged to innovate, thus
stration, imitation, output of advanced technology, and management helping to drive overall socioeconomic development.
experience, which lead to the economic effects of digital inclusive Innovation is important in a similar vein for industrial sector growth
finance as a form of spillover across regions [45]. From the foregoing and can help with reorganization of the economy and industry. Inno­
analysis, this paper re-examines the relationship between digital inclu­ vation has led to more and more advanced technologies, as numerous
sive finance and urban economic vibrancy from the perspective of modern goods are developed due to ongoing technical advancements.
spatial association and presents hypothesis H2. Because of new products’ better potential for profitability, producers are
motivated to alter both their initial investment structures and industrial
H2. Digital financial inclusion has a significant spatial spillover effect
structures. Additionally, the development of specialized and socialized
during the process of promoting urban economic vitality.
production is facilitated by technological advancement brought about
by innovation. Outdated methods of manufacturing are replaced, and
2.3. Non-linear effects of digital inclusion finance on urban economic economic resources can be better allocated and used, fostering economic
vitality progress. In conclusion, growth in digital inclusive finance has a sub­
stantial positive impact on cities’ economies, and this effect becomes
The non-linear impacts of digital inclusive finance on urban eco­ more pronounced as innovation and entrepreneurship increase. There­
nomic vitality are examined in this part from the perspective of inno­ fore, hypothesis H3 is now offered.
vation and entrepreneurship. On the one hand, entrepreneurial activity
H3. Digital financial inclusion enhances the economic vitality of cities
is the process of integrating various resources to create value, which
through innovative and entrepreneurial activities, and its impact has a
inevitably requires financial support. Digital inclusive finance offers
non-linear characteristic of expanding the marginal effect.
entrepreneurs the necessary capital and other resource elements [46].
On the other hand, entrepreneurial activity also alters the original
3. Research approach
business model, creating a digital ecosystem of “production service +
business model + finance service” and fostering an environment that is
3.1. Data sources and descriptive statistics
conducive to entrepreneurship. In addition, digital finance is a financial
service based on Internet platform and information technology. It has
This research takes the Yangtze River Delta region’s prefecture-level
the characteristics of digitization and informatization, which connect
cities as the study object for the period 2011–2020. With a total of 41
two spaces online and offline, enrich the dimensions and boundaries of
cities, this region covers the entire areas of Shanghai, Jiangsu Province,
entrepreneurs’ market information, and provide advanced means for
Zhejiang Province, and Anhui Province, according to the Outline of the
entrepreneurs to identify entrepreneurial opportunities. Digital inclu­
Yangtze River Delta Regional Integrated Development Plan that was
sive finance reduces the cost and expense of accessing information in the
approved by the State Council in 2019. The region’s core area mostly
entrepreneurial process, boosting the motivation of business owners to
consists of the following cities: Shanghai, Nanjing, Suzhou, Wuxi,
launch their own ventures. In other words, digital inclusive finance
Changzhou, Zhenjiang, Yangzhou, Nantong, Yancheng, Taizhou,
promotes entrepreneurial activities by easing information constraints
Hangzhou, Ningbo, Wenzhou, Huzhou, Jiaxing, Shaoxing, Jinhua,
Zhoushan, Taizhou, Hefei, Wuhu, Ma’anshan, Tongling, Anqing, Chuz­
From the supply side, digital inclusive finance can penetrate deeply
hou, and Chizhou. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra­
into financial service groups with the aid of digital technology tools like
tion (NOAA) and Harvard Dataverse (
big data and cloud computing, identify the inventiveness of businesses,
supply data on night lights of remote sensing that are utilized to assess
lower the financing threshold, reduce information asymmetry between
the economic vitality of urban areas. This study employs the Peking
innovative subjects and financial institutions, and offer financial ser­
University Digital Inclusive Finance Index (2011–2021), which is
vices to SMEs with innovative prospects. Thus, financial support for
created by Peking University’s Digital Finance Research Center and also
innovative activities increases, and the innovation vitality of innovation
includes the scope of coverage, depth of use, and degree of digitalization
subjects is stimulated [48,49]. From the demand side, with the growth of
of digital inclusive finance. The activities of innovation and entrepre­
digital inclusive finance, residents can obtain more loans and thus their
neurship are measured by the mean index score of urban entrepre­
consumption demand is constantly expanding. Moreover, consumers’
neurship and innovation in the report, China Regional Innovation and
pursuit of product diversification and individuation has become more
Entrepreneurship Index (1990–2021), released by Peking University.
obvious, encouraging producers to engage in innovation activities aimed
The CElnet Statistics Database, the China City Statistical Yearbook, and
at upgrading products and enhancing production capacity. Due to the
prior years’ statistical yearbooks of different provinces are the main
forward and backward correlation effect of the industry, innovation
sources of other data. Missing data are filled in using the interpolation
subjects in the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain will
approach. Table 1 lists the descriptive statistics of the key variables.
also engage in innovation behaviors in order to match the production
and business activities of the leading innovation subjects, thus finally
realizing overall innovation and upgrading.

Y. Sun and X. You Technology in Society 72 (2023) 102200

3.2. Variable setting 3.3.2. Analysis of spatial spillover effects

This study takes into account the cross-regional flow of production
3.2.1. Explained variable: Urban economic vitality (light) factors such as labor, capital, and technology in innovation and entre­
This paper characterizes the explained variable through the vitality preneurial activities, the spillover effect of digital financial inclusion,
of urban economic development. The economic vitality of prefectures in and the spatial correlation characteristics of economic development. It
the Yangtze River Delta is measured using night light data [53]. uses the 0–1 spatial weight matrix [59] and the economic distance
Acquisition of our night light data comes from the study of Chen et al. spatial weight matrix [60] to analyze the spatial correlation character­
(2012) [54]. Their study developed an auto-encoder (AE) model, istics of the economic vitality of cities in the Yangtze River Delta region.
including convolutional neural networks to integrate DMSP-OLS NTL The spatial weight matrix is as follows.
and NPP-VIIRS NTL data, and generated an extended time series of {
1, region i is adjacent to region j
global annual NPP-VIIRS-like NTL data. The higher the value is of the Wijd = (2)
0, region i is not adjacent to region j
night light data, the higher is the economic activity of the area. Night
light data are acquired based on optical remote sensing technology that { /⃒ ⃒
1 ⃒Yi − Yj ⃒, i ∕
detects low light level and has the characteristics of wide coverage and Weij = (3)
0 ,i = j
easy acquisition. Compared to GDP, night light data can reflect the
change of urban economic vitality more accurately and objectively. Equation (I) of Wijd is the geographic distance matrix, where d refers
to the distance between city i and city j, which is usually expressed as a
3.2.2. Explanatory variables straight-line distance between the two centers or seats of government.
Digital inclusive finance (Dige). The China Digital Inclusion Index, Equation (II) of Wije is the economic distance matrix. Here,
issued by the Digital Finance Research Center of Peking University, is ∑
Yi = tt10 Yij /(t1 − t0 +1) is the mean per capita GDP of area i during the
currently the primary indicator for gauging digital inclusion finance. ∑
The index comprehensively evaluates the development level of digital observation period, Y j = tt10 Yij /(t1 − t0 +1) is the mean per capita GDP
⃒ ⃒
inclusive finance from three dimensions, including coverage breadth, of area j during the observation period, and ⃒Y i − Y j ⃒ is the absolute value
usage depth, and digitization level, and uses scientific measurement of the difference in GDP per capita between the two cities. In order to
methods to accurately describe the development of digital finance at the facilitate calculation and interpretation of the results, the spatial weight
current stage in China. It has been unanimously recognized by the ac­ matrix is standardized in practical application.
ademic community and widely applied. As a result, this work follows the

lead of other researchers and takes the prefecture-level city inclusive Lightit = β0 + ρWijt Lightit +β1 Wijt Digeit + β2 Digeit + δk Wijt Controlitk
finance index created by the Digital Finance Research Center of Peking it

University as a substitute variable for the digital finance market [41]. + ϑitk Controlitk + μi + vt + εit
3.2.3. Threshold variables
Entrepreneurial activity (Ea). In this study we quantify the inno­ In equation (2), Lightit is the economic vitality of city i in period t.
vation and entrepreneurship activity of cities using the total innovation Digeit denotes the digital financial inclusion index. Controlitk represents
and entrepreneurship index from the China Regional Innovation and control variable k, and ρ is the spatial autoregressive coefficient. Wijt is
Entrepreneurship Index (1990–2021) created by the Center for Enter­ the spatial weight matrix j, μi and vt are the fixed effects of region and
prise Big Data Research at Peking University.1 The report uses big data time, respectively, and εit are the random perturbation terms.
analysis and thinking techniques to produce the total score index of
urban innovation and entrepreneurship and provides a per capita score 3.3.3. Panel threshold model
index and other index scores. Additionally, this paper takes the entry Due to obvious heterogeneity in each region’s level of economic
index of new enterprises in the report as the measure of entrepreneurial development, the significance of innovation and entrepreneurship ac­
activity and the score of the number of patents granted as the measure of tivity in the impact of digital financial inclusion on economic vitality
innovation activity. A higher index score means higher activity. varies for different locations and at different times. To describe such a
non-linear effect, this paper draws on the static panel threshold model
3.2.4. Control variables proposed by Hansen (1999) for analysis [61]. First, the Bootstrap
The control variables are mainly selected to measure the impact on method is utilized to obtain the F statistic and P value and to test
urban economic dynamics, such as urbanization rate (Ur) [55], popu­ whether the threshold effect exists, the number of threshold variables,
lation density (Pd) [56], government intervention (Pge) [57], measured and the optimal threshold value.
by the share of government fiscal expenditure in GDP, and openness to Second, the great likelihood ratio statistic LR(γ) is constructed to
the outside world (Open) [58], characterized by the share of total import determine the threshold value. The number of thresholds can be set as a
and export trade in GDP. Generally speaking, the higher the urbaniza­ single threshold or multi-thresholds due to different degrees of influ­
tion level of a country or region is, the greater is the concentration de­ ence. The specific model is as follows.
gree of production factors and the better are the economic benefits. Yit = μi + β1 xit I(qit ≤ γ) + β2 xit I(qit > γ) + εit (5)

3.3. Construction of empirical model Here, i and t denote city and year, respectively, μi are eigenvalues,
I()˙ is an indicative function, γ denotes the threshold value, qit is the
3.3.1. Baseline regression analysis threshold variable, and εit ∼ iidN(0,δ2 ) is the random disturbance
∑ term.
Lightit = α0 + α1 Digeit + Controlit + μi + vt + εit (1)
Since the threshold model may have several threshold values, this
Here, Lightit is the explained variable urban economic vitality. Digeit study uses the innovation and entrepreneurship index as the threshold
is the explanatory variable for digital financial inclusion development variable to create the dual-threshold model shown below:
level. Controlit are other control variables. μi is the individual fixed ef­ Lightit = αi + φ1 Digeit • I(Eait ≤ γ 1 ) + φ2 Dige • I(γ 1 ≤ Eait ≤ γ2 )+φ3 Digeit
fect. vt is the time point fixed effect, and εit is a random disturbance ∑
term. • I(Eait > γ 2 ) + φn Controlit + εit

Y. Sun and X. You Technology in Society 72 (2023) 102200

improvement at ensuring people’s well-being not only creates more

Lightit = βi + θ1 Digeit • I(Entrepreneurshipit ≤ γ1 ) + θ2 Dige
effective demand, fosters new economic growth points, and promotes
• I(γ1 ≤ Entrepreneurshipit ≤ γ 2 )+θ3 IDFIit • I(Entrepreneurshipit > γ 2 ) social justice and all-round human development, but also effectively

+ θn Controlit + εit aligns with economic development to better unleash the potential of the
(7) domestic market and inject lasting impetus into economic advancement.
According to the endogenous economic growth hypothesis, public
Lightit = μi + π1 Digeit • I(Innovationit ≤ γ1 ) + π2 Dige spending produced by the government has a favorable effect on eco­
nomic growth. First, the expenditure on purchases increases social de­
• I(γ1 ≤ Innovationit ≤ γ2 )+π3 Digeit • I(Innovationit > γ2 )
∑ mand as a whole and hence encourages the development of linked
+ πn Controlit + εit (8) industries. Second, fiscal expenditure based on the construction of
various public infrastructure improves the production efficiency of so­
Here, αi , βi , and μi are the constants in the regression of the total
cial capital and promotes economic development. Government invest­
innovation and entrepreneurship index, entrepreneurship, and innova­
ment in relevant industries attracts social capital to invest in them, so as
tion index as threshold variables, respectively. φ, θ, and π are the corre­
to provide more financial support for industrial development and to
sponding regression coefficients, respectively, γi is the threshold value
promote economic vitality.
to be estimated, and controlit are the control variables.
The coefficient of the total import and export trade share is signifi­
cantly negative, indicating that continuous expansion of foreign trade
4. Empirical results
inhibits the economic vitality of cities. To be more specific, the Yangtze
River Delta has a typical open economy, with the United States, the
4.1. Baseline regression results
European Union, and other developed regions serving as its primary
import areas and export destinations. Processing trade is predominant in
The research object of this paper is 41 prefecture-level cities, and the
the Yangtze River Delta region, but its huge amount has made depen­
research period is 10 years. It presents a type of short panel data with
dence on foreign trade in the region too high. This means strong
many individuals and a short time period. To increase the robustness of
dependence on the external environment, resulting in many problems.
the regression results, the study refers to Hoechle (2007) and adopts the
One problem is the Yangtze River Delta has not yet formed a world-
Driscoll-Kraay standard error estimation method [62]. The baseline
class and complete industrial chain, from product design, technology
regression results appear in Table 2, where columns (1) and (2) compare
research and development, product manufacturing to brand building,
the regression results of digital inclusive finance on urban economic
logistics distribution, and other complete high-level industrial chain.
vitality before and after adding control variables, respectively. The re­
Many industrial links in the Yangtze River Delta are in the middle and
sults show that the regression coefficients of digital inclusive finance
lower reaches of the international division of labor and the global in­
before and after adding control variables pass the significance test and
dustrial chain, as well as the bottom of the “smile curve”. In addition, the
are positive, indicating that the development of digital finance helps to
Yangtze River Delta region’s key core technology source capacity is still
promote urban economic vitality in the Yangtze River Delta. Hypothesis
1 is thus supported.
Another problem in recent years is that increasing international
Columns (3) to (5) report the effects of the depth of use, the breadth
trade frictions and deteriorating global financial environment, com­
of digital inclusive finance coverage, and the level of digitalization on
bined with the outbreak of COVID-19 since 2020, have raised uncer­
urban economic vitality. They that the regression coefficients for the
tainty and slowed down growth of the world economy. In general, the
total index of digital financial inclusion, coverage breadth, use depth,
weak links in the development of the Yangtze River Delta combined with
and degree of digitalization are all significantly positive, meaning that
the volatile external market environment make economic advancement
the digital financial inclusion index and its three sub-dimensions have a
of the Yangtze River Delta (which is too dependent on foreign trade or
significant role in promoting the development of urban economic vi­
grows too fast) greatly affected by economic fluctuations of related
tality. However, by comparing the regression coefficients of each
countries and regions. Its economic development suffers a certain degree
dimension, we see that the three factors have different effects on the
of impact, and the vitality and momentum of economic growth are not
development of urban vitality. Among them, the promotion effect of
depth of use is the most obvious, followed by breadth of coverage, and
the level of digitalization as the least obvious.
4.2. Robustness and endogeneity test
According to the regression results of the control variables, the
higher is the proportion of population density and government financial
In order to more accurately evaluate the relationships among digital
expenditure, the stronger is the city’s economic vitality. The driving
financial inclusion, innovation and entrepreneurship activity, and urban
effect of population density on urban economic vitality is shown by the
economic vitality, this paper adopts replacement variables, replacement
fact that higher population density reduces unit costs and improves the
estimation methods, and exclusion of special values to conduct robust­
efficiency of transportation, markets, and communication exchanges,
ness checks. It also uses the instrumental variable method to conduct an
thus generating economies of scale, facilitating the development of
endogeneity test.
specialization and diversification, and boosting economic growth.
The regression coefficient of the proportion of government fiscal
4.2.1. Replacement of the explained variable
expenditure to GDP (Pge) is significantly positive, indicating that the
This study uses gross domestic product (GDP) (trillion RMB) as a
increase of government fiscal expenditure helps improve the vitality of
replacement variable for urban economic vitality [63] and performs
urban economic development. Due to the deterioration of the interna­
robustness tests on the baseline regression results, because GDP is also a
tional economic environment and the transformation and development
relatively objective indicator that can measure the economic vitality of
of the domestic economy, downward pressure on the economic growth
cities. Columns (1)–(4) in Table 3 respectively report the regression
of the Yangtze River Delta region and even China has distinctly
results of the total index of digital financial inclusion and three
increased in recent years along with the contraction of the market
sub-dimensions of coverage breadth, use depth, and digitization level on
economy and a weaker foundation of consumerism. From public data,
urban economic vitality. All coefficients pass the significance test and
the general public budget expenditure in the Yangtze River Delta is on
are positive. Among the three sub-dimensions, the regression coefficient
the rise, among which spending on people’s livelihood has become a
of depth is the largest, that for coverage breadth is second, and the
rigid part of fiscal expenditure and continued to grow. Constant
regression coefficient of digitization degree is the smallest. This

Y. Sun and X. You Technology in Society 72 (2023) 102200

conclusion is basically the same as the previous findings. instrumental variables meet the exogeneity requirements. The F-statistic
value of the first stage is 23.914, or much higher than the critical value
4.2.2. Replacement estimation method under 10% bias, denoting a significant correlation between the instru­
To reduce possible problems of the model such as within-group mental variables and the endogenous explanatory variables - that is,
heteroskedasticity and contemporaneous serial correlation, this sec­ there is no weak instrumental variable problem.
tion regresses the sample again using panel correction standard error Noting the possible heteroscedasticity problem in the model regres­
(xtpcse) and feasible generalized least squares (fgls) on the basis of the sion, the fixed effect GMM is used for further estimation, where the
fixed-effects model. Columns (5) and (6) of Table 3 report the estimation Anderson Canon. Corr. Lm statistical value is 48.514, and the P value is
results of xtpcse and fgls, respectively. The regression coefficients of the less than 0.05, meaning that the model does not have the problem of
development level of digital inclusive finance remain significantly pos­ insufficient identification. The model does not suffer from the issue of
itive, indicating that digital inclusive finance helps enhance the devel­ weak instrumental variables, according to the test findings of the Cragg-
opment dynamics of the urban economy, which is consistent with the Donald Wald F statistic. From Sargan statistics, every instrumental
foregoing conclusion and makes the study results robust. variable is exogenous. The selection of instrumental variables is
reasonable under both estimation results, and the regression coefficients
4.2.3. Excluding special values of digital inclusion finance are significantly positive for both, indicating
Considering the uneven socio-economic development among the 41 that the promotion influence of this factor on urban economic vitality
cities in the Yangtze River Delta, especially Shanghai as a municipality still exists.
directly under the central government with special political status and
economic functions, the development base is too large compared with 4.3. Regional heterogeneity analysis
other cities. This may cause the intraregional gap in the development of
digital inclusive finance to be too large. Therefore, this paper excludes As one of the areas with the most dynamic economy, the highest
the municipality directly under the central government. Column (7) of degree of openness, and the strongest innovation capacity in China, the
Table 3 shows the test results of the re-regression after excluding Yangtze River Delta region has seized the window of digital economy
Shanghai. The estimated results show that the coefficients of digital development. The new advantages of the digital economy have become
inclusive finance variables are all significantly positive. The promotion the key driving force to promote the high-quality integrated advance­
effect of digital inclusive finance on the economic vitality of cities still ment of the Yangtze River Delta, whose level of digital finance devel­
holds after excluding the special values. opment far exceeds that of other regions such as Bohai Rim and Pearl
River Delta. However, the gap of economic foundation and digital
4.2.4. Instrumental variable method finance level among cities in the Yangtze River Delta is obvious.
The above empirical analysis controls for individual and time point Therefore, this paper further discusses heterogeneity in the impact of
effects, which can effectively solve some endogeneity problems caused digital financial inclusion on urban economic vitality in central and non-
by omitted variables. To overcome the endogeneity bias more effec­ central areas.
tively, this paper adopts the instrumental variable method to further All heterogeneity tests consider individual characteristics and time
deal with the endogeneity problem by selecting appropriate instru­ point characteristics as well as relevant control variables. The group
mental variables for the core explanatory variables. The growth of the regression results appear in Table 5, which show that the total level of
Internet has led to digital financial inclusion. According to other aca­ digital financial inclusion in the core area has a stronger effect on urban
demic scholars, the rise of fixed-line phones served as the initial catalyst economic vitality than that in the non-core area. Moreover, the three
for the expansion of the Internet. Therefore, areas with a high fixed-line dimensions of coverage breadth, use depth, and degree of digitalization
phone penetration rate exhibit good development of digital finance. have significantly positive effects on urban economic vitality. In
Additionally, before the rise of the Internet, the majority of information contrast, the coefficients for the depth of digital financial inclusion and
was sent via postal mail, and the location of post offices has some the degree of digitalization in the non-core region fail to pass the sig­
bearing on how digital inclusive finance is currently developing. nificance test, indicating that these two factors do not boost the devel­
Considering the changes in the administrative divisions of cities and opment of the urban economy in this region.
combining with data availability, this paper uses historical data of the
number of fixed-line phone subscribers and total postal business (billion 4.4. Analysis of spatial spillover effects
RMB) in 2000 as the instrumental variables of digital inclusive finance to
satisfy the exclusivity requirement. However, since the original data of 4.4.1. Spatial econometric model
the selected instrumental variables are in cross-sectional form, which do The establishment of spatial econometric models reflects spatial
not change over time and cannot be directly used for analysis as panel dependence to some extent, and the current spatial measures mainly
data, they are further combined with the approach of Nunn and Qian include spatial autoregressive (SAR), spatial error (SEM), and spatial
(2014) [64] to interact the instrumental variables with the Internet Durbin (SDM) models. Among them, the combination of the SAR model
penetration rate of the previous year to make them instrumental vari­ and SEM can obtain SDM with unbiased estimation and higher degrees
ables with time effects. The instrumental variables are denoted as iv1 of explanation. When making the selection of the specific model form,
and iv2. the decision needs to be made based on the test results.
The validity of the chosen instrumental variables must be tested This study tests the applicability of the model and shows the results
before utilizing the instrumental variable approach for regression, in Table 6. First, under three different spatial weight matrices, the
which is verified in this paper from the following two aspects. First, after Moran’s I index of economic vitality of each prefecture-level city in
controlling all control variables and double fixed effects, the IV-2SLS 2011–2020 passes the test at the 1% significance level, and the Moran’s I
method is used as an estimate. Findings show that digital financial in­ index is greater than 0 but less than 1. This indicates that the distribu­
clusion still has a significantly positive impact on urban economic vi­ tions of high and low economic vitality of cities in the Yangtze River
tality, and the estimated coefficient is larger than that of Driscol-Kraay. Delta region are not random, but an interaction relationship exists
This indicates that the previous benchmark regression underestimates among regions with similar spatial characteristics, comparable eco­
the promoting effect of digital financial inclusion on urban economic nomic levels, and similar geographical distances.
development. The P value of the overidentification test for the instru­ Second, we apply the Lagrangian (LM) test to see whether there is a
mental variables is 0.5193, which accepts the null hypothesis that all the spatial effect. The p-value of the LM test in Table 7 rejects the original
instrumental variables are exogenous, indicating that the selected hypothesis, indicating that both the SAR model and SEM are applicable.

Y. Sun and X. You Technology in Society 72 (2023) 102200

Under the 0-1 adjacency distance weight matrix, the P-value of the other control variables, the coefficient of the urbanization rate is
Hausman test strongly rejects the original hypothesis, indicating that the − 0.0384 at the 1% significance level, which means that for every 1%
fixed-effects model is selected. The LR and Wald tests determine whether increase in this rate, the economic vitality of cities decreases by 3.84%.
SDM will degenerate into the SAR model or SEM. The results (Table 6) Thus, the urbanization process inhibits economic development. This is
show that both are significant at the 1% level, and the spatial Durbin due to the past process of urbanization in China, the mechanism and
model will not degenerate into the SAR model or SEM. Thus, we select system to avoid the decline of fertility level are not perfect, leading to
SDM as being optimal. Additionally, in the individual fixed effect, the decline of the fertility rate in China, and the population structure
temporal fixed effect, and double fixed effect tests, the double fixed shows an inverted triangle shape. The shortage of working-age labor has
model should be chosen. Based on this, we use the spatial autoregressive led to a decline in the growth rate of savings and capital. The negative
model, spatial error model, and spatial Dubin model as estimates and effects of population aging on technological innovation and human
analyze the direct, indirect, and total effects of this latter model. The capital have also become more obvious, and the economic growth rate
specific results are in Tables 8 and 9 continues to decline. In this context, the mismatch between the urban­
ization process and the fertility level has a negative effect on economic
4.4.2. Spatial panel regression estimation results growth.
The regression results for OLS, SAR, SEM, and SDM are shown in The urban population density coefficient is 0.0002, showing that
Table 8 in that order. The spatial Durbin model with space-time fixed while an increase in urban population can stimulate economic growth,
effect is the best one, according to the Hausman, LM, LR, and Wald the impact of this boost is minimal. The coefficient of government
statistical tests. In particular, the spatial interaction coefficient of gov­ expenditure as a share of GDP, which is used to describe government
ernment expenditure share and external openness level and the spatial involvement, is − 0.0220, but it fails the significance test. The regression
autoregressive coefficient of urban economic development dynamics in coefficient of the proportion of import and export trade in GDP is
the spatial Durbin model are significantly positive, demonstrating that − 2.0328, denoting that a rise in the degree of opening to the outside
there is not only an exogenous interaction effect of government expen­ world is not conducive to the improvement of urban economic vitality,
diture and external openness, but also an endogenous interaction effect which is consistent with the above results.
of urban economic vitality between regions. The spatial autoregressive
coefficient of urban economic development vitality in the spatial Dubin 4.4.3. Robustness test
model is 0.5318, and the spatial interaction coefficient between the The above estimates are obtained based on the adjacency matrix. In
share of government spending and the degree of opening to the outside order to verify the reliability of the spatial Durbin model estimation
world is significantly positive. This suggests that there are both exoge­ results, the original spatial weight matrix is replaced by the economic
nous and endogenous interactions between government spending and distance spatial weight matrix introduced in this paper to test the
opening to the outside world. However, after including the spatial effect, robustness of the model. The results appear in Table 10, where the SDM
the corresponding parameters of the explanatory variables cannot be estimation results are still robust under different spatial weights.
used to represent the marginal influence on the explained variables,
necessitating the use of the partial differential method to further break 4.5. Analysis of the regression results of the threshold model
down the spatial spillover effect into direct effect, indirect effect, and
total effect [65]. To ensure the accuracy of the threshold when assessing the threshold
Based on the decomposition perspective of the spatial Durbin model, effect of innovation and entrepreneurship activity of digital financial
the regression results of digital inclusive finance on urban economic inclusion on urban economic vitality, one must conduct single threshold,
vitality appear in Table 9. In terms of direct effects, the coefficients of double threshold, and triple threshold tests sequentially in order. The
digital inclusive finance, urbanization rate, population density, and results in Table 11 show the self-sampling and threshold estimations
government fiscal expenditure share are 0.0313, − 0.0315, 0.0003, and with the overall innovation and entrepreneurship index (Ea) as the
− 3.0972, respectively, and all of them pass the 1% significance test, threshold variable. The findings note that the single threshold effect and
further verifying the above findings. In terms of indirect effects, the double threshold effect are significant at the 1% and 5% levels,
coefficient of digital financial inclusion is positive and significant at the respectively. Self-sampling and threshold estimation results indicate
10% level, indicating that the development of digital financial inclusion that the single threshold effect and double threshold effect are both
is conducive to improving the economic development vitality of sur­ significant at the 10% level when entrepreneurship activity, represented
rounding areas. Thus, Hypothesis 2 is supported. The reason is that by a score for the number of new enterprises, is selected as the threshold
Internet services have the advantage of being naturally unrestricted by variable. In addition, the double threshold effect of patent grant score,
geography, which greatly compresses any distance in time and space, which represents innovation ability, also passes the significance test of
making the effect break through the traditional boundaries of spatial 10%. In conclusion, the total index of innovation and entrepreneurship,
pattern, and so the cross-regional influence becomes very common. entrepreneurial activity, and innovation activity index values all have a
The coefficients of government expenditure share and total import/ double threshold effect.
export trade share are 0.1407 and − 5.2635, respectively, and are sig­ Table 12 reports the threshold estimation model. The regression re­
nificant at the 1% level. They indicate that increasing government sults show that when the total level of innovation and entrepreneurship
intervention helps to enhance the economic vitality of other cities, is less than 98.2300, the regression coefficient of digital financial in­
whereas expanding the opening to the outside world is not conducive to clusion is 0.0050 and passes the significance test of 1%, indicating that
the economic vitality of other regions. One possible reason for this is that the digital financial inclusion index has a significantly positive impact
the spillover effect of a local government’s public inputs to neighboring on the improvement of urban economic vitality. The regression coeffi­
regions through factor flows and the positive spillover effect of a gov­ cient of digital financial inclusion becomes 0.0085 when the overall
ernment’s fiscal expenditures, such as the trickle-down effect of infra­ index of innovation and entrepreneurship is between 98.2300 and
structure construction and public education inputs, promote the 99.8200 - that is, the economic vitality of the city will grow by 0.85% for
economic development of other regions. every 1% increase in the degree of digital financial inclusion. The pro­
According to the regression results of the spatial Durbin model, the motion effect of digital inclusive finance on the city’s economic vitality
regression coefficient of digital inclusive finance is 0.0257, which passes will now increase even more. When the total innovation and entrepre­
the 1% significance test, indicating that digital inclusive finance en­ neurship index exceeds the threshold value of 99.8200, the promotion
hances the development vitality of the urban economy. This is consistent effect of digital inclusive finance on the vitality of the city’s economic
with the results of a previous study. From the regression coefficients of development will reach its maximum. The digital economic vitality of

Y. Sun and X. You Technology in Society 72 (2023) 102200

the city will increase by 1.76% for every 1% increase in the index of following aspects. First, it explores the relationship between digital
financial inclusion. financial inclusion and regional economic performance, but is not con­
When the level of innovation and entrepreneurship is low, the strained like the existing literature is to economic growth [20,67–69] or
boosting effect of digital inclusive finance development on urban eco­ high-quality economic development [19,21,70]. Instead, this paper is
nomic vitality is small, and the regression coefficient increases signifi­ innovative by considering the use of night light data to measure the
cantly with a gradual increase of innovation and entrepreneurship. vitality of the urban economy and to explore the role of digital financial
Especially for regions with a better level of innovation and entrepre­ inclusion on such vitality.
neurship development, the stimulating effect of digital inclusive finance Second, most existing studies only have considered the direct impact
becomes more obvious. This is because the development of digital of digital financial inclusion on economic growth or development per­
financial inclusion can promote innovation and entrepreneurship of formance, ignoring the possible spatial spillover effect of digital finan­
enterprises and individuals by easing financing constraints and reducing cial inclusion. This study includes this into the research framework of
debt financing costs. In areas with outstanding innovation and entre­ this paper. It further confirms that digital financial inclusion not only
preneurship capabilities, residents have a higher awareness and enthu­ contributes to improving the economic vitality of local cities, but also
siasm to participate in entrepreneurship, and the regions have stronger promotes the development of neighboring cities’ economic vitality.
innovation capacity, which helps spawn a large number of private SMEs. Third, most related literature has studied the impact of digital
More and more private SMEs enter the market, promote effective market financial inclusion on innovation [26,28] or entrepreneurship [20,23,
competition, and thus enhance the vitality of the market and the impetus 71] alone. This paper discusses the relationship between digital inclu­
for development. sive finance and urban economic vitality from the perspective of inno­
When the entrepreneurial level represented by the score of the vation and entrepreneurship activity. Therefore, this paper places digital
number of new enterprises is less than 95.4589, the estimated coefficient inclusive finance, innovation and entrepreneurship activity, and urban
of digital financial inclusion is 0.0046, which passes the significance test economic vitality under the same research framework.
of 1%. The estimated coefficient increases to 0.0075 when the entre­ Fourth and finally, an interesting conclusion presented herein is that
preneurial score is between 95.4589 and 99.6448. When the entrepre­ digital inclusive finance has a leapfrog promoting effect on urban eco­
neurial level is greater than 99.6448, the estimated coefficient is 0.0165, nomic vitality with the improvement of innovation and
which is significant at the 1% level. Compared with the estimated co­ entrepreneurship.
efficient of the first threshold interval, the estimated coefficient of this Compared with existing studies, a shortcoming of this paper is that
interval is larger. The regression coefficient of digital financial inclusion existing studies mostly discuss the role of digital inclusive finance
in the three intervals shows an increasing trend, and the pulling effect on through easing financing constraints, reducing information asymmetry
economic vitality shows a non-linear increasing trend. This indicates [72], improving credit resource allocation [27], and promoting con­
that the strengthening effect of digital finance on urban economic vi­ sumption [73]. These variables are regarded as intermediary variables,
tality is significantly enhanced with the increase of entrepreneurial and the intermediary effect model is used to analyze the mechanism of
capacity. digital financial inclusion. However, this present study is not subdivided
When the innovation score represented by the number of patents into this point. From the part of heterogeneity analysis, this paper also
granted is below 98.5906, the coefficient of digital financial inclusion is only considers the difference between the core and non-core areas of the
estimated to be 0.0056 and significant at the 1% level. When it crosses Yangtze River Delta and the impact of digital financial inclusion on
98.5906 and is less than the 99.6025 threshold, the coefficient of digital urban economic vitality. It does not discuss the heterogeneity of eco­
financial inclusion is estimated to be 0.0093. Finally, when the score of nomic effects of digital financial inclusion from the perspectives of city
innovation ability crosses the threshold value of 99.6025, digital in­ size, human capital level, and industry type. We leave this more in-depth
clusive finance has the greatest effect on urban economic vitality research on these aspects for the future.
through innovation ability. Therefore, it can be judged that the level of
digital financial inclusion has a significantly non-linear positive impact 6. Conclusions and suggestions
on the development of urban economic vitality, and this effect is more
obvious with the improvement of innovation ability. The reason is that 6.1. Main conclusion
economic development is driven by producers recombining existing
factors of production in new ways like innovation. The stronger the This research first sorts out the intrinsic relationships among digital
innovation ability is, the more obvious is the substitution effect. High finance, innovation and entrepreneurship activity, and urban economic
productivity enterprises will survive, while low efficiency enterprises vitality from theoretical analysis and then empirically tests the direct
will be forced out of the market. The competition and substitution effect effect, spatial effect, and threshold effect of the impact of digital finance
brought by innovation becomes an important micro-level mechanism to on urban economic vitality based on panel data of each prefecture-level
improve the vitality of the urban economy. In summary, Hypothesis 3 is city in Yangtze River Delta from 2011 to 2020. The findings are as fol­
supported. lows. (1) Digital inclusive finance helps enhance the economic vitality of
cities, and the depth of its usage has the most obvious positive effect on
5. Discussion urban economic vitality, followed by breadth of its coverage, and lastly
the degree of digitalization. (2) There is regional heterogeneity in the
The China government in recent years has been actively promoting promotion effect of digital finance on urban economic vitality.
reform and innovation in the financial sector, especially encouraging the Compared with non-core areas, the total level of digital financial in­
deep integration of digital technologies such as big data, cloud clusion development in core regions has a stronger contribution to urban
computing, and mobile Internet with the traditional financial industry to economic vitality, and the positive effects of breadth of coverage, depth
give birth to new financial services and to promote the vigorous devel­ of use, and digitalization are all significant. In contrast, the coefficients
opment of digital finance. The development of digital inclusive finance of depth of use and digitalization in non-core regions fail to pass the
can effectively alleviate financing constraints, reduce information significance test. (3) There is a significant spatial spillover of the eco­
asymmetry, and improve the limited space of financial service activities, nomic effect of digital inclusive finance. Innovation and entrepreneur­
benefiting more people with its unique advantages. It clearly plays an ship activity in one region can enhance the vitality of economic
important role in promoting innovation [27], entrepreneurship [23], development in neighboring regions. (4) In the threshold regression the
and economic development [66]. total levels of innovation and entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship ac­
Compared with existing studies, this paper is different in the tivity, and innovation activity have a double threshold effect, indicating

Y. Sun and X. You Technology in Society 72 (2023) 102200

that the impact of digital finance on urban economic vitality has non- commitment of all parties to cooperate, encourage the community to
linear characteristics with a leapfrog effect as innovation and entre­ increase R&D expenditures, steadily support basic and applied research,
preneurship capacity increases. Based on the empirical results of this and create diversified investments. The authorities should strive to
study, the following recommendations are proposed. foster and improve the academic innovation ecosystem, actively build a
favorable innovation environment, increase the management of scien­
6.2. Policy recommendations tific research, give scientific researchers a certain degree of autonomy,
activate a fair form of scientific research appraisal, ensure the quality of
6.2.1. Give full play to the new advantages of digital technology and R&D output, and focus on its efficiency. In terms of entrepreneurship,
improve the development of digital inclusive finance China should establish and improve national and local entrepreneurship
The government should improve the construction of its digital in­ evaluation systems, regularly investigate or identify the entrepreneurial
clusive financial ecological environment and take up the opportunity of trends of entrepreneurial groups, select enterprises with transformation
information infrastructure construction to strengthen the digital finan­ potential and willingness to transform, and include them in local
cial system, including mobile Internet and modern financial supervision, entrepreneurship support programs.
so that all types of financial institutions can enjoy a fully complete According to different types of enterprises, local government de­
infrastructure. The government can also strengthen the in-depth inte­ partments, university entrepreneurial teams, successful enterprises, and
gration of new-generation information technologies such as big data and social organizations can all provide personalized transformation devel­
cloud computing with financial institutions, which can widely apply opment services for entrepreneurs on a regular basis. For example,
digital technologies in all aspects of financial product design, credit successful entrepreneurs and university entrepreneurial teams can be
approval, and risk control. The government can further break down organized to implement one-on-one coaching for starting a business for
barriers to financial market access, encourage financial institutions to survival entrepreneurs. In addition, the implementation of financial
innovate in digital financial inclusion services, and make digital finance counterpart support should be strengthened, focusing on the introduc­
more adaptable and precise so as to spur corporate R&D, industrial tion of a series of featured financial products and services for residents to
upgrading, and high-quality development of the real economy through start their own businesses. At the same time, financial support for en­
product and service innovation. Relevant authorities can improve the trepreneurs such as entrepreneurial farmers and entrepreneurial college
internal assessment mechanism of financial institutions to stimulate the students should be enhanced, so as to push the transformation of sub­
enthusiasm of digital inclusive finance practitioners, further reduce the sistence enterprises into opportunistic enterprises and to improve
constraint mechanism of financial institutions, strengthen the coverage, entrepreneurial quality.
usage depth, and digitization degree of digital finance, and promote the
development of digital inclusive services in key areas. Lastly, the gov­ Funding
ernment should target to screen the differences in the development
needs of market subjects and promote an inclusive nature so as to benefit This study was supported by Major Projects of Philosophy and Social
SMEs, people’s livelihood, and social service industries on the basis of Science Research of Jiangsu Educational Committee (No.
safeguarding profitability. The end result is that digital inclusive finance 2020SJZDA055).
will contribute to a healthier economic development.
Credit author statement
6.2.2. Strengthen innovation and entrepreneurship and give full play to the
leapfrog effect of the two on urban economic development Yanan Sun: Conceive the topic, Form a paper framework, Concep­
Innovation entities should increase R&D investment in the core and tualization, Supervision, Writing- Reviewing and Editing. Xiaotong You:
key elements, integrate factor resources, and concentrate on solving Data collection, Methodology, Software, Writing-Original draft prepa­
difficult problems. In terms of the top-level design of enterprises, China ration, Supervision.
should improve the income and distribution mechanism and tailor a
technological innovation incentive mechanism that is suitable for the Data availability
long-term development of enterprises. The government should establish
a credit and restraint mechanism for long-term cooperation between Data will be made available on request.
industry, academia, and research, strengthen the confidence and

Table A.1
Descriptive statistics of the main variables.

Variable Sample size Average value Standard deviation Minimum value Maximum value

Light 410 2.1716 2.6203 0.0585 17.1054

Dige 410 193.1297 71.9335 27.0800 334.4781
Coverage breadth 410 184.4450 69.3330 14.2900 326.4890
Usage depth 410 200.4111 71.5941 41.4000 349.7485
Digitization level 410 208.5824 91.6542 9.4900 437.9068
Ea 410 90.1153 9.5124 58.0165 100
Ur 410 61.0841 11.9312 31.3000 89.6000
Pd 410 766.1868 634.2111 145.2900 3830
Pge 410 16.6569 6.2821 7.6023 35.6463
Open 410 0.3044 0.3142 0.0178 1.8127

Y. Sun and X. You Technology in Society 72 (2023) 102200

Table A.2
Baseline regression results.

Variable (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Dige 0.0394∗∗ (0.0164) 0.0342∗∗∗ (0.0096)

Coverage breadth (0.0035)
Usage depth 0.0215∗∗∗ (0.0055)
Digitization level 0.0079∗
Ur − 0.0221 (0.1268) − 0.0172 (0.0103) 0.0021 (0.0086) − 0.0070 (0.0096)
Pd 0.0002∗∗∗ (0.0000) 0.0002∗∗ (0.0001) 0.0001∗∗ (0.000) 0.0003∗∗∗ (0.0000)
Pge 0.0433∗∗∗ (0.0052) 0.0439∗∗∗ (0.0064) 0.0370∗∗∗ (0.0091) 0.0305∗∗∗ (0.0049)
Open − 4.2655∗∗∗ (1.1414) − 4.6775∗∗∗ (1.3386) − 4.5606∗∗∗ (1.2781) − 4.4598∗∗∗ (1.1797)
Constant term − 1.1098 (1.0479) 1.2120∗∗ (0.4670) 2.4804∗∗ (0.7319) 0.7305 (0.7396) 2.5287∗∗∗ (0.7142)
Time fixed effect YES YES YES YES YES
Individual fixed effects YES YES YES YES YES
N 410 410 410 410 410
F 3.51 15766.20 1545.74 40367.65 9386
Within R2 0.5306 0.6378 0.6150 0.6325 0.6267

Notes: ***, **, and * indicate significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% statistical levels, respectively. Standard errors are in parentheses.

Table A.3
Robustness regression results.

Variable (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

Dige 0.0087∗∗ 0.0202∗∗∗ 0.0277∗∗∗ 0.0280∗∗

(0.0029) (0.0077) (0.0042) (0.0087)
Coverage breadth 0.0040∗ (0.0020)
Usage depth 0.0048∗∗∗
Digitization level 0.0019∗ (0.0010)
Ur − 0.0077∗∗ − 0.0075∗ − 0.0018 (0.0014) − 0.0038∗ − 0.0082 (0.0154) − 0.0087∗ (0.0052) − 0.0072 (0.0085)
(0.0031) (0.0038) (0.0020)
Pd 0.0001 (0.0000) 0.00002 (0.0000) 0.0000 1 (0.0000) 0.0000 4 (0.0000) 0.0001 (0.0002) 0.0001 (0.0001) 0.0002∗∗∗
Pge 0.0048∗∗ 0.0057∗∗∗ 0.0032∗ (0.0016) 0.0016 (0.0020) 0.0327∗∗ (0.0130) 0.0547∗∗∗ 0.0409∗∗∗
(0.0018) (0.0015) (0.0148) (0.0096)
Open − 0.7917∗∗∗ − 0.8866∗∗∗ − 0.8746∗∗∗ − 0.8466∗∗∗ − 3.7000∗∗ (1.5916) − 3.5791∗∗∗ − 3.1823∗∗∗
(0.1643) (0.2046) (0.1877) (0.1540) (0.3699) (0.0879)
Constant term 0.3574∗∗ 0.6569∗∗∗ 0.3014∗∗∗ 0.6967∗∗∗ 12.4747∗∗∗ 11.1216∗∗∗ 0.1542 (0.3424)
(0.1128) (0.1676) (0.0895) (0.1440) (2.5418) (1.0437)
Time fixed effect YES YES YES YES YES YES YES
Individual fixed YES YES YES YES YES YES YES
N 410 410 410 410 410 410 410
Notes: ***, **, and * indicate significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% statistical levels, respectively. Standard errors are in parentheses.

Table A.4
Endogeneity test on the impact of digital financial inclusion on urban economic vitality.

Variable 2sls GMM

Dige 0.1864∗∗∗ (0.0339) 0.1864∗∗∗ (0.0284)

Ur − 0.0985∗∗∗ (0.0319) − 0.0985∗∗∗ (0.0236)
Pd 0.0005∗ (0.0003) 0.0005∗∗ (0.0002)
Pge 0.0715∗∗∗ (0.0238) 0.0715∗∗∗ (0.0246)
Open − 1.9097∗∗ (0.8772) − 1.9097∗∗ (0.8430)
Constant term 1.0535 (2.5590)
Over-identification test 0.4153 [0.5193].
Weak instrumental variable test 23.2914∗∗∗
Anderson canon. Corr. LM statistic 48.514 [0.0000]
Cragg-Donald Wald F statistic 26.794 (19.93)
Sargan 0.829 [0.3626]
Double fixed effect YES YES
R-sqr 0.8848 0.9900
N 410 410
Notes: ***, **, and * indicate significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% statistical levels, respectively. The P value of
significance level is in []. The 10% critical value of the Stock-Yogo weak identification test is in parentheses of
the Cragg-Donald Wald F statistic.

Y. Sun and X. You Technology in Society 72 (2023) 102200

Table A.5
Regional heterogeneity.

Region Core Area Non-Core Area

Dige 0.0399∗∗∗ 0.0060∗∗

(0.0098) (0.0027)
Coverage breadth 0.0185∗∗ 0.0089∗∗∗
(0.0090) (0.0023)
Usage depth 0.0262∗∗∗ − 0.0034
(0.0066) (0.0020)
Digitization level 0.0078 ∗∗
0.0007 (0.0007)
Ur − 0.0189 − 0.0198 0.0073 (0.0150) − 0.0028 − 0.0091 − 0.0176∗∗ − 0.0021 − 0.0031
(0.0153) (0.0174) (0.0151) (0.0083) (0.0084) (0.0077) (0.0079)
Pd 0.0006∗∗ 0.0008∗∗∗ 0.0007∗∗ 0.0008∗∗∗ 0.0001∗∗∗ 0.0001∗∗∗ 0.0001∗∗ 0.0001∗∗
(0.0003) (0.0003) (0.0003) (0.0003) (0.0000) (0.0000) (0.0000) (0.0000)
Pge 0.1269∗∗∗ 0.1354∗∗∗ 0.1294∗∗∗ 0.1170∗∗∗ − 0.0194∗∗∗ − 0.0154∗∗∗ − 0.0212∗∗∗ − 0.0214∗∗∗
(0.0292) (0.0301) (0.0292) (0.0304) (0.0050) (0.0050) (0.0050) (0.0050)
Open − 3.7971∗∗∗ − 4.0644∗∗∗ − 4.0818∗∗∗ − 3.9753∗∗∗ − 0.7199 − 0.4634 − 0.6408 − 0.7639
(0.5553) (0.5647) (0.5480) (0.548) (0.7145) (0.6909) (0.7251) (0.7266)
Constant term 0.0938 (1.1342) 1.4126 (1.0978) − 0.6523 1.7910∗ 0.8858∗∗ 1.0605∗∗∗ 1.1250∗∗∗ 0.9365∗∗
(1.2261) (1.0715) (0.3662) (0.3539) (0.3912) (0.3729)
Time fixed effects YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES
N 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410
Notes: ***, **, and * indicate significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% statistical levels, respectively. Standard errors are in parentheses.

Table A.6
Spatial correlation test of urban economic dynamics.

Year 0-1 adjacency spatial weight matrix Economic distance spatial weight matrix Economic geographic distance spatial weight matrix

W1 W2 W3
2011 0.486∗∗∗ (6.223) 0.381∗∗∗ (5.922) 0.151∗∗∗ (4.683)
2012 0.495∗∗∗ (6.313) 0.397∗∗∗ (6.119) 0.184∗∗∗ (4.530)
2013 0.480∗∗∗ (6.181) 0.391∗∗∗ (6.096) 0.171∗∗∗ (4.275)
2014 0.483∗∗∗ (6.217) 0.391∗∗∗ (6.094) 0.176∗∗∗ (4.387)
2015 0.490∗∗∗ (6.348) 0.379∗∗∗ (5.960) 0.177∗∗∗ (4.437)
2016 0.498∗∗∗ (6.371) 0.391∗∗∗ (6.061) 0.186∗∗∗ (4.580)
2017 0.517∗∗∗ (6.553) 0.400∗∗∗ (6.150) 0.197∗∗∗ (4.805)
2018 0.534∗∗∗ (6.692) 0.407∗∗∗ (6.180) 0.202∗∗∗ (4.876)
2019 0.538∗∗∗ (6.869) 0.371∗∗∗ (5.779) 0.183∗∗∗ (4.521)
2020 0.566∗∗∗ (7.121) 0.376∗∗∗ (5.773) 0.192∗∗∗ (4.680)
Notes: *, **, and *** indicate significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% levels, respectively. Values in parentheses below the coefficients are Z values.

Table A.7
Applicability tests of the spatial econometric model.

Statistical quantity p

LM test no spatial lag 303.422 0.000

Robust LM test no spatial lag 106.262 0.000
LM test no spatial error 230.413 0.000
Robust LM test no spatial error 33.253 0.000
LR spatial lag 32.25 0.0000
LR spatial error 22.45 0.0004
Wald joint significance test 16.19 0.0063
LR ind nested in both 47.31 0.0000
LR time nested in both 645.62 0.0000

Table A.8
Spatial regression results of the impact of digital financial inclusion on urban economic vitality.

OLS SAR model SEM model SDM

Dige 0.0342∗∗∗ (0 .0067) 0.0266∗∗∗ (0 .0046) 0.0271∗∗∗ (0 .0056) 0.0257∗∗∗ (0 .0059)

Ur -0.0221∗ (0 .0127) -0.0280∗∗∗ (0 .0087) − 0.0288∗∗∗ (0 .0096) − 0.0384∗∗∗ (0 .0099)
Pd 0.0002∗ (0 .0001) 0.0002∗∗ (0 .0001) 0.0002∗∗ (0.0 000) 0.0002∗∗∗ (0.0 000)
Pge 0.0433∗∗∗ (0 .0157) 0.0191∗ (0 .0108) 0.0013 (0 .0149) − 0.0220 (0 .0016)
Open − 4.2655∗∗∗ (0 .4797) − 2.6899∗∗∗ (0 .3448) − 2.8592∗∗∗ (0 .4191) − 2.0328∗∗∗ (0 .4487)
ρ 0.5765∗∗∗ (0 .0398) 0.5318∗∗∗ (0 .0498)
λ 0.6267∗∗∗ (0 .0443)
W × Dige 0.0014 (0 .0109)
(continued on next page)

Y. Sun and X. You Technology in Society 72 (2023) 102200

Table A.8 (continued )

OLS SAR model SEM model SDM

W × Ur 0.0404 (0.0259)
W × Pd − 9.76e − 06 (0 .0002)
W × Pge 0.0895∗∗∗ (0.0261)
W × Open − 1.9012∗∗ (0.9162)
Log-likelihood − 289.3640 − 300.3870 − 281.1155
Individual fixed effects YES YES YES YES
Time fixed effect YES YES YES YES
Note: ***, **, and * indicate significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels, respectively, with standard errors in parentheses.

Table A.9
Direct, indirect, and total effects of the spatial SDM model.

Direct effect Indirect effects Total effect

Dige 0.0313∗∗∗ (0 .0059) 0.0270∗ (0 .0157) 0.0584∗∗∗ (0 .0177)

Ur − 0.0315∗∗∗ (0 .0016) 0.0358 (0 .0433) 0.0043 (0 .0509)
Pd 0.0003∗∗∗ (0 .0001) 0.0002 (0 .0004) 0.0005 (0 .0004)
Pge 0.0069 (0 .0135) 0.1407∗∗∗ (0 .0362) 0.1476∗∗∗ (0 .0365)
Open − 3.0972∗∗∗ (0 .3818) − 5.2635∗∗∗ (1 .3047) − 8.3606∗∗∗ (1 .4024)
Notes: ***, **, and * indicate significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% statistical levels, respectively. Standard errors are in

Table A.10
Spatial Durbin model regression results under the spatial weight matrix of economic distance.

Variable Main Wx Direct effect Indirect effect Total effect

Dige 0.0117 (0.0059)

0.0233 (0.0164) 0.0162 (0.0069)
0.0162 (0.0837)

0.1000∗∗ (0.0498)
Ur − 0.0009 (0.0103) − 0.0408 (0.0345) − 0.0072 (0.0126) − 1.1112 (0.1043) − 1.1184 (0.1127)
Pd 0.0002∗∗ (0.0000) − 0.0005 (0.0005) 0.0002 (0.0001) − 0.0009 (0.0013) − 0.0007 (0.0014)
Pge 0.0131 (0.0131) 0.0876∗∗ (0.0383) 0.0266∗ (0.0144) 0.2619∗∗ (0.1094) 0.2885∗ (0.1170)
Open − 3.0306∗∗∗ (0.4142) − 1.5225 (1.3041) − 3.4889∗∗∗ (0.4203) − 9.0386∗∗∗ (3.5015) − 12.5275∗∗∗ (3.6574)
ρ 0.6379∗∗∗ (0 .0656)
Log-likelihood − 292.8308
Individual fixed effects YES
Time fixed effect YES
Notes: ***, **, and * indicate significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% statistical levels, respectively. Standard errors are in parentheses.

Table A.11
Test of threshold effects of digital inclusive finance, innovation and entrepreneurship, and economic vitality.

Threshold variable Threshold Type F-value P-value Threshold value Number of BS

10% 5% 1%
Ea Single threshold 125.62 0.0000 24.0255 29.4114 46.2088 300
Double threshold 60.74 0.0467 21.0304 47.7498 178.8424 300
Triple threshold 17.06 0.5933 193.3233 232.6365 339.3356 300
Entrepreneurship Single threshold 39.24 0.0367 29.8774 36.0714 51.6033 300
Double threshold 31.99 0.0800 29.0085 39.5013 51.8827 300
Triple threshold 23.21 0.2833 36.6618 46.7907 100.8107 300
Innovation Single threshold 79.98 0.0033 29.5288 36.7873 56.1150 300
Double threshold 49.06 0.0967 39.1835 102.2063 144.8022 300
Triple threshold 21.06 0.6400 153.1707 176.5639 229.7361 300
Notes: ***, **, and * indicate significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% statistical levels, respectively. Standard errors are in parentheses.

Table A.12
Estimated results of panel threshold effects.

Variable Ea Entrepreneurship Innovation

Dige (Ea ≤ 98.2300) 0.0050∗∗∗ (0.0007)

Dige (98.2300 < Ea ≤ 99.8200) 0.0085∗∗∗ (0.0008)
Dige (Ea > 99.8200) 0.0176∗∗∗ (0.0011)
Dige (Entrepreneurship) ≤ 95.4589 0.0046∗∗∗ (0.0009)
Dige (95.4589 < Entrepreneurship ≤ 99.6448) 0.0075∗∗∗ (0.0008)
Dige (Entrepreneurship) > 99.6448 0.0165∗∗∗ (0.0018)
Dige (Innovation) ≤ 98.5906 0.0056∗∗∗ (0.0008)
Dige (98.5906 < Innovation) ≤ 99.6025 0.0093∗∗∗ (0.0008)
Dige (Innovation) > 99.6025 0.0172∗∗∗ (0.0012)
Ur 0.0168 (0 .0115) 0.0133 (0.0130) 0.0122 (0 .0121)
Pd 0.0001 (0.0001) 0.0002∗ (0.0001) 0.0001 (0.0001)
(continued on next page)

Y. Sun and X. You Technology in Society 72 (2023) 102200

Table A.12 (continued )

Variable Ea Entrepreneurship Innovation

Pge − 0.0087 (0.0142) 0.0061 (0.0159) − 0.0134 (0.0150)

Open − 1.9084∗∗∗ (0.4607) − 2.8117∗∗∗ (0.5090) − 1.7678∗∗∗ (0.4944)
Constant term 0.6348 (0 .6452) 0.7843 (0.7285) 0.8272 (0.6778)
Intra-group R-sqr 0.6719 0.5869 0.6367
Notes: ***, **, and * indicate significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% statistical levels, respectively. Standard errors are in parentheses.

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