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Transformational Leadership

May 10, 2024


Style of charismatic leadership in which the leader identifies the needed

change, creates a vision to guide and transform the organization; inspires and
Transformational Leader -
challenges followers; engages followers in driving the change; develops them
into leaders; achieves levels of performance beyond expectations

Transformational Occurs when one or more persons engage with others in such a way that
Leadership - leaders and followers raise one another to higher levels of motivation and
(James MacGregor Burns) morality

History -

Qualities of TL - Engages

Impact of TL -
Parents is our idol hero; they play a crucial role in shaping our lives. They are often our first teacher, caregivers, and
mentors. From infancy through adulthood, parents provide love, support, guidance, and discipline. Their influence
extends far beyond just providing for our physical needs; they also contribute to our emotional, social, and cognitive
development. It's a relationship that evolves over time, from dependence to independence, but the bond formed with
parents typically remains strong throughout life.

Moreover, parents often naturally assume leadership roles within the families, guiding, protecting, and nurturing their
children. They exhibit their leadership qualities in setting goals and establishing direction in the family. They are good
listener when it comes to their children’s problems. They make countless decisions every day, from minor choices to
major ones that impact the entire family. They consider various factors and make decisions that benefit their children's
well-being and growth. Parents lead by example. Children often emulate their parents' behavior, so parents strive to
demonstrate qualities they want to instill in their children, such as honesty, kindness, and resilience. Effective leaders
understand the needs and feelings of those they lead. Parents empathize with their children's experiences, validating
their emotions and providing comfort and reassurance.

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