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Disusun Oleh:

Nama: Yoga Trio Putra

Kelas: XII IPS 1

Mata Pelajaran: Bahasa Inggris

Guru Pembimbing: Misdalena S.Pd.


Tahun Ajaran 2023-2024

How to Keep an Anggora Cat

Cats is one of the animals commonly kept by humans. Cats are very diverse, ranging
from colors and types, one of which is the Anggora cat. The angora cat is a cat known for it’s
long, soft and dense fur. Cat’s are believed to reduce stress levels and reduce anxiety and are also
recommended in the Islamic religion. However, if cat’s are not cared for and trained properly,
they can cause several problems, such as their fur falling out, scattering everywhere and
defacating carelessy. Below I will give you are the correct steps for keeping an Anggora cat.

Things you’ll need:

1. Cat cage
2. Cat food
3. Mini animal comb
4. Special cat shampoo
5. Cat ear cleaner
6. Animal nail clippers


1. Choose the Right Cage

Choose a cage that is spacious and clean. The cage is like a house that they will live in almost
every day. For this reason, choose a spacious cage so that the baby doesn't get stressed and can
play freely. Additionally, fill their cage with sand and toys to make them more comfortable. You
can use a multi-level cage. So, you can separate each level. The top level can be a place to play,
while the second level is for sleeping, and the bottom is for eating. The following is an example
of a cage:
2. Choose the Right Food
Improper food choices can make babies obese, diabetic or suffer from other diseases. So, make
sure you choose foods that are high in protein. Then, give them food twice a day so they can gain
weight. You can buy Royal Canin brand cat food with prices starting from IDR 20 thousand.
Below is a picture of the packaging:

3. Pay attention to cat fur

Next, you need to take good care of the Angora cat's thick fur. It is enough to comb its fur at least
twice a day. If there are dreadlocks, it is better to cut them. So, to make the fur shiny, you can
give it fish oil.

4. Make sure your cat bathes regularly

Actually, cats have a self-cleaning system by licking their bodies. However, you still have to take
him to the shower every 7 weeks so that all the dirt stuck to him can be removed.If you bathe
him yourself, use special cat shampoo and dry him so his skin doesn't get moldy.
5. Clean Ears and Trim Nails

Cat nails that are too long can leave scratch wounds on your skin. So, you should routinely cut
the white part of your nails twice a week. Then, also clean the anabul's ears with a cotton ball
and ear cleaner to help reduce irritation.

6. Match Lifestyle

Angora cats have an active character and thirst for their owner's affection. If left alone for a long
period of time, his attitude can become unpleasant. So, this cat is suitable for those of you who
often spend a lot of time at home. That way, you can accompany them to play.

7. Take him to the doctor regularly

Even if the anabul is not sick, you still have to take it to the vet to vaccinate it or monitor its
condition. Usually, Angora cats can live around 10-18 years. So that he lives long, give him the
rabies, FPV, FIV, FIP, Bordeteila, FeLV and Chlamydophila felis vaccines.

These are some of the correct ways to care for an angora cat, make sure not to be negligent in
paying attention to it’s health condition and feeding it. The cage can also be placed in the
backyard, this can provide comfort for the cat. Healthy and lively cats are really liked by people,
because they can give encouragement to their keepers.

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