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Monthly Income Gross Income % tax Train Tax Withholding tax

1 139,310.35 1,671,724.2 P102,500 + 25% of 320,431.05 26,702.59

the excess over

2 56,211.78 674,541.36 P22,500 + 20% of the 77,408.27 6,450.69

excess over

3 21,500.99 258,011.88 15% of the excess 1,201.78 100.15

over P250,000

4 250,300.45 3,003,605.4 P402,500 + 30% of 703,581.62 58,631.8

the excess over

5 88,299.81 1,059,597.72 P102,500 + 25% of 167,399.43 13,949.75

the excess over

1. Monthly Income = 139,310.35

Gross Income = 139,310.35 x 12 = 1,671,724.2

% tax = P102,500 + 25% of the excess over P800,000

Train Tax = 1,671,724.2 - 800,000 = 871,724.2

871,724.2 x 0.25 = 217,931.05
217,931.05 + 102,500 = 320,431.05

Withholding tax = 139,310.35 - 66,666,67 = 72,643.68

72,643.68 x 0.25 = 18,160.92
18,160.92 + 8,541.67 = 26,702.59

2. Monthly Income = 56,211.78

Gross Income = 56,211.78 x 12 = 674,541.36

% tax = P22,500 + 20% of the excess over P400,000

Train Tax = 674,541.36 - 400,000 = 274,541.36

274,541.36 x 0.2 = 54,908.27
54,908.27 + 22,500 = 77,408.27
Withholding tax = 56,211.78 - 33,333.33 = 22,878.45
22,878.45 x 0.2 = 4,575.69
4,575.69 + 1,875 = 6,450.69

3. Monthly Income = 21,500.99

Gross Income = 21,500.99 x 12 = 258,011.88

% tax = 15% of the excess over P250,000

Train Tax = 258,011.88 - 250,000 = 8,011.88

8,011.88 x 0.15 = 1,201.78

Withholding tax = 21,500.99 - 20,833.33 = 667.66

667.66 x 0.15 = 100.15

4. Monthly Income = 250,300.45

Gross Income = 250,300.45 x 12 = 3,003,605.4

% tax = P402,500 + 30% of the excess over P2,000,000

Train Tax = 3,003,605.4 - 2,000,000 = 1,003,605.4

1,003,605.4 x 0.3 = 301,081.62
301,081.62 + 402,500 = 703,581.62

Withholding tax = 250,300.45 - 166,666.67 = 83,633.78

83,633.78 x 0.3 = 25,090.13
25,090.13 + 33,541.67 = 58,631.8

5. Monthly Income = 88,299.81

Gross Income = 88,299.81 x 12 = 1,059,597.72

% tax = P102,500 + 25% of the excess over P800,000

Train Tax = 1,059,597.72 - 800,000 = 259,597.72

259,597.72 x 0.25 = 64,899.43
64,899.43 + 102,500 = 167,399.43

Withholding tax = 88,299.81 - 66,666.67 = 21,633.14

21,633.14 x 0.25 = 5,408.25
5,408.25 + 8,541.67 = 13,949.75

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