Boys Presentation 23-11

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‫السالم عليكم و رحمة هللا و بركاته‬

(Muhammad)Venerable chief guest, honorable branch head, respected staff members and dear
students, I cordially welcome you all on this auspicious occasion i.e., “Art and Literature

To start off the proceeding formally, I call upon SOHAIB BIN ZIA from 8-D (IG) for the
recitation and ABDULLAH HASSAN from 9-D (IG) for translation of the Holy Quran.
‫جزاكم هللا خيرا‬
We are honored to have with us our chief guests. They are very seasoned and professional in
their respective fields. Let me start from …

Introduction of Guests
Mr. Adeel Raja has been an educationist and English Language Instructor of IGCSE for a
period of 15 years. He happens to have been blessed with dynamics traits and has served Radio
Pakistan as a presenter and been acclaimed Grade One Recommended Voice.

Mr. Amjad Qureshi has been an alumni of Alhuda International School.

I heartily welcome you all and we feel blessed to have you with us!

‫المجاهد من جاهد نفسه‬
(Haris)The real Mujahid is the one who strives against his own self.
To attain the height of purification, the key is “Devoted Heart”. Now to highlight the
significance of this blessed trait “Devoted Heart”, I invite HAMZA IQBAL from 9-C (IG) for a

Remembrance of Allah
(Muhammad)Today we have a special treat in store for you- a journey into the enchanting
world of ‘Storytelling’. Stories have the power to transport us to different realms, evoke
emotions. We are about to witness an incredible performance by a group of immensely talented
individuals. These performers have dedicated time and effort to bring you a captivating and
entertaining show. let's give a warm and enthusiastic welcome to SOHAIB BIN ZIA along with
friends. Please join me in encouraging them as they grace our stage with their talent and

(Haris)Embarking on the journey of Taekwondo goes beyond the realms of physical exercise—
it's a holistic pursuit offering a spectrum of benefits. Originating in Korean tradition,
Taekwondo offers a unique blend of physical fitness, mental discipline, and personal growth.
Through rigorous training, practitioners enhance their strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular
health. The martial art instills mental discipline, fostering focus, self-control, and a resilient
mindset. As individuals progress through the ranks, they build confidence, set and achieve
goals, and develop a profound sense of respect for themselves and others. I am thrilled to
announce a special performance that will add a burst of energy and inspiration to our school
event. Today, we are honored to have a talented Taekwondo performer among us. Without
further ado, let's welcome MUHAMMAD RAHIM KHAN and MUHAMMAD HAMZA
IQBAL from 9-C (IG), who will be showcasing the incredible artistry and discipline of
Taekwondo. Rahim and Hamza, kindly proceed to the stage.

(Muhammad)Let the stage be adorned with the eloquence of recitation. This recitation is more
than just words; it is an expression of emotion, wisdom, and a connection to something deeper.
ABDUL REHMAN TANVIR from 8-C (IG), we wait the beauty of your words. Kindly proceed
to the stage.

Turn to Allah before you return to Allah
(Haris)We are privileged to present a skit that delves into the profound theme of spiritual
reflection—'Turn to Allah before you return to Allah.' In this performance, our talented cast
explores the essence of this timeless wisdom, inviting you to contemplate the significance of
connecting with the Divine before our inevitable return.
Prepare to be inspired and moved as our performers bring this touching theme to life on stage.
Without further delay, let us embark on this journey together, embracing the profound message
that encourages us all to 'turn to Allah before we return to Allah.' May this skit be a source of
reflection and spiritual resonance for each one of us! Let’s extend our warm welcome to
IBRAHIM IKRAM from 9-C (M)along with his friends for a brilliant performance.

(Muhammad)Today, we are in for yet another treat as we welcome a talented performer who
will transport us through the enchanting world of storytelling.
Without further ado, let's give a warm welcome to SARIM ADNAN from 9-D (IG) to captivate
us with the art of storytelling, bringing characters to life, and painting scenes with the power of
words. Sarim, kindly come on stage.

(Haris)We are about to experience a special moment as we invite our talented students to the
stage for a recitation. The power of spoken words can be truly captivating, and today, ESSA
SULTAN from 8-C (IG) and ARFEEN SKINDAR from 8-D (IG) will be sharing verses from
the Holy Quran. Let's extend a warm welcome to Essa Sultan and Arfeen Skindar for a
mesmerizing, beautiful recitation.

(Muhammad)We are about to witness a video that highlights the historical facts about Masjid-
e Aqsa and atrocities and tyranny being committed by Zionist Israeli government.


(Haris)Now we invite our honorable guest Sir Adeel Raja on stage to illuminate our hearts with
his shining words.


(Muhammad)In the category of videography,
For talent show…

Now is the time to extend a symbolic gesture of recognition to our esteemed guest of honor.
Today, we are privileged to present Sir Adeel Raja with a special shield, representing our
profound appreciation for their exceptional contributions and presence. This shield is more than
a token; it is a symbol of admiration and gratitude. I ask Sir Osama Maqbool to present the
shield to our reverend guest.
To commemorate this reunion, we are pleased to present Mr. Amjad Qureshi, our esteemed
alumni with a special souvenir—a token of appreciation for your continued connection to our
shared legacy. I ask Osama Maqbool to present the shield to our honorable guest.

"As we reach the final chapter of our Art and Literature Festival, let us not bid farewell to the
magic we've shared, but carry it forward as a cherished chapter in the book of our collective
creativity. May the echoes of inspiring words, vibrant colors, and the resonance of shared
stories continue to reverberate in our hearts and minds.
Thank you to all the brilliant artists, writers, performers, and, most importantly, to each one of
you who has been a part of this journey. Your presence has made this festival a celebration of
the boundless creativity that unites us all
May the spirit of creativity accompany you on every page of your life! Thank you for being a
part of the magic. Until next time!"
‫ نستغفرك و نتوب اليك‬,‫سبحانك اللهم و بحمدك نشهد ان ال اله اال هللا‬

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