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Thời gian làm bài: 50 phút

I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct option that best fits each of the numbered
It is natural for young people to be critical of their parents at times and to blame them for most of the misunderstandings
between them. They have always complained, more or less justly, that their parents are old-fashioned, possessive and
dominant; (1)_______ ; that they talk too much about certain problems and that they have no sense of humor, at least in
parent-child relationships. I think it is true that parents often underestimate (2)_______ and also forget how they
themselves felt (3)_______ .
Young people often irritate their parents with their choices in clothes and hairstyles, in entertainers and music. This is not
their motive. They feel cut off from the adult world into which they have not yet been accepted. So they create a culture and
society of their own. Then, if it turns out that their music or entertainers or vocabulary or clothes or (4)_______ , this gives
them additional enjoyment. They feel they are superior, at least in a small way, and that they are leaders in style and taste.
If you plan (5)_______ , co-operation can be part of that plan. You can charm others, especially parents, into doing things
the ways you want, and (6)_______ with your sense of responsibility and initiative, so that they will give you the authority
to do what you want to do.
Câu 1. A. that they do not trust their children to deal with obstacles
B. that it does not trust their children to deal with obstacles
C. that does not trust their children to deal with obstacles
D. which they do not trust their children to deal with obstacles
Câu 2. A. his teenage children B. our teenage children C. your teenage children D. their teenage children
Câu 3. A. after they were youngB. when they were young
C. as well as they are young D. when they are young
Câu 4. A. their parents hairstyles irritate B. irritates their parents hairstyles
C. hairstyles irritate their parents D. hairstyles irritating their parents
Câu 5. A. controlled your life B. to be control your life
C. to control your life D. controlling your life
Câu 6. A. impress others B. to impress others C. others be impressed D. impressing others

II. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions
Many people see large urban cities as a wonder of human imagination and creativity. They represent how far the human
population has come in terms of community development. Many positive things come from urbanization, but there are also
negatives. This article will discuss and present data on the implications of urbanization on the physical health of humans
living in these large urban areas.
As it would be expected, developing countries tend to see more negative physical health effects than modern countries in
regard to urbanization. One example of a developing country experiencing these problems is China. China is a country that
in the past 30-40 years went from being an agrarian based society to a significant industrialized country. This
industrialization has in effect caused the need for more centralized cities, centralized meaning having lots of jobs and living
spaces within a close proximity. This is what is known as urbanization. In most recent decades, since China's change to being
more of an industrial based economy, the country has experienced record high numbers of people migrating within its
borders. In effect, the number of cities with over 500,000 people has more than doubled. These migrations are typically of
people from rural areas of China moving to the new urban areas. Due to this large influx in the urban population, there are
many possibilities for health challenges among these people.
One very common and fairly obvious negative aspect of highly congested urban areas is air pollution. Air pollution is
defined as any harmful substance being suspended in the air. This could include particulate matter, most commonly
attributed to industrial plants and refineries waste, or chemicals like CO2 or Methane (which are also products of plants and
refineries as well as cars and other modes of transportation). Due to a vast number of people in these urbanized cities, the air
pollution is known to be very extreme. These conditions can lead to many different health problems such as: Asthma,
cardiovascular problems or disease, and different types of cancer (most commonly lung cancer). When exposed to these
conditions for a prolonged period of time, one can experience even more detrimental health effects like: the acceleration of
aging, loss of lung capacity and health, being more susceptible to respiratory diseases, and a shortened life span.
Another way that urbanization affects the populations' health is people's change in diet. For instance, urban cities tend to
have lots of accessible, quick, and easy to get food. This food is also more than likely not as high quality as well as contains
a large amount of sodium and sugar. Because this food is so accessible, people tend to eat it more. This increase in
consumption of low quality food can then lead to diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, obesity, or many other health
(Adapted from
Câu 7. Why are urban populations easy to get diseases from food, according to the last paragraph?
A. Because of the change in people's diet.
B. Because this food is so delicious that people have a tendency to eat more than normal.
C. Because the way people get this food is rather accessible, quick and easy.
D. Because of the low quality and the high proportion of sodium and sugar in this food.
Câu 8. The word "detrimental" in paragraph 3 is opposite in meaning to ___________.
A. negative B. harmful C. beneficial D. damaging
Câu 9. The following are the air pollution sources mentioned in paragraph 3, EXCEPT ___________.
A. chemicals B. industrial factories C. sewage D. refineries waste
Câu 10. What does the phrase "these problems" in paragraph 2 refer to?
A. industrialized countries B. lots of jobs and living spaces
C. negative physical health effects D. immigrants
Câu 11. What can be inferred from the passage?
A. One of the negative health effects comes from the overpopulation in industrialized countries.
B. People in developed countries suffer less harmful health effects from urbanization than those in developing nations.
C. The bad health effects from urbanization are not greater than the benefits it brings to people in urban cities.
D. Living in urban areas for a long time will make the life expectancy of inhabitants lengthen.
Câu 12. The word "congested" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ___________.
A. contaminated B. sparse C. fresh D. overcrowded
Câu 13. Which of the following could be served as the best title for the passage?
A. Urban cities - The new opportunity for community development
B. Urbanization - Pros and cons
C. Urbanization - How people's health is impacted?
D. Developing countries - The fastest urbanization

III. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks
Is it worth reading books, (14)_______ nowadays there are so many other forms of entertainment? (15)_______ people
say that even paperback books are expensive, and not everyone can borrow books from a library. They might add that
television is more exciting and that viewers can relax as they watch their favourite programme. All that may be true, but
books are still very popular. They encourage the reader to use his or her imagination for a start. You can read a chapter of a
book, or just a few pages, and then stop. Of course, it may be so (16)_______ that you can't stop! There are many different
kinds of books, so you can choose a crime novel or an autobiography, or a book (17)_______ gives you interesting
information. If you find it hard to choose, you can read reviews, or ask friends for ideas. Personally, I can't do without books,
but I can (18)_______ up television easily enough. You can't watch television at bus stops!
Câu 14. A. however B. or C. Therefore D. since
Câu 15. A. Some B. Little C. Much D. Few
Câu 16. A. gripping B. imagined C. current D. interest
Câu 17. A. which B. whose C. when D. what
Câu 18. A. give B. look C. turn D. pick

IV. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the answer to each of the question.
National parks play a highly valuable role in documenting climate change. Researchers have utilized the vast tracts of
pristine wilderness to collect data on species and habitats. At first, they collected observational data on foot; now, they use
sophisticated methods such as aerial surveillance with drones like those used in Northrop Grumman's Wildlife Challenge to
collect information on polar bears.
Observational longitudinal data collection shows the effects of climate change that impact vegetation and animal species.
The pika is the perfect example of an animal who may need to be relocated from the parks due to climate change, as
described in Smithsonian Magazine. The park service is taking this very seriously. "It is openly discussing the possibility of
"assisted migration": manually relocating some animals and plants if it turns out they can't survive within the park's changing
National Park research also documents glacier retreat, finding that some ice fields have lost as much as 85 percent in the last
five decades, according to U.S. Geological Survey. Glacier Park might be recognizable only as a historical name by 2030, it
projects. It's not just glaciers retreating. The Conversation notes that national park data shows that trees are also affected by
climate change: "Climate change is killing trees due to increased drought, changes in wildfire patterns and increased bark
beetle infestations. Tracking of trees in … national parks has contributed to a database that revealed how climate change has
doubled tree mortality since 1955 across the western United States."
We should not forget that at its inception, the National Parks Service's long-term intention was to protect the parks and
"leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations."
Câu 19. According to paragraph 1, what do NOT scientists capitalize on when keeping record of climate change?
A. tracts of pristine wilderness
B. Observation information gathered when walking.
C. aerial surveillance with drones
D. Reports of jungles turning into residential areas.
Câu 20. Which best serves as the title for the passage?
A. The importance of research and science for the national parks.
B. The importance of national parks is more than for scenery.
C. Consider modernizing and privatizing national parks.
D. The implications of climate change for biodiversity conservation.
Câu 21. The word "they" in paragraph 2 refers to _______.
A. parks B. species C. migration D. researchers
Câu 22. The word "inception" in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. genesis B. conclusion C. debut D. establishment
Câu 23. According to paragraph 3, in what way does climate change affect trees?
A. It makes trees experience longer growing seasons.
B. It creates a negative change of wood density.
C. It increases death rates of trees through disturbances.
D. It causes lumber from trees to be less durable.

V. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your anwer sheet to indicate the correct arrangement of the sentences to make a
meaningful paragraph/ letter in each of the following questions.
Câu 24.
a. Additionally, doing exercise may combat health conditions and diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure,
diabetes, depression, anxiety, many types of cancer, arthritis, and falls.
b. Exercise has numerous benefits for people of all ages, genders, and physical abilities.
c. Firstly, it controls your weight by burning calories and building muscle mass.
d. Finally, exercise helps us promote better sleep by helping you fall asleep faster, get better sleep, and deepen your sleep.
e. It also improves your mood by stimulating brain chemicals that leave you feeling happier, more relaxed, and less anxious.
A. b - c - d - a - e B. c - e - b - d - a C. c - d - e - a - b D. b - c - e - a - d
Câu 25.
a. Moreover, she has shown excellence in her product knowledge and customer service skills.
b. Erica has been an absolute joy to work with. She is very pleasant and courteous to our customers.
c. Dear Sir/ Madam,
d. Besides, Erica demonstrates the characters and qualities that you look for in an employee.
e. Sincerely,
f. It is with great pleasure that I write this recommendation letter for Erica Rudi. I have been Erica's immediate supervisor for
the last five years.
A. c - f - d - a - b - e B. c - a - f - b - d - e C. c - f - b - d - a - e D. c - b - f - a - d - e

VI. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the
position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Câu 26. A. compulsory B. category C. accompany D. certificate
Câu 27. A. action B. struggle C. police D. certain

VII. Read the following advertisement and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
option that best fits each of the numbered blanks


* The minimum age to serve as an international UN Volunteer is 18 years old.

* You can contribute your time, skills and knowledge through volunteering with the UN. This is (28)_______
opportunity to create a positive impact and be a (29)_______ force for achieving peace and development. Make a
difference to the lives of many!

* The registration process follows a few simple steps, all of which (30)_______ before you can apply for onsite or online
volunteering assignments.

* In order to apply for assignments, candidates need to register in our Global Talent Pool.

Câu 28. A. an B. ϴ (no article) C. a D. the

Câu 29. A. significant B. signify C. signification D. signicantly
Câu 30. A. be completed B. must be complete C. must complete D. must be completed



* Experienced in marketing, communications or related fields.

* Knowledge of current marketing trends, techniques and best practices.

* Ability (31)_______ develop and (32)_______ marketing plans and strategies


(33)_______ you be ready, please send us at email address:

Câu 31. A. to B. from C. of D. at

Câu 32. A. implement B. impair C. import D. impoverish
Câu 33. A. Do B. Should C. If only D. Were

VIII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in
pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Câu 34. A. teach B. break C. deal D. clean
Câu 35. A. capable B. century C. capital D. captain

IX. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Câu 36. Goods sold in the open markets are often __________than those in the supermarket.
A. more reasonable B. most reasonable C. the most reasonable D. resonable
Câu 37. Being self-reliant is what many young people__________.
A. figure out B. strive for C. take care of D. cope with
Câu 38. In the sustainable agriculture, farmers try _______ the use of chemicals and fertilizers.
A. limited B. limiting C. limit D. to limit
Câu 39. Celia ______ her Facebook status since she left her hometown.
A. updates B. is undating C. hasn't updated D. undated
Câu 40. She's recently been under the weather,______?
A. isn't her B. hasn't she C. hasn't her D. isn't she

----- THE END------



Thời gian làm bài: 50 phút


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each
of the following questions.

Today we hear more and more about the importance of getting enough sleep. Sleep can give energy to both our bodies
and our brains. It can also affect our feelings, behaviour, and memory.
Studies have shown that people in some countries spend less time sleeping and more time working. But our bodies
cannot work well without enough sleep. Losing just one or two hours of sleep a night, over a long period of time, can badly
affect our health. We cannot work for many hours; we can get angry easily; and we can even lose our IQ points. That
explains why, without enough sleep, an intelligent person may have difficulty doing daily tasks.
Studies have also shown that the time of year seems to affect how much sleep we need. People usually sleep longer in
the winter, sometimes as much as 14 hours a night. However, in the summer, they sometimes sleep as little as six hours,
without having any problems.

Question 1. What is the passage mainly about?

A. The importance of sleep B. Causes of losing sleep

C. Ways to sleep better D. Benefits of getting up early

Question 2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in paragraph 1 as something that can be affected by sleep?

A. behaviour B. feelings C. memory D. diet

Question 3. According to paragraph 2, which of the following can be a consequence of losing sleep?

A. People can finish their daily tasks. B. Our health becomes worse.

C. Our bodies can work better. D. People have less time to work.

Question 4. The word “intelligent” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ________.

A. careful B. ugly C. clever D. angry

Question 5. The word “they” in the last paragraph refers to_________.

A. people B. studies C. problems D. hours

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of
primary stress in each of the following questions.

Question 6. A. cultural B. pollution C. importance D. organic

Question 7. A. order B. promote C. arrange D. restore

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three
in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

Question 8. A. effect B. remind C. pocket D. level

Question 9. A. children B. chemist C. chairman D. chicken

Read the following advertisement/ announcement and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct option that best fits each of the blanks

Join Britain’s number one café at COFFEE BEANS where every café has (10) ________ same aims: to create
family–like teams and to give an excellent customer service.

Many (11) ________ kinds of people come and work with us so start your career at COFFEE BEANS today:

- choose the hours you work

- get management experience

- share your love of coffee

Join us as a Team Member, Assistant Manager or Café Manager, depending (12) ______ your skills
and experience.

Question 10. A. Ø B. the C. an D. a

Question 11. A. differ B. different C. differently D. difference

Question 12. A. about B. on C. in D. of


Fancy Foods wishes to inform the public that pieces of metal have been found in some jars of Fancy Foods
Chicken Curry (Spicy). The batches of the jars involved have numbers from J6617 to J6624. The batch number (13)
_________ on the bottom of each jar.

(14) ________ you have any jars with these batch numbers, please return them (preferably unopened) to the
supermarket where you purchased them.

No payment will be (15) _________for empty jars, which do not need to be returned. However, the Retailing
Manager will be interested to hear from people who have consumed chicken curry from any of the above batch

Question 13. A. is printed B. prints C. has printed D. printing

Question 14. A. Should B. Were C. Do D. Had

Question 15. A. paid B. made C. taken D. done

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct arrangement of the sentences to make a
meaningful paragraph/ letter in each of the following questions.

a. In short, by implementing these steps, Vietnam can ensure the preservation and development of its World Heritage
sites for generations to come.
b. Firstly, the government and local communities need to work together to raise awareness about the importance of
protecting these sites.
c. There are several steps to preserve and develop cultural and historical heritage sites in Vietnam such as Ha Long Bay,
Hoi An Ancient Town, and My Son Sanctuary.
d. Secondly, sustainable tourism practices should be encouraged to ensure that tourism does not harm the sites or the
local communities.
e. Finally, research and conservation efforts should be continued to better understand and protect these invaluable pieces
of history and culture.

Question 16.

A. c – e – b – d – a B. c – b – d – e – a

C. d – b – e – c – a D. a – b – c – d – e

a.Yesterday, Aunt Eva took me to some places of interest – the Statue of Liberty, the Brooklyn Bridge, and Central Park.
b. Tomorrow we are going to watch a show at the theater Broadway.
c. The weather here is so great. It’s sunny and hot every day.
d. Dear Mom and Dad, I’m having a great time here in New York.
e. Wish you were here, Love Ami.

Question 17.

A. d – b – a – e– c B. a – e – d – b – c

C. b – a – c – e – d D. d – a – c – b - e

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Question 18. You have downloaded all the new apps to your new phone, ________?

A. do you B. don't you C. have you D. haven’t you

Question 19. She asked me__________ her when she was in trouble.

A. help B. helped C. helping D. to help

Question 20. I ________ very well with my sister now, we never have any arguments.

A. carry on B. go on C. get on D. put on

Question 21. He’s been back to the office a few times since he ________.

A. retired B. has retired C. retires D. had retired

Question 22. Broadly speaking, the new sports centre is ______ than the old one near my house.

A. the most convenient B. convenient

C. more convenient D. as convenient

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct option that best fits each of the numbered

Many scientists believe our love of sugar may be an addiction. (23) _________, the sugar enters our blood and
affects parts of our brain. (24) _________. Then the good feeling goes away, leaving us wanting more. All tasty foods do
this, but sugar has a (25) _________. In this way, it is in fact an addictive drug, one that doctors recommend we all cut down
on. “It seems like every time I study an illness and (26) _________, to the first cause, I find (27) _________, back to sugar,”
says scientist Richard Johnson. One-third of adults worldwide have high blood pressure, and up to 347 million have diabetes.
Why? "Sugar, we believe, is one of the culprits, if not the major culprit," says Johnson. So what is the solution? It’s obvious
that we need to eat less sugar. Many schools are replacing sugary desserts with healthier options like fruit. Other schools are
growing their own foods in gardens, or (28) _________, like walking tracks so students and others in the community can

Question 23. A. As we will eat or drink sugary foods

B. Eating and drinking sugary foods

C. After we ate or drank sugary foods

D. When we eat or drink sugary foods

Question 24. A. This makes us feel good B. It makes us to feel good

C. Which makes us feel good D. Making us to feel good

Question 25. A. strong particularly effect B. particularly effect strong

C. particularly strong effect D. effect strong particularly

Question 26. A. trace a path

B. a path to be traced

C. tracing a path

D. a path tracing

Question 27. A. my way B. our way C. their way D. his way

Question 28. A. facilities to build B. build facilities

C. to build facilities D. building facilities

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each
of the following questions.

One way of training for your future occupation in Germany is by pursuing a dual vocational training programme. Such
programmes offer plenty of opportunities for on-the-job training and work experience. Programmes usually last between two
and three and a half years and comprise theoretical as well as practical elements. You will spend one or two days a week, or
several weeks at once, at a vocational school where you will acquire the theoretical knowledge that you will need in your
future occupation. The rest of the time will be spent at a company. There you get to apply your newly acquired knowledge
in practice, for example by learning to operate machinery. You will get to know what your company does, learn how it
operates, and find out if you can see yourself working there after completing your training.

This combination of theory and practice gives you a real head start into your job: by the time you have completed your
training, you will not only have the required technical knowledge, but you will also have hands-on experience in your job.
There are around 350 officially recognised training programmes in Germany, so chances are good that one of them will suit
your interests and talents. You can find out which one that might be by visiting one of the jobs and vocational training fairs
which are organised in many German cities at different times in the year.

Employment prospects for students who have completed a dual vocational training programme are very good. This is
one of the reasons why this kind of training is very popular with young Germans: around two thirds of all students leaving
school go on to start a vocational training programme.

Question 29. Which of the following is probably the best title of the passage?

A. Dual Vocational Training System in Germany

B. Higher Education System in Germany

C. Theory and Practice Combination in Studying in Germany

D. Opportunities and Prospects in Germany

Question 30. The word "occupation” in the first paragraph is CLOSEST in meaning to ______.

A. experience B. chance C. life D. job

Question 31. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT mentioned as purposes of dual vocational training
programmes ______.

A. interpersonal communication skill B. theoretical knowledge

C. practical working experience D. technical skills

Question 32. The word "hands-on” in paragraph 2 is OPPOSITE in meaning to ______.

A. technical B. theoretical C. experimental D. practical

Question 33. The word "who" in paragraph 3 refers to ______.

A. students B. Germans C. reasons D. prospects

Question 34. How many German school leavers choose this vocational training programme?

A. less than a half B. about 70%

C. well over 75% D. around one out of five

Question 35. Which of the following statements best describes the dual vocational training programmes?

A. These programmes provide you with both theoretical knowledge and practical working experience.

B. These programmes offer you some necessary technical skills to do your future job.

C. These programmes consist of an intensive theoretical course of two and a half year at the vocational school.

D. These programmes require you to have only practical working time at a certain company.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to choose the word or phrase that best
fits each of the numbered blanks.

Despite the wealth of information campaigns telling people about global warming and its causes, (36) ______ people
have yet to realize how severe the problem is. Coming climate changes could alter as much as one third of plant and animal
habitats by the end of the 22nd century. These changes could in turn cause widespread extinctions among plant and animal
species around the globe.

Coastal and island habitats are perhaps in the greatest danger (37) ______ they face the combined threats of warming
oceans and rising sea levels. As habitats change, many animals will come under intense pressure to find more suitable homes
for themselves. Mass (38) ______ of at least some animals are certainly to be expected, but the fact remains that many
animals will simply not be able to move fast enough.

Such dire predictions may sound alarmist, but they are based on the rather moderate estimate that the amount of carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere will double by 2100. Many scientists believe, however, (39) ______ this figure is actually very
conservative, and they claim that a tripling is far more realistic. If they are (40) ______, the effects on nature will be even
more dramatic.

Question 36. A. each B. little C. most D. much

Question 37. A. however B. because C. although D. therefore

Question 38. A. extinctions B. emigrations C. migrations D. disappearances

Question 39. A. that B. which C. when D. whether

Question 40. A. exact B. correct C. precise D. true

-------------- HẾT --------------

Thời gian làm bài: 50 phút

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of
stress in each of the following questions.
Question 1. A. encourage B. powerful C. suggestion D. important
Question 2. A. remark B. market C. worker D. darkness

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 3. Mr Green _______ English at this school since he graduated from the university.
A. was teaching B. has taught C. taught D. teaches
Question 4. You want to live in a clean and green place, _______?
A. don't you B. are you C. aren't you D. do you
Question 5. Nam runs _______ than any boys in his class.
A. faster B. more faster C. the fastest D. fastest
Question 6. I want to travel because I enjoy_______ people in new places.
A. meeting B. to meet C. meets D. meet
Question 7. Because of the global warming, we should ______ on our energy use.
A. look down B. cut down C. turn into D. put off

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other
three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 8. A. break B. please C. mean D. meat
Question 9. A. gas B. gym C. game D. gift

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each
of the questions.
Plastic is a material we use every day. The first plastics were made more than 100 years ago
from parts of plants. Plastics are now made from oil, coal and natural gas. We are using up these things so fast that the
Earth's supplies may run out. Because of this, scientists are investigating new ideas for making plastics from plants such as
sweet potato, bamboo and flax.
Things made from plastic can be useful for people but bad for the environment. Some plastics can last for a long
time without wearing out, and can be difficult to get rid of when not needed. They can remain in rubbish dumps called
landfill sites for hundreds of years. Landfills can be smelly, ugly, and harmful to our planet.
Recycling is a good way to get rid of unwanted plastics. Recycled waste materials can be used
again to make new products. This can be difficult as different types of plastic need to be recycled in different ways. Some
kinds of plastics can be melted down and used to make new things such as bags and bottles. Others can be made into fibres
(strands of material) for clothing.
Another way to protect the environment is to use canvas bags for shopping rather than plastic
ones. A lot of plastic objects can also be reused. Plastic bottles can be refilled many times, rather than throwing them away
once they are empty. Unwanted plastic goods such as CDs and toys can be sold or given away to charity shops.
Question 10. According to the passage, things made from plastic are bad for our environment because _____.
A. they are very convenient for people to use in different purposes.
B. people reuse plastic objects before recycling them.
C. they are a danger to marine life such as whales, turtles and so on.
D. plastics can exist for a long time without decomposing.
Question 11. What is the passage mainly about?
A. Plastic: effects and solutions to the problem.
B. Materials that plastic is made of.
C. The ways to reduce the harm of plastics on the environment.
D. The history of plastic and its usefulness.
Question 12. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT mentioned as a way to protect the environment?
A. using canvas bags for shopping instead of plastic ones B. reusing plastic things
C. buying more plastic things D. recycling plastic things
Question 13. The word "They" in paragraph 2 refers to ______.
A. Things B. Plastics C. Rubbish dumps D. People
Question 14. The phrase "get rid of" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. remove B. make C. create D. keep

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word that best
fits each of the numbered blanks.
Healthy mind, healthy body
"A healthy mind lives in a healthy body" is a saying (15)_______ is believed to have often been used by the ancient
Greeks. Thousands of years later, the same idea still applies. According to health experts, it's advisable to drink eight to ten
glasses of water every day. However, water itself is not enough; a balanced diet is essential, too. A healthy body naturally is
the result of doing exercise. Many people, however, do not like gyms and object to going there for different reasons. Some,
for instance, say that aerobic sessions are too difficult to follow while (16)_______ say that gyms are just too expensive.
Many people also say that they have difficulty in finding time to exercise due to their busy lifestyle, (17)_______ the truth
is that everyone can make a little time every now and then. Regardless of the way people choose to exercise, it is important
to remember that there's no point in doing it only for a short period of time. Last but not least, having a positive attitude and
doing away with negative (18)_______ contributes to one's good health. In short, (19)_______ this simple advice surely
helps in having a healthy mind and body.
Question 15. A. which B. when C. where D. who
Question 16. A. much B. another C. every D. others
Question 17. A. and B. but C. also D. or
Question 18. A. opinions B. thoughts C. beliefs D. notions
Question 19. A. maintaining B. listening C. practicing D. following

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each
of the questions.
When naming a child, some parents seem to choose a name based simply on their personal preference. In other
families, grandparents or professional name-makers come up with a child's name. And in some cases, the time of a child's
birth influences how the child's name is determined.
In many European cultures, names are typically chosen by parents. Parents' choice for their child's name may be based on
names of relatives or ancestors within their particular family. For example, in Italy, children are traditionally named after
their grandparents. The parents generally use the father's parents' names first. If they have more children, then they will use
the mother's parents' names. Similarly, some people in Eastern Europe name their children after relatives who have died.
This tradition is seen as a means to protect the child from the Angel of Death.
Traditionally in some Asian countries, a child's grandfather or a fortune-teller chooses the child's name. In contrast to the
tradition of naming children after relatives, the child's name is chosen to influence the child's character. For example, names
may be based on a connection to certain elements such as fire, water, earth, wood, or metal. Or the name might include a
written character meaning beauty, strength, or kindness.
In certain African cultures, when a child is born plays a large part in determining the child's name. In Ghana's Akan
culture, the day a child is born determines the child's name. But each day has different names for boys and girls. For instance,
a boy born on Friday is named Kofi, whereas a girl born on the same day is named Afua. Both Kofi and Afua are names
meaning "wanderer" or "explorer." Children with these names are seen as travelers.
No matter where the name comes from, a child's name is the first gift in life. Whether it is chosen according to preference
or dictated by tradition, the name reflects something about a child's culture. For that reason, all names should be treasured
and respected.
Question 20. Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 4?
A. The arrival time of a child is an unimportant factor in deciding his or her name.
B. No matter how a child's name is chosen, it is not related to his or her culture.
C. Children receive the same name if they are born on the same day.
D. Children born on Friday are normally given names meaning going to new places.
Question 21. What is a common belief in some Asian countries concerning the tradition of naming a child?
A. A child's name shouldn't be connected with certain elements of nature.
B. The choice of a child's name is believed to have an impact on his or her personality.
C. A child's name must include a written character meaning beauty, strength, or kindness.
D. The choice of a child's name should be based on names of his or her relatives.
Question 22. The word "treasured" in paragraph 5 is opposite in meaning to______.
A. valued B. ignored C. revealed D. developed
Question 23. The word "it" in paragraph 5 refers to______.
A. culture B. tradition C. name D. preference
Question 24. According to the passage, in many European cultures, names are typically selected by_______.
A. grandparents B. relatives C. ancestors D. parents
Question 25. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. The history of child naming around the world B. The practice of child naming in Europe
C. The choice of name for a child in Asia D. The tradition of child naming in different cultures
Question 26. The word "means" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to______.
A. symbol B. route C. sign D. method

Read the following advertisement/ school announcement and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct option that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Hotel Receptionist wanted
for Plaza Hotel
We need a young and enthusiastic person to work as (27)_______ receptionist at our hotel in Ha Noi from 20 th May to 15th
Working hours are (28)_______ 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
(29)_______ include receiving guests and visitors, checking them in and out, taking bookings, and answering the phone.
Ability to speak English is an advantage.
Please contact: The manager, Plaza Hotel
21 Vu Ngoc Duong, Hai Ba Trung, Ha Noi.
Question 27. A. an B. X (no article) C. a D. the
Question 28. A. to B. from C. at D. on
Question 29. A. Responses B. Responsibly C. Responsiblities D. Responsible

Announcement of Doi Can High School Youth Union

Doi Can High School Youth Union would like to announce:
The Celebration of the 92nd Anniversary of the Founding of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union
will take place in the school yard and start at 8 a.m. on 24th March, 2024.
The event (30)_______ by the 12th grade students, who will make all the (31)_______ for the activities
Activities include Vietnamese traditional games such as bamboo dancing, tug of war, and singing contests.
All the students (32)_______ be present at the stadium by 7:30 a.m.
Question 30. A. will host B. hosts C. will be hosting D. will be hosted
Question 31. A. arrangements B. celebrations C. contributions D. procedures
Question 32. A. able to B. must C. mustn't D. may

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct option that best fits each of the numbered
Nowadays more and more teenagers are getting involved in community activities. Some may join different
charity groups to help the needy in their neighbourhoods or other areas. (33)_______ and develop their own plans to help
people in the community. These may include various community activities, such as donating old clothes, (34)_______ , and
organising after-school activities for children.
(35)_______ , they gain numerous benefits. First, they come into contact with other teenagers who share similar
interests. Secondly, teenagers can learn and improve (36)_______ . Thirdly, community activities can increase teenagers'
self-confidence and (37)_______ . Finally, doing volunteer work in the community is the perfect opportunity (38)_______
essential leadership experience that all employers want to see.
Question 33.
A. When others may set up volunteer clubs at their schools
B. Others may set up volunteer clubs at their schools
C. Setting up volunteer clubs at their schools to help
D. If they want to set up volunteer clubs at their schools
Question 34.
A. cleaning up the environment B. to clean up the environment
C. they can clean up the environment D. clean up the environment
Question 35.
A. To take part in community activities B. Teenagers taking part in community activities
C. When teenagers take part in community activities D. Teenagers must take part in community activities
Question 36.
A. our life skills B. these life skills C. its life skills D. their life skills
Question 37.
A. boosting their well-being B. it is better to boost their well-being
C. they should boost their well-being D. boost their well-being
Question 38.
A. for teenagers gaining B. for teenagers to gain C. that teenagers to gain D. teenagers to gain

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct arrangement of the sentences to make a
meaningful paragraph/letter in each of the following questions.
Question 39.
a. Finally, would you mind telling me if there are native German-speaking teachers at your language centre?
b. First, could you please let me know whether there are German courses at your language centre?
c. Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to ask for some information about the language courses at your language centre.
d. I look forward to hearing from you.
e. Yours faithfully,
f. Next, I would also like to know how long the course for beginners lasts and how often classes take place.
A. c - d - b - f - a - e B. c - f - b - a - e - d C. c - b - d - f - a - e D. c - b - f - a - d - e
Question 40.
a. Next, it enables you to build better relationships with people because through frequent sports you can get to know a
lot about others' personalities.
b. First, playing sports helps reduce the stress and gives you more energy in your life.
c. In short, people should play sports regularly because it brings lots of advantages.
d. Lastly, it improves your health. When playing sports, the body is protected from different types of harmful bacteria
and viruses.
e. Playing sports brings a lot of advantages.
A. e - a - b - d - c B. e - b - a - d - c C. b - a - d - c - e D. c - b - a - e - d
_________The end_________

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