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Learning therefore is…

A process of learning by doing wherein the active engagement of the learner in the
process makes it an effective one.
Learning is a web process, as learner is engaged in learning, in the process of it all,
implicitly, the learner also learns other concepts or procedures related to what is being
learned explicitly.
Learning is a mental process that involves actual doing and reflective action.
Reflective action gives the learner a chance to note the significance and connection of
the whole process.
Constructivist Theory in
Constructivist Learning Theory

Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky - are two of the most recognized pillars of constructivist
learning theory.
Both believe that children acquire and construct meaning.
Constructivists argue that children are preformed to learn and acquire language as they
go through different developmental stages.
John Locke

Tabula rasa
Children are viewed as empty
vessels waiting to be filled by an
expert and learned adult.
John Locke
How does a newborn know how to
breathe? Did someone teach him?
How does a newborn know how to
suck his mother’s milk? Did
someone teach him?
If the mind is a blank slate, how
does the newborn know how to do
these things?
B.F. Skinner
Behaviorist; American Philosopher

Operant Conditioning
Behaviors are developed through
reinforcements. He referred to this
process as operant conditioning.
Operant refers to any behavior that
acts on the environment and leads to
Punishment or reward
What is Constructivism?

The term refers to the idea that learners construct knowledge for themselves - each
learner individually (and socially) constructs meaning - as he or she learns.
Jean Piaget
Constructivist; Swiss psychologist

Theory of Cognitive Development

Children’s intelligence undergoes
changes as they grow.
Piaget argues that children are
active learners who construct
meaning from their environment.
Children are active learners,
constructing knowledge over time as
they interact with their environment
through developmental stages.
Jean Piaget
Constructivist; Swiss psychologist

Theory of Cognitive Development

Children’s intelligence undergoes
changes as they grow.
Piaget argues that children are
active learners who construct
meaning from their environment.
Children are active learners,
constructing knowledge over time as
they interact with their environment
through developmental stages.
Lev Vygotsky
Constructivist; Swiss psychologist

Sociocultural Theory
Language play important role in
early childhood (private speech and
inner speech)
Child contracts knowledge with the
help of more knowledgeable others.
What is our role as Constructivists?

As constructivists, we are required to follow a pedagogy that argues that we must

provide learners with the opportunity to:
A. Interact with sensory data, and
B. Construct their own world.
As future educators/teachers, it is your responsibility to inform your students of what
the truth is and let them know of what the “real world” is out there.
Learning therefore is…

As constructivists, we are required to follow a pedagogy that argues that we must

provide learners with the opportunity to:
A. Interact with sensory data, and
B. Construct their own world.
As future educators/teachers, it is your responsibility to inform your students of what
the truth is and let them know of what the “real world” is out there.

w tomb
Learning therefore is…

As constructivists, we are required to follow a pedagogy that argues that we must

provide learners with the opportunity to:
A. Interact with sensory data, and
B. Construct their own world.
As future educators/teachers, it is your responsibility to inform your students of what
the truth is and let them know of what the “real world” is out there.

cradle grave
Learning therefore is…

As constructivists, we are required to follow a pedagogy that argues that we must

provide learners with the opportunity to:
A. Interact with sensory data, and
B. Construct their own world.
As future educators/teachers, it is your responsibility to inform your students of what
the truth is and let them know of what the “real world” is out there.

navel Gravel
Learning therefore is…

A process of learning by doing wherein the active engagement of the learner in the
process makes it an effective one.
Learning is a web process, as learner is engaged in learning, in the process of it all,
implicitly, the learner also learns other concepts or procedures related to what is being
learned explicitly.
Learning is a mental process that involves actual doing and reflective action.
Reflective action gives the learner a chance to note the significance and connection of
the whole process.
Answer this:

What do you think are the gains of adopting a constructivist learning theory in
classroom instruction?

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