Bricks Reading 50 Nonfiction - L2 - Word List - Eng

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Word List

Unit 1 Animals in the Dark

Word Meaning Example Sentence

night We can see many stars at night.

awake People are awake to watch a soccer game.

owl Owls are active at night.

moth A big moth flies into my face.

hedgehog Hedgehogs have sharp and spiky hair.

beetle Beetles have hard-cover bodies.

animal We can feed animals at the zoo.

dark Bears sleep in the dark cave in winter.

sleep The princess sleeps in the castle.

hunt Hunters hunt animals in the forest.

Word List

Unit 2 What’s for Breakfast?

Word Meaning Example Sentence

breakfast Eggs and bacon are my favorite breakfast.

flour A baker makes dough with water and flour.

butter French toast with butter tastes delicious.

noodles Spaghetti, Pho, and Ramen are noodles.

meat Today’s dinner is roast meat.

garlic Garlic makes tears in my eyes.

France My family will travel to France this summer.

Vietnam Vietnam is a hot and humid country.

wherever You can find policemen wherever you are.

delicious Delicious food makes everybody happy.

Word List

Unit 3 Life from Eggs

Word Meaning Example Sentence

egg A bird lays eggs in the nest.

duckling Ducklings are marching together in the park.

hatch out Butterflies hatch out from the eggs.

tadpole Tadpoles are very tiny but swim fast.

butterfly Butterflies are flying above the flowers.

caterpillar A caterpillar has many legs with a long body.

life Every animal has a life.

lay Turtles lay their eggs in the sand.

become A puppy becomes a dog.

seven There are seven days in a week.

Word List

Unit 4 Eat Your Vitamins!

Word Meaning Example Sentence

healthy Vegetables and fruits are healthy food.

orange Oranges taste sour and sweet.

skin Elephants have thick skin.

carrot A carrot looks like a cone.

spinach Grandpa drinks spinach juice every morning.

bone Animals have many bones in their body.

vitamin It’s good to take vitamins.

juicy Oranges, watermelons, and peaches are juicy.

rich Blueberries are rich in vitamin K.

fresh Mom buys fresh fish at the market.

Word List

Unit 5 Two Is a Pair

Word Meaning Example Sentence

pair We hang a pair of socks on the fireplace.

rain boot Jenny buys red rain boots for a rainy day.

ski I slide down the heel with my skis on.

sock He puts on thick socks in winter.

six Six people need six pairs of skis.

sandal She puts on her pink sandals in summer.

many I see many books in the library.

thing She loves to put things on her desk.

how How many pairs of shoes do you have?

four There are four people in my family.

Word List

Unit 6 Let’s Make a Greek Salad!

Word Meaning Example Sentence

slice Dad puts a slice of cheese in his sandwich.

cucumber The cucumber is a crispy vegetable.

dice She dices vegetables for her soup.

pour Mom pours more milk into the hot chocolate.

sprinkle I always sprinkle cheese on my pizza.

mix I mix the vegetables with olive oil.

tomato Eric loves tomato pasta.

bowl Each person has a bowl of soup.

salt Can you pass me the salt?

add Mom adds more eggs to her sandwich.

Word List

Unit 7 Weather in January

Word Meaning Example Sentence

weather The weather is cool and dry in the fall.

January Lunar New Year is in January.

sunny She puts her plant in a sunny place.

humid Rainforest is hot and humid.

rainy You need an umbrella on a rainy day.

cold Popsicles are cold but delicious.

different Mom and I read different books.

world There are many countries in the world.

snowy The road is slippery on a snowy day.

interesting There are interesting stories in history.

Word List

Unit 8 Push It, Pull It

Word Meaning Example Sentence

push Mom pushes a cart at the market.

pull A boy pulls his friend’s hair.

swing The swing moves back and forth.

sled I push my sled to the top of the hill.

rope We pull a rope on each different side.

drawer My clothes are in the drawer.

cart John puts snacks and drinks in his cart.

move The elevator moves up and down.

open You can come when the door is open.

close Please close the door.

Word List

Unit 9 Male or Female?

Word Meaning Example Sentence

male Only males can come into the room.

female This toilet is for females.

mane The male lion has a long beautiful mane.

horn Rhinoceros has a horn on its face.

colorful A colorful rainbow is in the sky.

feather Peacocks have beautiful feathers.

look Look at the airplane in the sky!

lion Lions hunt other animals.

impala Impalas fight each other with their horns.

mandarin duck Mandarin ducks are swimming in the pond.

Word List

Unit 10 The World’s Money

Word Meaning Example Sentence

country Different countries use different money.

money You can buy some pencils with your money.

the U.S. The Statue of Liberty is in the U.S.

dollar There is a picture on the dollar.

soda Soda is sweet and sparkling.

euro Can I change 100 euros to dollars?

need The plant needs water and light.

buy Chris buys warm shoes for his dad.

South Africa You can buy things with rands in South Africa.

use We use a lot of water every day.

Word List

Unit 11 Do You Feel Colors?

Word Meaning Example Sentence

color The color of bananas is yellow.

sunshine You can enjoy a lot of sunshine in spring.

fire Fire can melt ice.

warm The winter jacket is thick and warm.

grass Many insects live in the grass.

cool The air conditioner makes my room cool.

feel The puppy makes me feel comfortable.

think of Can you think of something yellow?

purple The color of the plum is purple.

green You look great in your green dress.

Word List

Unit 12 Baseball Fun

Word Meaning Example Sentence

pitcher A pitcher throws a ball far away.

throw I throw a stick and my dog catches it.

batter A batter looks at a ball and hits it.

catcher A catcher can’t catch the ball.

catch A goalkeeper jumps and catches a ball.

field The soccer field is full of people.

fun Ms. Linda is a fun teacher.

sport Baseball and soccer are my favorite sports.

miss I don’t want to miss the school bus today.

cheer People on the soccer field cheer loudly.

Word List

Unit 13 Working Robots

Word Meaning Example Sentence

chef A chef makes many dishes.

restaurant I love Italian restaurants.

teacher The teacher teaches at school.

guide There is a guide in the museum.

map We carry the map to travel the city.

airport Many travelers are at the airport.

flip My mom flips the pancakes quickly.

stir The witch stirs her magic potion.

ask People ask questions to the guide.

question These questions are not easy to answer.

Word List

Unit 14 Library Rules

Word Meaning Example Sentence

library People study and read books in the library.

borrow I borrow three books a week.

study My sister studies the history of America.

rule Rules in the classroom are easy to follow.

quietly Please talk quietly in the library.

drink Julie drinks soda after the meal.

everyone Everyone helps a poor puppy in the hole.

read Please read and follow the directions.

follow Students need to follow class rules at school.

enjoy We enjoy watching Harry Potter.

Word List

Unit 15 Animal Tongues

Word Meaning Example Sentence

tongue I taste the candy with my tongue.

anteater Anteaters catch ants with their tongues.

thin You need a thin jacket in spring.

strong Skunks make a strong smell.

chameleon Chameleons have a long tail.

sticky Honey is very sweet and sticky.

kind There are many different kinds of birds.

long My scarf is long and thick.

giraffe Giraffes have brown dots on their bodies.

dark Look at the dark clouds in the sky!

Word List

Unit 16 Types of Matter

Word Meaning Example Sentence

solid We can find a solid everywhere.

liquid Orange juice is a liquid.

gas We can’t see or touch the gas.

soft My pillows are soft.

flow The river flows into the ocean.

spread The water spreads all over the floor.

type There are many types of flowers.

shape People cut ice to make a special shape.

hard The turtle’s back is hard.

air I can smell the fresh air in the forest.

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