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Ringgo is calling Lilis from the street

Ringgo : Lilis, I have been at a T-junction on Jalan Sulawesi now. Which way should I take to your

Lilis : Please turn left and go straight until you arrive at a bakso stall on your left

Ringgi : Sorry, what did you say? We have a bad connection.

Lilis :Turn left and go straight until you arrieve at a bakso stall on your left.

Ringgo : O.K I get it. Which one is your house then?

Lilis : My house is across that stall

Ringgo : O.K Thanks. Lis

1. What does Ringgo say to ask Lilis to repeat her sentences?

A. Which way should I take to your house?

B. Which one is your house then?
C. Sorry, what did you say?
D. O.K..I get it

Jawaban B

2. Santi: Wow! It's cool and nice And look at this seat and that TV


Rinto : Yeah, you're right

A. What is a luxurious train?

B. What train is luxurious?
C. What a luxurious train it is!
D. What is it? A luxurious train
Jawaban C

The following text is for questions 3 and 4

Be careful!

Many students crossing the street

3. What does the notice mean?

A. A Students should cross the street Carefully

B. B We should cross the street Carefully
C. We should not cross the street because many students cross There
D. we should be careful while driving because many students cross the street

jawaban D
4. “Be careful!”

What is the synonym of the word ‘careful’?

A. Careless
B. Cautious
C. Quick
D. Joyful
Jawaban B

The following text is for questions 5 and 6

Dear Anindya,

Wish you many happy returns of the daya.

May god bless you with health, wealth and prosperity in your life.




5. What does Meita do for Anindya's birthday?

A. She wishes her many happy returns of The day

B. BShe gives her prosperity
C. She shares her health
D. She returns her love
Jawaban A

6. What is the purpose of this text?

A. To give warm whises on someone’s birthday

B. To Congratulate someone on her success
C. To announce someone's birthday
D. To entertrain the readers
Jawaban A

The following text is for questions 7 and 8

Rani, sorry I can't come to your house tonight to do our wall magazine project as we have planned.
My grandmother has just come and she wants me to accompany her to my aunt's house. I will meet
you al school tomorrow.


7. What is Erika and Rani’s plan?

A. To say sorry
B. To meet Rani's aunt
C. To accompany Erika's grandmother
D. To do the wall magazine project together
Jawaban D

8. From the short message we know that Erika will be .......... Tonight

A. in her grandmother's house

B. in her aunt's house
C. in her own house
D. in Rani’s house
jawaban B

The following text is for questions 9 and 10

Dahlia Bungalow is a hotel located on a hill in Tawangmangu. It is situated near Grojogan

Sewu. The bungalows set amongst the lush tropical gardens offer peace and comfort with the
charming hospitality of the Javanese staff.

Dahlia Bungalow reflects the traditional Javanese style bungalow spreading under the shady
of old tress Although it reflects the traditional Javanese style, all guest rooms are completed with
modern amenities and have private balconies.

9. Where is the bungalow situated?

A. In the downtown
B. On the coast
C. In a village
D. On a hill
Jawaban D

10. From the text we know that......

A. the bungalow is located at the beach
B. the bungalow has a modern style
C. each guest room has a private balcony
D. the bungalow spreads under the shady of young tress
jawaban D

11. “................. With the charming hospitality of the Javanese staff”.

What is the closest meaning of the word hospitality?

A. Friendliness
B. Generosity
C. Excellence
D. Beauty
Jawaban A

The following text is for questions 12 and 13

To : Maya
It's time for me and my family to leave this town Please come and join our farewell party

⚫ on Saturday, 7th January 2012 at 7 p.m.-9 p.m

⚫ at our house, Jalan Kenanga number 59

Thank you


12. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To give information
B. To congratulate someone
C. To ask for information
D. To Invite someone.
Jawaban D

13. How long will the party be held?

A. One hour
B. One and a half hours
C. Two hours
D. Three hours
Jawaban C

How to Make a Toast

Materials :

- Two slices fo bread

- Butter
- Jam

Methods :

- Put two slices of bread into the toaster

- Press the starter
- Lower the bread into the toaster
- Leave them for a few minutes
- Let them pop up
- Spread some butter and jam on the toast

14. How many steps do we have to do in making a toast?

A. 3
B. 6
C. 11
D. 12
Jawaban B

15. The following materials are needed in making toast except.....

A. Bread
B. Sugar
C. butter
D. jam
jawaban B

The following text is for questions 16 to 19

One of the most valuable and widespread plants is Bambo. It is a tall tree like grass. There
are more than 350 species. Most grow in Asia and on islands of the Indian and Pacific oceans.
Although bamboo is a trotpical plant, it can grow in a cooler temperate zone.

A single root may produce as many as 100 stems. They are hollow, woody an jointed. The
stems are sometimes 3 feet (0.9 metre) around. Sprouts grow fast, at times 1 foot (0.3 metre) or
more a day. They may grow to 30,50 or even 130 feet (9 to 40 metres) in height. Near the top are
many branches. Some species do not bloom for 60 years or more.

Bamboo product range from food to houses Asian people usually use the sprouts as
vegetables In East and Southeast Asia, people use the hollow stems for water pipes and for building
bridges and houses. Short sections serve as pails and cooking untensils The stems make for walls,
floors and roofs. Thinner strips are woven into mats, chairs, cages and curtains Bamboo fishing rods
are made if matched strips glued together. Split bamboo is also used for chopsticks and fan ribs. The
inner part of the stems of several species are made into quality paper.

16. What is the text about?

A. Grass
B. Bamboo
C. Canebrake bamboo
D. A tropical plant.
Jawaban B

17. Which part of the bamboo can be used for building houses?

A. Bamboo sprouts
B. Hollow stems
C. Thinner strips
D. Split bamboos
Jawaban B

18. "In East and Southeast Asia, people use the hollow stems for water pipes and for building bridges
and houses" (Paragraph 3)

A. Bamboo has multi-purpose uses in East and Southeast Asia

B. We can find bamboo trees only in Eas and Southeast Asia
C. The holdes in bamboo are used for water containers
D. In East and Southeast Asia, the best water pipes are made of bamboo
Jawaban D
19.What is the main idea of paragraph 3?

A. Bamboo is used for houses only

B. Bamboo is needed in Asia
C. Bamboo is able to be consumed
D. Bamboo is very useful plant
Jawaban D

For questions 20 to 22 choose the suitable words to complete the paragraph

Here are some ways .................... (20) mushrooms in a microwave First clean and cut the mushroom
into thin slices or halves as required. Second ..................(21) them in a bowl greased with butter,
Next cover with foil and cook o a high temperature .....................(22) 2-4 minutes, Stir once You can
also try these methods to sauté mushrooms.


A. Cook
B. cooks
C. Cooking
D. to cook
jawaban D


A. placing
B. place
C. to place
D. being placed
jawaban B

A. Aas
B. for
C. since
D. before
jawaban B

For questions 23 to 25 choose the suitable words to complete the paragraph

Oils are liquids that do not dissolve in water and burn ..............(23) They are usually made of
long chains of carbon and hydrogen atoms There are three main kinds of oils essential fixed and
mineral oils Essential oils are thin perfumed oils from plants.

................(24) are used in flavoring and aromatherapy Fixed oils are made by plants and
animals from fatty acids They include fish oils and nut and seed oils Mineral oils.

.................(25) petroleum formed underground over millions of years from the remains of
micro- organisms.

A. easy
B. easier
C. To ease
D. Beasily
Jawaban D

A. He
B. We
C. They
D. It
Jawaban D


A. come from
B. change
C. refine
D. come across
jawaban C

1. Change into Simple Present Tense form (positive,negative,interrogative,Yes and No)!

a. He (watch) cartoon film every morning.

b. I (sing) a song on the stage.

2.Change into Simple Future Tense (positive,negative,interrogative,Yes and No)!

a. She (do) a project next month.

b. We (swim) in the swimming pool tomorrow.

3. Change into Past Continuous Tense (positive,negative,interrogative,Yes and No)!

a. He (read) a comic yesterday.

b.They (dance) a traditional dance last Sunday.

4.Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb to be (am-is-are)

a. John ...... a student.

b. This ..... a book.

c. Didi and Ratina ..... friends.

d. The chairs ..... in the office.

5. Translate the followings in English!

a. Ada tiga guru di sekolah.

b.Ada sebuah sekolah di dekat rumah saya

c. Ada lima pena di dalam tasnya (dia perempuan).

d.Ada setangkai bunga di atas meja

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