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Introduction to Engineering Computing
Week 4: Repeating Actions II

Dr. Imdad Ullah

Faculty of Engineering


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What will you learn in this course?

Week 1: Introduction to Python

Week 2: Storing Data and Making Decisions Programming

Week 3: Repeating Actions I Basics

Week 4: Repeating Actions II

Week 5: Functions I
Week 6: Functions II Functions
Week 7: Libraries and Modules I
and Packages

Week 8: Libraries and Modules II

Week 9: Application I

Week 10: Application II Advanced

Week 11: Case Study I

Week 12: Case Study II

Week 13: Revision and Exam Guide


This week preview!

We have three students in ENGG1810/9810, BTS_V, Emma Watson, Spongebob

ENGG1810/9810 Students We plot their grades for each assessment item

BTS_V Emma Spongebob

ENGG1810/9810 Assessment
No. Assessment
1 Weekly Works (Lab Exercise)
2 Lab Test 1
3 Lab Test 2
4 Final Exam

This week preview!

We have three students in ENGG1810/9810, BTS_V, Emma Watson, Spongebob

ENGG1810/9810 Students We plot their grades for each assessment item

What do we need
to plot this? Hmm…

BTS_V Emma Spongebob

ENGG1810/9810 Assessment
No. Assessment
1 Weekly Works (Lab Exercise)
2 Lab Test 1
3 Lab Test 2
4 Final Exam

Today’s Lecture

• Advanced Collections and Visualisation

• Multi-dimensional Collections
• Visualisation: Graph Plotting (with loops)
• File I/O
• Processing of Reading (with Regex)
• Processing of Writing
• Exceptions

Python Collections
We have three students in ENGG1810/9810, BTS_V, Emma Watson, Spongebob

We plot their grades for each assessment item First, we need representing their name and grade for each item!
Then, for loop? and visualise with matplotlib?
What do we need
to plot this? Hmm…

Python Collections
We have three students in ENGG1810/9810, BTS_V, Emma Watson, Spongebob

We plot their grades for each assessment item First, we need representing their name and grade for each item!

Lists or Tuples
What do we need items = ['Weekly', 'LabTest1', 'LabTest2', 'FinalExam']
to plot this? Hmm…
btsv = [18, 8, 16, 45]

emma = [20, 8, 16, 42]

sponge = [10, 4, 14, 35]

bts_v = { emma = { sponge = {
“Weekly”: 18, “Weekly”: 20, “Weekly”: 10,
“LabTest1”: 8, “LabTest1”: 8, “LabTest1”: 4,
“LabTest2”: 16, “LabTest2”: 16, “LabTest2”: 14,
“FinalExam”: 45 “FinalExam”: 42 “FinalExam”: 35
} } }

Python Collections
We have three students in ENGG1810/9810, BTS_V, Emma Watson, Spongebob

We plot their grades for each assessment item First, we need representing their name and grade for each item!

Lists or Tuples
What do we need items = ['Weekly', 'LabTest1', 'LabTest2', 'FinalExam']
to plot this? Hmm…
btsv = [18, 8, 16, 45]

emma = [20, 8, 16, 42]

sponge = [10, 4, 14, 35] Individual 1-dimensional

data collections

bts_v = { emma = { sponge = {
“Weekly”: 18, “Weekly”: 20, “Weekly”: 10,
“LabTest1”: 8, “LabTest1”: 8, “LabTest1”: 4,
“LabTest2”: 16, “LabTest2”: 16, “LabTest2”: 14,
“FinalExam”: 45 “FinalExam”: 42 “FinalExam”: 35
} } }

Python Multi-dimensional Collections

We have three students in ENGG1810/9810, BTS_V, Emma Watson, Spongebob

We plot their grades for each assessment item First, we need representing their name and grade for each item!

We can put lists or dictionaries to the values in dictionary items

What do we need
to plot this? Hmm…

dictionary when values am lists


Python Multi-dimensional Collections

We have three students in ENGG1810/9810, BTS_V, Emma Watson, Spongebob

We plot their grades for each assessment item First, we need representing their name and grade for each item!

We can put lists or dictionaries to the values in dictionary items

What do we need
to plot this? Hmm…

Python Multi-dimensional Collections

We have three students in ENGG1810/9810, BTS_V, Emma Watson, Spongebob

We plot their grades for each assessment item First, we need representing their name and grade for each item!

We can put dictionaries to the values in list items

What do we need
to plot this? Hmm…

Name Weekly LabTest1 LabTest2 FinalExam

BTS_V 18 8 16 45

Emma 20 8 16 42

Spongebob 10 4 14 35

There are several other ways

you can store those data

Today’s Lecture

• Advanced Collections and Visualisation

• Multi-dimensional Collections
• Visualisation: Graph Plotting (with loops)
• File I/O
• Processing of Reading (with Regex)
• Processing of Writing
• Exceptions

Python Visualisation
We plot their grades for each assessment item First, we need representing their name and grade for each item!
Then, for loop, and visualise with matplotlib

If we use Individual 1-dimensional data

Lists or Tuples
items = ['Weekly', 'LabTest1', 'LabTest2', 'FinalExam']

btsv = [18, 8, 16, 45]

emma = [20, 8, 16, 42]

sponge = [10, 4, 14, 35]


Python Visualisation (with loops)

We plot their grades for each assessment item for loop, and visualise with matplotlib
Start matplotlib pyplot

Multiple lists

The subplots() function you can

draw multiple plots in one figure

Python Visualisation (with loops)

We plot their grades for each assessment item for loop, and visualise with matplotlib
Start matplotlib pyplot

Multiple lists

The subplots() function you can

draw multiple plots in one figure

Python Visualisation (with loops)

We plot their grades for each assessment item for loop, and visualise with matplotlib
Start matplotlib pyplot

Multiple lists

2 The subplots() function you can
draw multiple plots in one figure
x y


Python Visualisation (with loops)

We plot their grades for each assessment item for loop, and visualise with matplotlib
Start matplotlib pyplot

Multiple lists

The subplots() function you can

draw multiple plots in one figure

x y

Python Visualisation (with loops)

We plot their grades for each assessment item for loop, and visualise with matplotlib
Start matplotlib pyplot

Multiple lists

The subplots() function you can

draw multiple plots in one figure

Add this code block


Python Visualisation (with loops)

We plot their grades for each assessment item for loop, and visualise with matplotlib
Start matplotlib pyplot

Multiple lists

The subplots() function you can
draw multiple plots in one figure

Add this code block


Python Visualisation (with loops)

We plot their grades for each assessment item First, we need representing their name and grade for each item!
Then, maybe for loop, and visualise with matplotlib?

If we use multi-dimensional data


Python Visualisation (with loops)

We plot their grades for each assessment item for loop, and visualise with matplotlib

key value

Multi-dimensional dictionary

intagers got

Python Visualisation (with loops)

We plot their grades for each assessment item for loop, and visualise with matplotlib

key value
Multi-dimensional dictionary

Python Visualisation (with loops)

We plot their grades for each assessment item for loop, and visualise with matplotlib

key value
Multi-dimensional dictionary

Same as page 16

Same as page 19

Python Visualisation (with loops)

We plot their grades for each assessment item for loop, and visualise with matplotlib

key value
Multi-dimensional dictionary

Today’s Lecture

• Advanced Collections and Visualisation

• Multi-dimensional Collections
• Visualisation: Graph Plotting (with loops)
• File I/O
• Processing of Reading (with Regex)
• Processing of Writing
• Exceptions

Python File I/O

The mailman on Main Street in Los Angeles tackled the problem in the
fall of 1943 - the third year of World War II.

He stood before building #100, where supposably a Mr. F.B.Iers was

supposed to be working in room 1619. However, there was neither a
Federal Building Company nor even a room 1619. Somehow, the post
card made its way to room 619 where the FBI maintained an office.

Python File I/O

The mailman on Main Street in Los Angeles tackled the problem in the
fall of 1943 - the third year of World War II.

He stood before building #100, where supposably a Mr. F.B.Iers was

supposed to be working in room 1619. However, there was neither a
Federal Building Company nor even a room 1619. Somehow, the post
card made its way to room 619 where the FBI maintained an office.

Python File I/O


Python File I/O

open(file, mode)
In order to open a file

- file filename
- mode mode

There are mainly four mode:

• "r" - Read - Default value. Opens a file for
reading, error if the file does not exist

• "a" - Append - Opens a file for appending,

creates the file if it does not exist

• "w" - Write - Opens a file for writing,

creates the file if it does not exist

• "x" - Create - Creates the specified file,

returns an error if the file exists

Python File I/O

open(file, mode)
In order to open a file

- file filename
- mode mode

for reading the content of the file

- size specified size of characters

What if we change the size?


Python File I/O

open(file, mode)
In order to open a file

- file filename
- mode mode

ing read(size)
for reading the content of the file

- size specified size of characters

What if we change the size?


Python File I/O

Can we remove those punctuations? I want to clean it!

Yes, we can use Python RegEx!

• A RegEx (Regular Expression) is a sequence of characters that forms a search pattern.
• RegEx can be used to check if a string contains the specified search pattern.

Python RegEx
Can we remove those punctuations? I want to clean it!

Yes, we can use Python RegEx!

• A RegEx (Regular Expression) is a sequence of characters that forms a search pattern.
• RegEx can be used to check if a string contains the specified search pattern.

Start with Import re

The sub() function replaces the The split() function returns a list where
matches with the text of your choice: the string has been split at each match:

Python File I/O

Can we remove those punctuations? I want to clean it with Regex!

Replace every
: (colon) or , (comma) or . (full stop)
character with ‘’ (nothing)

[] – a set of characters

Python File I/O

Can we fix it to all uppercases or lowercases?

The upper() method returns a string

where all characters are in upper case.
Symbols and Numbers are ignored.

You can also try lower() method


Python File I/O

Let’s try to extract two words from each line!
You can see that in the editor but each line is separated by the line break \n
We can check it in the Shell

So we can use \n and extracted each line!


Python File I/O

Let’s try to extract two words from each line!
1. Use \n to extract each line.
2. Extract two words from each line

The split() function returns a list where the string has

been split at each match.

Hence, it returns a list where the object uppercase has

been split at each match of ‘\n’

Python File I/O

Let’s try to extract two words from each line!
1. Use \n to extract each line.
2. Extract two words from each line

uppercase.split(‘\n’) : a list where the object uppercase

has been split at each match of ‘\n’

line : each line (each item in the list uppercase.split(‘\n’) )

line.split(‘ ’) : a list where the object line

has been split at each match of ‘ ’ (whitespace)

Python File I/O

We can print this in a clean way!

list + list: combine those two lists together


Python File I/O

Much cleaner! Print like a sentence.

The join()method returns a string by joining all the

elements of an iterable (list, string, tuple), separated
by a string separator.

Python File I/O

Much cleaner! Print like a sentence.

Join function

Today’s Lecture

• Advanced Collections and Visualisation

• Multi-dimensional Collections
• Visualisation: Graph Plotting (with loops)
• File I/O
• Processing of Reading (with Regex)
• Processing of Writing
• Exceptions

Python File I/O

Can we add more contents to the file? Remember?
We created the letter_cp.txt file and copied the
content from the letter.txt. open(file, mode)
In order to open a file

- file filename
- mode mode

There are mainly four mode:

• "r" - Read - Default value. Opens a file for
reading, error if the file does not exist

• "a" - Append - Opens a file for appending,

creates the file if it does not exist

• "w" - Write - Opens a file for writing,

creates the file if it does not exist

• "x" - Create - Creates the specified file,

returns an error if the file exists

Python File I/O

Can we add more contents to the file?
We created the letter_cp.txt file and copied the
content from the letter.txt.

to append

After appending

Python File I/O

We can overwrite this file

Due to the security issue, we decided to overwrite any
existing content in the letter_cp.txt file.

clears a

After overwriting

Today’s Lecture

• Advanced Collections and Visualisation

• Multi-dimensional Collections
• Visualisation: Graph Plotting (with loops)
• File I/O
• Processing of Reading (with Regex)
• Processing of Writing
• Exceptions

Python File and Exception

What if we open/read/write/append the file that is not existed?
e.g. File is not found in the directory

If there is no file test.txt


Python File and Exception

What if we open/read/write/append the file that is not existed?
e.g. File is not found in the directory

If there is no file test.txt If there is no file test.txt

It doesnt

Python File and Exception

What if we open/read/write/append the file that is not existed?
e.g. File is not found in the directory

Python has general set of tools for handling such errors called exception handling

Try to do what we intend to do try:

<statements we intend to do>
except <ExceptionName>:
<statements for handling errors>

If it fails or something goes wrong,

program executes codes in except block

NOTE: If nothing goes wrong, the execute block does not run and
program moves to the first line after the try-except block.

Python File and Exception

Exceptions can be everywhere!

- File is not found in the directory
- Unable to write to file
- User does not input the right data/format
- A division by zero ‘0’
- Mismatch calculations e.g., adding integer number with a string literal

If we do not handle exceptions,

- Output of the program is unexpected
- Program fail to execute but cryptic error message is provided

More exceptions will be covered in later weeks!


Good luck in studying

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