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Control system Assignment #1

1. Explain three practical control system related to your field (Mechanical, auto, electrical) with
general block diagram.

2. For the rotational mechanical system, find the transfer function θ2(s)/ T(s). Draw T-V and T-I
analogy network.


4. Derive the transfer function of DC Motor and draw the block diagram.
a) Armature controlled dc Motor
b) Field controlled dc motor

5. Find the TF of given system using block diagram reduction technique.

6. Draw the F-V and F-I Analogy circuit of following system:

7. For the given system, find the Transfer function X1(s)/F(s). Also draw Analogy circuits.
8. Write the system equation describing the dynamics of the system and draw the analogous

9. For the given electrical circuits, develop the block diagram and find the transfer function.

10. Draw the circuit using Op-amp and find the transfer function for the following: [Refer book and
a. Inverting amplifier
b. Non inverting amplifier
c. Integrator circuit
d. Differentiator circuit
11. Find transfer function of the given op amp circuit. [Refer book]

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