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Reference to the Facts and findings committee recommendations and advice and guidance of the

Secretory PCSIR that is the samples for testing are received from ILO with all codal formalities i.e.
receiving document, specifications of the tests being carried out for each sample, the time during
which the samples are being tested and results are submitted to ILO office, the size of sample
It is stated that we are still receiving testing samples through Admin office, without any
documentation and not from ILO and emphasizing from admin office to produce results within a day.
In this regard it is submitted that kindly guide for forthcoming samples so that food technology
division perform testings with official requirements

As per the recommendations of the Facts and Findings committee and the guidance of the
PCSIR Secretary, samples should be obtained from the ILO with proper documentation. This
documentation should include:

 A receiving document
 Specifications for the tests required for each sample
 Timeline for testing and submitting results to the ILO office
 Size of the sample

However, we are currently receiving samples through the Admin office without any
documentation and not directly from the ILO. Additionally, the Admin office is expecting
results within a day.

In order to conduct tests according to official requirements at FTC, it is kindly requested that
guide us clarification for future samples. Please advise on the proper procedure for receiving
samples, including:

 The source (ILO or Admin office)

 Required documentation
 Acceptable testing timeframes

By following these guidelines, we can ensure efficient and compliant testing of all samples.

In accordance with the guidance provided by the Secretary PCSIR, this application formally
requests the auction of dead stock petroleum product samples.

Enclosed with this application is a detailed list of all the petroleum product samples intended
for auction. The list includes the GD (General Diary) number assigned to each sample for
reference and tracking purposes.

We kindly request your review and approval to proceed with the auction of these samples.
Following the guidance of the PCSIR Secretary regarding the disposal of dead stock,
specifically petroleum product samples, this application encloses a list of all such
samples with their corresponding GD (Goods Declaration) numbers.

We kindly request your review and further action on these samples for potential auction
or other appropriate disposal methods.

This version clarifies the purpose of the application and makes a specific request for action
on the listed samples. Here's a breakdown of the changes:

 Replaced "dead stock" with "disposal of dead stock" for clarity.

 Replaced "submission and action please" with a request for review and action.
 Added a sentence to explicitly request potential auction or other disposal

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