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Department Of Health


Document Title: Health Sector EHSMS Standards- List of content

Document Ref. DOH/HCQ/ST/0000/HS_EHSMS/V2
Version 2.0
Document Owner: HealthCare Quality/HS-EHSMS
Classification  Public

Health Sector EHSMS

List of Content

1. Health Sector EHSMS Standards

1.1 Administration and Mechanisms
1.2 Roles and Responsibilities
1.3 Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment
1.4 Environmental, Health and Safety Impact Assessment
1.5 Ambient Air Emissions, Indoor and Occupational Air Quality Management
1.6 Water Quality
1.7 Noise Management
1.8 Hazardous Materials Management
1.9 Waste Management
1.10 Infection Prevention and Control Management
1.10.1 Hand Hygiene
1.10.2 Monitoring and Reporting of Antimicrobial Resistance
1.11 Smoke-Free Healthcare Facilities
1.12 Workplace Wellness

2.0 Appendix
2.1 Abu Dhabi Emirate EHSMS Decree Nr. (42) of 2009

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