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What color are you?

Harsel Rama Farrel


February 13 2024

Bright Red

Red, a color that symbolizes energy, passion and anger. SinceT I have similarities with

the color red, it represents my personality, feelings and emotions.TS First,T I related to the

eternal love red flame symbolize. My love and concern towards people I care about is like a

bright light of heaven that, even until the end of the world, will never dim in the slightest. The

burning heat of my love is able to ignite my soul to protect the people I love. In additionT red

represents passion like blazing red embers that burn my spirits. The heat of these embers can

keep my spirit burning, the heat also keeps me moving forward at all times. FinallyT, picture a

crimson volcano, its molten rage boiling beneath the surface, ready to erupt with a deafening

roar. The fiery red lava seethes and churns, devouring everything in its path with an insatiable

hunger for destruction. This volcano is ready to erupt at any time, even with the slightest blow. C

Therefore Red is a color that symbolizes and represents the aspects of my life.

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