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(1) As we move further into the 21st century, we might realize the incredible rate at which our

lives are changing owing to the growth of communication and the birth of numerous inventions.
(2) Consequently, some people, as they bask in the glory of this era’s technological progress,
begin to find the world a much smaller place than they thought it was. (3) This perception can be
attributed to two aspects of today’s communication technology, both of which have shaped the
world in a positive way.

(4) To begin with, technology plays a big role in quickening the speed of communication,
which allows us to reach and interact with other people much more easily, quickly and
efficiently. (5) The products of technology, such as mobile phones, computers, and the Internet,
have brought immense changes to the world and its dwellers, by allowing our voice to reach
people no matter where they are, by helping us keep in contact with our family and friends no
matter where we are, and by letting us transfer and receive the information we require regardless
of time and place. (6) Cheap to purchase and friendly to use—these technological devices have
provided the global population with convenience, comfort, and opportunities. (7) As the process
of communication is becoming faster and more widespread day by day, it can only be said that
the world is now much more connected than ever, for the boundaries forged by distance and time
have been eliminated, all thanks to the ever-growing speed of communication.

(8) Secondly, the increasingly fast growth of communication has offered us more access
to information than we could ever hope for. (9) The Internet, for instance, is considered a rich
source of data, because not only does it function as a digital public library, but it also allows us
to disseminate and share the information it contains with whomever we wish. (10) Thus, it grants
us the ability to gain knowledge with much greater speed and efficiency, as well as assisting in
the distribution of information across vast distances. (11) Nowadays, with the aid of modern
technological devices and the popularity of the Internet, huge amounts of knowledge and data are
readily available to anyone anywhere in the world. (12) So easy has it become nowadays to
acquire information about issues and topics that lie outside the confines of our daily lives that we
can comfortably stay inside our own homes and be global citizens at the same time.

(13) In summary, the speed of communication has indeed made the world a smaller place,
by connecting its people and giving us access to global knowledge in the fastest and most
effective way.

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