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Lesson 13: The Health, Education, and other Social Services of the Government

Government Services
- Philippine government implement social programs to meet the needs of Filipinos
on health, education, and security.

Health Programs
- Problems in the Philippines regarding health
o Filipino children suffer from malnutrition because of insufficient nutrition
o Some parents cannot provide adequate healthy foods because of poverty.
o There are only few doctors and hospitals which provide health services to
millions of Filipinos.
- Government launches different programs to ensure the wellness of every Filipinos.
They are as follows:
1. Botika ng Barangay (BnB)
§ Provides lower-priced medicines to people through stores in every
§ Pharmacists dispense medicine approved by the Bureau of Food and
Drug (BFAD) which could be purchased even by the poor families.

2. Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI)

§ Gives free immunization to newborn babies through barangay health
§ Focused on six major vaccine-preventable diseases:
Ø Tuberculosis Ø Tetanus
Ø Polio Ø Pertussis
Ø Diphtheria Ø Measles
§ President Benigno Aquino III approved Republic Act No. 10152 also
known as the Mandatory Infants and Children Health Immunization
Act of 2011 on June 21, 2011
Ø Mandate that all Filipino children age 5 and below should
undergo vaccination under the EPI.

3. National Dengue Prevention and Control Program

§ Dengue
Ø A widespread disease that could lead to death if not treated right
Ø Caused by the Aedes aegypti mosquito which is infected with the
dengue virus.
Ø Syomtomps: fever, headaches, muscle ache, and rashes.
§ In 1993, Department of Health (DOH) launched the National Dengue
Prevention and Control Program in Region VII and National Capital
Region (NCR).
Lesson 13: The Health, Education, and other Social Services of the Government

4. Alaga Ka para sa Maayos na Buhay (ALAGA KA)

§ President Benigno Aquino III led the launching of the ALAGA KA
program of DOH and the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation
(PhilHealth) in March 2014.
§ Aims to provide basic health services to 14.7 million poor Filipino
§ Services included in the program are the following:
Ø Distribution of micronutrient supplement as well as maternal
medicines and equipments.
Ø Free seminars on family planning.
Ø Free medicines for tuberculosis
Ø Free medical services in public hospitals.

5. Broad Coverage of PhilHealth

§ Services covered by the PhilHealth was expanded to provide medical
facilities and medical workers such as doctors, nurses, midwives, and
community health teams in the remote areas to meet the people’s
health needs.
§ The government also has primary care Benefits also known as TSeKap
or Tamang Serbisyo para sa Kalusugan ng Pamilya.

Education Programs
- Education
o Important factor in achieving national development
o Every citizen will be a productive and useful member of the country if he or
she get quality education
- Government launches different programs for the improvement of our educational
system. They are as follows:
1. Free Education
§ According to Artcile XIV, Section 2, of the 1987 Constitution, every
Filipino child has the right to free basic education.
§ Government protects and promote the right to education of the Filipino
§ Government ensure that everyone avails of free education, especially in
the public school.

2. The K to 12 Programs
§ President Benigno III believes in the need to reform educational system
in the country.
§ Republic Act 10533 mandate the implementation of the K to 12
program in 2013.
§ All Filipino students will be extended to two years.
Lesson 13: The Health, Education, and other Social Services of the Government

Ø 1 year kindergarten education

Ø 6 years elementary education
Ø 4 years junior high school education
Ø 2 years senior high school education
§ The law aims to give the students enough time to develop their skills
and to prepare them in facing realities through different application
§ Implementation of the Mother-Toungue-Based Multilingual Education
Program (MTB-MLE) where grade 1 to 3 students will be taught using
the language spoken at their homes.

3. Iskolar ng Bayan Program

§ Under Republic Act 10648 or the Iskolar ng Bayan Program which was
signed by President Aquino III
§ Government mandate that the top ten of the graduating batch of every
public schools will be granted scholarship to study for free in college
where the student will not pay tuition fees if they will study in a state
university or college.

4. Abot-Alam Program
§ Department of Education (DepEd) and the National Youth Commission
(NYC) launched its Abot-Alam Program in 2013.
§ Aims to teach out-of-school youth and adults aged 15 to 30 through
Alternative Learning Systems (ALS) for them to be productive citizen.

5. Teacher’s Capacity Building Program

§ Seminar workshops are provided by the government for the teachers in
relation to the effective implementation of the K to 12 program.
§ Use of technology and new teaching strategies is included in these
seminar-workshops to help teachers in enhancing the skills of the 21st
century learners.
§ Government is planning to increase the salary of teachers, especially
those who are working in public schools.

6. Establishment of Additional Schools

§ Government tries to establish schools in remote areas and in places
where our cultural minorities reside.
§ Gives emphasis to the launching of distance learning education for
Filipinos could avail of a formal education regardless of their age and
the distance of the schools or universities from their places of
Lesson 13: The Health, Education, and other Social Services of the Government

Peace Programs
- Ensure there is security and piece in the country to promote national development.
- Ensuring peace and order will help boost tourism and encourage foreign investors.
1. Peace talks with the rebels and other insurgent organization
§ Rebel group such as Communist Part of the Philippines-New People’s
Army (CPP-NPA), Abu Sayyaf, and Moro Islamic Liberation Front
(MILF) are fighting for their cause to improve the country’s conditions.
§ Government established the National Unification Commission
(NUC)headed by Haydee Yorac on September 1, 1991.
§ Aims to negotiate with the insurgents, the members of the Moro
National Liberation Front, the New People’s Army, and the leaders and
members of the Communist Party of the Philippines.
§ Rebel soldier were given amnesty.

2. Strengthening national security through the Department of the Interior

and Local Government (DILG)
§ Social crimes suchas as snatching, theft and robbery, murder, and rape
are serious problems that threaten security.
§ DILG ensures the security of the people, especially in public places like
malls, LRT/MRT stations, and airports, with the help of the Philippine
National Police (PNP)
§ Through a nongovernmental organization Volunteer Against Crime and
Corruption (VACC) the governments campaigns against crime are
strengthen and this organization also aims to end corruption and the
reign of big syndicates in the country.

3. Peaces education in schools.

§ Included in the high school curriculum through the DepEd
§ Executive Order 570 in 2008 which institutionalized the Peace
Education in Basic Education and Teacher Education was signed.
§ Government believes that peace should be inculcated in the minds of
the youth.
§ The different ways to prevent wars and crimes are given emphasis in
peace education.

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