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Revisi 3
FORM SOAL UJIAN Tanggal 21.12 2017
Halaman 1/2



Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Teknik Terapan I

Kode Mata Kuliah : 421-182-102
Waktu : 90 menit
Hari/Tanggal : Senin 15 Februari 2021
Sifat Ujian : Tutup Buku
Kelas : MS 1 A dan MS 1 B
Pengampu : Sugeng Irianto Dr, Drs, M.Pd

Answer the following questions:

A. Find out the most appropriate word in italics. Change the italic words with other
word which has the same properties..
1. The dry wood breaks easily.
2. Glass is a material which is difficult to scratch.
3. We can bend rubber easily.
4. Salt is material which dissolve easily in water.
5. We can see through clear water because water is ........material.

B. Draw the picture of cross section and longitudinal section of this:

1. What shape is the cross section of a sphere ?
2. What shape is the longitudinal section of a hemisphere?
3. What shape is the cross section of a cube?
4. Which solid is rectangular in cross section?
5. In longitudinal section, are the sides of a cylinder parallel or tapering?
C. Say whether these statements are true or false Correct the false statements..

D. Choose the most appropriate answer:
1. They have class,
a. Fly c. To fly
b. Flying d. Flew
2. Her inexperiences was............from the type of mistakes she made,
a. Apparition c. applicable
b. Application d. Apparent
3. I enjoyed at the conference last week.
a. met c, meet
b. to meet d. Meeting
4. If I can be of further assistance, please let me......
a. know c. understand
b. realize d. learn
5. The director of purchasing can.............the best price.
a. Negotiable c. negotiate
b. Negotiator d. Negotiation
6. Everyone left the building .....the security guard.
a. Except c, access
b. Excess d, accept
7. Airline ticket prices........when the cost of fuel increase.
a. Raise c. grow
b. Rise d. Elevate
8. Ms Voss types ........than Mr Prince.
a. Accurately c. most accurately
b. More accurateky d. The accurately
9. Their prices have always been ........than ours.
a. Highest c. thr higher
b. The highest d, higher
10.The idea is......the previous one.
a. good as c. as good as
b. better as d. Best as
11. If the customer ......not satisfied, please have him call the manager.
a. am c. is
b. are d. be
12.Our goal is to turn......into success.
a. failing c. fail
b. failed d. Failure
13. The plane will be landing .....Chicago in twenty minutes.
a. with
b. into d. For
14. The seminar was cancelled because the invitations were not time.
a. printer c. printed
b. printing d. Print
15. If the waiter can not handle your request, the captain.......assist you.
a. will c. has
b. did d. is
16. We depend on Mr Wong for his knowledge and .................
a. leading c. lead
b. leadership d. Leader
17. Ms Guida expects costs to........ 5 percent this year.
a. ascend c. increase
b. escalate d. Raise
18. ............. is the key to efficiency.
a. Organized c. Organize
b. Organizer d. Organization
19. The meeting is postponed ......Mr Tan’s plane was late.
a. although c. while
b. because d. With
20. The training session has been changed from 8.30 .......9.00.
a. at c. to
c. in d. By
21. The head of sales San Diego for the annual sales convention.
a. went c. gone
b. go d. going
22. Because Ms. Kimura has a long........she will always leave work at 5.30.
a. commute c. commune
b. community d. Compost
23. The fax machine is .......the postage meter and the copy machine.
a. among c. outside
b. between d. Through
23. Mr Maxell will interview.......... applicants from 9.00 until 11.00 today.
a.job c. occupation
b. chore d. Positioning
24. When you need supplies, .........a request with the office manager.
a. filling c. fell
b. fallen d. File
25. ........... it was Mr Guiton’s birthday, his staff took him to lunch.
a. Although c. During
b. Because d. That

*********** Good Luck ************

Soal ini telah dikalibrasi/divalidasi Koord.Tim Teaching/KBK Ketua Program Studi Sarjana
oleh : Terapan Teknik Mesin Produksi
dan Perawatan

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