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In weekdays, I usually get up at 7 a.m.

, first I go to the bathroom, there I brush my teeth

and wash my face, then I go to my bedroom, there I comb my hair and change my clothes,
after this I leave my house to go to school with my dad by car.
Then in the car, I makeup to get to school.
Later, when I get to school, the first class I have is English at 8 in the morning, after I have
“Estados Financieros” class at 9 am, then I have “Desarrollo humano” class at 10 o´clock, I
always have breakfast in this class because the teacher is very kind and I also get hungry.
Sometimes this class ends early and I go with my Friends to the cafeteria, after I have
“Derecho mercantil” class at 11 am, usually this class ends a little early and I go outside
with my Friends, then I have “Estadistica” class at 12 pm, and always this class ends at
12:45 pm, after I have my last class “Administracion” at 1 pm, and then I leave school at 2
pm and I walk to my dad´s work to return with him to my house by car, or sometimes I go
back to my house alone by bus.
When I get home, first I have a lunch, after this I do my homework
At night, I take a shower, I have a dinner and I feed my dog before I to go to sleep
I usually go to sleep late.

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