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Anti-corruption - Great success of whole political system

Responding to the press on the sidelines of the 13th Party Congress on the afternoon
of January 27, Deputy Head of the Central Internal Affairs Commission Tran Quoc
Cuong shared many milestones in anti-corruption work in recent times.

Give an interview to the press: trả lời pvan báo chí

Under the leadership of the Politburo, the Secretariat, and the Central Steering
Committee for Anti-Corruption, anti-corruption work has been comprehensively
promoted in all fields, from developing documents, regulations, and to the
organizations of inspection and evaluation teams,...

Anti-corruption work is implemented at all three levels. Level 1 is the Central Steering
Committee for Anti-Corruption, which directs and urges; Level 2 is by the Central
Internal Affairs Committee, which is the standing agency of the Central Steering
Committee for Anti-Corruption; Level 3 is the assignment of cases to the Provincial
Standing Committee.

Anti-corruption solutions have been directed by the Central Steering Committee for
Anti-Corruption, in which the Central Internal Affairs Committee is the standing
agency that has coordinated with anti-corruption sectors and agencies such as the
Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of National Defense, The People's Procuracy,
the People's Court, the Ministry of Justice, and the Inspectorate jointly research and
propose to build a mechanism.

Cơ quan thường trực: Standing body

That means the first task is to build a mechanism. Second, we must build a team of
contingent officials with integrity to serve anti-corruption work. Third, we must
propagate and widely spread the spirit and culture of non-corruption to all classes of
people. To do this, we, and many countries around the world, must provide fosterage
and education for people from childhood, right from school to to prevent a sense of
greed. Fourth, there needs to be a leading agency and leader in the fight against
corruption. As in the past, General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong as
Head of the Central Steering Committee for Anti-Corruption is one of the symbols
and shining examples of leadership in anti-corruption work. Finally, there must be the
consensus of the entire people and the whole system in preventing corruption.

Prosecutor : công tố viên/kiểm sát viên

Prosecutor General: viện trưởng viện kiểm sát nhân dân
In the report of the Supreme People's Procuracy presented by Director Le Minh Tri in
the summary session on anti-corruption work, the most remarkable achievement this
year is asset recovery. In recent times, the recovery of corrupt assets has received
special attention from litigation agencies. Right from the early stages of the
proceedings, the investigation agency took preventive measures and thought about
recovering assets. Regarding the development of laws, all relevant agencies are
allowed to contribute ideas and build regulations in which the National Assembly is
the highest body that decides on the development of laws. Laws related to
anti-corruption and asset recovery are extremely important and always prioritized for
implementation, especially asset declaration is an issue of great concern.

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