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Name: Safhina Rafa’

NIM : 2201420021
Class : Textbook Review and Writing 103
Argument: The textbook of X grade demonstrates a strong /substantial alignment of learning
objective, learning activities, and assessment in the lesson of listening skills and speaking skills
chapter 2 Sports Events and the textbook of X grade also demonstrates a weak misalignment of
learning objectives, learning activities, and assessments in the lessons of reading and viewing
skills and writing and presenting skills from chapter 2 Sports Events.

Finding/ Claim #1 :
Listening skill
I see a strong alignment in the lesson of listening skill
No Learning Objective Learning Activities Assessment
1. By the end of the Listen and Discuss. After listen to what
lesson, students are Listen to Agam Agam talking about
able to identify talking about his his experience of
context, main ideas experience of watching sport event,
and detailed watching a sport listen again to the
information event audio recording then
from an oral and and answer the find out what Agam
verbal recount text following questions: is
presented in 1. What did the experiencing during
multimodal form speaker tell you? the match. In small
about sports event. 2. How does he feel groups, fill in the
about watching a live following
(Page 30) football match? categories of senses
3. Where did he with appropriate
watch the match? words that describe
4. How many people Agam’s
were there in the experience of the
stadium? sports event. Share
5. "While the match your results with the
was exciting class.
nonetheless, I kept on
chewing the (Page 33)
hotdog I bought
earlier. It was a bit
chewy, but it was
smooth and
tasted really good."
What does the word
'it' refer to?
(Page 33)

Explanation :

Chapter 2: Sports Events

I found an alignment in listening skill. The lesson demonstrate alignment LO, LA, and
Assessment because in the learning objective expected students are able to identify context, main
ideas and detailed information from an oral and verbal recount text presented in multimodal form
about sports event and in learning activities students need to listen to the audio recording and
then students need to make a group to answer the following questions and in the the assessment
also related with the LO and LA which ask students to identify what categories of senses that
appropriate words that describe Agam’s experience of the sports event.

Finding/ Claim #2 :
Speaking Skill
I see a strong alignment in the lesson of Speaking Skill
No Learning Objective Learning Activities Assessment
1. By the end of the Discuss and Decide After discuss and
lesson, students are How did it feel to rank the following
able to communicate watch a sports event? list based on what
simple ideas and Some people enjoy you think are the
opinions in various watching sports most important
discussions, games live or through etiquette to be a good
collaborative the screen. In groups spectator. Explain the
activities and of three, rank the result to the class.
presentations orally following list based
to tell about a sports on what you think are
event. the most important
etiquette to be a good
(Page 30) spectator.
(Page 32)
(Page 32)
Explanation :

Chapter 2: Sports Events

I found an alignment in speaking skill. The lesson demonstrate alignment LO, LA, and
Assessment because in the learning objective expected students are able to communicate simple
ideas and opinions in various discussions, collaborative activities and presentations orally to tell
about a sports event and it is related with the learning activities that ask students to discuss and
decide rank the following list based on what you think are the most important etiquette to be a
good spectator with groups of three people. Moreover, the assessment also related with LO
because the assessment ask students to explain the result to the class and it is mean to do
presentation, while the LO also ask students to do presentations orally about sport events.
Finding/ Claim #3 :
Reading And Viewing
I see a weak alignment in the lesson of Reading And Viewing skill.
No Learning Objective Learning Activities Assessment
1. By the end of the Andi is writing about Discuss
lesson, students are his experience of your results with the
able to identify watching a football class.
context, main ideas match.
and detailed In pairs, rearrange the
information from an paragraphs into a
oral and verbal meaningful text.
recount text presented
in multimodal form
about sports event.

(Page 30) (Page 34) (Page 34)

Explanation :
Chapter 2: Sports Events

I found a misalignment in Reading And Viewing skill. The lesson demonstrate alignment LO,
LA, and Assessment because in the learning objective expected students are able to identify
context, main ideas and detailed information from an oral and verbal recount text presented in
multimodal form about sports event and in the LA students need to rearrange the paragraphs into
a meaningful text after they read about Andi’s experience and in the process rearrange there is a
process of re-determining a paragraph so that it becomes a meaningful text, the same as the
identification process which is the act of placing objects according to certain characteristics, but
the assessment not related with LO and LA because it is only discuss the result and is not related
to the identification process.
Finding/ Claim #4 :
Writing And Presenting
I see a weak alignment in the lesson of Writing And Presenting
No Learning Objective Learning Activities Assessment
1. By the end of the Think and Take Talk about your
lesson students are Notes experience to your
able to write a Think about the last partner without
recount text about a sports event you looking at
sports event with an watched. Write a your notes. When you
appropriate structure short have finished sharing
of organization and note about the your experience to
linguistic situation using the your partner, ind
features and present following questions another partner and
it. to guide talk about your
you. experience
What sports event did again. Follow this
(Page 30) you go to/watch? until you have talked
When was it? to 5 or more people
Where did you watch in
it? your class. Talk about
Who did you watch it your experience
with? again. Change your
What do you think partner again to do
about the spectators the same activity.
and the game?

(Page 40) (Page 40)

Explanation :

Chapter 2: Sports Events

I found misalignment in Writing And Presenting. The lesson demonstrates alignment LO, LA,
and Assessment because in the learning objective expected students are able to write a recount
text about a sports event with an appropriate structure of organization and linguistic features and
present it, in the learning activities already related with learning objective which is write the
short note about the situation using the following questions, but in the assessment it is not related
to the LO which is in the assessment only ask students to share their notes with their friends but
not present their work in front of the class.

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