Medication Procedure

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Medication procedure.

(You can go to the bedside and educate the patient and ask about allergies before the procedure.)


Wash your hands.

Collect the medication order and the treatment chart that the nurses sign on.

Ensure that the doctor’s order has the correct date and time for the medication.

Begin by reading the doctor’s order: name of the patient , Bed number, registration number, Age,
allergies, name of the medication, dose, route, time to be given ( For e.g., Panadol 1Gm P.o. tid x 1/52.)

Ordered by Dr. Malcolm. The order is complete. Check if the drug is signed for in the slot, if not given
then you can say it is not yet given. (While reading the doctor’s order check the treatment chart to see if
the information is the same.

First Check

Read from the doctor’s order and treatment chart the name of the patient , Bed number, registration
number, Age, allergies, name of the medication, dose, route, time to be given, doctor’s name.

Pull the drug from the stock. Read the drug name and look at the drug, say whether or not it is intact,
liquids-if any sediments. Read the expiry date. (Look at the drug, if in an envelope take it out and look at
the actual drug to find the expiry date. If injections read the expiry date for the syringe and needle.

Second Check

Start by calculating the drug dose. Ask the examiner to keep an eye on the medication.

Then go and wash your hands.

Return and pull up the drug if it is an injection, dispense the tablet into the cup. If more than one tablet
put in separate cups and label. Then say I will compete my first check. Read from the doctor’s order and
treatment chart the name of the patient , bed number, registration number, Age, allergies, name of
the medication, dose, route, time to be given, doctor’s name.

Wash your hands.

Third Check

Proceed to the patient’s bedside. Ask the patient their name, look at their Identification band to verify.
Ask the nurse to verify, if no identification band. Ask the patient about allergies.

Read from the doctor’s order and treatment chart the name of the patient , Bed number, registration
number, Age, allergies, name of the medication, dose, route, time to be given, doctor’s name.

Ask the patient what he knows about the medication. Educate the patient about the medication and
side effects. If I. M or S.C check the site for lipodystrophy, lumps, any irritation. Give the patient the
medication. If oral, ask the patient to open the mouth to see if the medication was swallowed. Tell the
patient you will come back and check on them within the time the medication takes to act. If
Insulin/Pantaprazole or Omeprazole tell the patient the time they will be able to eat-30 minutes.

Wash your hands and document. Discard disposables, clean and put away the equipment that can be re-

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