CSEC English A - Summary Writing and Narrative

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Summary - May/June 2016

Main points
1. It is important to empower the youth by harnessing their creative and productive potential
for the future development of any nation.
2. Crime is one of the main challenges that threaten society in the Caribbean but with
appropriate programmes the number of crimes can be controlled.
3. Youth who aren’t in the Caribbean face similar challenges to those in the Caribbean like
high unemployment and drug use etc.
4. Not every individual who faces such issues turn to crime.
5. Many of these youths are productive individuals who are determined to get themselves
out of their terrible situation.

It is very important to empower the youth by harnessing their creative and productive potential
for the future development of any nation. It is not a surprise that youths lacking these qualities
are involved in criminal activities. Crime is one of the main challenges that threaten society in
the Caribbean but with appropriate programmes the number of crimes can be controlled. Youth
who aren’t in the Caribbean face similar challenges to those in the Caribbean like high
unemployment, high school exclusion, drug use, racism and proverty along with other things.
However, not every individual who faces such issues turn to crime. Many of these youths are
indeed productive individuals who are determined to get themselves out of their terrible

Narrative - May/June 2016

It was a hot summer day which made it the perfect time to let the waters embrace me and
bathe in the sun while watching little children get their sandcastles washed away by the swift
waves. I decided to relax today which was not very typical of me. A workaholic, you might say.
“Married to her job.” “The dull Jack who never played.” Well today is different. Today I decided
to take care of myself for once. I was positive that today would be a great day. I arrived to what
seemed as heaven. The rough texture of the sand gave my feet a warm feeling that was
pleasurable. The water smiled at me, calling me to enter. I could not wait to feel it. As I was
headed to the water, I saw something resting in the sand. I could not believe my eyes!!! A 100
US dollars!!! God has blessed me today. I took up this piece of paper that God gave me and
thanked him. I completely forgot about meeting the water. I was consumed with the joy of
acquiring this beautiful green delicacy. The water was mad at me. It wanted me. I didn’t care
anymore. Why want anything else when you have money? The 100 dollar bill was my new love.
I left the beach pondering about what I might do with this my love. New clothes? Shoes?
Makeup? Food even? There was a new dish I always wanted to try but could not buy. Hmm
maybe some groceries? The possibilities were endless.

I got home to quickly change my clothes. Today is spending day. The day I get to receive
things that I could not get with the little pittance I get from my boss. Ugh. If you could see my
face it would be as red as a cherry. Smile wide as ever. Nothing will get in my way today. Happy
as a lark. I dashed through the door while thinking about what I will buy with this treasure that I
have received from the heavens. I walked all over the plaza looking at the different stores and
shops to go into. I stopped to look at a book through the clear glass in one of the stores. Wow!
The mysteries of the widow! I have been wanting that book for so long! And… it’s a- first
edition? Oh my god! I couldn’t contain myself. The people walking past me stared with judging
eyes as they realize that a monkey is the loose. A book? That sexy blue dress? The food that I
need? I want them all. Surely this 100 US can stretch far.

As I was about to enter the shop, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see a pale,
half-dead looking woman with bags under her eyes calling me. She had a cup with coins in her
hand and sign saying, ‘please help a poor woman like me’.
She uttered the words faintly, “Would you be kind enough to give me some money?”
“Any amount you can give I will be grateful for.”
My joy immediately crushed. Evaporated. Destroyed. I did not know what to do. My clothes, my
shoes, everything I planned to enjoy! Gone?! What is this? I tried to mask my disappointment
from the woman. As I looked a bit longer at the woman my emotions quickly changed to pity.
This woman is on the verge of dying! How can I be so heartless? Although I wanted this money,
she seemed like she needed it more.
“Here,” I said as I handed her the 100 US dollars reluctantly.
“Oh my goodness! You are heaven sent!” shouted the woman. “I have never gotten this
much money before! God bless you!”
“You’re welcome.” I replied quietly.
I should have had some extra coins in my pocket so I didn’t have to give her the one 100US that
I had. I had to give her though. The guilt would eat me alive. Perhaps the universe didn’t favour
me so much today after all.

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