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Science assignment

Question and Answer:-

1) What is Nutrition?
2) What do you mean by Autotrophic Nutrition and Heterotrophic Nutrition?
3) What is Photosynthesis?
4) How does plants get CO2 for photosynthesis?
5) Can plant with different coloured leave other than green colour make their
own food?

1) The process of taking in food by an organism and its utilization by the body
is known as Nutrition.
2) Autotrophs are organism that prepare their own food by the process of
Photosynthesis, whereas heterotrophs are organism that cannot prepare
their own food and depend upon autotrophs for nutrition.

3) The process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight
to synthesize nutrients from carbon dioxide and water. Photosynthesis in
plants generally involves the green pigment chlorophyll and generates
oxygen as a by-product.
4) For photosynthesis green plants take carbon dioxide from the air. The
carbon dioxide enters the leaves of the plant through the stomata present
on their surface. Each stomatal pore is surrounded by a pair of guard cells.
The opening and closing of the pores of stomata is controlled by the guard
cells only.
5) Leaves which are not green can still make their own food. Whereas green
plants make their food through photosynthesis in the presence of the green
pigment chlorophyll and sunlight, non-green plants have different types of
colored pigments in their leaves which allow them to trap sunlight and use
it as an energy source to power food production.

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