ATI TEAS Reading Comprehension Ati Teas 7 Test

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ATI TEAS 7 TEST With Answers 2024


● Cicadas
What is all this talk of cicadas lately in the United States? You might be
wondering why the media has featured it. but in fact, the discussion about cicadas
has emerged about as predictably as the cicadas themselves from their
underground refuge. Let's get oriented with some background on cicadas. What is
a cicada? A typical definition will at least tell you that the cicada is a large, loud
insect with long transparent wings, mostly found in warm countries. A more
detailed response might also inform you that cicadas have short antennae and
wide-set eyes that jut out. with delicate. translucent wings - and that not only is the
cicada loud, but few creatures make a louder sound. in fact, it is male cicadas that
are the noisy ones, to the tune of 80 to 100 decibels, which is like the roar of a
loud engine. This is because male cicadas make a strident. high buzzing by
vibrating two membranes on its abdomen called tymbals, effectively turning
ques body

into a kind of echo chamber or drum. Female cicadas cannot replicate the buzzing,
though thequesy resp1ond with a clicking sound when they are ready to mate.ques 5
. -

Although there are several species of cicada, mating typically takes place in trees,
whereafter the female deposits the eggs into the bark. When the eggs hatch, the larval
cicadas. called nymphs. drop to the ground and burrow. They then live as nymphs for
most of their lives over 6 feet underground, with both male and female cicadas dying
within weeks of their emergence from the soil. This is particularly true for North
American cicadas, especially the Magicicada, or periodical cicadas, which regularly
emerge in intervals of 13 or 17 years, depending on the species and the location. This is
why talk of cicadas in the media is as predictable as their emergence in the U.S.

1. Stimulus: 1 of 6
Which of the following events happens first after the male cicada calls to the
female cicada, according to the passage?
a) Nymphs drop to the ground.
b) The female makes a clicking sound
c) The female deposits the eggs.
d) The male and female mate in the trees.
2. Stimulus: 2 of 6
Which of the following perspectives can be inferred from the passage?

a) Cicadas and public interest about cicadas are global.

b) Cicadas and public interest about cicadas are cycical.
c) Cicadas and public interest about cicadas are inspirational
d) Cicadas and public interest about cicadas are inexplicable.

3. Stimulus: 3 of 6
Which of the following words does the author use to express a derogatory tone?
a) Roar degrading/
b) Delicate.
c) Predictable.
d) Noisy. negative

4. Stimulus: 4 of 6
Which of the following best describes the theme of this passage?

a) Media attention to cicadas can also bring attention to climate change.

b) Disinformation in the media is responsible for conflicting information
about the cicada life cycle.
c) Disinformation in the media falsely identifies climate change as the root
cause of the cicada's near extinction.
d) Media attention to cicadas is as predictable as cicada life cycles.

5. Stimulus: 5 of 6
Which of the following is most likely the reason male cicadas make a buzzing

To locate food sources

To orientate via echolocation
c) To attract a mate
d) To ward off predators

6. Stimulus: 6 of 6
Which of the following statements from the passage offers evidence that female
cicadas do not have tymbals attached to their abdomen?

a) the female deposits the eggs into the bark.

b) the male cicada makes a strident. high buzzing by membranes on its
abdomen called tymbals.
c) the cicada is a large, loud insect.
d) Female cicadas cannot replicate the buzzing.

● Beard Superiority
Unlike most others who follow along with popular trends. I am able to truly see
that the beard is superior to the mustache. First. you have so much more hair and
space to work with when styling a beard than you do with a mustache. You can
trim and cut a beard into so many styles: the Muttonchop, the Goatee, the Stubble,
the Chin Strap. You can even add things to your beard: braids, beads, glitter, and
color - the possibilities of what you can add to a beard are endless! There are even
professional competitions that surround the stylish nature of beards.

7. Stimulus: 1 of 2
Which of the following can be inferred from evidence given in the passage?

a) No competitions exist for the best mustache.

b) The writer is a professional barber.
c) The writer enjoys having a beard. Mustaches cannot
d) easily be styled.

8. Stimulus: 2 of 2
Which of the following is a counterclaim that is an argument in the passage?
a) The beard is not just a passing trend.
b) You should grow a beard because they come in a variety of styles.
c) If you have a beard. you can dye it pink
d) Beards may be a hazard in professional lines of employment.
Space Program
"The Santa Barbara Journal": Exciting news today from Vandenberg Space Force
Base as it has ended its Delta IV Heavy rocket program to make way for the new
Atlas V program. Riddled with difficulties. Delta IV Heavy saw only moderate
success throughout its 21-year history. Developed on the heels of the last tragic
Space Shuttle flight, expectations for the Delta IV Heavy have far exceeded its
reality. Future hopes now lie with the Atlas V program developed by Lockheed
A social media post: @ggh723 The space program is an outdated use of taxpayer
funds. We have enough problems on Earth to worry about what's happening in the
universe. ©

9. Stimulus: 1 of 2
Which of the following is evidence that supports the claim media post?

a) The federal government's spending on the space program outpaces its

contribution to education in the United States.
b) The federal government's spending on the space program helps to
encourage economic growth.
c) Of the 41 million people who have received federal assistance only
10% knew about the 1,600 technologies developed the space program.
d) 1.5 billion was budgeted last year for social programs while $10
million went to the space program.

10. Stimulus: 2 of 2
Which of the following themes do the two above passages share?

a) The space program provokes a variety of reactions

b) Technical innovations can sometimes lead to tragedies
c) Space travel inspires to populace to look beyond our planet
d) Economics play an important role in society.
Pro-10 Shakes
Do words like exhausted, listless, or worn-out describe you?
Feel better fast with Pro-10 shakes!
• Our high-protein formula was developed by an experienced team of
physicians and nutritionists. #2
• 769 of customers surveyed report having more energy after drinking Pro-10
for just 2 weeks.
• Choose from six delicious flavors!
• Get 10 shakes free with the purchase of a 30-day supply.
For more information, visit our website at or call
888-555-5555 to talk with a consultant today.

11. Stimulus: 1 of 2
Which of the following is a fact presented in the advertisement?

a) The physicians and nutritionists that developed the shake formula are
noted experts in the dietary field.
b) A customer will feel better fast if they drink the Pro-10 shakes.
c) About three-quarters of those who drink Pro-10 shake for 2 weeks
report having more energy.
d) The six shake flavors are delicious.

12. Stimulus: 2 of 2
Which of the following is a reasonable inference based on the
information presented in the advertisement?

a) Pro-10 shakes are affordable.

b) Seventy-six percent of customers felt better in 3 days
c) Pro-10 shakes contribute to a person’s overall health and well-being.
d) An increase in protein affects energy levels.
Elkinsville Ecological Society
Letter from the Chair of Elkinsville Ecological Society
Many of you have heard about the proposed northward expansion of the interstate,
which currently ends just south of Elkinsville. In the recent debate over how this
work will go forward, the focus has been on weighing economic costs and
benefits. indeed, many local politicians claim to favor the project because it will
bring jobs in the short term and more visitors to Elkinsville in the long term.
These politicians also argue that the proposed plan is the least environmentally
damaging way to expand the highway farther upstate. This cannot be true,
however, since the proposed expansion involves not just the widening of existing
roads. but also the construction of more than a dozen miles of new-terrain
highway. # I
13. Stimulus: 1 of 2

Which of the following statements can be supported by evidence from the


a) Politicians in Elkinsille will win their efforts to approve the northern expansion of
the interstate highway.
b) A detailed environmental study of the northern expansion of the interstate has
been conducted by the Elkinsvile Ecological Society
c) The Elkinsville Ecological Society will continue to oppose the northern
expansion of the interstate.
d) There are no Elkinsville Environmental Society members among the city's


14. Stimulus: 2 of 2
Where is it mostly likely that readers would encounter this text?

a) A tenth-grade science textbook at Elkinsville High School.

b) The opinion section of the Elkinsville Daily, Eagle newspaper.
c) A flyer on a bulletin board at Elkinsville City Hall.
d) A brochure from the Elkinsville Chamber of Commerce.
A Day with Humpbacks
I sit on the headlands of Neah Bay, Washington, and watch a mother humpback
and her calf slip through the icy Pacific waters. I recognize this whale by her
distinctive tail pattern, as unique to this humpback as my fingerprints are to me.
Once, heavy hunting using harpoons extirpated the species from the region, and
only a ban on whaling allowed populations of humpbacks to recover. As this
gray female rises to the surface, she exhales, sending up a spout nearly 20

feet high. She rolls on her side and lifts her scalloped-edge flipper in salute. then
slaps it on the water. I adjust my lens and take my shot. This is the only type of
whale hunting I find acceptable-hunting with a camera.

15. Stimulus: 1 of 2
Which of the following statements conveys the main idea of the passage?

a) Cameras and Harpoons are both ways of hunting humpback whales.

b) Humpback whales population are finally recovering after nearly being
wiped out
c) Humpback whales travel waters near Washington.
d) This particular humpback whale has never been previously by the author.

16. Stimulus: 2 of 2
Which of the following statements about the passage is true?

a) In the passage, the writer describes taking many photographs as the whale
frolics in the Icy Pacific Ocean.
b) In the passage, the writer describes the whale surfacing, exhaling, and
slapping her flippers on the water.
c) In the passage, the writer argues the benefits of photographing whales to
enable their identification.
d) In the passage, the writer argues that beluga whales are so endangered, you
should only hunt them with your camera.
Dear Aunt Suzanne Letter
Dear Aunt Suzanne, #1
1 have a few minutes before I get on the bus from Galway back to Dublin and
wanted to tell you how my class trip to ireland is going. We just spent 2 days on Inis Mor,
the largest of the Aran Islands, which are just off the central west coast of Ireland. We
took a ferry from Galway, a ride that takes about an hour and was quite gray and stormy.
For an island that is only about 12 square miles, there is a lot to do and see on Inis
Mor! After eating steak and vegetable stew and brown bread with butter, we went to the
sweater market, where all kinds of woolen products are sold. The Aran Islands are known
for their wool because sheep thrive here and generations have used woolen sweaters and
hats to survive long cold days of fishing on the open sea. In fact. I learned that each
family or clan has its own signature knitting pattern and some are able to tell which
# 2 family someone

belongs to by the pattern of their sweater! The Healy pattern is an interesting

combination of twists and braids, and I found you a birthday souvenir with a beautiful
The next day, we rented bicycles and toured the island. We saw ancient ruins, a
prehistoric hill fort, and a white sand beach. We also climbed down to a mysterious rock
formation known as "The Worm Hole," a rectangular hole in a stone shore that fills with
thrashing waves and looks like it houses a terrible serpent (see attached photo). The
worm Hole was difficult to find, and when we stopped someone for directions, she only
spoke Gaelic! Sometimes this island seems stuck in an earlier time.
I'm excited to see you when I get home. I have lots more pictures to share!
Love, Eva.

17. Stimulus: 1 of 6
According to the passage, which of the following events happens last?
a) Eva took a ferry from Galway
b) Eva takes a bus to Dubin.
c) Eva eats steak and vegetable stew
d) Eva purchases a patterned sweater

18. Stimulus: 2 of 6
Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage?

a) The Worm Hole refers to a serpent.

b) Bicycles are the only way to get around the island.
c) Healy is the name of an Irish family or clan.
d) Eva understands the Gaelic language.
19. Stimulus: 3 of 6
Which of the following sentences accurately summarises the passage?

a) In an email to her aunt, Eva brags about touring Ireland and the extravagant
purchase she has made there.
b) In an email to her aunt, Eva reports that the Aran Islands contain a strong
agricultural community with long-standing traditions.
c) On a school trip to Ireland, Eva has spend time in the Aran Islands,
where she has learned about the culture and visited several significant
d) On a personal trip abroad, Eva is focused on seeing as much as possible in
a short amount of time and gathering souvenirs for everyone she knows.

20. Stimulus: 4 of 6
Which of the following words used in the passage indicates Eva’s opinion?

a) Gray
b) Ancient
c) Stuck
d) Prehistoric

21. Stimulus: 5 of 6
Which of the following details supports the inference that Eva’s family has Irish
a) Eva is taking a lot of pictures while on her trip to Ireland.
b) Eva is communicating with her aunt while on a class trip to
c) Eva is learning about the culture and traditions in Ireland.
d) Eva has found an example of the Healy knitting pattern for her aunt

22. Stimulus: 6 of 6
Which of the following additional sources would have a comparable theme to the
a) An instructional book on knitting.
b) A postcard sent from the Aran islands.
c) A journal entry about Dublin's food and weather.
d) An essay about Irish agriculture.
● First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt
In 1943, the war in the Pacific raged on. First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt went to
rally the troops' spirits, despite the disapproval of military command.
Roosevelt planned a grueling itinerary. She visited several islands and hundreds of
wounded in her first 6 days. The indefatigable First Lady inspected Navy
hospitals, delivered a speech, attended receptions, and visited convalescing
officers. all within 12 hours of her arrival. She lifted spirits among the wounded
and morale among the troops. She continued her exhausting tour for a month,
speaking to every patient in troop hospitals and taking down addresses to contact
family members.
Roosevelt traveled non-stop, risked her life, and greeted the last patient she saw
with the same heartfelt sincerity as the first.

23. Stimulus: 1 of 2
Which of the following conclusions can be drawn from the passage?

a) Eleanor Roosevelt did not enjoy giving oral speeches to troops.

b) Eleanor Roosevelt was present during most battles in Asia during WWII.
c) Eleanor Roosevelt hand-wrote notes to every troop’s family.
d) Eleanor Roosevelt became First Lady before the war in the Pacific ended.

24. Stimulus: 2 of 2
Which of the following publications would have a different point of view of
Eleanor Roosevelt compared to the author’s point of view?

a) A personal memoir from an injured naval officer who fought in the

Pacific theater.
b) A newspaper clipping from the Honolulu Star-Battetin in 1944.
c) A brochure about women’s contributions to the U.S. war effort.
d) A historical Japanese military document outlining how to damage enemy
● Groundhog Day
On February 2 of each year, the United States observes the unusual holiday of
Groundhog Day. a day of hope that winter is over and spring is beginning. This
tradition has been officially observed in the U.S, since the 1800s, and is believed
to have developed from European folk traditions in which a bear. fox, badger, or
even hedgehog would serve as the symbolic meteorologist. Although other
cultures and towns observe Groundhog Day (or something similar), the town of
Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania takes special pride in being home to the one true
forecasting groundhog Punxsutawney Phil. At the turn of the twentieth century,
townspeople formed the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club to perpetuate the joyful
rituals and events surrounding Groundhog Day. Over the years, these events have
come to include a scavenger hunt, a talent show, and a ball.
Legend has it that on Groundhog Day the official weather forecasting groundhog
awakens from hibernation and comes out of his burrow to look for his shadow. If
he sees his shadow, six more weeks of winter are to come, and Punxsutawney Phil
goes back to bed. However, if he does not see his shadow, Punxsutawney Phil
takes this as a sign that spring has arrived, and he remains above ground. Of
course, common sense tells us that February 2 is too early for spring to begin, and
that while animals may be attuned to various elements of nature from which
humans might learn, they are unlikely to act on their instincts based on a schedule
set by a Gregorian calendar. Nevertheless, a visit to Pennsylvania to see
Punxsutawney Phil and all of the fun he inspires each year might just provide the
touch of hope needed to reach the end of winter.

23. Stimulus: 1 of 3
Which of the following pairs of search terms entered into a search erg with the
phrase "Groundhog Day is likely to produce information about the origin of
Groundhog Day?

a) History and folklore

b) Weather and farming
c) Holiday and festivities
d) I Habitat and diet
26. Stimulus: 2 of 3
Which of the following evidence from the passage supports the inference that

Groundhog Day is an entertaining tradition?

a) This tradition has been officially observed in the U.S. since the 1800s and
is believed to have developed from European folk traditions.
b) On February 2 of each year, the United States observes the unusual holiday
of Groundhog Day, a day of hope that winter is over and spring is
c) Over the year, these events have come to include a scavenger hunt, a
talent show, and a ball.
d) Legend has it that on Groundhog Day, the official weather-forecasting
groundhog awakens from hibernation and comes out of his burrow to look
for his shadow.
a) ttendance sheet to the principal.

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