D NG Bài Agree Disagree

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Outline 100: Nghiêng hẳn về 1 phía

Introduction  Background statement
 Thesis statement
Body 1  Topic sentence (Nêu lý do thứ nhất – vì sao bạn agree/disagree)
Why you agree/disagree?  Support lý do thứ nhất (Explain & Examples & Result)

Body 2  Topic sentence (Nêu lý do thứ hai – vì sao bạn agree/disagree)

Why you agree/disagree?  Support lý do thứ hai (Explain & Examples & Result)

Conclusion  Paraphrase your thesis statement + Key reasons

Sentence 1: Background statement
 Many people opine that ...
 Many are of the opinion that ...
 A common opinion is that ...
 It is generally said/claimed/considered that ...
Sentence 2: Thesis statement
 I/This essay completely agrees/disagrees that ...
 I will support this view with arguments in the following paragraphs.
 I strongly agree/disagree with this opinion and this essay will explain further with reasons.
 I agree/disagree with this statement and the reasons are analyzed in this essay.
Body 1
Topic sentence
 Firstly, ...
 For example,...
 Finally, ...
 As a result, ...
Body 2:
Topic sentence
 It is also clear that ..
 For example,...
 Finally, ...
 As a result, ...
 In conclusion, it seems to me that ...
 In conclusion, for the reasons I have mentioned above, I maintain that ...
Outline 49/51: Two sides.
49: other sides
51: your side
Introduction  Background statement
 Thesis statement
Body 1  Topic sentence
49  Support lý do thứ nhất (Explain & Examples & Result)

Body 2  Topic sentence (Nêu lý do thứ hai – vì sao bạn agree/disagree)

Why you agree/disagree?  Support lý do thứ hai (Explain & Examples & Result)

Conclusion  Paraphrase your thesis statement + Key reasons

Sentence 1: Background statement
 Many people opine that ...
 Many are of the opinion that ...
 A common opinion is that ...
 It is generally said/claimed/considered that ...
Sentence 2: Thesis statement
 Although this is true to some extent, I think that …
 While there is some truth to this, I believe that …
Body 1
Topic sentence
 On the one hand, there are several reasons why others think that …
 On the one hand, … to some extent.
Idea 1
 The first point is that …
 For example,...
 Finally, ...
 As a result, ...
Idea 2
 Another point is that …
 This is because …
 The reason is that …
Body 2
Topic sentence
 On the other hand, I think that …
 On the other hand, I would argue that …
Idea 1
 Firstly,
 For example,...
 Finally, ...
 As a result, ...
Idea 2
 Furthermore, …
 The reason is that …
 For example, …
 As a result, …
 In conclusion, while there are some reasons why people think that …, I am of the opinion
that …

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