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Reduce sugar consumption.

Many scientific studies prove that limiting sugar intake will help you stay
young for a long time because sugar has low nutritional value and almost no health benefits. In
particular, sugar can cause the skin to age quickly, destroying collagen and elastin - two proteins needed
to protect and moisturize the skin. Controlled consumption of sugar will significantly reduce the risk of
obesity, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes ... and slow down the skin aging process.

Drink a lot of water. 75% of the human body is water. On average, we need to drink about 2 liters of
water every day for the systems and organs to function effectively, eliminate toxins from the body, and at
the same time provide moisture to the skin so that your skin is always healthy and beautiful. full of life.

Pressure control. When levels of the stress hormone, cortisol, are constantly high, it can lead to many
dangerous diseases including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, and diseases related to the
stomach and intestines. Pressure for a long time can reduce your life expectancy, and your skin will
quickly age. Effectively managing stress by thinking positively, meditating, exercising or playing stress-
relieving games helps you prevent aging both mentally and physically.

Weight adjustment. Too thin or too fat is not good for the skin and health. Always control and adjust
your weight in a reasonable way to have an ideal body shape and full of youthful energy.

Use natural beauty products. Soaps, shampoos, shower gels, perfumes or makeup containing parabens,
preservatives and harmful chemicals when used on the skin are all capable of being absorbed into the
body, causing harm to health and skin. You should replace them with natural products that are effective
solutions to prevent the aging process.

Get enough sleep. Staying up late, not sleeping well, not getting enough sleep, staying up all night… can
cause hormone imbalance leading to increased cortisol and oxidative stress. Not to mention, while
sleeping, the body also produces anti-aging hormones. This must be the reason for you to sleep for 8
hours a day if you want your baby to be healthy for a long time.

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