2 Low-Cost - SDR-based - Tool - For - Evaluating - LoRa - Satellite - Communications-MN2022

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This full-text paper was peer-reviewed at the direction of IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society prior to the acceptance

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Low-cost SDR-based Tool for Evaluating LoRa

Satellite Communications
Roberto M. Colombo∗† , Aamir Mahmood† , Emiliano Sisinni∗ , Paolo Ferrari∗ , and Mikael Gidlund†
∗ Department
of Information Engineering, University of Brescia, Italy
† Department
of Information Systems & Technology, Mid Sweden University, Sweden.
Email: ∗† {r.colombo009@studenti.unibs.it}, ∗ {firstname.lastname}@unibs.it, † {firstname.lastname}@miun.se.

Abstract—LoRa (Long Range) technology, with great success Currently, LEO is the most populated orbit, and the number
in providing coverage for massive Internet-of-things (IoT) deploy- of LEO satellites is continuously growing, especially when the
ments, is recently being considered to complement the terrestrial
2022 IEEE International Symposium on Measurements & Networking (M&N) | 978-1-6654-8362-9/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/MN55117.2022.9887761

satellites play a key role for IoT networks [7]. This orbit allows
networks with Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite connectivity.
The objective is to extend coverage to remote areas for various to set up low power communication links where latency can
verticals, such as logistics, asset tracking, transportation, utilities, be neglected. The altitude of this orbit is between 160 km
agriculture, and maritime. However, only limited studies have and 1000 km1 , and its primary use is high resolution imaging
realistically evaluated the effects of ground-to-satellite links due applications. In order to maintain satellites in this orbit, a
to the high cost of traditional tools and methods to emulate high speed is required (≈ 7.8 km/s). Therefore, individual
the radio channel. In this paper, compared to an expensive
channel emulator, we propose and develop an alternative method LEO satellites are not useful for telecommunication tasks
for the experimental study of LoRa satellite links using lower- since they move very fast across the sky, and this make them
cost software defined radio (SDR). Since the working details of difficult to be traced by ground stations. A LEO satellite is
LoRa modulation are limited to the reverse-engineered imitations, visible when its elevation angle is roughly 10 degrees above
we employ such a version on SDR platform and add easily the horizon, this results in a satellite visibility duration of
controllable adverse channel effects to evaluate LoRa for satellite
connectivity. In our work, the emulation of the Doppler effect about 10 minutes. Instead, solutions involving the use of LEO
is considered as a key aspect for testing the reliability of LoRa satellite constellations, where multiple satellites provide global
satellite links. Therefore, after demonstrating the correctness of coverage, are possible. By using 9 satellites, it is possible to
the (ideal) LoRa transceiver implementation, achieving a low provide constant coverage over a certain point on the Earth.
packet error ratio (PER) with a commercial LoRa receiver, In a LEO satellite constellation, satellites are distributed in
the baseband signal is distorted to emulate the Doppler effect,
mimicking a real LoRa satellite communication. The Doppler different orbital planes. For example, the IRIDIUM constella-
effect is related to time-on-air (ToA), bounded to communication tion comprises 66 satellites arranged in 6 orbital planes, each
parameters and orbit height. Higher ToAs and lower orbits containing 11 satellites [8].
decrease the link duration, mainly because of dynamic Doppler Very few papers regard LoRa satellite links using a
effect. hardware-based approach where the LoRa signals are really
Index Terms—LoRa, Internet-of-things, LEO satellite, Soft-
ware Defined Radio, Doppler effect, Satellite channel emulation. sent and received. Mainly, LoRa’s possible use cases are in-
vestigated under theoretical simulations [9] [10], where certain
channel effects are considered, and sometimes accompanied
I. I NTRODUCTION by the proposed mitigations [11], [12]. Some experimental
Internet-of-things (IoT) is a developing market in continu- evaluations are available, however they are not focused on
ous expansion: according to Ericssons latest mobility report satellite communications, and so neither on the resulting
(November 2021) the number of IoT connections will double channel models [13], [14], [15]. In other studies, expensive
in the next 6 years, going from 14.6 billion devices in 2021 to hardware tools [16] are needed for channel emulation.
30.2 billion devices in 2027 [1]. Thus, the need of innovative Hereby, we propose the use of a software defined radio
IoT solutions is growing too. (SDR) as a low-cost tool to evaluate LoRa link performances
A famous technology for the deployment of Low Power for satellite communications, as done in other studies that
Wide Area Networks (LPWANs) is represented by LoRa however do not focus on LoRa implementation with LEO
modulation together with the LoRaWAN protocol [2]. Nowa- satellites [17]. Particular attention concerns the implications
days, many studies focus on the implementation of this of the Doppler effect due to the high satellite speed as it
technology with Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites, proposing is a pertinent physical limitation. However, our solution also
e.g., innovative scheduling algorithms [3], new architectures increases the feasibility of studying other physical limitations.
for Intersatellite Communications [4] or variants of LoRa In this respect, our main contributions are:
using frequency hopping techniques to increase coverage and • The design of a LoRa physical (PHY) layer model in
network capacity [5]. To really interconnect the whole planet, MATLAB, accounting Doppler effect in the channel.
satellites’ connectivity is needed since it complements terres-
trial networks, that currently cover only 10 % of the worlds 1 Linn Boldt-Christmas, ”ESA - Low Earth Orbit”, https://www.esa.int/
surface [6]. ESA Multimedia/Images/2020/03/Low Earth orbit

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limited to: Takeshi Ikenaga. Downloaded on October 23,2023 at 10:51:50 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
• Design and implementation of a LoRa-compliant
transceiver using a low-cost SDR platform.
• Development of a distortion block for the emulation of
the Doppler effect.
• Design and set-up of a testbed, including a commercial
LoRa device for evaluating the obtainable performance.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Section Fig. 1. LoRa Frame example.
II illustrates LoRa modulation fundamentals, and discusses
the advantages and disadvantages in the use of LoRa in frequency domain by searching for the frequency bin offering
Earth-to-space communication. Section III shows our proposed the largest magnitude, as in (3):
approach, and highlights its convenience. Section IV explains
< s >= arg max |FFT (rs [n])|. (3)
the experimental setup used to obtain the results of Section V.
The need for receiver synchronization is achieved using
II. O N THE USE OF L O R A FOR LEO COMMUNICATIONS LoRa frame preamble, consisting of a configurable number
of s0 symbols, i.e., unmodulated upchirps, so that after
A. LoRa modulation overview dechirping and moving into the frequency domain, the receiver
LoRa is a proprietary PHY scheme operating in unlicensed looks for enough consecutive observation windows offering
spectrum regions. Designed to fulfill LPWAN target appli- the maximum amplitude for the same bin. Two symbols come
cation requirements, it is based on a chirp spread spectrum after the preamble, representing a network identifier, while the
modulation (CSS) enhancement. A LoRa symbol is a chirp, beginning of the actual frame content is marked by a delimiter
i.e., a signal with duration TS and offering a linearly increasing consisting of 2.25 downchirps s̄0 . A simplified description is
instantaneous frequency in the bandwidth BS . The bandwidth provided in Fig.1.
BS ∈{125, 250, 500} kHz depends on the regional constraints For the sake of completeness, it is worth-mentioning that the
(other than the device configuration), whereas the duration LoRa transceiver chain also consists of whitening, Hamming
TS depends on the spreading factor SF parameter, since encoding, interleaving, and Gray mapping steps. In particular,
TS · BS = 2SF . The SF ∈ {7, .., 12} value represents the as regards the error-correction coding (ECC), the user can
number of information bits carried by a symbol. Indeed, an select the rate CR ∈{4/5,4/6,4/7,4/8}.
SF-bit long data word modulates the frequency trajectory, B. Potentials and Challenges for LoRa Satellite Links
so that the symbol s ∈ {0, .., 2SF − 1} has start frequency
BS (s/2SF ) − BS (1/2) and the chirp is circularly wrapped The main strength of LoRa modulation is to provide long-
modulo BS . In other words, there is a wrapping instant range connectivity by using low power. The most relevant
tW = (2SF − s)/BS when the chirp “hits” the ceiling of physical limitations in terrestrial LoRa links are multipaths
the BS upper bound. If a sampling frequency FS = BS (e.g., reflection, obstruction) and the Fresnel zone, limits that
(i.e., the Nyquist rate) is considered, the symbol s consists strongly increase packet losses. To mitigate these issues, or
of N = 2SF samples and it is described by the expression (1), to completely avoid them, a LoRa link can be established
where nW = N − s is the sample index corresponding to tW : between a ground station and a satellite.
( The use of satellites ensures Line of Sight (LOS), preferred
ej2π(n /2N +ns/N −1/2) , 0 ≤ n < nW than non-LOS (NLOS) since multipaths effects are avoided.
xs [n] = 2 (1) For the LoRa technology, multipaths and reflections due to
ej2π(n /2N +ns/N −3/2) , nW ≤ n < N.
NLOS drastically worsen the communication link, more than
In such a case, LoRa maximum likelihood detector can be the attenuation that must be faced while communicating with
effectively implemented by dechirping the received signal and a satellite.
computing the Fourier transform (e.g., via the FFT algorithm) Thus, we favor LoRa Earth-to-space links rather than pure
of the acquired baseband signal. When the receiver is syn- ground LoRa links. Due to European limitations, the maximum
chronized with the transmitter, the dechirped signal rs [n] can transmit power for LoRa End Devices (EDs) is 25 mW [18], so
be obtained multiplying the received baseband signal ys [n] by communication links can be established only using Low Earth
the complex conjugate of the baseband signal related to the Orbit (LEO) satellites because farther orbits are not reachable.
symbol s0 = 0, i.e., x̄0 [n]. The result is shown in (2), where Nowadays, the LEO orbit is gaining much attention espe-
P is the power at the receiver, φ is the phase offset due to cially when satellites join Internet-of-things (IoT) networks in
the channel and q[n] is the contribution of the additive noise which the key points are to transmit and receive tiny data while
(after dechirping): consuming low power, covering large areas and where high
data rates are not required. Thus, the use of LoRa modulation
rs [n] = P · ej2πns/N +φ + q[n]. (2) with LEO satellites seems optimal. However, there are some
challenges and limits that must be considered.
Therefore, when a single (complex) tone of frequency s is in One very important physical limit to consider when using
the rs [n] observation window, it can be easily detected in the LEO satellites is the Doppler effect since, to keep the satellites

Authorized licensed use limited to: Takeshi Ikenaga. Downloaded on October 23,2023 at 10:51:50 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
in the LEO orbit, they travel at high speed (about 7.5 km/s in
orbits at 550 km of altitude). This provokes a high Doppler
shift; furthermore, LoRa was designed without Doppler effect
estimation and compensation [11]. Therefore, this effect must
be considered in this type of link since it would lead to
decrease the available transmit time.
Having such deployment allows using LoRa EDs in remote
or inaccessible areas for sensing and measurement applica-
tions. Furthermore, being the LoRa technology a low-power
solution, the EDs could work for years even if battery supplied
(depending on the implementation e.g., time in sleep mode or
active mode, message length) [19].


L INK E MULATION Fig. 2. Three different approaches to evaluate a LoRa link.

Since LoRa is a proprietary technology, the LoRa PHY is to test satellite systems in a laboratory environment. iii) LoRa
not open source; despite that, several simulators are publicly Demodulator: a LoRa receiver that receives the LoRa signal
available. These simulators are rigid in the sense that they influenced by the desired effects, and translates it into user
abstract most of LoRa modulation details, focusing only on a payload. This device should be a real LoRa device, so that
certain physical limitation (e.g., to analyze packet collisions). it is possible to understand the circumstances in which the
However, some reverse engineering efforts have implemented signal can be correctly demodulated. Therefore, it is possible
LoRa on SDR platforms, creating an opportunity to develop a to evaluate the most relevant physical limitations, and up to
“flexible” LoRa emulator that can incorporate a channel model which point these limitations are admissible.
to study the physical limitations of interest.
Our proposal is to shrink the transmitter and the channel
A. Emulating LoRa Satellite Communications emulator in a single SDR. The use of this device, which costs
a few hundreds Euros, prevents the need of really expensive
For ground-to-space communications, various bounds (e.g.,
systems, as radio channel emulators. In this setup, Fig. 2-
the strong attenuation due to long-distance links, or rapid
(c), the first part performs a LoRa baseband modulation, then
modifications of the radio waves due to ionospheric scintil-
a distortion block modifies the signal, inserting the desired
lations) should be considered. A reliable way to determine
channel effects. In our study, we emulate the Doppler effect,
the LoRa performance for ground-to-satellite connectivity is
hence this block is named Doppler distortion. Finally, before
to experimentally evaluate it. This approach requires the
the signal transmission, the SDR’s Analog Front End (AFE)
implementation of LoRa on a satellite and a real LoRa device
moves the baseband signal over the desired carrier frequency.
(i.e., not reverse engineered) acting as transceivers, while the
channel between them is the real channel that comprises all B. Suitability of Low-Cost SDR Platform
the propagation-related effects. This setup, shown in Fig. 2-
(a), represents, in principle, the most reliable evaluation of SDRs represent simple, low-cost, and efficient solutions to
LoRa satellite communication since the real channel is used. quickly prototype and emulate the design of communication
However, this approach hides key difficulties as the necessity systems. Besides, SDRs provide the possibility to emulate
of a satellite and precise information on its position at all some desired channel effects in the communication chain. The
times. Furthermore, this method does not allow to evaluate use of this cheap tool is really suitable for LoRa technology
the different channel effects separately. This distinction is since the required bandwidth for emulating LoRa signals is
useful to study how certain physical limitations influence the low; maximum usable value, in Europe, is 250 kHz, but
communication, and how to mitigate the channel effects. typically 125 kHz bandwidth is used. For instance, using the
Therefore, a LoRa link emulator, Fig. 2-(b), is needed, 125 kHz bandwidth, the minimum sample rate for quadrature
comprising of following three parts: i) LoRa Modulator: (de)modulation should be 125 kS/s. Complex samples only re-
a LoRa transmitter, responsible of translating the payload quire half the sample rate of real samples, however they require
into symbols considering all LoRa communication parameters twice as many bits. Even considering an 8-fold oversampling,
(e.g., spreading factor, bandwidth, coding rate), should be re- the sample rate is 2 MS/s, that can be easily managed with
alized with a real LoRa device. ii) Channel Emulator: capable most of the low-cost SDRs. So, the approach we propose,
of implementing the realistic channel effects of a ground-to- Fig. 2-(c), is perfectly suited for LoRa technology.
space link (e.g., attenuation, fading, Doppler shift, ionospheric
scintillations). An example of a ground-to-space radio channel
emulator is the S8825A–Satellite and Aerospace Channel Em- We propose a simple and low-cost method to analyze and
ulation Toolset, which includes Keysights PROPSIM channel evaluate the performance of a LoRa link, established between
emulator with its aerospace channel emulation (ACE) engine a ground station and a LEO satellite. In our analysis, only

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the Doppler effect limitation is accounted for two different
satellite altitudes of 200 km and 550 km.
The LoRa receiver’s hardware setup consists of an Arduino
UNO board, hosting a LoRa/GPS Shield motherboard, with the
SX1276 Bee module based on the SX1276 LoRa transceiver.
The Arduino board defines the communication parameters
and keeps the LoRa device in continuous reception mode. A
MATLAB object controls the Arduino board to read the data
captured by the LoRa device through a serial port.
Furthermore, an Ettus Research SDR–Universal Software
Radio Peripheral (USRP) N210–is used, which plays two key
roles: the LoRa modulator, and the channel emulator. There
are several ways to define its behavior (e.g., using a specific
software such as GNU Radio), however the easiest choice
is to use MATLAB with USRP Support of Communications
Fig. 3. Prototype of the proposed system for the evaluation of LoRa satellite
Toolbox [20]. We developed MATLAB code to manage the links.
USRP, to generate LoRa baseband samples using a publicly- TABLE I
available reverse engineered LoRa scheme [21], and to add PACKET ERROR RATIO (PER) W. R . T. SF.
the Doppler effect artifacts such that the distorted baseband
samples are mixed with the carrier. The overall hardware setup, payload ToA µP ER σP ER
as shown in Fig. 3, consists of: size [byte] [ms] [%] [%]
1) A Linux-based computer (Ubuntu 18.04) with Arduino 7 235 368.90 1.20 0.78
1.8.19 IDE and MATLAB R2021. Thanks to Arduino, 8 235 655.87 1.80 1.75
the LoRa receiver is programmed, while with MATLAB 9 128 676.86 5.20 3.12
the computer interfaces the LoRa transmitter and reads 10 64 698.37 3.70 2.41
data from the LoRa receiver. Furthermore, MATLAB is 11 64 1560.58 9.70 5.36
also used to calculate the Doppler shift depending on the 12 64 2793.47 5.10 5.32
satellite’s speed, strictly related to the orbit’s height.
2) The LoRa transmitter, realized using the USRP N210 aforementioned 30 dB attenuator. In this first test, we perform
(white device in Fig. 3), equipped by Gigabit Ethernet to ten measurement runs for each SF, with each run consisting of
physically link the USRP to the computer to stream the 100 LoRa messages. The payload length is kept fixed at the
data. The USRP N210 provides a processing capability of maximum allowed for each SF considering the minimum Lo-
up to 100 MS/s in both directions (8-bit samples), which RaWAN header (13 bytes). Payload sizes are shown in Table I,
is much higher than the few MS/s required to emulate accompanied by the time-on-air (ToA), i.e., the duration of the
LoRa devices. However, other cheap SDR options for LoRa LoRa signal. The content of each message is randomly gen-
emulation exist. erated at each transmission. Meanwhile, the carrier frequency,
3) The LoRa receiver (rightmost element in Fig. 3), captures bandwidth and coding rate are fixed to 868 MHz, 125 kHz, and
the incoming LoRa signals. The receiver is implemented 4/5, respectively. The average Packet Error Ratio µP ER and
using a SX1276 Bee module hosted on a LoRa/GPS Shield the standard deviation σP ER are show in Table I as well. It has
and connected with the Arduino UNO. This board is to be highlighted that, in few cases, the LoRa receiver is not
programmed using the “Arduino LoRa” library [22]. In the able to correctly demodulate the incoming frame, probably due
Arduino part, all communication parameters are set and the to the actual LoRa implementation in the SDR, based on the
LoRa receiver waits for incoming signals. Using MATLAB, reverse engineering of the proprietary solution from Semtech.
the signal is read and compared to the transmitted signal, Particularly, for higher spreading factors, our setup loses more
to understand whether there were errors. messages and shows a more unpredictable behavior: in some
In our setup, the USRP N210 (transmitter) and the SX1276 runs more than 20 % of the messages is lost, while in others
module (receiver) are connected via a coaxial cable to avoid no messages are missing. Table I, is used as the baseline for
any possible external interference (i.e., antennas are not used). evaluating the next results, where also the Doppler effect is
Furthermore, a 30 dB attenuator (Mini-Circuits VAT-30+) is added.
added at the USRP output to ensure that the input of the The Doppler distortion block in Fig. 2-(c), shifts the fre-
SX1276 module never saturates. quency of the LoRa signal according to the speed of the
satellite, strictly related to the orbit. Fig.4 shows the satellite’s
V. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS trajectory. In particular, three situations are important, i.e.,
To show the feasibility of this approach, we initially perform when a) it becomes visible from the (blue-dot) ground station
a LoRa communication considering an ideal channel, i.e., (i.e., θ = −80◦ ), b) it passes from the zenith point (when
no physical limitations are accounted, apart from using the it is directly above the ground station, i.e., θ = 0◦ ), and c)

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Fig. 4. Satellite’s trajectory for H = 550 km. In solid line the Earth’s surface, Fig. 5. Doppler shift [ppm] and the rate of change of Doppler shift [ppm/s]
dashed line the satellite’s trajectory, and the red arrow is the satellite’s moving for satellite in 550 km orbit.
direction. The satellite icons represent the three points discussed in the paper.

it goes out from the ground station’s view (i.e., θ = 80◦ ). regular synchronization strategies. Results, for SF12 and both
The three situations offer entirely different Doppler effect. In H = 200 km and H = 550 km, are shown in Fig. 6. On each
the first case, corresponding to the left part of Fig. 5, the box, the central mark indicates the median, and the bottom and
Doppler shift is positive and almost constant across the whole top edges of the box indicate the 25th and 75th percentiles,
frame (i.e., static Doppler effect). In the second situation, respectively. The whiskers extend to the most extreme data
central part of Fig. 5, the Doppler effect significantly changes points not considering the outliers. The PER of a single run
across the LoRa frame (i.e., dynamic Doppler effect). If the (i.e., 100 transmissions) is considered as an outlier (’o’-marked
satellite is at the unique zenith point, the Doppler shift is zero; symbol) when its value is at least 1.5 times the interquartile
however, when crossing the zenith, the Doppler shift moves range away from the bottom or top of the box.
from positive to negative, and its rate of change is maximum. Table I implies that PER in Fig. 6 is not only due to the
Consequently, the Doppler shift changes considerably across Doppler effect but also to the not-perfect implementation of the
the LoRa frame. In the third situation, right part in Fig. 5, LoRa link. However, two important deductions are obtained.
the satellite is going away from the ground station’s view, this I) The link suffers more from dynamic Doppler effect than
leads again to a static Doppler effect, where the Doppler shift from the static one. This results in a decrease of the active
is negative and the rate of its change is almost null. channel duration: further the satellite is from the zenith point,
Depending on satellite’s position and altitude, we imple- greater the possibility is to correctly receive messages. II) In-
mented the Doppler shift via MATLAB software. Seven satel- creasing H decreases the overall PER. It is worth mentioning
lite’s positions, defined in Table II w.r.t. the θ angle depicted that the 200 km orbit is not used for satellites since it is
in Fig. 4, are considered. These points belong to the visible the most perturbed environment for satellites in geocentric
satellite’s path, and indicates when a transmission begins. orbits. Here, for example, CubeSat nanosatellite constellation’s
In θ1 the satellite becomes visible, in θ4 the satellite starts lifetime is only few days due to atmospheric drag [16].
a transmission sending half message before the zenith and Generally, LEO satellites’ lifetime predictions are difficult
half after, and θ7 is chosen so that the transmission finishes because of the various perturbations of this environment (e.g.,
when the satellite leaves the visible part of its trajectory. Four Earths oblateness, behavior of the upper atmosphere). These
different configurations are emulated: SF7 with orbit’s height perturbations strongly reduce in orbits above 600 km [23],
H ∈ {200, 550} km, and SF12 with H ∈ {200, 550} km. It where the Doppler effect impact is smaller.
must be noticed that in all cases the link budget is enough
for ensuring connectivity. The remaining communication pa- VI. C ONCLUSION
rameters are kept the same as for the LoRa emulation without A LoRa link is built and used to perform two tests: in the
Doppler distortion. first one an ideal channel between transmitter and receiver
With SF7, leading to small ToA, the Doppler effect causes is implemented, while in the second one the Doppler effect is
problems only in θ4 with H = 200 km. Here, the dynamic added. Thus, the low-cost SDR-based tool for evaluating LoRa
Doppler effect shatters all the messages. This means that in this satellite communications is presented. The SDR implements
case it is not possible to use the LoRa link when the satellite is a LoRa transmitter, and also distorts the baseband signal
in the zenith position. On the contrary, SF12 leads to a higher in order to take into account some aspects of the channel,
ToA. Therefore, the Doppler effect cannot be compensated by i.e., the Doppler shift for different satellite orbits. Important

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912, 2015.
versity of Brescia.

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