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Complexe scolaire Monseigneur Hervé ITOUA School year: 2023-2024

Department of LVE
The second term evaluation
Subject: English
Level: Première
Time: 2 hours
Section one :Reading Comprehension
Text : A cry for help
Man was not made to live alone. He wants to live and be loved. The need is so strong
that some who feel condemned to loneliness don’t want to go on living because life
appears meaningless to them.Suicide is the fourth commonest cause of death in Great
Britain. In other countries of the industrialized West : it is an even more common cause.
Until 1963, the number of suicide was rising in Britain . It was in that year that a
voluntary organization called the ‘ Samaritans ‘ was founded. Since 1963, the number of
suicides has been falling.The Samaritans are ordinary people from all walks of life. They
give up part of their spare time every week to help people who want to ‘put on it all ‘.
(…). If you are thinking of suicide you can ring them any hour of the day or night.
A-Say True or False. Please write in full letters
1. Man was made to live alone
2. Suicide is the first cause of death in Great Britain
3. Suicide is a common reason of death in other countries of industrialized West.
4. The number of suicides was increasing in Britain until 1963
B- Answer the following questions
1. Who does want to live and be loved?
2. Where does suicide is stated as the fourth cause of death?
3. When does the number of suicide was rising in Great Britain?
4. Who is the Samaritans?
Section two: Linguistic competence
1-Use the present simple.
a. Beer (to destroy) more than it (to feed).
b. It (to snow) in your area?
c. Paul and Jessie (not to cross) the borders in rain season.
d. He (to dye) his hair once a month to imitate stars.
2-Passivize the following sentences
1- Très-cher likes Lucia
2- Mr. Brave teaches English and Spanish
3- My mother is cooking meat and cabbage
4- We knew the guy
5- I have sent you two millions to your brother
Section three :commutative competence
Complete the following conversation with missing parts.
A: I’m very happy when I see a beautiful car.
B: you may be right but I hate cars.
B:No, I do not have any car.
A: ————2—————?
B: I do not have any car because it is money consuming.
B: It consumes money by buying petrol every time and preparing.
B:That idea originates from my grandfather.
B: Yes of course

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