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CBSE SAMPLE PAPER - 04 Class 11 - Mathematics ‘Time Allowed: 3 hours General Instructions: 1. This Question paper contains - five sections A, B, C, D and E, Each section is compulsory. However, there are internal choices in some questions. Section A has 18 MCQ'’s and 02 Assertion-Reason based questions of 1 mark each. Section B has 5 Very Short Answer (VSA)-type questions of 2 marks each. . Section C has 6 Short Answer (SA)-type questions of 3 marks each. 3. Section D has 4 Long Answer (LA)-type questions of 5 marks each. Section E has 3 source based/case based/passage based/integrated units of assessment (4 marks each) with sub parts Section A ‘The range of the function f(x) a C11} b) R-{0) OR-CLD 4) None of these ‘Compare List I with List II and choose the correct answer using codes given below: List I (Complex number) | List TI (Conjugate) (i) argteyza) Ci) an(3) (a) arg(e;) -are(ea) (al) arg(z) + arg(z) Jo arg(e1) + arg(z2) iv) arg @) [oon 2) ()-©, Gi) -@, Git) - ©), (v) -) b) @-@. Gi) - ©, Gi) -, Ov) - 0) ) None of these & (I) (9, Gi) -(@, (iid ~ (P), Gv) -(3) 3. The solution set of 6x =1> Sis: a) none ofthese b) (e:x>1,xER} ©) (x:x<1,xEN} @ (xix<1xew) 4, Inanon-leap year, the probability of having 53 tuesdays or 53 wednesdays is a) b) None of these ) at If, Qand R are subsets of a set A, then R x (PFU QI a) None of these b)(R x PYAR x Q J RX QAR x P) AIR XP)UIRX ‘The value of lim (seer — tan) is son al b)2 ot do Ix = 9959 + 1005 and y = (101) then a)x5 Sox-1+15541 + 6x>6 Sei Hence the solution set is (Xx > 1,x€ R) @? Explanation: In a non-leap year, there are 365 days and we know that there are 7 days in a week 1.365 +7 = 52 weeks + 1 day ‘This 1 day can be Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday ‘Total Outcomes = 7 this day is a Tuesday or Wednesday, then the year will have 53 Tuesday or 53 Wednesday. -. Pnon-leap year has 53 Tuesdays or 53 Wednesdays) = 2+ 4 = = ‘Hence, the correct option ORxX QAR P) Explanation: Rx (P°U Q9F=R x [PEN (QL x QARXP) =m a) = lim(cosee h — cot h) =ln jin ae (ax= 2 [Cy (100) +" Cs (100)*7 + =2 [s0(100)" + S48 (100)"7 +...) = (007 +2 (288384 400)") a > (101) - (95) 00) = (101) > (10035 + (99) wi2 Explanation: Mean (x) = 24-7 “Taking the absolute value of deviation ofeach term from the mean, we get: ap Mallen ss-8) 601-9) € 4 Explanation: Let A be the Ist term of AP and «be the common difference Teh term =a = A + 6d ['enth term = A + (n - 1} 11th term =b = A+ 10d 13th term = c= At 12d a,b, care also in GP beac = (A+ 100)? = (A+ 6A)(A+120) = At + 20Ad + 100d? = A? + 18 Ad + 72d? = 2Ad+ 28d? =0 14d wa = A+ 6d=-Ldd + 6d=-8d and c= A+ 12d =-14d + 12d = 24 “aa (@) cot 2x Explanation: Using sin - sin D = 2 cos 22, (cx) Dh sin EP) in Pee get suaesne Bazan = cot 2x, {@) concurrent Explanation: The lines are concurrent ‘On solving the les 1 and 2 we get the point of intersection as (-1,2) Similarly on solving lines 2 and 3, the point of intersection is (1, 2) Similarly solving lines 3 and 4, the point of intersection is (1, 2) ‘On solving lines 1 and 4 the point of intersection is (-1, 2) Since the point of intersection is the same forall the lines, the lines are concurrent. (ayo Explanation: Jim “2+ Lete= + yoo ay Spi =0x ligsin @aetbr=t+ a Explanation: Given thas a+ b=¢+ id => [a+ ib| = |e + id) = Verb = fare Squaring both sides, we get a? + b2= c2 + d2 (b) 12 (F2x) + 12) = (4) (2 les ex) (822) aac ) “paar iege-ah gen ie errr ( ( it 2s). fea, Gs pram saree) (ee be 22) HF(22) + f2u)} (b) 45° Explanation: The equation of the line x ~ y + 3 =O can be rewritten as y =x + 3 => m=tan 9 = 1 and therefore 6 = 45°. (@) Lis an odd integer Explanation: Let (8 + 3/7)" = p +f, where p € I and fis a proper fraction. Let (8- 3V7)P= J", aproper fraction [." 0<8- 3/7 <1] Since, (8 + 37)" + (@-3V7)"= p +f + f" isaneven imeger ‘© p+ L isan even integer. be0 pis an odd integer. w Vere explanation y= (5): (S25) «(VE Fe)- (+ (8) | aVP+a () 23<0<2 Explanaton: -15 < as betes 25 <(K-2)< 042 SB HD0 2, ife <0 {ets ifz>0 z- x ife<0 As we know | = { z+| 2a, fx >0 The fancon (2) = asumes real vas, 2+ a > 0 ven = Qs0> 250 [osing Eg.) 2 86 (0,50) +. domain of f = (0,00) 26.Let, (a+ ib)? =-2+ 2/31 a2 + (by? + abi =-2 + 2VBi [la + by? = a2 + b? + 2ab] 8-2 + abl =-2+ 2VH =A Now, separating real and complex parts, we get o(8) 3 = 3-bt=-2b? = bt. 2b?- 3-0 ‘Simplify and get the value of b?, we get, = b?=-1orb?=3 As bis real no 90,b?=3 b= VSorb=—y3 Put value of bin equation (2 Hence the square root of the complex no. is 1 + vi and -1 -v/3i. We have, jp—1]+|2—2)+|2-3/>6 e-Lz>1 le Md get ae(o-dee Q-22<2 2-3,2>3 ie Se{g nec Now, ‘Case I: When x<1 Tex42-x43-x26 6-226 +3r<0 <0 So, € (00,0) Case H: When 1 < 2 < 2, x-142-x43-x26 34-226 Sr<4-6 =rs-2 sored Case ME: When 2< 2 <3 X-14x-243-226 =2>6 Sore Case IV: When 2 > 3, x-14x-24x-326 32-626 33e>12 See ard So,» € (4,20) So, from ll the four eases, 2 (—00,0] (4,00) Solution set = (00,01 14,28) Let the marks obtained by Sunita in fifth examination be x. ‘Then average of five examinations = St-#2svss05e Now SMR» 9g 3, BLE > 99 ‘Multiplying both sides by 5, we have 368+2 > 450 = 7450 — 308 3228 ‘Thus the minimam marks needed tobe obtained by Sunita = 82. 28. Using binomial theorem for the expansion of (2x - 3)° we have (20 — 8)°=*Co(20)*+ °C, (2a)*(—3)+C2(22)*(—8)?+°Cs(2)*(—3)? +°04(22)"(—3)'+°C,22°(-3)°+°Cs(—3)* = 64x + 6.3285 (-3) + 15.16x49 + 20.8x4 (-27) + 154x281 + 6.2x (-243) +729 = 64x. 576x5 + 216084 - 4320s" + 4860x? - 2916x + 729 or Let y =x +2. Then, (14 x4 x)= (1+ yP=3C9 + AC y + Cy? + Cgy2= 1 4 By + yz ey? A143 HHO HEE HOHE 21636 e) 1362 DK? Hd + PCy OP HMC IPH OPE Ey 2 O2YP 4 Cy WP OY 163 (4x) 4302 +a 4 xy + OP Hat aE OD x4 3x9 + Gxt + 7x3 + 6x? + Bx + T |. According to the question intercepts on the coordinate axes are (—6, 3, 4), then equation of plane will be Byte iniorhetes—1=0 ‘The distance of a point (21, y1, 21) from plane ax + by + ez +d=0 ensintavid Vented ? | -*, The distance of origin from given plane ‘Required length of the perpendicular from origin to plane is oR Let P (x, y, z) be any point which is equidistant from A(3, 4, 0) and B(S, 2, -3). ‘Now PA = PB = PA? = PB? 208-32 + Y-4P + @-OF = (-5P +22 + HP 24 9-Gx ty? + 16 By +2212 +25- 10x ty? Ha edy 2+ 94 Ge = 4x ay 62-1 ). Given: There are three colns tossed once Sample space is: $= (HHH, HHT, HTH, HTT, THH, THT, TTH, TTT } ‘According tothe question, A= {HHH} B= (HHT, HTH, THH} c= «TTT D= (HHH, HHT, HTH, HTT} Now, AN.B=@, AN. C=0, 4M D= {HHH} BN C=0,B/D= (HHT, HTH), CN D=0 Since, Ifthe intersection of two sets Is null or empty it means both the sets are Mutually Exclusive. {Events A and B, Events A and C, Events B and C, and events C and D are mutually exclusive. 11, Here, We know, If an event has only one sample point of a sample space, then iti called elementary events. So, A and C are elementary events. Ji. f there isan event that has more than one sample point of a sample space, its called a compound event, So, B and D are compound events |. Here we have, A = (0, 1, 2} and B (x, yx A,y © Bandy For x=0, we have ya2x+3 y=20)+3 y=3€B For x=1, we have ye2xt3 y=20)+3 y=5eB Forx=2, we have ye2x+3 y=2Q)+3 y=7€B £={(0, 3),C1, 5),2, 7) (0,50, 7,(0, 9)(1, 34(1, 7041, 942, 32, 5)(2, 9) are not the members af 4 because they are not satisfying the glven condition ye2x+3 Now, we have to show that f isa function from A to B. 1. All elements of the first set are associated with the elements of the second set. 4i, An element ofthe first set has a unique image inthe second set. £= 4, 3,1, 5),2, 79) — Here, all elements of set A are assaclated with an element in set B. ‘An element of set A is associated with a unique element in set B. o,f isa function, Dom (f) Range (f) = Incorect > 2 = 4000 > Correct S @ = 4000 - 50 + 40 = 3990 Incorrect > 2? = 162601 Now, correct 7 2? = 162601 - (50)? + (40)? = 161701 and Corect Sb = y/ 3% — (39.9)? = VIITOT= T82Z1= 5 ‘Let M be the set of students who had taken mathematics, P be the set of students who had taken physics and C be the set of students who had taken chemistry. Here n(U) = 25, n(M) = 15, n(P) = 12, n(€) = 11, nM) = 5, n(MNP)=9, (PAC) =4, AMAPNG)=3, From the Venn diagram, we have n(M)=a+b+d+e=15 n(P)=b+e+e+f=12 n)=d+e+f+g=11 (Mn Pe) Now e=3 CAR) Bod+3=53d=5-35d=2 b+e=9>b+3=9->b=9-3>b=6 etfa4a3+fadsf=4-35f=1 atbtd+e=I5$a+6+2+3=15a=15-14=4 becterf=12+64e4341=12— c= 12-10=2 dsetftg= 1243+ 1+ g=Msg= 1-6-5 2855 "Now, suppose that Percentage of candidates who failed in English = n(E) = 56 Percentage of candidates who falled in Science = n(S) = 48 Percentage of candidates who failed in English and Science both =n(ES)=18 Percentage of candidates who failed in English only = n(E - S) Percentage of candidates who failed in Science only = n(S - E) ‘Venn diagram: a(S - E)= a(S) - (EMS) = 48-18 =30 ‘Thus,we have Percentage of total candidates who failed = n(E - $) + n(S - E) + n(E 9 8) = 38+ 30 + 18 = 85% Now, we have ‘The percentage of candidates who passed in both English and Science = 100 - 86 = 14% ‘Therefore, The percentage of candidates who passed in both English and Science = 14% 34, Let be the length of the rod and which at any position meet X-axis at A (a, 0) and also meets the Y-axis at B (0, b), therefore we have Paateb? = (12yt=a? +b?) Po 1= 12 x x Let P be the point on AB which is 3 cm from A and hence 9 cm from B. ‘This means that the point P divides AB In ratlo 3:9 Le. 1:3. IfP = (x,y), then by section formula, we have 1:3 P (0,6) oo (FH) = (y= (4) xe Bye hand and ey (On puting the values ofa and bin Equation (), we get > uss ("4 ay? ats whichis required equation. + oR ‘The centre ofthe hyperbola isthe mid-point of the tine joining the ewo Fock. Soh conte cent a ( Let 2a and 2b be the length of transverse and conjugate axes and let e be the eccentricity. Then, the equation of the hyperbola is, Gar wae ee ee) Now, the distance between two foci = 2ae = VG AF + U4) = nae Foci = (6,4) and 4,4) = V0} = ae = 10-200 = 2ae=10 $2ax Putting a® = 22 and b? = © in equation (i), we get a 7 > 12 (x- 1? - 4-47 = 75 = 12x? 4 1= 2x] “4 fy? + 16 - By) = 75, > 12x? + 12 - 24x ~ Ay? — 64+ 32y = 75 = tae? ay? 2ax + gay -52-75=0 3 12x? —4y?— 24x + 32y-127=0 “This is the equation ofthe required hyperbola. Let fx) = cosee x. Then, f(x +h) = cose (x-+ 5) fesse) aed espa of (09) = im = £ os) =}im > 9) = jim = £0) = jim Se Hao, rasa nae) imme ‘ 2 OE calssh ») ant 3 y= Him SEP fn SES [-in(—$) = sin] 3 (0) = 1) AE = scot cose Hence, -2. (cosec x) = ~ cosec x cot x. = $= jim Section E Read the text carefully and answer the questions: ‘A man deposited % 10000 in a bank at the rate of 5% simple interest annually. Explanation: Amount after 20 yr = 10000 + 20 x 500 = 10000 + 10000, = © 20000 (by % 17000 Explanation: ‘The amount in the account of man in frst, second and third year are % 1000, % 10500, % 11000, Itis an A.P, where a= 10000 and d= 500 Amount in 15% yr=Tys sat dd 10000 + 14 x 500 17000 (11500 Explanation: Interest on & 10000 after 3 yr 1000053 100 1500 +, Amount after 3 yr = 10000 + 1500 = 11500 (1000 Explanation: Now, interest on % 10000 after 2 yr 37, Read the text carefully and answer the questions: ‘During the math class, a teacher clears the concept of permutation and combination to the Lith standard students. After the class ‘was over she asks the students some questions, one of the question was: how many numbers between 99 and 1000 (both excluding) can be formed such that: () @Bways Explanation: 8 ways Gi) (©) 900. ways Explanation: 900 ways (il) (b) 648 ways Explanation: 648 ways (©) 100 ways Explanation: 100 ways 38, Read the text carefully and answer the questions: ‘Sheetal and Sujata are revising trigonometric functions of compound angles. fT, = sin" @-+ cos" 4. () sin? @- cos? (sin + cos 9) Ty -T5= (sin? 8 + cos? 8) — (sin @ + cos? 8) in® 6 (1 — sin? @) + cos* (1 — cos*@) =sin® @- cos? @ + cos* @- sin? Jin? @- cos? Asin + cos) (0) BBs _ $0? Got tind rom) T= Gatien) =sin?@- cos” @

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