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Algebra 2|: Name………………………………ID………………Sec………Date……………….

1) Answer all of this question on a sheet of graph paper.

A shop buys x pencils and y pens. Pencils cost 15 cents each and pens cost 25 cents each.

(a) There is a maximum of $20 to spend. Show that 3 x+ 5 y ≤ 400

(b) The number of pens must not be greater than the number of pencils. Write down an
inequality, in terms of x and y, to show this information.

(c) There must be at least 35 pens. Write down an inequality to show this information.

(d) (i) Using a scale of 1 cm to represent 10 units on each axis, draw an x-axis for
0 ≤ x ≤ 150 and a y-axis for 0 ≤ y ≤ 100.

(ii) Draw three lines on your graph to show the inequalities in parts (a), (b) and (c).
Shade the unwanted regions.

(e) When 70 pencils are bought, what is the largest possible number of pens?

(f) The profit on each pencil is 5 cents and the profit on each pen is 7 cents. Find the
largest possible profit.

2) A farmer has 80 hectares of his farm available for planting maize and cabbages. He must
grow at least 10 hectares of maize and 20 hectares of cabbages to meet demands. He prefers to
plant more cabbages than maize but his work force and equipment will only allow him to
cultivate a maximum of three times the quantity of cabbages to that of maize.

a) Represent the information above as a system of inequalities.

b) Sketch a graph of these inequalities.

c) If the profit on maize is R800 per ha and on cabbages R500 per ha, how should the
farmer plant the two crops to make a maximum profit and what is this profit.



3) A farmer keeps x goats and y cows. Each goat costs $2 a day to feed and each cow costs $4 a
day to feed. The farmer can only afford to spend $32 a day on animal food.

a. Show that x +2 y ≤ 16

b.The farmer has room for no more than 12 animals. He wants to keep at least 6 goats and
at least3 cows. Write down three more inequalities.

c. Using a scale of 1 cm to represent 1 unit on each axis, represent the four inequalities on
a graph.

d. One possible combination which satisfies all the inequalities is 6 goats and 4 cows.
Write down all the other possible combinations.

e. If he makes a profit of $50 on each goat and $80 on each cow, which combination will
give him the greatest profit? Calculate the profit in this case.

4) Answer the whole of this question on a sheet of graph paper.

Tiago does some work during the school holidays. In one week he spends x hours
cleaning cars and y hours repairing cycles.

The time he spends repairing cycles is at least equal to the time he spends cleaning cars.
This can be written as y ≥ x .

He spends no more than 12 hours working. He spends at least 4 hours cleaning cars.

(a) Write down two more inequalities in x and/or y to show this information.

(b) Draw x and y axes from 0 to 12, using a scale of 1 cm to represent 1 unit on each

(c) Draw three lines to show the three inequalities. Shade the unwanted regions.

(d) Tiago receives $3 each hour for cleaning cars and $1.50 each hour for repairing

(i) What is the least amount he could receive?

(ii) What is the largest amount he could receive?


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