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All praise and blessing are due to the creator of mankind and all that exists, for His
blessings, and guidance at every stage of my life. For the successful completion of this
assignment, I needed the help and guidelines of some respected person, who deserves my
greatest gratitude. The completion of this assignment gives me much pleasure. I wish to
thank the officials and other staff members of ESOFT who rendered their help during the
period of my study.

Thank you.

Yours’s sincerely,

HND Business Management

M. U. M. Usam – JD63240 MBAAR 1

Table of Contents


Task 01.....................................................................................................................................6

1.1.. What type of processes could possibly exist in your selected organization? Evaluate the
interrelationship between those different processes and functions of the organization..........6

1.2....Taking into consideration the selected organization justify the methodology to be used
to map Processes of the selected organization with their respective goals and objectives.
(You can form related assumptions in creating objectives and processes.)...........................10

1.3.........Evaluate the output of the process of the selected organization / department and the
quality gateways....................................................................................................................13

TASK 02................................................................................................................................18

2.1.....Select an area of responsibility; this may be production or any other department of the
organization and design plans which promote goals and objectives for this area of

2.2..............Taking the organization / department you have selected in to consideration write

Objectives which are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time based to align
people and other resources in an effective and efficient way for the selected department....19

2.3............Assuming that you would be responsible for the department you selected develop
business systems that should achieve the company’s objectives, implement appropriate
systems to achieve objectives in the most efficient way, on time, to budget, and meeting
organizational standards of quality........................................................................................22

2.4. Assuming that you are the Manager in charge what work activities should be carried out
by the Managers overlooking the selected department in meeting the operational plan
through effective monitoring and control..............................................................................23

M. U. M. Usam – JD63240 MBAAR 2

TASK 03................................................................................................................................25

3.1.....Quality is conforming to customer requirements, therefore, design systems in order to

manage and monitor quality standards specified by the organization...................................25

3.2............In your opinion what would be the ideal set of practices that would demonstrate a
quality culture which will result in continuous monitoring, evaluation and development of
the process practiced in the company....................................................................................27

3.3.......Recommend improvements to the existing quality system aligning the organization’s

goals and objectives which results in improvements.............................................................29

3.4.................Report on how the above changes would influence the organization as a whole

TASK 04................................................................................................................................31

4.1............Carry out a risk assessment covering the criteria of legal, regulation and company
requirements and ensure that appropriate action is taken to manage health and safety in the
work place..............................................................................................................................31

4.2.........Demonstrate that health and safety regulations and legislation applicable in specific
work situations in the organization you have selected are correctly and effectively applied?

4.3.....Carry out a systematic review of the selected organization’s health and safety policies
and procedures in order to ensure they are effective and compliant.....................................36

4.4...............How would you carry out practical application of health and safety policies and
procedures in your selected organizational work place when operating in the UK..............38



Picture Reference...................................................................................................................42

Gantt chart..............................................................................................................................43

M. U. M. Usam – JD63240 MBAAR 3

Table of Figures

Figure 1....................................................................................................................................7

Figure 2....................................................................................................................................9

Figure 3..................................................................................................................................11

Figure 4..................................................................................................................................12

Figure 5..................................................................................................................................21

Figure 6..................................................................................................................................24

Figure 7..................................................................................................................................28

Figure 8..................................................................................................................................32

Figure 9..................................................................................................................................43

M. U. M. Usam – JD63240 MBAAR 4


Managing Business Activities to Achieve Results concentrates on resourceful and

successful planning and control of activities in the workplace. Provides the employees with
the required skills and training to create and implement an operational system able to
increase efficiency and obtain the expected results. Employees are advised to consider the
effect and interrelationship of the business strategies and the practice of operational plans
with first rate systems and health and safety in order to obtain the desired outcomes.

In the report below, I have the role of an Operational Manager of a recruitment company
called “ABC Company”. As the company encounters several problems and serious deficit, I
am delegated with the responsibility to develop suitable business strategies and processes
and find solutions, in order to regain the efficiency and overall success of the company.

M. U. M. Usam – JD63240 MBAAR 5

Task 01

1.1. What type of processes could possibly exist in your selected

organization? Evaluate the interrelationship between those different
processes and functions of the organization.

As described in the given case study, the leadership of ABC Company lacks in efficiency
and at the moment deals with major deficits as a result of delayed operations, reduction of
thousands of jobs and closed services. These issues bring the organization very close to
failure. Below I will go through the management processes and functions that should be
used in an organization in order to obtain a positive outcome.

Management process involves the use of methods, strategies, principles in the

management of an organization, in order to promote efficiency and a high level of
performance. The main functions which form a good management are:

 Planning

 Organizing

 Directing

 Controlling

In addition to the functions above, good communication, motivation, coordination and

staffing are also important. The managerial processes and functions are interconnected,
because the elements which form the management process are actually the main functions
of management, which show a manager’s duties, responsibilities and actions he needs to
take to achieve his objectives.

M. U. M. Usam – JD63240 MBAAR 6

Figure 1

Planning: is the main function of the managerial process. Requires the action of
determining the methods used to achieve the wanted results in a specific matter. Planning is
the first step in the managerial process and all the rest of the functions depend on planning.
A proper planning brings the organization to balance and achievement. It acts as a device
for solving existing issues of the business, helps to anticipate possible future issues and get
prepared to solve them.

M. U. M. Usam – JD63240 MBAAR 7

Organizing: comes next after planning. It means to collect the resources needed
(equipment, workers, materials etc.) and start using them to complete a task or objective.
Organization is not only a structure but a process, as well, in which all the resources are
arranged in a way that enables the performing of a business plan.

Directing: involves instructing and guiding people to perform the job in the correct way and
is the duty of managers of all levels. They must perform as leaders who direct their
subordinates, raise their morale, motivate and communicate with them in order to meet
organizational objectives.

Controlling: this function helps to avoid execution of wrong activities or actions and
involves three major aspects: setting up standards of performance, assessing the work in
progress and current achievements and acting accordingly to correct potential mistakes.

Interrelationship of functions includes different departments, their functions and the

relationship between them. An organizational chart shows how departments are connected
to each other and how the information flows between them.

M. U. M. Usam – JD63240 MBAAR 8

Organizational Chart of ABC Company

Figure 2

M. U. M. Usam – JD63240 MBAAR 9

1.2. Taking into consideration the selected organization justify the
methodology to be used to map Processes of the selected
organization with their respective goals and objectives. (You can
form related assumptions in creating objectives and processes.)

Process mapping represents the basis of systematic management and is used to undertake
process improvement. Also helps in recognizing any abnormality and redesigning the
process. A process map is actually a different way of representing business activities and
flows with the help of graphics.

ABC Company goes through a tough time and requires developing of process maps in order
to easily determine who, what, how, when, where, why the problems appeared in the
company. Pictures offer a better view of the problem than words mapping leads towards
solutions, facilitates improvements and speeds the decision-making process.

Process mapping requires the following steps:

 Select the process: managers must identify the reason why the situation demands to
develop a map process and prepare the appropriate document which enables the
course of action. The document should contain: details of the specific process,
organization’s problem, shareholders expectations, scope of the process and
business objective.

 Determine the role of the process: managers need to observe the whole process
and collect information: factors involved (machinery, workforce, suppliers etc.),
inputs and outputs of the process.

 Plan and establish resources: determine the systems involved and plan

 Chose mapping methods: select the most suitable technique such as deployment
flowchart or process flowchart.

M. U. M. Usam – JD63240 MBAAR 10

 Conduct interviews: give participants a clear picture of the scope and objective of
the interview.

 As-Is process: give details of the activities that can help in transforming inputs in
outputs. Must be described all the steps involved in the process and match them
cautiously with their respective roles.

 Analyze, evaluate and sign off: review the process map and evaluate the

The most suitable methodology for ABC Company is Six Sigma, because is a quality
measure that gives a clear view of the process, eliminates defects and strives to achieve
results very close to perfection. It also reduces costs and increases efficiency with
immediate effect.

Figure 3

M. U. M. Usam – JD63240 MBAAR 11

A second option would be Business Process Reengineering (BPR) methodology which
involves redesigning the core processes to increase production, quality and the overall
performance of the organization. The method requires absolute support from senior
managers, perfect understanding of the company and infrastructure, supply of sufficient
resources, guidance, focus, motivation. Otherwise the project can become a total failure.

Figure 4

M. U. M. Usam – JD63240 MBAAR 12

1.3. Evaluate the output of the process of the selected organization /
department and the quality gateways

The Quality Gateway

The Quality Gateway is an organizational point through which all requirements must pass.
The intention of having this gateway into the specification is to trap incorrect requirements
as early as possible, thereby preventing incorrect requirements from passing into the design
and implementation. To get through the quality gateway a requirement must satisfy a
number of tests. The tests are devised to make sure that the requirement is an accurate
statement of the business needs.
Following are ten tests for requirements. There is no priority between the tests, nor is there
an order in which they are applied. None of the tests takes very long in fact, the Gateway
activity usually takes only a few seconds.

Requirements Test 1

Does each requirement have a fit criterion that can be used to test whether a solution meets
the requirement?

The fit criterion measures the requirement in such a way that the tester can know if the
solution meets the requirement. Whereas the requirement might say that the product has to
be intuitive, the fit criterion would say that a first-time user could open an account in 90
seconds without using any help.

Requirements Test 2

Is every requirement in the specification relevant to this system?

M. U. M. Usam – JD63240 MBAAR 13

There are two tests here. Firstly, check the requirement against the stated goals for the
system. Then check if there is a flow of data on the context diagram that contains the data
needed for this requirement. Adding new flows to the context without recognizing them as a
change that will affect estimates and resources means that you are allowing scope creep.

Requirements Test 3

Does the specification contain a definition of the meaning of essential terms within the

Our experience is that each project has an almost-unique vocabulary. Misunderstandings are
common unless there is a lexicon defining the terminology. This is also useful for business
stakeholders reading the specification.

Requirements Test 4

Is every reference to a defined term consistent with its definition?

Not only do you need to define the terms but also you need to ensure that they are being
used in accordance with their definitions.

Requirements Test 5

Is the context of the requirements study wide enough to cover everything we need to

Have you stepped back far enough to include the scope of the business problem rather than
just focusing on software product interfaces. The goal of the project is to improve the work.
Without studying that work it is difficult to improve it.

M. U. M. Usam – JD63240 MBAAR 14

Requirements Test 6

Does the requirement contain a rationale?

The rationale is a justification, or a reason for the requirement. This justification tells the
developers and the testers how important the requirement is, and how much effort to put
into it. If the requirement cannot be justified, then you should consider deleting it.

Requirements Test 7

Have we asked the stakeholders about conscious, unconscious and undreamed-of


If you ask people for requirements, they usually just tell you their conscious requirements.
Have you explored the problem enough to discover the things that stakeholders assume, and
the things they do not realize are possible?

Requirements Test 8

Does the specification contain solutions posturing as requirements?

A requirement is something needed to support the business. This is stated in a technology-

free manner. If it mentions some implementation technology, then it is a solution. The
problem with solutions is that they are limited by the stakeholder’s experience, and very
frequently disguise the real need.

M. U. M. Usam – JD63240 MBAAR 15

Requirements Test 9

Is the stakeholder value defined for each requirement?

Do we know what benefit a solution to this requirement will provide? It helps if you also
ask what is the damage if we do not implement a solution to this requirement?

Requirements Test 10

Is each requirement uniquely identifiable?

Each stage of system development shapes, repartitions and organizes the requirements to
bring them closer to the form of the new system. To insure against loss or corruption, we
need to be able to map the original requirements to the solution for testing and maintenance

The point of trawling for requirements in the first place is to ensure that the delivered
software product meets the needs of the business. Testing the requirements before they are
released to the rest of the development effort is simply making sure that the objective for the
requirements is met.

A successful Six Sigma project requires keeping a track of several variables: process
parameters, inputs and outputs. To make sure that these variables are kept at the best level,
the way to judge them needs to be prearranged. This matter involves breaking down the
inputs into small units. To ensure correct reporting and take correct action, all the variables
must be weighted and all the options considered.

The factors which make the project successful are: regular use of quantitative and unified
approach to improve the process, the focusing on understanding and meeting customer
needs and combining the right tools, right people and right projects at the proper time.

M. U. M. Usam – JD63240 MBAAR 16

Process mapping is very important for functioning of all departments and its success will
increase efficiency and performance and bring a favorable outcome to ABC Company.

M. U. M. Usam – JD63240 MBAAR 17


2.1. Select an area of responsibility; this may be production or any other

department of the organization and design plans which promote
goals and objectives for this area of responsibility

As an operations manager I have the responsibility to supervise the quality and provision of
services and ensure the organization is running as well as possible to meet customer
expectations. Other duties include:

 Manage daily activities, reading and writing reports, analyze statistics

 Interact with managers of all levels and areas
 Provide training, supervise the new employees and assess their performance
 Find new technologies and methods of efficiency
 Plan and control changes in the company
 Manage costs, set and review budgets
 Supervise inventory and distribution of goods

I have developed the following plan to try and regain customer loyalty, attract new
customers and bring the company to a better position:

 Use social media to help candidates and give them advice and post useful
information which they can use in finding the perfect job.
 Update candidate records: contact candidates and update their information, find out
about their current job and request feedback for the service provided.
 When interviewing candidates, ask questions that generate leads, in order to gain
competitive edge.
 Update client records and keep in touch with them to make sure you make use of all
the opportunities.
 Maximize reporting to get a clear view of conversation percentage

M. U. M. Usam – JD63240 MBAAR 18

2.2. Taking the organization / department you have selected in to
consideration write Objectives which are specific, measurable,
achievable, realistic, and time based to align people and other
resources in an effective and efficient way for the selected

The acronym SMART has several slightly different variations, which can be used to provide
a more comprehensive definition of goal setting:

S - specific, significant, stretching

M - measurable, meaningful, motivational

A - agreed upon, attainable, achievable, acceptable, action-oriented

R - realistic, relevant, reasonable, rewarding, results-oriented

T - time-based, time-bound, timely, tangible, trackable

This broader definition will help you to be successful in both your business and personal

When you next run a project take a moment to consider whether your goals are SMART

To quote renowned American philosopher and writer Elbert Hubbard:

Many people fail in life, not for lack of ability or brains or even courage, but simply
because they have never organised their energies around a goal.

M. U. M. Usam – JD63240 MBAAR 19



 Well defined
 Clear to anyone that has a basic knowledge of the project


 Know if the goal is obtainable and how far away completion is

 Find out when you have achieved your goal

Agreed Upon

 Agreement with all the stakeholders what the goals should be


 Within the availability of resources, knowledge and time


 Enough time to achieve the goal

 Not too much time, which can affect project performance

M. U. M. Usam – JD63240 MBAAR 20

SMART Action Plan

Gain competitive advantage and business growth by using the plans

S from 2.1 to increase recruiting with 20% by the end of March 2018.

Maximize reporting to have a clear view of the business activities

M and determine when the goal has been achieved.

Ensure all the staff is informed abut the changes and the plan is
A being implemented in the company.

As the company encounters serious deficit, the action plan is

R absolutely necessary and relevant .
Participate in additional courses and training to delop personal
T skills, in order to be more efficient and achieve the goal within the
time frame.

Figure 5

M. U. M. Usam – JD63240 MBAAR 21

2.3. Assuming that you would be responsible for the department you
selected develop business systems that should achieve the company’s
objectives, implement appropriate systems to achieve objectives in
the most efficient way, on time, to budget, and meeting
organizational standards of quality

Many organizations are reviewing enterprise practices and upgrading statistics. The need to
implement a new system, free of omissions and delays, is obvious for the business growth.
Regrettably, implementation systems in the past might not have gone smoothly and every
now and then, departments or individuals have suffered a lack of credibility that has
affected the reputation of the company in time.

The most efficient systems include: advertisement, quality, people, resources, design,
measurement, technology and speed. ABC Company requires an advertising campaign, to
become better known and regain customer loyalty. First step is to determine the target
audience, both psychographic and demographic and to identify the most suitable
communication channels to get to them. Create a consistent look of the company and at last,
choose the most popular channels to reveal it: television, social media, YouTube etc.

M. U. M. Usam – JD63240 MBAAR 22

2.4. Assuming that you are the Manager in charge what work activities
should be carried out by the Managers overlooking the selected
department in meeting the operational plan through effective
monitoring and control

Monitoring: involves observing and checking the quality or progress of a task over a period
of time. The monitoring system assesses the progress at regular intervals, keeps a record of
the activities involved in carrying out a project and provides feedback about the progress.

An operational plan involves providing the staff with detailed information and directing
them to perform daily tasks at the best level. The operational plan offers the following

 What? - strategies and tasks that should be completed

 When? - timeline in which strategies and tasks should be completed
 Who? – people responsible of each of the strategies and tasks
 How much? - amount of money provided to complete each strategy and task

The scope of the operational plan is to provide employees with a clear picture of their duties
and tasks, together with the objective of the company. Monitoring and control will ensure
the execution of delegated duties and implementation of new strategies. For this reason, an
operational manager needs to ensure the allocation of sufficient resource, set performance
indicators and a deadline.

Operational plan should be created by the people delegated to implement it, with the
monitoring and control of the manager and must contain: clear objectives, quality standards,
activities to be delivered, outcomes wanted, implementation timetables, resource
requirements (human or financial) and a process for monitoring the progress.

M. U. M. Usam – JD63240 MBAAR 23

Critical Path Analysis: it is a process that determines which activities require an urgent
course of action and which ones can be delayed. Critical path can be used in the decision-
making process, helps in planning, monitoring and controlling operations, determines the
maximum time that can be allocated for a project or task, identifies possible problems and
determines when and where are required resources.

Figure 6

M. U. M. Usam – JD63240 MBAAR 24


3.1. Quality is conforming to customer requirements, therefore, design

systems in order to manage and monitor quality standards specified
by the organization

According to the American Society for Quality (ASQ), a Quality Management System
represents: “The organizational structure, processes, procedures and resources needed to
implement, maintain and continually improve the management of quality.” Total Quality
Management System (TQM) concentrates on the development of products that satisfy the
needs and exceed the expectations of customers. It is a management method which aims
long-term success of the business through customer satisfaction, is customer focused and
benefits of total employee involvement.

Successful organizations know that customer satisfaction impacts directly the performance
of an organization. Customers need an environment which adopts a quality culture, but this
matter requires a systematic and structured process.

Quality management process involves:

 Quality planning: determine the relevant quality standard for a specific product and
find methods to satisfy it.
 Quality assurance: this method organizes each process in order to get the product
right from the first time. Also prevents potential mistakes.
 Quality control: the method is used to check if the quality of the completed
products meets the expected results.

M. U. M. Usam – JD63240 MBAAR 25

ABC Company can consider the following steps to create a Total Quality Management

1. Determine the values, vision and mission: the employees must understand

where the company is headed, its principles, goals and objectives.

2. Determine critical success factors: includes financial performance, process

improvement, customer and employee satisfaction, market share and product

quality. They help the organization to concentrate on the things that support the

organization to meet its objectives.

3. Identify Key Customer Group: it is extremely important for an organization to

identify its customer group in order to develop products and services based on

their requirements. The customer group includes employees, customers,

volunteers, suppliers, vendors.

4. Request customer feedback: helps the organization to determine whether they

meet customer needs.

5. Develop survey tool: is based on identifying what is important for customers.

6. Survey each customer group: the organization should provide a customized

survey for each customer group, based on their specific requirements, in order to

establish customer opinion on current products and services.

7. Develop an improvement plan: it is created based on customer feedback from

every group.

M. U. M. Usam – JD63240 MBAAR 26

8. Resurvey: it is important to resurvey key customers in order to determine if

scores have improved and also to be in-tune to changes in needs and


3.2. In your opinion what would be the ideal set of practices that would
demonstrate a quality culture which will result in continuous
monitoring, evaluation and development of the process practiced in
the company.

According to IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), quality is “the degree
to which a system, component or process meets customer or user needs or expectations”.
The quality culture of an organization allows building continuous improvement which helps
in developing committed employees, happy customers and add value to its products and

In customer satisfaction, quality should be considered in regards to meeting specifications,

budget and schedule. Meeting specifications is actually meeting the scope of the project.
Meeting budget refers to completing the project within the designated budget and meeting
schedule means completing the project within a specific time. In order to attract quality
candidates, ABC Company must showcase their company quality culture, which should
include motivations, behaviors and personality features necessary to follow the mission.

There are different tools and techniques that help monitoring, evaluating and developing the
quality control:

Pareto chart analysis: is the basic tool of quality control which quickly identifies issues of
the business which require attention. 20% of the project outputs account for 80% of the
problems. Then takes action to correct those 20% issues and repeats the charting after action
is taken.

M. U. M. Usam – JD63240 MBAAR 27

Example of Pareto Chart

Figure 7

Just-in-Time (JIT): is an inventory control approach that helps producing with minimum
waste of materials, resources and time. Attacks crucial problems, divides systems to find
potential problems and is a product-oriented layout.

Other techniques used that help in quality control include histograms, scatter diagrams, bar
charts, Regression.

M. U. M. Usam – JD63240 MBAAR 28

Overall, ABC Company can attract good quality candidates through a culture that is
established, understood and embraced by its employees. It is easier to maintain the quality
culture when the values of the organization are implemented in the recruiting process. Also,
employers are able to attract talented applicants who later contribute to and integrate in the

3.3. Recommend improvements to the existing quality system aligning

the organization’s goals and objectives which results in

Every organization strives to improve its daily operations in regards to customer satisfaction
and employee performance. I am proposing the following actions to be taken by ABC
Company, which might help meeting the organization’s objectives:

- Create a quality council of managers and leaders to guide and direct the
organization’s efforts for improvement. Any identified opportunities for
improvement should have priority and problems should be addressed in an order
based on the capability to contribute to the firm’s goals.
- Invest more money for training staff in the principles and methods of quality
improvement, effective client service, teamwork, job skill building, conflict-
resolution. After training, improve the work process by forming quality
improvement teams.
- Implement a Balance Scorecard Approach to measure the process. That means the
process will be measured form four points of view: financial perspective, client
perspective, innovation and learning, internal business operations. The cost of waste
will be measured regularly and use the results to make improvements in the process.
- Move on to another critical process as soon as one has been solved and never stop
measuring and improving!
- Form process improvement teams to use quality tools and work on the processes that
require improvement

M. U. M. Usam – JD63240 MBAAR 29

- Implement quality standards and best practices, find out the processes used by other
recruitment companies and share knowledge in order to continuously improve.

3.4. Report on how the above changes would influence the organization
as a whole

In my opinion, the measurement process proposed above, Balance Scorecard Approach

would be the most helpful to align business activities to the mission, vision, values and
objectives of the organization, monitor the performance of the organization against strategic
goals and improve external and internal communications. This strategic measurement and
planning system provide a framework that helps planners determine what must be done and
measured and enables management to implement their new strategies.

Also provides feedback for the external outcomes and internal business processes in order
to obtain continuously improvement, positive results and strategic improvement.

Management should announce and make public all the positive results obtained due to
process improvement both externally and internally. Customers will be happy to see
improvements at the company they hired to help them.

M. U. M. Usam – JD63240 MBAAR 30


4.1. Carry out a risk assessment covering the criteria of legal, regulation
and company requirements and ensure that appropriate action is
taken to manage health and safety in the work place

Health and Safety Management System represents the methods used by an organization
to control risk through management process. Includes practices, procedures, responsibilities,
the organizational structure, processes used for developing and achieving, resources,
planning activities, regular maintenance and review of the H&S policy.

There are many safety programs used in organizations which comply with the standards and
regulations. Some of them are:

- Fire Protection
- Accident Investigation
- First Aid
- Emergency planning
- Risk Assessment
- Health and Safety Committees
- Travel Safety etc.

The key elements of H&S management system are:

M. U. M. Usam – JD63240 MBAAR 31

Figure 8

Policy: an effective health and safety policy within an organization enables a clear direction

to be followed.

Organizing: effective arrangements and management structure are operating to deliver the


Planning: a planned approach to implement the policy through an effective management


Measuring performance: helps to determine where the policy needs improvement.

Reviewing performance: organizations learn from experience and make the necessary


M. U. M. Usam – JD63240 MBAAR 32

Employers must determine the potential risks in the workplace and keep a record of the risk
assessment. ABC Company must take the responsibility and make the workplace as safe as
possible. Following the legal requirements, ABC Company will appoint employees to apply
the Health and Safety policy, set up actions to be taken in case of emergency, provide
training a clear information.

The organization will cover aspects like: proper maintenance of the workplace, equipment
and systems, suitable temperature, lightning, indoor ventilation, cleanliness, proper handling
of waste materials, room size and space, windows and ability to clean them safely, moving
walkways and escalators, drinking water, toilets, cupboards, coat racks, safe means of
access, fire exits.

M. U. M. Usam – JD63240 MBAAR 33

4.2. Demonstrate that health and safety regulations and legislation
applicable in specific work situations in the organization you have
selected are correctly and effectively applied?

In order to carry out risk assessment effectively, any company must have an overall Safety
Management System. ABC Company has a management system that includes the following

- A designated person responsible for health and safety

- A general statement of intent

- A reporting structure containing the H&S reports that will be produced, by whom

and for whom

- Legal requirements identified, if and how they are being met

- Details about H&S practice

- Targets and objectives

- Measuring, monitoring and recording incidents to see if objectives are met

- Periodic review for continual improvement.

The right approach helps keeping the risks under control, reduce costs and gain competitive

Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 (HSWA) is the main legislation act covering
health and safety in Great Britain and contains duties of employers to their employees in
order to maintain the welfare, health and safety at work.

The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999: under this regulation
the employers have additional duties: carry out continuous risk assessment of all work

M. U. M. Usam – JD63240 MBAAR 34

hazards in writing, introduce controls to reduce risks, share risk or hazard information with
other employers, site occupiers or subcontractors coming on the premises.

OHSAS 18001 is a framework for a health and safety management system that helps
putting in place procedures, policies and controls required in an organization in order to
create the best health and safety working conditions.

ABC Company carries out internal OH&S safety auditing to review and evaluate the
effectiveness and safety performance of its OH&S management system within the

M. U. M. Usam – JD63240 MBAAR 35

4.3. Carry out a systematic review of the selected organization’s health
and safety policies and procedures in order to ensure they are
effective and compliant

ABC Company has identified its responsibilities for health and safety and provides proper
documentation that shows the employee’s responsibilities, which are as follows:

- Take care of their own health and safety as well as their colleagues

- Be aware of and understand the health and safety policy

- Carry out their work safely

- Report any incidents or accidents

- Proper use and care of the protective equipment

- Promote company’s commitments to health and safety

- Know to apply emergency procedures.

Risk policy: an effective policy should outline where the company stands in relation to a
certain policy area and should be clearly communicated and understood by all members. To
achieve continuous improvement, ABC Company must annually review its policies,
procedures and safe systems. It is advised to have an opened door policy for reporting
health and safety concerns and issues and report any incidents and accidents.

Risk identification: ABC Company must assess any health and safety risks and mentioned
in a risk register. Then safety procedures are taking place to limit or eliminate the risk. The
file must be regularly updated.

Training: initially, the health and safety training for new employees is carried out during
the induction program. The induction covers all areas, company procedures that affect the

M. U. M. Usam – JD63240 MBAAR 36

employee and creates a strong awareness of health and safety procedures. Training must be
updated according to legislation, change in job role, existence of new equipment and

Measuring and monitoring: ABC Company carries out regular checks to ensure
continuous improvements in the health and safety practice.

M. U. M. Usam – JD63240 MBAAR 37

4.4. How would you carry out practical application of health and safety
policies and procedures in your selected organizational work place
when operating in the UK?

Organizations must have policies and procedures based on their employment practices. Few
of the policies that ABC Company adopts are:

Smoking policy: smoking is a major issue in the workplace, therefore it is prohibited in the

Policy on resignation: the company requests from employees a notice of one month before
leaving the job.

Policies on leave: includes various types of leave and how it is managed in the workplace,
annual close downs.

Code of conduct policy: sets standards of appearance and behavior in the workplace.

Drug and alcohol policy: the use of drugs and alcohol in the premises can cause serious
problems like injuries to self or others, damage of mental and physical health, affects the
performance, increases the risk of accidents, creates disputes between employees etc.,
therefore it is prohibited in the workplace.

These should be followed in the new Branch in UK.

M. U. M. Usam – JD63240 MBAAR 38


Managing Business Activities to Achieve Results concentrates on resourceful and

successful planning and control of activities in the workplace. Provides the employees with
the required skills and training to create and implement an operational system able to
increase efficiency and obtain the expected results. Employees are advised to consider the
effect and interrelationship of the business strategies and the practice of operational plans
with first rate systems and health and safety in order to obtain the desired outcomes.

M. U. M. Usam – JD63240 MBAAR 39


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Picture Reference

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Gantt chart

Figure 9

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