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Should one be assigned a religious status at birth?

The assignment of a religious status at birth is flawed, you cannot be born a Christian,
Muslim, Hinduist, Buddhist and so on. If we claim that we are in service to the Creator of

Heaven and earth (the upper atmosphere, geosphere and hydrosphere) also known as
GOD, and we say He is a spirit-being, what we can do is to teach children, adults, as they

journey in life, that He is beyond the collection of our religious books, rituals and place of

worship. Life has been carefully designed on dependency for everyone to acknowledge
that they cannot help themselves to a certain degree. Hence the concept of Leadership.

These religious groups have to realize that if they teach their children and the rest of

society about knowing the creator (GOD) beyond the books and rituals, which we often
see in the act of prayer, then they can truly begin to find their path i.e., what their hearts

longed for but cannot be satisfied by the answer of a man or books.

To be big fish in the room: is it all about which religion you belong? Or are we living in
accordance in service, fellowship to the one who created all things (GOD), including the

destinies of everything in existence. If we claim we are in fellowship and service to the

creator (GOD), then we all religious groups should have a singular view of conduct, that is
our lifestyle; speaking, dealings and thought pattern) and a direct approach to commune
with the creator, (GOD). Another thing one might ask is, who determines the approach? I

will emphasize that the religious books are guide but not the end road, they begin the
path, and our moral compass based on ethics and human existential morals help us

distinguish when these books have reached its actual finite communication and what is

left then is the spiritual or unseen or GOD communications by the one, we lavishly speak
about. By these, we will then have a peoples or nations of fellowship and servitude with
the originator of all things (GOD) and we will know if it’s truth or false from the consistency

of the people’s life.

The fight for who is worshipping the right God is almost a ridiculous ideology. From the
view of things, who put you in charge to enforce your ideas, this is not saying you cannot

talk about your belief systems, the world has never called all religious groups to prove
which of them is the real belief system, just like the famous story of Prophet Elijah and the

Baal prophets, which in my opinion wouldn’t be a bad idea. If we indeed come up with
these contests in the conquest to find the truth, what then becomes of the people found

wanting, and also does the creator needs a contest to prove who he approves of? So, what
then do you have with the wrong ones based on the parameters of the contest? Do you

counsel them? pray for them to know your God? kill them? create policies that limit or
eliminate the falsehood?

Atheism has increased globally not because the religious groups are not doing their

assignment but because their conduct is oblivious from what they preach and teach, they
claim to serve the creator (GOD) but their behavior, speaking, thought pattern and

dealings are majorly unaligned with their holy book’s description.

Concerning the assignment of a religious status at birth, as a parent, your parents taught

you about your current belief system by taking you to their place of worship, engaging in
the rituals and the reading of the religious literatures relating to your belief system, but if

they never told you that the one you both pray to, read about and perform these rituals
to, is beyond the things said in the forma, then you are part of the current problem in the

religious space and extending in the global space because a high percent of world leaders
run on a belief system which shapes their policy. The constitution of a nation is not a thing

of happenstance or a Harry Potter wand trick. Looking at the religious problem, you can
tell that an intelligent liar with constructed text and pretentious character can come up
with a new form of worship and we follow headlong because of uncertainty caused by the
misinformation of previous generations and the compromise on integral consistency. The

system all religious groups called the ANTICHRIST or ANTIGOD, can easily emerge in this
confusion, but we claim the God we worship is spirit and we have never encountered the

spiritual composition of the God, and we hide behind special days of celebration and
continual rituals and sales, teachings of the religious literature into the world’s face.

Many religions believe in the Afterlife, where your spiritual structural composition goes to

be with the creator (GOD) but on the geosphere, they live as though they have an infinite
stake on the sphere. If there is no allowance to know the creator (GOD) we claim to talk

about in our churches, mosques, temples in the spiritual composition of things, we are all
liars. If the creator (GOD) is really beyond the books as we have claim over the years, allow

the young ones (children from infancy stage) to explore the spiritual composition of
things, while teaching them with your religious texts as only a guide, i.e. the basic doctrine

of your belief system. Remember teaching is not dictatorship.

The end result of the spiritual exploration can be either consistent with yours or otherwise,
but never fight them about an inconsistent end result. You are called to counsel and ask

your creator (GOD) to finish where you are limited in presenting him to a child, group of

people or the society at large. You cannot terminate the individual(s) or create policy to
enforce your idea based on the end result. We have our various claims, therefore, the
afterlife we all believe in should be the best judge and teacher not a policy or religious
enforcement group or leaders with the ambition to shove their belief in everyone’s throat.

Allow human beings to choose to accept or reject any belief system at any point, no one

has a stake in their choice. You will die and leave it behind with those you instructed. The
campaigns, crusades, evangelisms, outreaches or whatever terminology implied as a

means to teach your belief can continue, but remember it is not to be forced by any
political or physical structure, because someone’s forefather was of such beliefs, if you did
a good job with due diligence from your household, there is no fear of chaos and
disagreement. Men are designed fragile and dependent in everything they do, the more

reason why you do not prey on the innocent or lost or at most the baby at birth, let life
run its cause. We are not the first on the geosphere and definitely not the last, the main

reason why we are more than one human being on the geosphere (earth) is the concept
of partnership, if religious beliefs, political affiliation and other intellectually constituted

divisions can tear us apart, then we have been deceived by a hidden enemy and have
been foolish for long.

Peace, NationalCEO.

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