FF Exp 4

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Jahanzaib Faraz 22-CH-29 21-2-24

Experiment No. 04
Flow Meter Demonstration Unit
To determine the Cd Factor for venturi meter.

Flow Meter Demonstration Unit

• Hydraulic Bench
• Flow meter demonstration unit
• Stopwatch (to determine time for flow rate)
• Sight Glass (to measure volume)

• Water

A Venturi Meter is basically used to measure the volumetric flow rate of a fluid.
Sometimes an amount of pressure drop occurs in pipelines due to the reduction in flow passage,
which depends on geometrical parameters such convergent cone angle, divergent cone angle,
diameter ratio and throat length of Venture and properties of the fluid. In industries like
chemical, papers, minerals processing, oil and gas, etc., which they require an accurate flow
measurement and controlling it. A Venturi-Meter is used because of its accuracy of measuring
fluid flow rate using a Bernoulli’s principal work which illustrate that the velocity of a fluid
increases with decreasing the pressure. However, the device has studied by researchers for
different purpose. Inside the Venturi-Meter a pressure difference is created by changing the flow

Jahanzaib Faraz 22-CH-29 21-2-24

passage cross sectional area, while the pressure difference helps in determination of the
discharge flow rate through the pipe line. The throat pass area of the Venturi meter is smaller
than the inlet cross sectional area of the Venturi. When a fluid passes through a Venturi mere,
will cause the flow to pressure drop between the inlet and cylindrical throat of Venturi Meter.
The pressure drop can be measured using a differential pressure measuring instrument. The
differential pressure instrument can be configured in order to exhibit and display the flow rate
instead of differential pressure. A Venturi mainly has three parts, an inlet section followed by
converging cone. A circular throat, a diverging cone followed by an outlet section. Normally the
diameter of the inlet section and outlet section are the same.

• Flow meter demonstration unit is used to demonstrate the characteristic of different types
of flowmeters used for the measurement of water flow through pipes and open channels.
• It is used to see how much energy is lost during fluid flow through a particular flow

• . After equipment-setup, we introduce the flow to the equipment.
• This way, the real flow (the flow introduces to the equipment) will be directly given by
our hydraulic bench or group. Supposedly, the flow measured with the help of the
Venturi would have to be same (there are no losses) to the calculated Qv.

𝐴2 2𝑔𝛥𝑃
Qv = ∗√
2 𝛾
√1−[𝐴2 ]

• As we know Qr ≠ Qv due to the fact that an experimental factor Cd will have to be

• The new expression will be expressed as:

Jahanzaib Faraz 22-CH-29 21-2-24

Qv = Cd √∆P cte
Where cte will be

A2 2g
cte = 2
√1−[A2 ]

• Knowing the Cd, the balance Qr = Qv will be accomplished. For this, we plot Qr vs √∆P
* cte. The gradient of this representation will give the Cd factor for the venturi.
• From the readings obtained in the venturi, calculate the volumetric flowrate using basic
equation with relevant to factor.
• The readings of the monometer tubes 1 and 2 correspond to venturi. The readings of the
monometer tubes 1 and 3 indicates the loss in venturi.

• Ensure proper working of Residual current circuit breaker (RCCB)
• Wear laboratory coats and closed shoes in laboratory premises
• Ensure proper working of miniature circuit breakers (MCB)
• Do not start the hydraulic bench without supply water

Observation and Calculation:

A1 = 0.000804 m2 A2 = 0.000314 m2 g = 9.8 m/s
γ = ρg γ = 9800 kg/m2s2

A2 2g
cte = 2
√1−[A2 ]

cte = 0.0000152 m7/2 /kg1/2

Q Q P1 P1 P2 P2 P1- (Delta.
(L/h) (m^3/s) mmH2O (pa) mmH2O (pa) P2 P^0.5) *cte
5 0.000083 29 284.39 10 98.07 186.3 0.000207 0.40
10 0.000166 71 696.27 43 421.69 274.6 0.000252 0.66
15 0.000249 103 1010.08 66 647.24 362.8 0.000290 0.86
20 0.000332 150 1471.00 97 951.25 519.8 0.000347 0.96
25 0.000415 170 1667.13 125 1225.83 441.3 0.000319 1.30
30 0.000498 235 2304.56 134 1314.09 990.5 0.000478 1.04

The average Cd factor for venturi is 0.87.

Jahanzaib Faraz 22-CH-29 21-2-24

The analysis of collected data from the discharge coefficient estimation in this
experiment allowed for the sufficient overview of rules of fluid transportation and
measurements. The energy loss of fluid flowing across Venturi would increase with the
volumetric flow rate increased. Through calculation of Cd of Venturi were noted and may have
some errors that may be due to wrong apparatus use or fluctuation in calculations. Also, when
using a flow meter to measure flow of a fluid it is necessary to take Cd factor of it into

In this experiment the flow rates were measured by using Venturi meter. The measuring
technique operation and characteristics are to be determined by comparing pressure drop. The
result of Cd measurement of Venturi is not accurate because of scaling in the equipment. The
assumed Cd value for orifice is 0.98 and calculated is 0.87.

In this experiment, we noted through calculation of Cd-factor of venturi plate that increased
volumetric flowrate would lead to increased energy loss of fluid flowing across Venturi plate.
Therefore, generally, the energy losses through a pipe must be taken into account when working
on fluid transportation at industrial scale.

• https://www.slideshare.net/MuhammadSRaniYah/fluid-mechanic-lab-
• https://www.academia.edu/41573720/Water_Flow_Venturi_Meter.


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