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Assessment Task 1 Instructions

Provide answers to all of the questions below:

1. Outline how program and organisational objectives are related.
Program and Organizational objectives are closely related and must be in alignment so as to ensure
that organizational efforts are being met. This includes :
1. Alignment with the Organizational Mission and Vision: Both program and organizational
objectives are in alignment with the mission and vision of the organization.
2. Supporting the Organizational Goals: Program and organizational goals directly support and
provide guidance in achieving the organizational objectives.
3. Measurement and Evaluation: Both program and organizational objectives are measurable
and helps the organization in tracking the progress and evaluating the effectiveness of the

2. Compare the internal and external stakeholders of a program (provide examples of each in your
Internal Stakeholders refers to the people that have direct interests in the program . The direct
interests arises from different forms of relationship that includes investment, ownership or
employment. Examples of Internal stakeholders are Employees, Board of Directors, Investors,
Project Managers .

Whereas External Stakeholders refers to those people that are not directly related to the company
are are affected by the company’s decisions , actions and outcomes. External stakeholders include
customers, shareholders, creditors , suppliers etc.

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3. Complete the table to describe the role of different program stakeholders. The first row has
been completed as an example.

Who are they? What is their role in a program?

Top management Top management includes the These people are responsible for a
board of directors, company business’ strategy to achieve
president, senior executives organisational objectives. The project
(e.g. CEO and CFO) and senior manager reports outcomes to top
managers. management for decision making
Project team The Project team includes a These group of people are responsible
group of people with for the execution of tasks and in
technical and specialist skills producing the deliverables that are
along with the project specified by the project manager on the
manager. basis of outlined objectives of the
program .
Resource managers Resource managers are the They are responsible for allocating
professionals that help in resources to projects and also assign
effective allocation of jobs to different personnel on the basis
resources through the of their skills and expertise .
Customers or Customers and clients refer to Customers provide relevant information
clients a person or an organization about the program through feedbacks,
that purchases goods and surveys and reviews that helps in
services from any improving the deviations of the
organization. program, if any .

Government or Government and Regulatory The Government monitors the policy as

regulatory bodies bodies refers to a system that well as other legislative requirements of
or a group of people that the program.
governs the working of the

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Who are they? What is their role in a program?
Contractors and Contractors and sub The responsibility of the contractor or
sub-contractors contractors are the individuals sub contractor is to plan, lead , execute
that undertake the program. and supervise the program.

Suppliers Suppliers refer any person, The supplier is responsible for

organization or company that delivering goods and services after
supplies goods and service for sourcing it from the manufacturers.
the program.

4. Complete the table to summarise stakeholder engagement.

Define stakeholder Stakeholders Engagement refers to the process followed by the
engagement: organizations for collaborating and communicating with the
existing stakeholders. The aim of engaging stakeholders is to
identify and prioritize stakeholders expectations and also to
know how the organizational plans are affecting their goals.
Describe forms and methods Four ways for stakeholder engagement includes :
of stakeholder engagement  Surveying the stakeholders : By conducting surveys and
(at least four) taking feedback from the stakeholders, the
organization ensures effective stakeholders
 Consultation: It is a way to engage stakeholders in the
decision making process wherein stakeholders would
provide information and opinions directly impacting
the project.
 Participation: The stakeholders can also be engaged
through direct participation and contribution in the
program .
 Informing stakeholdes: Stakeholders engagement can
also be facilitated by directly informing them about the

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decisions and progress of the program.
What is a stakeholder Stakeholder Engagement Model helps in the systematic
engagement model? identification , planning , analysis as well as implemtation of
actions that are designed to influence the stakeholders.
The model includes the following stages:
 Identify key stakeholders and releant issues
 Analyzing and planning
 Strengthening reengagement capacities
 Designing the process and engaging
 Act , review and report
List the features of 1. Focused at Stakeholders Engagement
stakeholder engagement 2. Transparency
models (at least four): 3. Purposeful
4. Inclusive
List the benefits of 1. Leads to effective decision making
engagement models in a 2. Helps in risk management
program (at least three): 3. Helps to strengthen relations with the stakeholders
How can engagement model Engagement models can be applied to program in a way that
can be applied to a program? leads to better decision making for the effectiveness of the
program. It includes different management issues , timelines

5. Complete the table to summarise communication methods, means and media. The first row has
been completed as an example.
Description Examples (at least three
Verbal communication Information is exchanged Oral communication
using words. (speaking and listening)
Written communication
(reading and writing)
Non-verbal communication Information is exchanged Gestures

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Description Examples (at least three
through non vervbal Facial Expressions
platform. Eye contact
Oral communication Information and messages are Face to face conversations
transmitted verbally from one Telephonic converstations
person to another. Classroom lectures

Written communication Exchange of information , E-mails

messages and ideas in a Notes
written form . Letters
Formal communication In this, Formal information is Business letters
exchanged between Orders
individuals of the same Reports
Informal communication It refers to a kind of Family conversations
communication where there Group chats
is no defined path being Discussion with friends

6. Complete the table to summarise the key features of organisational policies and procedures
related to program stakeholder engagement.
Policy Key features (how does it relate to program
Internal communication policy and Clearly outlines communication channels &
procedures processes for internal stakeholders
 Establishes guidelines for timely
communication within organization
Ensures transparency, consistent messaging & collaboration
among team members
External communication policy and Sets guidelines for communicating with external
procedures stakeholders
 Specifies approved communication
channels & protocols
Always ensures consistent messaging in order to convey the

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organization's objectives
Data privacy policy and procedures Ensures compliance with privacy laws &
regulations in handling stakeholders' personal
 establishes secure protocols for collecting,
storing and sharing data securely
Protects stakeholders' confidentiality, privacy, and trust in
the organization
Performance management policy Defines performance expectations & evaluation
and procedures criteria for stakeholders
 Establishes processes for providing
feedback, coaching and recognition
Supports ongoing improvement & development of
stakeholders' performance

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