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Hello World Script:

 Create a script that prints "Hello, World!" to the terminal.
2. Variable Practice:
 Prompt the user for their name and age, then print a message using variables.
3. File Manipulation:
 Write a script that takes a filename as an argument and checks if the file exists. If it does,
print its content; if not, create the file.
4. Conditional Statements:
 Create a script that checks if a number provided by the user is even or odd.
5. Loops:
 Write a script that prints numbers from 1 to 10 using a loop.
6. Function Practice:
 Define a function that takes two numbers as arguments and returns their sum.
7. Array Practice:
 Create an array of your favorite colors and print each color on a new line.
8. Regular Expressions:
 Write a script that searches for a specific pattern (e.g., email addresses or phone
numbers) in a text file.
9. Error Handling:
 Modify one of your scripts to include error handling. For example, handle the case where
the user provides invalid input.
10. Advanced Topic - Process Substitution:
 Use process substitution to compare the contents of two files.
11. Advanced Topic - Signals:
 Write a script that captures a specific signal (e.g., SIGINT) and performs a custom action
when the signal is received.
12. Project - System Monitor:
 Create a script that displays information about system resources (CPU, memory, disk
13. Project - Backup Automation:
 Write a script that automatically backs up a specified directory to a backup location.
14. Project - Log Analyzer:
 Create a script that analyzes a log file, counts occurrences of specific events, and
generates a summary report.
15. Project - Password Generator:
 Develop a script that generates random passwords with varying complexity levels.

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