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Describe a place in your country that you would recommend to


You should say:

what it is

where it is

what people can do there

and explain why you would like to recommend it to visitors or travelers

Honestly, I don’t go out that much and that’s why I find it quite hard to think
of a place for this topic. Having said that, there is one place that I would
like to tell you and that is Temple of Literature.

It’s considered the first national university in Vietnam, and it’s one of
Hanoi’s most picturesque tourist attractions. It’s 3 kilometers far from
Hoan Kiem lake, and it usually takes me about 15 minutes to get there by
motorbike. I think the most interesting fact about Temple of Literature is
that it’s lying in four streets including Quoc Tu Giam Street in the south,
Nguyen Thai Hoc Street in the north, Ton Duc Thang Street in the east,
and Van Mieu Street in the west.

I’m not so sure if this is correct but Temple of Literature was built about
1000 years ago to be dedicated to Confucius, and scholars in Vietnam.
The temple represents Vietnamese ancient architecture and traditional
fondness for learning. The inside is divided into five walled courtyards with
different architectures which represent five basic elements forming the
world: Metal, Wood, Fire, Water, and The earth.

I don’t think I can remember all the names of the courtyards but my favorite
place in there is the Well of Heavenly Clarity. People said that this well is
one of the key factors that keep the atmosphere of the temple to be fresh
and tranquil.

On the right and the left side of the Well, there are turtle steles divided into
2 rows. All steles were placed on the back of turtles and carved the name
of doctors who passed the imperial examinations. Vietnamese people
believe that these Turtle Steles stand for wisdom, therefore, each year,
before the national university entrance exam, a lot of students come here
and touch the head of these turtles to get luck and wish to pass the exam.
This action has made a lot of damage to the turtle steles so today, it is

I’m not gonna lie but I was actually one of those students who believed in
it. My grandmother took me there once before my university entrance
examination. You might not trust me but I did pass the exam with flying
colors. I think it’s was luck.

I don’t get to go there anymore but this place would definitely be on top of
my list when my foreign friends want to learn more about Vietnam’s history
and culture.

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