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1. Introduction

2. TOPIC։ Present Simple Continuous Usage 1։ Action at the moment of speaking

3. Present continuous Usage 2։ Action happening near now or around now.

4. New patterns or habits

5. Present continuous in activity progress

6. Conclusion

7. Bibliography

1. Introduction

The present continuous or the present progressive tense is used to tell about whatever actions is
happening at the time of speaking. Any temporary action, and / or incomplete action is expressed
in the in the present continuous tense. It is also known as progressive tense.

2. Present Simple Continuous

Usage 1։ Action at the moment of speaking.

2.1. The present simple continuous is used when an action takes place in the present
at the moment of speaking, to another way to explain։

We use Present Continuous when we want to say that an action is or is not happening right now.

Look she is crying now.

I am dancing now.

They are not crying.

2.1.1. Moment of speaking in the present ։

The moment of speaking, it means moment of speech, as (right now) in the present։

The moment of speaking can be expressed with these word; now, at this time very moment, right
now At this very moment, ten students are dancing.

2.1.2. Moment of speaking expressed by another action։ While we are loving right here, they are

2.1.3 We can explain moment of speaking if we use an example. Imagine you are talking with
your friend, and your mom is cooking dinner you say։

My friend please don`t go stay with us, my mom is cooking dinner.

3. Present continuous Usage 2։ Action happening near now or around now.

What is near now or around now concept?

We can understand near now as a period of time starting in the past and finishing in the future.
start and end points are undefined and, basically, have no meaningful value. the main attentions
that are lasting during this period.

Example։ The writer is writing a new book..

The driver is buying a new bus.

A good thing to know is that a near-now period activity can be an opposition to constantly
happening activity. it can be just temporary activity versus constant activity.

Example։ He writes histories (constant activity), but now he is writing poems ( near-now
activity, temporary activity as compared to constant activity that has not yet become permanent).

We can go deeper and add one more.

1. Constant activity;

2. Near-now activity;

3. Moment of speaking activity now.


(1) He writes stories, but now ( 2) he is writing poems, and at this very moment ( 3 ) he is
eating at the restaurant.

Interestingly, we have 2 different uses in the same tense։ Present continuous.

4. New patterns or habits

Actions that are different or new compared to similar actions in the past.

Example։ Nowadays, people are using phones to read newspapers.

3.1 Temporary actions։

Now he is working on a new project that will help him save the world.

3.2 With։ This week, this month, years, today this semester etc.

Example։ The restaurant is serving only vegetarian food this week..

5. Present continuous in activity progress։

The action in progress does not to necessarily have to be a temporary, short activity. It may be an
every-day action, but it does not necessarily have to be in present simple.

Example։ The weather is changing, or the weather changes?

It is constant activity, with temporary states and unfinished actions continuously in progress.

I would use ֞ the weather is changing ֞. We can use present continuous for actions in progress,
including constant progress.

Progressive actions in process or progress do not necessary have to be temporary, though in most
cases they are.

As in the example below, such an action can be pretty permanent simple( Indefinite ).

Example the weather is changing. So are we.

And the weather is changing constantly, all the time and everyday! All the signs of present

Very often with the verbs։

Become, begin, change, fall, get, increase, improve, and start.

Example։ My English is getting better;

The population is increasing;

His Portuguese is improving.

Actions in progress can be in the entire life of an individual, permanent for everyone, or they can
be temporary progressive processes.

6. Conclusion

In this study, we get to know that the present continuous tense refers to an action occurring at the
time it is spoken, and to an event that is not completed yet. We use for temporary action, to talk
about changes, developments and trends.

7. Bibliography

Asher, Dr. The Complete Another Through Action։ The Complete Teacher`s Guidebook..
California Oaks Production.1979.

Azar, Betty.Serampfer. understanding and using Engllish Grammar. Second Edition, Eaglewood
Clift։ Prentince Hall Regents. 1989.

Azar, Betty . Serampfer. understanding and using English Grammar. Third Edition Eaglewood
Clift։ Prentice Hall Prentice Hall Regentsv 1989.

Blair, Robert W. Innovative Approaches to Language Teaching. Newbury House Publisher,


Brown , Douglas H. Teaching by Principle ։ An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy,

Second Edition. New York ։ Pearson Education Company. 2001.

Frank, Marcella . Modern English. Exercises for Non Native Speakers, Part 1 Part of Speech .
New Jersey։ Prentice Hall Regents. 1989.

Frank, Marcella . Modern English. A Pratical Reference Guide New Jersey ։ Eaglewood
Cliffss .

Frost. Richard. BBC british council teaching English-methodology-TPR.

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