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Points to remember
1. Psychotherapies may be classified into three broad categories,
a) the Psychodynamic,
b) Behavior, and
c) Existential psychotherapies.
2. In terms of the chronological order, psychodynamic therapy emerged first, followed by
behavior therapy, while the existential therapies, emerged last.
Psychodynamic Behavioural Existential

Cause According to According to The existential

Psychodynamic behaviour therapies, therapies state that the
therapy intra-psychic psychological problems questions about the
conflicts, are the source are caused due to faulty meaning of one’s life
of psychological learning of behaviours and existence are the
problems. and cognitions. cause of
Cause come According to The behaviour The existential
into psychodynamic therapy signifies, therapy places
existence therapy, unfulfilled faulty conditioning, importance on the
desires and unresolved faulty learning, and present. According to
fears of childhood are faulty thinking to be them the feelings of
the cause of intra- the cause of loneliness, alienation,
psychic conflicts. maladaptive behaviour sense of futility are
which results in seen to be the cause
problems. of psychological

Treatment The methods of free Behaviour therapy The existential

association and dreams identifies the faulty therapy provides a
analysis are used to conditioning patterns therapeutic
elicit the thoughts and and works towards environment which is
feelings of the client in altering the same to positive, accepting,
Psychodynamic improve behaviour. and nonjudgmental.
therapy. Interpretation In this positive
of these materials by environment the
The cognitive methods
the client with the help client is able to talk
challenge the faulty
of therapist is done to about the problems
thinking patterns of the
confront and resolve and the therapist acts
client through
the conflicts and thus as a facilitator. The
questioning to help
overcome problems. client gradually
her/him overcome
understands his
psychological distress.
problems and arrives
at the solutions. This
leads to personal

Therapeuti Psychodynamic The behaviour In contrast to these

c therapy believes that therapy assumes that therapies, the
relationship the therapist the therapist is able to existential therapies
understands the client’s help client overcome emphasize on
intra-psychic conflicts the faulty behaviour therapist to provide a
better than the client and thought patterns. It warm and empathic
and hence it is the further states that the relationship in which
therapist who helps the therapist is capable of the client feels secure
client to understand the finding out the correct to speak about the
same so that the client behaviour and thought nature and causes of
can gain an insight. patterns, thus will help her/his problems.
the client to adapt well
to his situations.

chief Psychodynamic The behaviour The humanistic

benefit to therapy brings therapy considers therapy values
the client emotional insight changing faulty personal growth by
which is a fruitful behaviour to adaptive gaining increasing
benefit to the client ones which ensures understanding of
from the treatment. reduction of distress oneself, and one’s
Emotional insight is and removal of aspirations, emotions
present when the client symptoms. and motives. This is
understands her/his the chief benefit of
conflicts intellectually; this approach.
is able to accept the
same emotionally; and
thus is able to resolve
his conflict
duration of Psychoanalysis Behaviour therapy, Thus, therapies vary
treatment generally continues for cognitive behaviour as far as duration is
many years. Some therapy and concerned. However,
recent versions of the existential therapy are they all share this
same however are shorter and are common goal of
completed in 10–15 completed in a few providing relief from
sessions months. psychological

3. Thus, therapies vary as far as duration is concerned. However, they all share this common goal
of providing relief from psychological distress.
4. Two methods used by psychoanalysts for eliciting intra psychic conflict are: a) Free
Association b) Dream Interpretation
5. Modalities of Treatment in Psychodynamic therapy are: a) Transference - positive and
negative b) Transference Neurosis c) Resistance which is Conscious and Unconscious d)
Interpretation e) Insight
6. Behavioral Techniques a) Negative reinforcement and aversive conditioning b) positive
reinforcement c) Token economy d) Differential reinforcement. e) Systematic desensitization. f)
7. Cognitive Therapy a) Rational Emotive Therapy b) Cognitive therapy by Aaron Beck c)
Cognitive Behavior Therapy
8. Humanistic Existential Therapy a) Existential therapy by Victor Frankl b) Client-centered
Therapy by Carl Rogers c) Gestalt Therapy by Frederick (Fritz) Perls & Laura Perls
9. Rehabilitation of the mentally ill.
Occupational Social skills Cognitive Vocational therapy
therapy training retraining
In occupational Social skills training Cognitive retraining As the patient
therapy, the patients helps patient to is given to improve improves
are taught skills develop the basic cognitive sufficiently,
such as handicrafts, interpersonal skills functions of vocational training
paper bag making through role play, attention, memory is given to make
and weaving to help instructions and and executive patient become
them form a work imitation. functions independent
discipline. member of the


1. Manya gives trouble in eating dinner, so the amount of evening snakes was decreased.
This made Manya eat well during the dinner. This act of decreasing the quantity of
snacks was:
a. Consequence b. Reinforcement C. Antecedent operation d. Maintaining factor

2. Which of the following individuals will play a least directive role in Psychotherapy.
a. A Beckian cognitive therapist. c. A Rational emotive therapist
b. A Client Centered therapist d. A Psychoanalyst

3. The therapy that leads to cognitive restructuring has proved to be successful in the
treatment of ___________
a. Depression and mania b. Schizophrenia c. Phobias d. Anxiety and depression

4. Which one of the following is not an Alternative Therapy?

a. Vipasana meditation b.SKY c. ECT d. Ashtang Yoga

5. The___________ postulates that psychological distress arises from the feelings of

loneliness, alienation and an inability to find meaning and genuine fulfillment in life.
a.Logotherapy b. Biomedical therapy c. Cognitive behaviour therapy
d. Humanistic existential therapy

6. Unwanted behaviour can be reduced and wanted behavour can be increased

simultaneously through……
b. Positive reinforcement c. Negative reinforcement
c. Differential reinforcement d. Modelling
7. The Institute for Nonlinear Science, University of California, San Diego, USA has found
that Kundalini Yoga is effective in the treatment of
d. Depression c. PTSD
e. Obsessive compulsive disorder d. Substance abuse

8. In _________________________ , the patients are taught skills such as candle making,

paper bag making and weaving to help them form a work discipline.
a.Social skills training c. Vocational training
b. Occupational therapy d.Cognitive retraining

9. Authenticity means that your behavioral expressions are inconsistent with what your
value and the way you relate to your self image.
a.Ture b.False c. Invalid d.Partly correct

10. An adolescent feels very strongly that no one loves him or cares for him. This is having
an impact on his well being. Which form of therapy would be most suitable for him to
overcome this problem?
a. Psychodynamic therapy C. Cognitive therapy
b. Behaviour therapy d. Biomedical therapy

11. Logotherapy was propounded by

a. Carl Rogers b. Victor Frankl c. Abraham Maslow d. Albert Ellis

12. A therapist is trying to understand the feelings of another person from his/er perspective.
Here the therapist is exhibiting
a.Sympathy b. Empathy c. Unconditional positive regard d. Paraphrasing

13. In _________________________, there is no fixed object or thought to hold the

a. SKY c. Kundalini yoga
b. Vipasana meditation d. Pranayama
14. Repeated association of undesired response with an aversive consequence refers to:
a. Positive reinforcement b. Aversive conditioning
c. Negative reinforcement d. Modelling

15.The first step of RET is

a..Non directive questioning c. Irrational beliefs
b. Differential reinforcement d. ABC Analysis

16. Compassion and pity towards the suffering of another:

a. Positive regard b. Sympathy c. Alliance d. Empathy

17. One of the components of therapeutic relationship is:

a. Permanency b. Limited duration c. Constant love d. Long lasting

18. When a child is given a coupon to buy something from the school canteen for punctuality, it
is a form of ________________ .
a Aversive conditioning b Token economy c Modelling d Inhibition

19. The client-centered therapy was given by ________________.

a Albert Ellis b Carl Rogers c Sigmund Freud d Freiderick Perls

20. Which of the following is a psychotherapy?

a Psychodynamic therapy b Behaviour therapy
c Existential therapy d All of the above

21. Systematic desensitization begins with some form of

a Instrumental conditioning b Relaxation training
c Instrumental learning d None of above

22. In _______ aim is to condition unpleasant feelings in response to a stimulus: [1M]

a Biofeedback b Aversion therapy c Cognitive therapy d None of above

23. Who introduced systematic desensitization technique?

a Carl Jung b Wolpe c Laura Perls d Fritz

24. An adolescent feels very strongly that no one loves him or cares for him. This is having an
impact on his well-being. Which form of therapy would be most suitable for him to overcome
this problem?
a. Psychodynamic therapy c. Cognitive therapy
b. Behavior therapy d. Biomedical therapy

25. Cognitive therapy as a treatment for depression was given by

a Albert Ellis b Sigmund Freud c William James d None of the above

26. Assertion-Different types of psycho-therapies differ on multiple parameters.

Reason-The process of psychotherapy begins by formulating client’s problem.
A. Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.
B. Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A.
C. A is true, but R is false.
D. A is false but R is true

27. Assertion-In behaviour therapy the past is relevant only to the extent of understanding the
origins of the faulty behaviour and thought patterns.
Reason-The past is not activated and the faulty patterns are corrected In the present.
A. Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.
B. Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A.
C. A is true, but R is false.
D. A is false but R is true
28. Assertion-Cognitive therapies locate the cause of Psychological distress in irrational
thoughts and beliefs
Reason-The rational belief system replaces the irrational belief system and there is reduction in
psychological distress
A. Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.
B. Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A.
C. A is true, but R is false.
D. A is false but R is true

29. Assertion-The goal of Gestalt therapy is to increase individual’s self awareness and self
Reason-The therapist encourage the client to act out his feelings and conflicts.
A. Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.
B. Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A.
C. A is true, but R is false.
D. A is false but R is true
30. Assertion- Alternative therapies have gain popularity for being the major treatment
possibilities for various psychological distress.
Reason- Yoga and meditation have gained popularity as treatment programme for
psychological distress.
A. Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.
B. Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A.
C. A is true, but R is false.
D. A is false but R is true


1.How can faulty behavior be modified with token economy? Elucidate with the help of an
2. How would you rehabilitate patients to become productive members of society?
3. Mohit is struggling to accept himself and hardly aware of himself. Which kind of therapy
will be beneficial for him in this case? Explain this therapy briefly.
4. What are the factors that contribute to healing in Psychotherapy?
5. Name the two main techniques of behaviour modification?
6. What is therapeutic alliance relationship?
7. What is psychotherapy?
8. What are the aims of psychotherapies?
9. How does behavior therapy provide benefit to clients?
10. What is unconditional positive regard which the therapist has for the client?
11. What is vicarious learning?
12. What do you mean by sympathy?
13. What is ‘integration’ in humanistic-existential therapy?
14. What do you mean by empathy?
15. What is existential anxiety?
16. What do you mean by clinical formulation?
17. Mention any two important methods for eliciting intrapsychic conflicts.
18. What do you mean by positive/negative transference?
19. What is behavior therapy?
20. What are antecedent factors?
21. What are maintaining factors?
22. What do you mean by negative reinforcement?
23. What is aversive conditioning?
24. What is systematic desensitization?
25. What is the principle of reciprocal inhibition?
26. Who formulated Rational Emotive Therapy?
27. What is the meaning of Logotherapy?
28. What is the goal of gestalt therapy?
29. Mention any four alternative therapies.
30. What is Vipassana meditation?
31. What is the aim of rehabilitation?
32. What is occupational therapy?
1.Explain the method of treatment of Behaviour Therapy?
2.Which therapy encourages the client to seek personal growth and actualise their potential?
Write about the therapies which are based on this principle?
3.Explain with the help of an example how cognitive distortions takes place.
4.Discuss Zen as a form of therapy.
5. What are the goals of psychotherapies?
6. Point out the aim of all psychotherapies.
7. What is therapeutic alliance?
8. Should ECT be used in the treatment of mental disorders?
9. What is unconditional positive regard in psychotherapy?
10. Briefly describe ‘gestalt therapy’.
11. What is empathy? How is it different from sympathy and intellectual understanding?
12. What are the ethical standards that need to be kept in mind by a professional
12. What is kundalini yoga?
13. How is psychodynamic therapy different from logotherapy?
14. What is the importance of dream interpretation in psychotherapy?
15. Briefly describe client-centered therapy.
16. What is clinical formulation? What are it’s advantages?
17. Discuss positive/negative reinforcement as a means of behavior modification.
18. What is differential reinforcement as a technique to modify behavior?
19. Explain modeling as a technique as a technique for modifying maladaptive behaviour.
20. Write a note on insight.

Four Marks Questions

1. Discuss Roger’s client-centered therapy.
2. Describe Beck’s and Ellis’s therapy in detail.
3. Discuss Cognitive Behaviour Therapy in detail.
4. What is mean by ‘interpretation? Discuss two analytical techniques of interpretation.
5. Discuss Bio-medical therapies in brief.
6. Describe the three stages adopted in psychodynamic therapy for treatment of psychological
7. Which therapy encourages the client to seek personal growth and actualize their potential?
Discuss in detail.
8. How would a social learning theorist account for a phobic fear of lizard .
9. Discuss technique of systematic desensitization in detail.
10. What is ‘working through’ in psychodynamic therapy?
11. What are ‘dysfunctional cognitive’ structures?
12. Discuss the nature and importance of rehabilitation of the mentally ill.
13.What is alternative therapy? Describe any two that are used in psychological distress.

6 marks Questions
1.Discuss the major techniques used in behavior therapy.
2.Discuss some indigenous alternative therapies that are widely used nowadays.
3.A therapist asks the client to reveal all his thoughts, including childhood experiences. Describe
the technique and type of therapy used.
4. Alex periodically suffers from extremely high levels of anxiety but he cannot pinpoint the
source or say why he is so anxious. He is terrified at times, his heart often races, he feels wobbly
and has difficulty in concentrating. As his counsellor which therapy would you use to help him
with his problem, explain the therapy in detail
5. In the last few years, Rebecca has had to face many difficult circumstances. Quite often, she
finds herself asking questions about the meaning of life. How will existential therapy alleviate
her distress and help her achieve a sense of wholeness?
6. Ayesha has been feeling anxious and depressed. She is convinced that no one loves her and
that it would be very difficult for her to succeed. How will Beck’s cognitive therapy help her
deal with her negative thoughts?
7. Towards any challenges in life, Ridhima has tendency to think – I am worthless and situation
is helpless, describe the kind of therapy that will be best suited to help Ridhima and how
8. Rishabh, a 21-year-old college student, exhibits an intense fear of fireworks, gunshots,
popping balloons etc’. Suggest the most appropriate therapy that could be used to help Rishabh
overcome his fear.
9. A five-year-old child is showing disruptive and aggressive behaviour in the class. As her
teacher, which form of therapy would you use to help modify her behaviour
10. The client experiences irrational thought that are self-defeating in nature. Suggest and
explain a suitable therapy that will help him to reduce his distress.
11. Aruna now a housewife of 35 years of age, had always been nervous since her childhood.
During her school days, she had been anxious for her studies and examinations. She was also
extremely upset if any of her friends talked ill about her or the teachers scolded her. At home she
became greatly worried if her father came home later than usual. She apprehended some
accident. She was admitted to college, but did not finish her graduation. She married at the age of
22. Her husband had a small business in the town. Fatema was from the very beginning
apprehensive about the possible failure of her husband’s business and worried over any
temporary loss that occurred. Initially her husband was glad to see her worried, as he interpreted
it as her attachment to him. Gradually he became irritated at the constant worry and negative
predictions she had. He tried to convince her that every business has its own ups and downs, and
there is nothing to be worried about. The effort was of little effect. At the age of 26 Fatema gave
birth to a girl, and after four years to a boy. During pregnancy she was extremely fearful that the
pregnancy would go wrong and some damage might occur to her unborn child. Fatema’s family
consulted some ‘pirbaba’ (local saint) who gave her some pious water and assured her that
everything would be alright, and she was consoled a bit. Now her daughter being in puberty,
Fatema is extremely worried that some harm might befall her, and remains anxious till the girl
comes back home from school. Fatema fears that she might be assaulted on her way back home.
Fatema’s son is also growing up, and Fatema is worried that he might hurt himself during play.
She reports bad dreams and apprehends that these might come true. She restricts her son’s
movement causing lots of argument and dissatisfaction within the family. However, she becomes
so anxious and starts crying instead of rationally justifying her stand that her husband and
children ultimately compromise with her demands. Fatema remained happy and relaxed for a
negligible period of her life, always apprehending that some danger might befall her and her
loved ones. She is a frequent visitor to the ‘pirbaba’, and remains temporarily calm only after he
had blessed her for a safe life.
Which therapeutic approach will best suit the client, substantiate your selection of therapy in a
line and explain the therapy.

Answers for MCQ(CUET/CBSE)

1.C. Antecedent operation
2. A Client Centered therapist
3. d. Anxiety and depression.
4. c. ECT
5. d. Humanistic existential therapy
6. d Differential reinforcement
7. b. Obsessive compulsive disorder
8. b. Occupational therapy
9. b.False
10. C. Cognitive therapy
11. b. Victor Frankl
12. b. Empathy
13 c. Vipasana meditation
14. Aversive conditioning
15.ABC Analysis
16. Sympathy
17. Limited duration
18. Token economy
19. Carl Rogers
20. All of the above
21. Relaxation training
22. Aversion therapy
23. Wolpe
24. Cognitive therapy
25. Albert Ellis
26. Ans B 27. Ans A 28. Ans A 29. Ans A 30. Ans D

Vipula Gupta
AISG 43 Gurugram
Ph No. 9899003789

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