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A Qualitative Research

Presented to the faculty of

Senior High School
Vigan City


In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Subject
Practical Research 1









Chapter I



Bantay is one of the Municipality in Ilocos Sur where in they have a specialty

food,an original delicacy.This delicacy become known in 1950’s.This specialty is

proudly a discovery product of the town of Bantay.This dish is not a mastery or

culinary.This is made up of pork and it is deep fried,and cook into its own oil then

it’s wrapped in a banana leaves. They discover this unintentionally and some

generations, they didn’t know the delicacy of this dish .This dish, specifically the

deboned head and intestines of a pig, are initially cooked in oil until it becomes

sticky and greasy before being finished in its own fat.It transforms into a crumb

meat meal when it’s served,needing only salt to taste in place of any other

ingredients, seasonings, or garnishes. It can be eaten straight from the boiling or put

on wrapped banana leaves to make it seem beautiful and tasty.It works well with

sliced tomatoes brightened with fish sauce (Patis).Ladek ,a dish of finely shredded

fermented pig mask is a delicacy of Bantay,Ilocos Sur. In the past(between the

1970’s and 1990’s),many entrepreneurs took risks in the production of Ladek;

currently,only a small number are involved due to “interventions” like the need for

capital,economic instability,marketability,labor cost,production difficulty,fluctuating

cost of hogs,and possibly a lack of technical skill.The reality is that many residents

especially the younger generations are unaware that this delicacy originated.

Moreover,Ladek is now a wonderful supper on its own rather than only a by-product

or derivative of chicaron (bagnet).Even though it has grown in popularity over

time,it has yet to be fully utilized to increase its marketability.

Nowadays,Ladek lovers enjoy this mouthwatering dish by making it at home,

especially in Bantay,Ilocos Sur The dish is simple,but it takes some time to

prepare.It can be chilled for preservation and warmed in a conventional pan,

microwave,or oven.If properly stored,it can last for days,weeks,or even months

without losing its wonderful flavor or stickiness. An excellent “quick food”and ideal

“baon”for outings and picnics,It is delicious to eat the fatty,cut up beef with your

bare hands and your favorite dipping sauce or flavor


To investigate the origin and evolution of ladek,

1.What are your insights to the historical origins of Ladek?

2.How does your knowledge on the historical origin and evolution influence your

understanding of its cultural significance in the community







Preserves Culinary Heritage: By documenting the origins and evolution of Ladek,

the study safeguards a vital aspect of Ilocano cultural heritage. This knowledge,

passed down through generations, can be threatened by time and changing trends.

The research acts as a historical record, ensuring future generations have access to

this rich culinary tradition.

Strengthens Cultural Identity: Understanding the history and significance of

Ladek fosters a deeper appreciation for Ilocano culture and identity. This

appreciation can contribute to a stronger sense of community and belonging among


Promotes Cultural Exchange: Ladek’s story can spark interest and

appreciation for Ilocano culture beyond Ilocos Region. Sharing this knowledge

through the research can foster cultural exchange and understanding between

different communities.


Unravels the Past: The research can shed light on historical aspects related to

food, agriculture, and social customs in Ilocos. By examining the evolution of

Ladek, the study can offer insights into the changing cultural landscape of the


Provides Context for Historical Events: Understanding the role of Ladek in Ilocano

history can provide valuable context for understanding historical events and societal

changes within the region.

Boosts Local Tourism: The research can contribute to promoting Ilocos Region

as a cultural and culinary destination. Highlighting the unique food culture,

including Ladek, can attract tourists interested in authentic experiences.

Supports Local Businesses: Increased awareness of Ladek can benefit local

businesses involved in its production and sale. This can range from restaurants

featuring Ladek to producers of its ingredients.


Contributes to Food Studies: The research adds valuable knowledge to the field of

food studies by exploring the history and cultural significance of a specific regional

dish. This can contribute to a broader understanding of the role of food in shaping

cultures and communities.

Inspires Further Research: The study can serve as a springboard for further

research into Ilocano cuisine and food culture. It can inspire scholars to delve deeper

into other regional delicacies and their cultural significance.


This study aims to analyze the HISTORY OF “LADEK”MAKING to know what

are their secret ingredient, safety sanitation practices and safe keeping also

determine,its impact on the Ladek makers and sellers.

The target participants are the Ladek business owners and restaurant managers

offering Ladek in BANTAY ILOCOS SUR.The study is only limited to Balaleng

Bantay,the chosen participants will be interviewed depending on their availability

,and willingness to contribute to study.



A Gastronomic Investigation of Ladek: Following the Origins and Growth of an

Ilocano Gem Examining the Development and History of Ladek, an Ilocos

Signature Dish Ladek’s journey from Lowly Beginnings to Treasured Customs in

Ilocano Cooking.Ladek is a proud discovery product of the town. A recipe that

requires no culinary art or mastery, it is bare pork meat crumbs derived as residual

titbits when cooking the famous bagnet. The ingenuity of Bantayenos made it a

classic meal, though. A superb delicacy food reflective of the resourcefulness and

creativity of the town folks. Savour it to experience and relish its delectable flavour.

An authentic zest of the Bantay cuisine.Its origin and how it all started could be

traced back during the Spanish era when the ‘poblaciones’ of Bantay was renowned

as home to ‘partidores’ (butchers and slaughterers) and ‘kusineros’ (food chefs),

either as an avocation or source of livelihood


Academic databases: Search databases like JSTOR or ERIC for scholarly articles

on Filipino cuisine or food history. Use keywords like “Filipino food,” “Ilocano

cuisine,” “Ladek,” or “Ilocos food.”

Filipino cookbooks: Look for cookbooks specializing in Ilocano cuisine or

Filipino regional dishes. These may provide historical background or variations on


Filipino websites and blogs: Search for reputable Filipino websites or blogs

focused on food or culture. These may offer insights into Ladek’s significance or


Origins: How do the sources explain the origins of Ladek? Is there a consensus

or debate about its history?

Ingredients: How do Ladek recipes vary? Are there traditional ingredients

specific to Ilocos?
Preparation methods: How is Ladek prepared? Are there special techniques or


Cultural significance: What do the sources say about Ladek’s role in Ilocano

culture or celebrations?

Remember to Consider Source Credibility

Author expertise: Is the author a historian, chef, or someone with knowledge of

Ilocano cuisine?

Source type: Is it a scholarly article, cookbook, website, or blog? Scholarly

sources tend to be more reliable.

Date of publication: Is the information current? Consider the evolution of Ladek

over time.



An Ilocana dish or dishes featured in the documentary “Ladek: A Taste of

History,Historically, Ladek would have been a descriptive surname given to

someone who had a particular skill or trade in archery. In some cultures in the

Eastern and Central Europe region, archers were considered to be of higher social

rank, so it is likely the last name was given as a mark of reverence or respect.

In modern times, many people named Ladek may have no connection with the

bow-wielding history of their ancestors Ladek only became known in the 1950’s,

but it is believed that the first commercial ladek was cooked in the mid 1960’s,

neatly wrapped individually in banana leaves bought by piece and not by weight as

being done nowadays.

Today, avid connoisseurs of ladek, particularly among households of Bantay, enjoy

this mouth-watering meal by cooking it home-made. The recipe is no secret, it is

pure and bare, but somewhat tedious to prepare. It can be stored and preserved in

the refrigerator and reheated in the oven, microwave or ordinary pan. It can last for

days, weeks and even months without losing its splendid taste and stickiness as long

as kept properly. A great ‘fast food’ and perfect ‘baon’ on outings and picnics, so

yummy to devour the fragmented greasy meat in a plate of banana leaves with your

bare hands coupled with your favourite dip or seasoning

Verily, ladek is no longer just a by-product or derivative of chicharon (bagnet) but a

delicious fine meal by itself. Though it has gained popularity by the passing of time,

it still awaits to be tapped to be more competitive in the market.


The historical background and influences that led to the creation of a particular

Ilocana dish.

This may include factors such as available ingredients, cooking techniques, cultural

practices, and trade routes.


The changes that an Ilocana dish has undergone over time.This could involve

modifications to the recipe, ingredients, or presentation of the dish.


Refers to the people, culture, and language of the Ilocos Region in the


This part presents the research methodologies that will be used in this study.

This includes research design, sources of data, population and sample, data

gathering instrument, data gathering procedure, data analysis and ethical



The research study will employ an individual interview to collect data needed.

In addition, the researchers will used a semi- structured interview regarding

the origin and evolution of ladek.

The researcher will prepare some questions that will guide them during the

interview and each of the respondents will answer the same questions that the

researcher will ask. The selected ladek makers of Bantay, locos Sur who have

been chosen as their respondents will answer the questionnaires. With that, the

researchers will have an in-depth understanding on the origin and evolution of



Informed Consent and Community Engagement:

Oral Histories:interview Ilocano elders or food practitioners about Ladek, obtain

informed consent. Explain the research purpose, how data will be used, and

anonymity options.

Community Collaboration: Consider partnering with local historians, cultural

centers, or community leaders. Their insights can enrich your study and ensure

cultural sensitivity.

Community Knowledge: Recognize Ladek may hold cultural significance for

the Ilocano people. Acknowledge their role in preserving and transmitting this

culinary tradition.

Oral Histories: recording interviews, obtain consent for recording and anonymize

data if confidentiality is promised.

Recipes or Techniques: If obtaining recipes from individuals, ensure they are

comfortable with how you plan to use them (publication, sharing, etc.).

Multiple Sources: Consult various sources like cookbooks, historical records,

and interviews to create a well-rounded picture of Ladek's evolution.

Personal Biases: Be mindful of your own culinary preferences or assumptions.

Strive for an objective presentation of the dish's history.

Benefits and Risks:

Benefits: Highlight how your research can contribute to preserving and

celebrating Ilocano culinary heritage.

Risks: Consider if your research might misrepresent Ladek or its cultural


Hypothesis 1: Ladek is an ancient dish with a long history in Ilocano cuisine.

The title mentions "origins and evolution" which suggests the author will explore

the historical development of Ladek.

Since it's called an "iconic" dish, it implies Ladek is likely well-established and

holds cultural significance within Ilocano cuisine.

Hypothesis 2: The origins of Ladek may be unclear or have multiple stories

associated with it.

The title uses the word "investigating" which suggests there may be some obscurity

or debate surrounding the exact origins of Ladek.

Hypothesis 3: The recipe and preparation of Ladek may have evolved over time.

The title mentions "evolution" which hints at the possibility of variations or changes

in the way Ladek is traditionally made.

Hypothesis 4: The essay will likely connect Ladek to the broader cultural context

of the Ilocano people.


This approach is closen to analyze the Origin and evolution of Ladek at

Bantay,Ilocos Sur.By Focusing on this specific population which is 5 Ladek

makers,the researchers will come up to a reliable conclusion about the Origin and

evolution of Ladek.


Concepts for the Ladek Locale Study's Title

Keeping the emphasis on Ladek's historical and cultural relevance, consider the

following title suggestions for your location study:

Overall Titles:

Ladek: A Traveling Culinary Adventure

Revealing the Traits: An Historical Investigation of Ladek

From Custom to Table: Ladek's Story

Titles that Emphasize Origin:

Following the Trail: Examining Ladek's Beginnings

A Recipe Rich in History: Revealing Ladek's Origins

Ladek: A Generation-to-Generation Legacy

Headlines Showcasing Evolution:

A Dish's Transformation: Ladek's Travels Through Time

How Ladek Originated: An Examination of the Development of a Legendary Meal

Ladek: A Recipe Mirroring a Shifting Society


Population: This refers to the entire collection of individuals or items you're

interested in. It's the whole set of data you ideally want to analyze. For instance, if

you're studying the reading habits of teenagers, the population might be all

teenagers in a particular country.

Sample: A sample is a subset of the population. It's a smaller group that you

actually collect data from. Since studying an entire population can be impractical or

even impossible, researchers use samples to draw inferences about the larger group.

Imagine you can't survey every teenager about their reading habits. So, you select a
representative sample of teenagers, perhaps from different schools and regions, to

get a sense of the reading habits of the entire teenage population.

By carefully choosing a representative sample, researchers can make generalizations

about the population with some degree of accuracy. There are different techniques

for selecting samples, some random and some non-random, depending on the

research question and the population itself.


Ladek: Examining the Cultural and Historical Background

Ladek: An Overview of Ilocano Customary Recipes

Recording Ladek: A Gastronomic Custom

Examining Ladek: An Analysis of Components and Variations

Ladek: A Regional and Historical Perspective

These are informative, succinct, and understandable titles. They faithfully capture

the aim of your data collection tool, which is to compile Ladek-related information.


1.You could shorten the title to be more concise, such as:

○ Unveiling the History of Ladek: An Ilocano Culinary Tradition

○ Ladek: A Journey Through Time

2.You could emphasize the taste aspect in the title, such as:

● Savoring History: A Look at Ladek, the Iconic Ilocano Dish



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