Advice To People Who Are Just Getting Started

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Best Advice to a

1) Decide what you want to do:

Depending on the course or degree that a
candidate has pursued, they have numerous
options at their disposal. However, that could often
lead to confusion and indecisiveness.
Therefore, the candidates need to make up their
minds regarding what it is that they want to pursue
as a career.

2) Work on your communication skills:

Communication skills are extremely important in today’s
business industry. They can often be the differentiator
between two candidates possessing the same academic
Since the domestic markets are now condensing into
one huge global market, job seekers must master
communication in English, which is recognized as the
global language.

3) Create an interesting resume:

There’s an adage that “the first impression is the last
impression” and it is especially true when we’re talking
about the corporate market.
Your resume makes the first impression. Therefore, you
need to pay attention while creating one. Make sure it is
clear and concise to give yourself the best chance of
getting shortlisted for an interview.

4) Develop problem-solving skills:

Employers these days prefer candidates who do not fold
under stress and can solve problems on the fly.
It can, therefore, pay off to work on skills like creativity,
creativity, time management, teamwork,
communication, and research.

5) Pursue internships:
Almost every job in the industry today requires the
candidate to have some prior work experience.
Internships can help you greatly in this regard.
Not only would you be able to show your employer that
you’ve experienced a work environment before, but it
will also help you to hone your skillset.

6) Build a strong network:

If you want to taste success in the business industry, you
need to have a strong professional network.
These contacts will help you in increasing the hiring
chances prior to advertising publicly for a position.

7) Consider suitability before applying:

Oftentimes, out of desperation, candidates apply for
every job that they see, regardless of whether they are
overqualified/underqualified for the job.
Organizations do not shortlist such resumes as they are
looking for candidates who are suitable for the role.
Therefore, if you want to avoid getting rejected, apply for
jobs that you’re suitable for.

8) Never stop learning:

As a fresher, be open to learning anything that comes up
your way. Be it functionally or technically.
Ask questions whenever required.
Don't hesitate to run down to your seniors to take their
opinion in case of critical issues or confusions. Make sure
you don't bother them without trying to
solve/understand the issue yourself.

Interview Tips
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