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Deadlines: Thứ 3 (2/4 - 15h00)

Gen Z's language and identity

I. Gen Z’s Language in social media platforms?
II. Gen Z’s Identity in social media platforms?
III. Correlation between Gen Z’s Language and Identity in social media

IV. Intro (Dung)
1. Definition
- What is GenZ?
GenZ is a short term of Generation Z, referring to the
group of people who were born in the late 1990s and early
2000s. According to Eldridge in 2024, some sources give
the specific year range of 1997–2012, although the years
spanned are sometimes debated because generations and
their zeitgeists are difficult to delineate. Generation Z
follows the millennial generation or Generation Y, which
followed Generation X, the first generation to be assigned
a letter.
Generation Z has distinct characteristics that set them
apart from previous generations. They are self-confident,
creative, competitive, realistic, curious, independent, and
exclusive [1]. Being born and raised in the era of the
Internet, digital tools, and social media, Generation Z is
tech-savvy and skilled at multitasking [2]. They also have
a strong attachment to technology and are considered
digital natives [3]. Additionally, Generation Z is more
tolerant of cultural diversity and values flexibility and
intelligence [4].
However, genZ is socially acknowledged to be a broken
generation, more vulnerable than previous generations.
According to Shtepura, they tend to easily have distraction
syndrome, Internet addiction, health problems, social
immaturity, low motivation, selfishness, narcissism, etc

2. Context (Dung)
Discuss the rise of social media platforms and their
impact on communication.
Growing up in the booming digital era, it is easily
understood that genZ exposes so much with social media
platforms. A survey conducted by Coe and his colleagues
in 2023 indicates that everyone uses social media, but
most genZ respondents spend at least one hour a day. In
addition, they have a significant check-in frequency rate.

The social media phenomenon has become the main platform for social
interaction and self-expression of Generation Z. In this context, dramatic
changes are seen in the way they interact with each other. Gen Z tends to
communicate more via text messages than through direct verbal
communication. This can change the dynamic in their relationship, as text
messages give them time to think about a response. They also use slang
more often when communicating on social media. (Siagian & Yuliana, 2023)
→ So now my friends provide you with deeper insight about the relation

between language and identity in social media platforms of genZ.

V. Gen Z’s Language and Identity in social media platforms

1. Gen Z’s Language (Vinh)
a. Explore the influence of online communities and meme
culture on Gen Z's language. (Provide examples: Reddit
slang, meme captions)
b. Briefly touch upon the influence of gaming and online
communities on language evolution (e.g., Twitch emotes,
gaming terminology)
⇒ The characteristics of Gen Z language
c. Expressive use of emojis and emoticons
d. Slang evolution and internet-born words ("shook,"
e. Sarcasm and ironic humor as a communication style
Interactive element: Present a selection of Gen Z terms
and have the audience guess their meaning (facilitates

2. Gen Z’s Identity (Mạnh)

a. Fluidity and Self-Expression: Discuss Gen Z's emphasis
on personal pronouns (e.g., they/them) and non-binary
b. Social Justice and Advocacy: Highlight the importance
of social justice movements and online activism in shaping
Gen Z identity (e.g., #BlackLivesMatter, #MeToo).
c. Global Citizenship: Explore how access to information
fosters a global perspective and a sense of belonging to a
larger online community.
d. Mental Health Awareness: Briefly discuss the rise of
mental health awareness and its influence on Gen Z's self-
perception and communication style (e.g., "feeling
anxious," "self-care").

3. Correlation between Language and Identity (Ngọc)

Gen Z’s Language and Identity in social media platforms
a. Explain how Gen Z language reflects their values and
identities. Discuss the use of language to express social
consciousness (e.g., gender-neutral pronouns, social
justice terms)
b. Explore how language creates a sense of community
and belonging (e.g, online fandoms, in-group slang)
c. Briefly mention the potential downsides of language
becoming a barrier (generational gap, misunderstanding)

VI. Conclusion
Recap keypoint
a. Gen Z language is a dynamic force shaped by the digital world
and reflecting their unique identity.
b. Briefly discuss the implications of Gen Z language on the future
of communication.
c. Encourage questions and open discussion for further exploration.
VII. Discussion

- (PDF) WeChat online visual language among Chinese Gen Z: virtual gift, aesthetic identity,
and affection language (
- Gen Z Identity: A Qualitative Research Study | Zeus Jones

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