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Mango Tapioca


 4pcs Mango
 1 can Condensed Milk
 Tapioca
 Cream
 1/4 Nata de Coco
 1 can coconut milk
 Mint


 In a pot, add 1 cup of tapioca pearls and 6 cups of water. Turn the heat to
medium-low heat and let it cook for 10 minutes. Constantly stir to prevent it
from sticking.
 After 10 minutes, put the lid on, turn the heat off, and let it sit for 3 minutes.
 Drain the tapioca pearls and run them under cold water. If you are serving right
away, set the pearls aside. If not, leave them in cold water until ready to serve.
 Cut fresh mangos into cubes. Add half of the mango in a blender.
 Add in condensed into the blender and blend until smooth.
 Fold in drained tapioca pearls and serve with fresh mangos on top.

Sample plating

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