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Autonomous English Pronunciation

Learning through Vlogs: Evidence

from two Indonesian EFL students
The current popularity of Vlogs, especially on YouTube, can be a learning medium
for EFL learners to learn English pronunciation automonmously outside the
classroom. The purpose of this study is to describe how students learn English
pronunciation through English Vlogs. The research method used a descriptive case
study. The participants comprised 2 students majoring in English Education at one
of the universities in Tasikmalaya, West Java, Indonesia. The research data were
collected using semi- structured interviews and analyzed using thematic analysis.
The results showed that the students had several ways in terms of how they learn
English pronunciation through English Vlogs, including (1) Memorizing the
pronunciation of words by repetition; (2) Comprehending and using the English
language from Vlogs; (3) Using technological tools for help; and (4) Communicating
in English with others as practice in social life. Based on the analysis, the researcher
concludes that students use various strategies in terms of learning English
pronunciation through English Vlogs. Furthermore, by applying those strategies, it
can help students in their learning, and improve their pronunciation.
Keywords: Pronunciation, EFL students, English pronunciation learning strategy, Vlog

ISSN 2503 3492 (online) Pronunciation is one of the important aspects that must be learned when someone wants to
learn English. This is in line with Plailek & Essien (2021), who stated that good
pronunciation is the key to effective oral communication. Proper pronunciation will help
author 1
people communicate easily and avoid misunderstandings when they talk. Despite mistakes in
vocabulary, grammar, and pragmatics, a speaker with excellent pronunciation is
Citation understandable; conversely, bad pronunciation makes it exceedingly difficult to understand
: 1 a and 2 A (XXXX) Review them, even when they are accurate in other areas (Fraser, 2000). Moreover, Thornbury &
Article/Original Research Article
Slade (2006) stated that mispronunciation is one of the most common triggers of
(choose one of them) Title of Articles
misunderstanding. Thus, pronunciation mastery is a concern to be learned.
15 Words Maximum With Times New
Roman Font 12pt (bold) in English.
In Indonesia, where English is taught as a foreign language, university students still need
J. Eng. Educ. Society. some help in mastering pronunciation. One of the reasons is that many students struggle with
XX:XX. the interference of their mother tongue when learning English pronunciation (Aulia, 2018).
Additionally, according to Moedjito (2016), from the perspective of the students, the most
likely cause of the students' difficulty pronouncing some English sounds is that in the
students' native tongues, some English sounds do not occur. As a result, students require such
learning media to assist them in interacting with natives or listening to the target language to
produce words or sentences in the target language appropriately.
It is known that technology has become increasingly important in the sphere of education.
Putri & Sari (2020) claimed that technological advancement has a positive impact on many

Journal of English Educators Society | 1 May XXXX | Volume XX | Issue XX

Author 1 JEES (Journal of English Educators Society)

aspects of education, including teaching, learning, and in their English pronunciation.

research, in which it provides teachers and students with a
variety of resources that support autonomous learning. Moreover, the framework of learning pronunciation is based
Additionally, students who are motivated to improve their on Oxford (1990), as cited in Szyszka (2017). They are
pronunciation could learn on their own by utilizing memory, cognitive, compensation, metacognitive, affective,
technological advancements (Aprianti & Ayu, 2020). and social. Through the lens of Pronunciation Learning
Further, according to Taqwa & Sandi (2019), Vlogs are a Strategy (PLS) theory, this study found out how Indonesian
new technological innovation that has recently gained much EFL students learn English pronunciation through Vlogs.
popularity. It is a combination of the words ‘video’ and
‘blog’; it enables users to make, upload, and watch videos Vlog as learning media
that share about lifestyles (Anil, 2016). Hence, Vlog is a The presence of Vlogs can be useful media for language
learning media that students can use to improve their learning purposes. The integration of Vlogs in language
pronunciation. learning facilitates students in acquiring the target language
In this research, several students in an English Education (Anil, 2016). Moreover, Rakhmanina & Kusumaningrum
Department use Vlogs on YouTube as learning media to (2017) added that Vlog offers comfortable and personal sites
learn English pronunciation autonomously outside of the for people to practice the target languages. Vlogs are shared
classroom. In their English pronunciation learning process, on mediums that enable the video format, including
students watch and listen to English Vlogs made by native Instagram, WhatsApp, YouTube and others (Fidan &
speakers or English Vloggers. Further, students learn and Debbağ, 2018). Additionally, Mulyani & Sartika (2019)
practice their pronunciation in their English pronunciation claimed that in YouTube-based videos, students can see,
learning through Vlogs to increase their pronunciation hear and imitate the native speaker language so that the
mastery. However, the use of vlogs is not recently used by the pronunciation of the words can resemble exactly like the
students in learning pronunciation for the students’ speaking ability. native speaker. Thus, using Vlogs in language learning can
Taqwa & Sandi (2019) have investigated the students’ English give students opportunities to pronounce the words in
learning experiences through vlogs. The study revealed that students English properly by watching and listening to the English
derive numerous advantages from vlogs in terms of improving their Vloggers and imitating how they pronounce the words or
speaking confidence, digital literacy, and vocabulary gaining. This sounds in English. By doing that, the students may also
acquire an English accent through listening to the native
finding is supported by Mufidah & Roifah (2020) who found that
speakers’ Vlogs.
vlogs can give positive impacts to the students. This media is
beneficial for enhancing students' speaking skills, making the learning
process pleasurable, and boosting students' confidence in speaking. Previous studies related Vlog as learning media to
Conversely, the previous studies focus on investigating the improve English skills.
effect of using a vlog A study investigating Vlog was conducted by Safitri &
without clearly examine how students learn English Khoiriyah (2017), seeking information on students'
pronunciation through Vlogs. Thus, the present study aims perceptions of using English Vlogs to develop speaking
to find out how students learn English pronunciation through skills. By employing a qualitative research methodology
Vlogs. and using observation, interview, and documentation as
the research instruments to collect data from 5 students in
the English Education Department at Universitas Islam
Pronunciation Indonesia, the findings showed that students had positive
Pronunciation is one of the important aspects of English that perceptions of using English Vlog because they perceived
is used to communicate with others. According to Richards that E-Vlog plays authentic media, is the fastest medium
& Schmidt (2002), pronunciation is the way a particular for improving speaking skill, as well as develop listening
sound or sounds are produced, and pronunciation stresses abilities, pronunciation and increase new vocabulary. The
more about the way the listener recognizes sounds. study also revealed the students’ techniques to improve
Furthermore, Prashant (2018) defined pronunciation as the their speaking skills by using Vlog that is students
act of making sounds that is used to create meaning. It can imitating native speakers, pausing the video when they
be concluded that pronunciation is the way a person utters didn't understand a word and checking the dictionary,
words or sounds in a precise way to ensure that the speech trying to speak English, and recording it, and following
can be understood easily. the conversation or words on English Vlogs to
communicate with friends, is improve students' speaking
English pronunciation learning strategy skills.
Learning strategies are the ways used by students to enhance The other research addressed the effectiveness of
their learning. Using learning strategies, students can take using Vlogs as learning media and its impacts on the
control of their learning by increasing their language students’ learning achievements, specifically to students’
abilities, desire to learn, and confidence (Shi, 2017). fluency and public speaking skills. The research
Moreover, Peterson (2000) defined the Pronunciation conducted by Mufidah & Roifah (2020) employed a
Learning Strategies (PLS) as the actions undertaken by qualitative method as the research design and two data
students to improve their own pronunciation acquisition. collection techniques, observation and a speaking
Thus, the students can benefit from using learning strategies assessment rubric. The data from 1 class of students from
Journal of English Educators Society | 2 May XXXX | Volume XX | Issue XX
Author 1 JEES (Journal of English Educators Society)

the English-speaking subject English study program at the They claim proper pronunciation is important for effective
University of Trunojoyo Madura were analyzed using oral communication because it is a crucial component of
qualitative analytic strategies. The findings showed that communicative competence. Therefore, the researcher
Vlog as a learning media helps students improve their conducted this study to investigate how students in an
fluency and public speaking skills English education department of a university in
Tasikmalaya, Jawa

because it makes learning engaging and fun for students to

practice speaking more and increase good presentation in Barat, learn English pronunciation through Vlogs outside of
students’ speaking performance. the classroom independently to increase their pronunciation
In addition, Lingga et al., (2021) conducted a study on using different research focus, participants, and theory.
Vlogs on social media to improve English speaking skills
of EFL students. The participants of this study were 65
students of the Information Technology Department of
Politeknik Negeri Tanah Laut. The data were collected
through interview transcripts and class observation. The
Research Design
findings indicated that Vlog on social media significantly
The study used a qualitative approach, which is a
enhances students’ English-speaking ability. The
descriptive case study. Yin (2003) explained a case study as
frequency level of proficiency criteria of students in cycle
an empirical investigation of phenomena of interest to
1 is still average in vocabulary and pronunciation and poor answer “how” or “why.” The use of case study
level in grammar, fluency, and content. Meanwhile, the methodology is chosen because it best facilitates
frequency levels improve in cycle 2; that is, every criterion constructing a detailed, in-depth understanding of what is to
rises to a good level. be studied. Additionally, the descriptive case study is an
Ersan et al., (2022) have researched eleventh grade SMK approach to describe a phenomenon or case in a real-world
Negeri 1 Arjasa on improving students’ speaking ability by context (Yin, 2018). Thus, this approach becomes an
using Vlog media. This study used a classroom action appropriate method for in-depth investigation of certain
research design and pre and post-tests as well as a phenomena, which can result in comprehensive analyses.
questionnaire with Likert scale as research instruments. The Hence, the descriptive case study was used to find out how
questionnaire is made from a theory of perception. The data students learn English pronunciation through Vlogs.
collected from the test were analyzed using descriptive
statistics, which is SPSS version 26. The findings show that Context and Participants
students’ achievement improved from the beginning to the The study occurred at a university in Tasikmalaya, West
end of the second cycle. The average at the beginning Java, Indonesia, where the research phenomenon was
condition was 65.76, and during the last cycle of the found. Some students in the English Education Department
investigation, it rose to 80.30. used Vlogs on YouTube as learning media to learn English
Furthermore, the study conducted by Arifatin et al., pronunciation. The types of Vlogs watched by students are
(2023) used a quantitative method as the research design and a school Vlogs, campus/university Vlogs, daily Vlogs, and
pre-test and post-test as the data collection technique. This traveling Vlogs. Further, the students randomly chose
study examines the performance of 33 students of the vlogger accounts from YouTube with the note that the
Management Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah Vlogs they chose were native and the content of Vlogs must
Lamongan in speaking through digital Vlog media. The data be good.
collected from the pre-test and post-test were analyzed using The study participants were two female students
SPSS 25. The results showed that speaking performance majoring in the English Education Department, specifically
among students is enhanced by performing in a digital Vlog. one sixth-semester student and one eighth-semester student
The data indicate that 33 students are participating in this who actively watched and listened to English Vlogs
study; the lowest score from the pre-test is 47, and the whenever they wanted, learned English pronunciation, and
maximum score is 71. Meanwhile, in the post-test, the passed the pronunciation courses. The first participant was
students' minimal score improved from the previous round; it 21 years old, and the second participant was 22 years old.
was 68, and the maximum score was 98. The results also They are P1 and P2 (pseudonyms). The researcher did a
revealed that students were motivated to improve their preliminary study before choosing research participants by
fluency and accuracy concerning tenses and pronunciations. conducting a short interview through WhatsApp chat to ask
The studies above have numerous dissimilarities, for participants about their experiences and thoughts of Vlogs
instance, the research context, the theory used, the research as learning media in helping them learn more about English
pronunciation and read their responses. The participants
participants, and the research methodology. Moreover, those
were purposely chosen based on some characteristics;
studies examine the benefits of using Vlogs as learning media
namely, they actively watch and listen to English Vlogs on
to improve students' speaking skills. However, in this
YouTube to learn English pronunciation (at least 1 video
research, the researcher focuses on how students learn English
per day), have experience watching and listening to English
pronunciation through Vlogs. Syafitri et al., (2018) explained
Vlogs for more than three years, have good grades in
that pronunciation is a component of speaking that focuses on pronunciation courses, and agree to participate in this study.
how people pronounce the words and understand the sound.
Journal of English Educators Society | 3 May XXXX | Volume XX | Issue XX
Author 1 JEES (Journal of English Educators Society)

Furthermore, based on the interview with the teacher. She codes, 3) Searching for themes among codes, 4) Reviewing
suggested that the two participant is interesting to themes, 5) Defining and naming themes, and 6) Producing
interviewed because they are most unique students. They the final report.
tend to be more kinesthetic students and they are fond
watching videos to increase their English ability. Then, I
gave the consent form to the participants as their
agreement to participate in this study.

Research Instrument
The instrument was constructed based on the theoretical RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
framework of PLS to describe how students learn English The results of the study include how students learn English
pronunciation through Vlogs. The instrument used six pronunciation through Vlogs as well as the result of the PLS
constructs of PLS theory: memory, cognitive, compensation, used by students explained briefly.
metacognitive, affective, and social.
The interview was used as a research instrument in this Memorizing the pronunciation of the words by
study. The way students learn English pronunciation through repetition
Vlogs was determined using interviews. The type of The participants demonstrated that they memorized the
interview used is semi-structured interviews. Moreover, the pronunciation of the words by repetition in their learning
participants were asked based on their experiences on how English pronunciation through Vlogs. The participants
they learn English pronunciation through Vlogs and letting mentioned that they did repetition to remember the new
the participants answer freely. The interview was conducted words and the pronunciation of the words they get from
based on the day’s agreement with the participants, and watching English Vlogs.
interviews were conducted online using WhatsApp voice eee I usually repeat the word or sentence to remember the
notes and chat. Each participant was questioned for new word, for example like the word "Hello mate" which is
approximately one hour at a different time. It was done in usually done by Australians, and I also sometimes use
Indonesian, the participants' first language, to elicit those words with my friends (P 1)
responses without restricting or constraining them. So actually, it was natural at first, so it was not intentional
Furthermore, the researcher carried three interviews with two to learn, so watching it was just for refreshing at first, but
participants since some of the information provided by these it turned out that when I watched it, I reflexively followed
participants required further investigation, ensuring that what they said, so if there were words that were unfamiliar
there were no misconceptions in interpreting the data from to my ears or I had just encountered at that time, or I just
participants. The data from the interviews was also realized that I had been mispronounced the word like for
qualitatively analyzed. In addition, the students were also example /ˈɑrˌkaɪv/ /ˈɑrˌkaɪv/ so it is arsip in Bahasa, well
asked to create reflective journal to reflect their experiences in the past I read it often eee I thought it was /archip/
when learning pronunciation through vlogs. It used Smyth’s because I followed the word achieve, like that, but after
model (1993) consisted of four sequential stages; describing watching one of the Vlogs euu a native it turns out that the
(what do I do), informing (what does it mean), confronting correct pronunciation is /ˈɑrˌkaɪv/ so I followed and
(how dis I come to be like this?), and reconstructing (how repeated /ˈɑrˌkaɪv/ /ˈɑrˌkaɪv/ so that it sticks in the brain,
might I do things differently). like that, often like that anyway (P 2)
So, when I find a new word or an unfamiliar word, I
Data Collection
repeat it over and over again so that it sticks, like that (P
The researchers used interviews and reflective journal to
collect the data. To do semi-structured interview, researchers
employ the following procedures by Adams (2015), in: 1)
Selecting participants and arranging interviews, 2) Drafting Comprehending and Using the English Language
the questions and interview guideline, 3) Starting the from Vlogs
interview, 4) Polishing interview techniques, 5) Analyzing The participants revealed that their English pronunciation
and reporting a semi-structured interview. However, reflective learning through Vlogs is done in various ways, such as
journal was used as supplemental data to provide a thorough students comprehending and using the English language
understanding of how students autonomously acquire English from Vlogs. In this case, the participants understand and
pronunciation through vlogs Then the data was transcribed use the English language from the Vlogs that they watch
and translated. Then, it was analyzed using thematic analysis. and listen to in their learning by (1) Concentrating on
pronunciation while listening to the Vlogs; (2) Imitating
Data Analysis native pronunciation; (3) Practice pronunciation by
The researchers analyzed the data by using thematic analysis repetition; and (4) Recording voice to hear pronunciation.
by Braun & Clarke (2006). The researchers utilized this Detailed explanations are provided below.
technique because thematic analysis is a technique for 1. Concentrating on pronunciation while listening to
identifying the following patterns or themes in the data the Vlogs
collected by researchers (Braun & Clarke, 2006).
Furthermore, Braun & Clarke (2006) stressed that thematic The participants mentioned that they used tactics
analysis is flexible. The following are the six steps for doing concentrating on pronunciation while listening to the
the analysis: 1) Familiarization with data, 2) Generating initial Vlogs to help them in their learning and improve
Journal of English Educators Society | 4 May XXXX | Volume XX | Issue XX
Author 1 JEES (Journal of English Educators Society)

their pronunciation. not take advantage of other media to learn outside of

class so finally, after that, I routinely watch Vlogs
Yes, I focus on pronunciation when listening. Because every day really every day euu to learn, from what
watching Vlogs is aimed at improving my was intended for refreshing into learning because
pronunciation, so I focus on how the word or sentence there are always like new words that I encounter in
is pronounced by the Vlogger (P 1) every video I watched and so far eee what is the way
I learn is, repeating the words (P 2)
Besides watching school Vlogs, I also watch daily Yes, I used that strategy. I repeat the pronunciation
activities, daily activity Vlogs, so in daily life, I in a low and loud voice to compare the difference.
become more confident when speaking in English Usually, I will try it in a low voice first, and when I
because I already know the pronunciation of the think my pronunciation is in line with how the
words (P 1) Vlogger pronounces it, I will try to pronounce it in a
I used the strategy of focusing on pronunciation while loud voice. I do this to practice my pronunciation
listening. I pay close attention to the intonation as and intonation (P 2)
well as the pronunciation that the Vlogger says so that
I can pick up how the Vlogger says it and then imitate 4. Recording Voice-to-Hear Pronunciation
it well (P 2) The participants also did record voice-to-hear
More focus on the speaking of the Vloggers because they pronunciation in their English pronunciation learning
are native, so euu because I want to have native-like through Vlogs. The participants mentioned that they
speaking so I focus on their speaking pronunciation, record their pronunciation to check whether their
intonation euu style of speaking, and so on (P 2) pronunciation is already correct or not.

2. Imitating Native Pronunciation Yes, when there is a difficult word that I hear from
The participants showed that they imitated the the Vlog, I follow how the Vlogger pronounces the
pronunciation of the native speakers when learning word, then if I feel that my pronunciation is not
English pronunciation through Vlogs. The participants correct, I just record my voice to listen to my
mentioned that in their pronunciation practice, they pronunciation to also check whether my
imitated what native speakers’ said from the Vlogs pronunciation is correct or not (P 1)
that they watched and listened to. Or sometimes, if I have free time, but this is not too
often, I like to record, not a video, my own voice on a
Yes, I also do imitation directly or indirectly. After cellphone, recording or on a WhatsApp voice note to
watching, I follow the Vlogger's speech, or I mention check whether the pronunciation has improved; there
the words that I really want to learn, usually, I imitate is progress or not, whether it has even gotten worse
the Vlogger's speech so that my pronunciation is or the same, like that. So, if it is recorded, it can be
correct (P 1) listened to over and over again; it is not listened to
Yes, by watching the Vlog and listening, I used the once when it is spoken at that time (P 2)
word cafe, so I know more like for example, it's not
/kafe/ but kæˈfeɪ/, and I know the correct
pronunciation, and euuu it makes me more natural Using Technological Tools for Help
when speaking English because I try to follow the The participants have shown that in their English
native speaker (P 1) pronunciation learning process through Vlogs, they used
Euhh yes, so I always try to imitate what the natives technological tools for help. In this case, the participants
say because their pronunciation is almost 100% mentioned that they used Google Translate and Oxford
correct because they were born with the language, so Learner’s Dictionaries online to help them when they
I follow them not only to be able to speak like a native encountered words that were difficult to pronounce while
but also so that my pronunciation is correct so that I listening to the English Vlogs.
don't get the wrong meaning of the word, like that (P
2) Euu yes, I also usually watch using English subtitles, well
so I can read and listen to it after that euu if, for example,
3. Practice Pronunciation by Repetition I really don't hear it, so the way is, I usually pause the
The participants did silent and loud repetitions in video and then repeat the video if, for example, I still don't
practice their pronunciation. hear how to pronounce it, I usually check the Oxford
online dictionary euuu then check how to pronounce the
Yes, for strategies, I usually do the repetition, usually word, if American how and if British how like that (P 1)
spoken softly, because I get new words or unique Euhh if the word is very difficult to pronounce, I usually
sentences from the Vlogs I watch. After that, I usually check it on Google Translate to confirm what I heard (P
follow or repeat, sometimes silently sometimes loudly 2)
(P 1)
So, from what started out unintentionally, learning Communicating in English with Others as Practice in
unintentionally, so I took it seriously because the field Social Life
I studied on campus was also about English, so why
Journal of English Educators Society | 5 May XXXX | Volume XX | Issue XX
Author 1 JEES (Journal of English Educators Society)

that electronic devices and other types of reference for help

The participant did communicate in English with others is one of the pronunciation learning strategies and also a
from Vlogs that she watched and listened to. The component of the compensation strategy that Oxford (1990)
participant mentioned that she did communicate in English outlined.
with others to practice her pronunciation that she got from Furthermore, the findings showed that the participant
Vlogs in her social life. did communicate in English with others as her
pronunciation practice in her social life that she got from
For the practice itself, after I listen to the English Vlogs, I Vlogs that she watched and listened. The participant used
usually have conversations with my friends, and that also tactic of communicating in English with others as practice
really helps me in practicing my pronunciation, and my in social life that is by social strategy. This strategy
intensity in practicing is not only once or twice to talk with pertains to ways students acquire the language through
friends but every day I am forced to talk in English so that I interacting with native speakers or the target language
can get used to it too (P 1) (Oxford, 1990). These strategies include requesting a
pronunciation check from someone else, speaking English
The purpose of this study is to find out on how students and learning pronunciation with someone else, and
learn English pronunciation through Vlogs. Based on the teaching pronunciation to others (Szyszka, 2017).
findings, the participants used a pronunciation learning According to the findings of this research, the
tactic that is memorizing the pronunciation of the words by researcher identified four themes regarding how students
repetition on how they learn English pronunciation through learn English pronunciation through Vlogs. These themes
Vlogs, specifically to remember new words as well as how come from the students' actions or strategies in their
the words are pronounced from watching native Vlogs. pronunciation learning by using vlogs as learning media
Moreover, the participants use tactics of memorizing the based on their experiences. The strategies used by the
pronunciation of the words by repetition, that is, by students in their learning include memory, cognitive,
memory strategy. Oxford (1990) described memory compensation, and social strategies.
strategy as a direct strategy that pertains to how language
learners remember language, aiming to store or retrieve
new information. Furthermore, Szyszka (2017) claimed that
repeating to increase memorization of pronunciation is one
of the pronunciation learning tactics and part of the
memory strategy outlined by Oxford (1990). Thus, the
participants memorized the pronunciation of the words by
repetition in their English pronunciation learning through
The findings also showed that the students comprehend
and use the English language from Vlogs by applying some
strategies, namely concentrating on pronunciation while
listening to the Vlogs, imitating native pronunciation, practice
pronunciation by repetition as well as recording voice-to-hear
pronunciation; these strategies are by cognitive strategy.
According to Oxford (1990), cognitive strategy facilitates
language learners' comprehension and use of the target
language in various ways. Moreover, Szyszka (2017)
emphasized that repetition (both silently and aloud), imitating
native speakers and/or teachers' pronunciation, focusing on
pronunciation while listening and speaking, and recording
one's voice to hear one's pronunciation are some of the
pronunciation learning strategies, which are also part of the
cognitive strategy that Oxford (1990) outlined in her
framework. Thus, students comprehend and use the English
language from Vlogs in their English pronunciation learning.
Besides, the findings also revealed that the participants used
a pronunciation learning tactic that is using technological
tools for help in their English pronunciation learning
through Vlogs. Moreover, they used tactics using
technological tools for help in their learning, that is, by
compensation strategy. Oxford (1990) explained that a
compensation strategy helps students use the new language
for either comprehension or production despite limitations in
knowledge. In addition, Szyszka (2017) asserted that
compensation strategy refers to students' methods for
overcoming a lack of language competence. She also claimed
Journal of English Educators Society | 6 May XXXX | Volume XX | Issue XX
Author 1 JEES (Journal of English Educators Society)

Besides, the implementation of these tactics assists the

students in their learning and has the potential to improve
students' pronunciation.
Additionally, by employing the PLS in their learning, it
can help them during the learning process and improve
their pronunciation. Szyszka (2015), in her study, found
that good English pronunciation learners frequently
listened to recordings, TV, movies, or music, spoke aloud
or silently to themselves in English, imitated native
speakers, focused on pronunciation while listening, looked
for opportunities to interact with others in English,
recognized different English accents, mentally practiced
pronunciation before speaking, and requested others for
feedback on pronunciation and they mostly agreed that
pronunciation strategies help English pronunciation.
Moreover, Muhammed & Othman (2018) examined how
pronunciation learning tactics affect Kurdish EFL learners'
accuracy. They found that Kurdish students' PLS, such as
personal practice to obtain a native-like pronunciation,
silently repeating difficult words until they are memorized,
recording their voices while producing new words and
listening to them etc. (in favor of the covert rehearsal
model), improved pronunciation.
In addition, Permatasari (2019) interviewed EFL
learners about their pronunciation strategies and found that
the most used imitating and resourcing strategies
(dictionaries, movies, etc.) help the learners learn
pronunciation. Besides, in another study, Baranyi-Dupák
(2022) employed PLS while shadowing and found that
three students said it worked, proving that repeated practice
improves pronunciation. Thus, using the strategy in
students’ learning can enhance their pronunciation.

This research answers the research question of how
students learn English pronunciation through Vlogs. The
major findings illustrate that participants used several ways
on how they learn English pronunciation through Vlogs.
The students’ way of learning English pronunciation
through Vlogs was portrayed by students memorizing the
pronunciation of the words by repetition, specifically to
remember the new words that they got from watching
English Vlogs as well as how the words are pronounced.
Then, the other students’ way of learning English
pronunciation through Vlogs is comprehending and using
the English language from Vlogs. In this case, students
have some specific strategies: namely, concentrating on
pronunciation while listening to the Vlogs, imitating native
pronunciation, practice pronunciation by repetition, and
recording voice to hear pronunciation. Besides, the
students also use technological tools for help, such as the
Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries online and Google
Translate, which is when they encounter words that are
difficult to pronounce while listening to Vlogs. Lastly, the
participant did communicate in English with others in her
social life as practice her pronunciation after listening to

Journal of English Educators Society | 7 May XXXX | Volume XX | Issue XX

Author 1 JEES (Journal of English Educators Society)

the Vlogs. Further, this study suggests learners use Vlog as a Baranyi-Dupák, K. (2022). Pronunciation and accent-
learning medium to learn English pronunciation outside of related beliefs, views, and experiences of future
the classroom and apply pronunciation learning strategy to teachers in Hungary. EduLingua, 8(1), 17–38.
get the best result in enhancing their pronunciation.
The researcher realizes that there are several
limitations, including lack of generalisation and data
collection is only conducted by interview due to
participants’ availability. This study initially comprised
simply how I recommended for further research that the
research is conducted in quantitative research especially
experimental research in order that the result can be
generalised. It is also necessary to investigate what students
learn from watching and listening to English Vlogs related
to English pronunciation aspects in more detail, for
example, what the students learn from Vlogs in terms of
pronunciation aspects such as stress, intonation, connected
speech, etc, and how Vlogs can help them improve their
pronunciation. Then, future research can govern data
collection by employing several techniques, such as
observation and documentation, with many participants to
collect more reliable data. Moreover, the participants used
randomly selected Vlogs to learn English pronunciation
independently outside of the classroom. Further, the
lecturers/teachers should choose Vlogs that are worthy of
being used as a learning standard for students if they use
Vlogs in the classroom.

The authors wish to express their gratitude to all the
reviewers who contributed insightful comments and to the
participants who willingly engaged in this study.

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Journal of English Educators Society | 1 May XXXX | Volume XX | Issue XX

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