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DPharp Digital Transmitters.

A new standard for

and durability.
The quality
you’ve come to expect. As left, as found.
G u a ranteed 2 ye a rs
b e t ween calibra t i o n .

bration accounting for and size. Greater accuracy. Enhanced manageability. Increased reliability. That much is
certain. And, many manufacturers have found ways to inch up product performance in
up to 40% of a
these areas. With some creative thinking and the continual improvements in sta-
typical annual
tistical manufacturing, designers have been able to push the performance
thresholds of conventional analog sensor technologies — technologies that
budget, you
are now 20 to 30 years old. At Yokogawa, we too are continually refining our
achieve sub-
existing technologies. After all, we’ve been in the transmitter business since the
stantial savings
1950s. But, we’ve also done something no one else in this industry was willing to do.
by upgrading from
We invested in the future (ours and yours) by completely re-inventing the differential trans-
conventional Smart mitter … all the way from the sensor up. The result is the DPharp “A” Series Digital
transmitters to Family™ of pressure transmitters from Yokogawa — providing 100:1 turndown, ±0.075%
DPharp. accuracy, and guaranteeing a minimum of 2 years between calibration.

“Proprietary sensors that offer real added value

±0.075% E v e rything about this transmitter is advanced.

Installation and monitoring are simpler.
to a customer are expected to increase in the
market. With the exception of Yokogawa, how-
ever, not many suppliers are expected to invest
the time and money into development of super-

accuracy Measurements are infinitely more precise. And,

dependability more certain. DPharp also provides
more information than ever, going well beyond the
limitations of the conventional transmitter into the
sophisticated new age pressure sensors. . .”
Automation Research Corporation (April 1995)

F O R YO U , D P H A R P world of process intelligence. DPharp can recog-

nize and identify the effects of adverse
t e m p e r a t u re, process or installation influences
before a technician even considers removing the
instrument from the process. With guaranteed digi-
tal accuracy anywhere in their 100:1 turn d o w n
range, DPharp transmitters can be taken fro m
i n v e n t o ry, spanned for the re q u i red range and
installed—all, without recalibration. A significant
reduction in your inventory, and notable cost sav-
ings during installation.

±0.1% stability/24 months

The future is definitely here and now in the form of this
fully digital transmitter. With its digital sensor
output, DPharp will enable you to take full advan- W I T H D P H A R P, Y O U
tage of the new Fieldbus era as soon as a WO N ' T H AV E TO

common digital protocol is realized. While con- WORRY A BO UT THE

ventional Fieldbus solutions will continue to rely FU TURE EI THE R.

( Y O U W O N ' T E V E N H AV E
on analog to digital conversion, DPharp ensures
T O WA I T F O R I T ! )
100% digital accuracy. With digital communica-
tions and a digital sensor—this is the transmitter
which, both now and in the future, will save you
money by dramatically reducing downtime in
your critical process. And, this is its story.
turndown (DPharp Sensor - The Heart of our Transmitter)

What kind of difference
A closer look does "digital" make?
at the digital sensor that's setting these new standards F rom cellular phones to compact
discs, new digital standards are
emerging everywhere. At Yokogawa,
we're even extending these benefits
to your process. With our commitment
to research and development of innov-
ative measurement techniques, truly
digital pressure measurement is now
made possible.

As the new digital standar d,

DPharp means:
◗ Improved total accuracy
under actual operating
◗ Greater application
◗ Lower cost of ownership
More significant than anything else, DPharp outperforms conventional Smart
transmitters because it was designed in the digital era...for the digital era. By com- ◗ Unsurpassed long term
pletely eliminating signal errors that occur with analog-to-digital conversion of stability and service life
conventional Smart transmitters, DPharp represents a vast leap forward in your
process measurement.
The anatomy of a new digital standar d...

...Simple operation.

At the heart of DPharp is its digital sensor. Using proven, semiconductor fabrication techniques, two resonators are pat-
terned onto a silicon substrate. The resultant digital sensor output is up to four times higher than that of today's conventional
Smart transmitters. At the same time, DPharp exhibits as much as ten times less signal error. This higher, signal-to-noise out-
put ratio is the primary reason DPharp can eliminate drift forever.

1 Two "H" shaped resonators 3 As the pressure continues to

...Unpr ecedented per formance. integral to the silicon sub- increase, so does the relation-
strate operate at an ultra ship of differential frequency.
As pressure is applied, the frequency of each resonator will either increase or decrease from its natural frequency. The differ- high frequency. To measure the differential
ential frequency is then easily determined by a microprocessor which simply counts the change in resonator frequencies. frequency, a CPU simply
1 2 As pressure is applied to the counts the change in res-
The entire operation is purely digital—with no analog/digital conversion. More importantly, because each resonator is sym- transmitter capsule, internal onator frequencies.
metrical in operation, DPharp employs a truly bi-directional sensor. That means uncompromised accuracy even when hydraulic fluid is displaced,
moving one resonator into
measurements require elevation or suppression. tension and the other into

4 5
S u p e r i o r p e r f o r m a n c e i s m e a s u r e d b y

three simple things

(Drift or shift?)
DPharp eliminates this mystery in your process. Today’s conventional Smart

transmitters are generally susceptible to excessive pre s s u re .


B rought on by improper sequencing of instrument manifolds,

plugged impulse lines or blow-down—this condition is often misin- PRESSURE TOLERANT SENSOR CAPSULE
terpreted as drift. Actually, the problem is shift. With DPharp, you

don’t get shift, so you won’t experience drift.

The world’s most pr

tolerant transmitter constr

essur e


DPharp’s digital sensor is protected by the most robust, reliable capsule ever

—completely isolating it from process extremes—including pres-

sure, temperature and chemical attack. This unique capsule design

virtually eliminates hysteresis.

As left, as found.

2 years between calibration guaranteed.

With capabilities so far beyond those of conventional Smart transmitters,

DPharp is designed to reverse your fortunes. Regardless of static

line pressure conditions, varying ambient temperatures

or final calibrated span, we guarantee less than ±0.1%

drift for twenty-four months. That’s a minimum of 2

years between calibration. And, it makes DPharp an

unconventional transmitter.

The entire capsule body is com-

prised of only three components and
assembled with a single weld. Its struc-
t u ra l in t e gr i t y, de v e l op e d th ro u g h
a d vanced computer aided design, is
unsurpassed in the world of pressure
measurement. And, that means superior
performance and reliability in the harsh-
est environments—planned or unplanned.
6 7
For ease of use in the analog world, DPharp features an Is it the transmitter
Digital adjustments with an analog feel. externally mounted digital encoder with 0.01% incremental
resolution. You can make quick zero and span adjustments
without using a handheld terminal.
or its installation?
The internal diagnostics in DPharp
solve a lot of mysteries. Let's say
a certain transmitter installation
Softwar e enhancements make this transmitter Transmitter health monitoring continually gives high output for
smar ter than Smart. It’s intelligent! lets you solve the problem the first time. no apparent reason. With DPharp,
Beyond simple zero, span, damping and other common software adjustment Some of the most costly problems in maintenance are those repeated failures that occur you can find out that your problem
capabilities, DPharp offers the most advanced built-in application software yet. when you haven't been able to determine the root cause of the problem. DPharp over- isn't the transmitter—but, is the
comes these with diagnostic capabilities that represent a major leap forward in fact that this transmitter has been
And, that makes everything easier than befor e… transmitter health monitoring. It incorporates several sensors that actively monitor installed too close to a boiler.
ambient and process temperatures and pressures. DPharp's internal temperature
◗ Liquid level made easier. When any process extremes exceed the limitations of the transmitter, an sensor tells you that ambient tem-
Taking anywhere from two hours to two days, liquid level measurement is error message is generated and displayed. This message will alternate every three sec- perature is too high, therefore the
one of the most trying calibrations and installations. Calculations for spe- onds with the process variable which the unit is programmed to display. If this message unit is too close to the boiler.
cific gravity, elevation or suppression and anticipated piping geometry all is not responded to within two hours, the event is recorded and stored in non-volatile
affect the accuracy of your final measurement. For inexperienced technicians, it can be their worst nightmare at memory as a permanent record. Up to the last four events can be permanently stored
2:00am! Not any more. DPharp's unique Autolevel feature completely eliminates calculations and compensation for in this record for later retrieval. Repeated events are often the sign of process distur-
these effects. bance while single events usually indicate the possibility that an oversight was made
during installation.
◗ L ow flow made easier.

Noisy signals make conventional Smart transmitters notoriously inaccurate at low flow rates. Small changes in input
pressure can represent significant changes in flow rate because of their square root relationship. DPharp's unique, low
flow feature overcomes this by letting you program the output linear anywhere between 0-20% of flow or by dropping
to zero (4 mA).

◗ Fo r wa rd and re ve rse flow made easier.

DPharp's bi-directional flow feature lets you software configure the same transmitter for both forward and reverse flow
without sacrificing accuracy. Simply set the span for forward flow and activate bi-directional flow. That's it. You've just
eliminated the costs for piping, hardware and a secondary transmitter for stacked DP applications.

8 9

Application Selection Guide–DPharp Digital Family

Application Type Model Range Measurement Span Maximum Working Pressure

kPa inH20 MPa psi

Differential Pressure Traditional-Mounting* EJA110A Low 0.5 to 10 2 to 40 3.5 500

& Liquid Level Medium 1 to 100 4 to 400 14 2000
High 5 to 500 20 to 2000 14 2000

Low Flow W/Integral Orifice EJA115 Low 1 to 10 4 to 40 3.5 500

Draft Medium 2 to 100 8 to 400 14 2000
Range High 20 to 210 80 to 830 14 2000
Differential Pressure *Extended EJA118N —
& Liquid Level *Flush EJA118W Medium 2.5 to 100 10 to 400 Based on Flange Rating
w/Remote Seals *Combination EJA118Y High 25 to 500 100 to 2000

Draft Range Pressure Traditional-Mounting* EJA120A Draft 0.1 to 1 0.4 to 4 50kPa 7.25

Differential Pressure Traditional-Mounting* EJA130A Medium 1 to 100 4 to 400 32 4500

& Liquid Level High 5 to 500 20 to 2000 32 4500

Liquid Level, Closed *Flush EJA210A Medium 1 to 100 4 to 400 Based on Flange Rating
or Open Tank *Extended EJA220A High 5 to 500 20 to 2000

Absolute Pressure Traditional-Mounting* EJA310A L 0.67 to 10** 2.67 to 40** 10kPa** 40 inH20**
M 1.3 to 130** 5.1 to 510** 130kPa** 510 inH20**
A 30 to 3000** 4.3 to 430 psi** 3000kPa** 430**
Gauge Pressure Traditional-Mounting* EJA430A A 0.03 to 3 MPa 4.3 to 430 psi 3 430
B 0.14 to 14 MPa 20 to 2000 psi 14 2000

Gauge Pressure *Extended EJA438N A 0.06 to 3 MPa 9 to 430 psi Based on Flange Rating
w/Remote Seal B 0.46 to 7 MPa 66 to 1000 psi

Gauge Pressure *Flush EJA438W A 0.06 to 3 MPa 9 to 430 psi Based on Flange Rating
w/Remote Seal B 0.46 to 14 MPa 66 to 2000 psi

High Gauge Pressure Traditional-Mounting* EJA440A C 5 to 32 MPa 720 to 4500 psi 32 4500
D 5 to 50 MPa 720 to 7100 psi 50 7200

*Traditional-mounting is 1/4-18 NPTF process connection (1/2-14 NPTF with process adapters)
Low Flow on 2-1/8” centers.
with integral
**Measurement values in absolute.
Absolute &
Gauge Pressure

Differential & Gauge

High Static Pressure with remote
Differential & High Diaphragm Seals
Liquid Level Liquid Level Gauge Pressure
with extended with flush
diaphragm High Performance
Diaphragm Seals

10 11
Digital Pressure Transmitters

DPharp EJA series digital pressure transmitters redefine the meaning of high accuracy calibration.
With stability of ±0.1% for 24 months DPharp eliminates drift, a breakthrough in cost savings
for instrument maintenance and management.


World Headquarters 40/4. Lavelle Road, Bangalore 560 001, INDIA
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Tel.: 31-33-4-641611 Fax.: 31-33-4-631202 Fu Chi Bldg. 6th Floor, 99 Jen-ai Road, 2nd Section Taipei, TAIWAN
LTD. YOKOGAWA ELECTRIC Tel.: 886-2-321-1113 Fax.: 886-2-322-5593
Hotel International No.2, Room 1047, Krasnopresnenskaja Nab.12, YOKOGAWA AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD.
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Tel.: 7-095-967-0350 Fax.: 7-502-253-3509 North Ryde, N.S.W. 2113, AUSTRALIA
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Complex P.O. Box 10070 Diplomatic Area, BAHRAIN
Tel.: (973)-536505 Fax.: (973)-536370 ZE-1
Bulletin 1C21A0-E

Subject to change without notice. [Ed: 00/0] Printed in Japan. 000(YG)

All rights Reserved. Copyright © 1997. Yokogawa Electric Corporation
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